Disclaimer: …

Yuki19: There's gonna be lots more

Grasshopper2: *trips Squall* There you go!!

Fantasy101: You just love my chappies ^_^


ReiLynn: So I'm not the only one deliberately killing him in the battles?

Noumno Yeshiaru: Uhm I think this is gonna be my final story, it all depends. I mean I was straggling for a bit for this sequel, because it's the sequel to Chicken Wuss. Have you read that? If you haven't I recommend you do, it'll fill in a lot of the missing pieces you might have.

Anticipated footsteps greeted the awaiting party's ears, heavy boot footsteps—they only belong to one person that wasn't here yet—Squall. The SeeDs immediately surrounded the headmaster, weapons drawn and pointed at him. "Squall Leonhart you are under arrest for the murder of student number 056336, Naurwen Fisher." Stormy eyes grew wider than dinner plates, filled with confusion. Roughly the SeeDs handcuffed him, and shoved him towards his peers.

"I—I—I don't understand!" He stammered looking at the satisfied faces, his eyes grew wider as his gaze met Quistis.

"Seifer told me about you…I thought you were a different person Squall. How could you do that to them? Quistis? Selphie? Seifer? Naurwen? How could you do it without a conscience?" Zell growled angrily punching at the air, "How could you? You were my friend! Was this all a façade?" The blonde gunblader came up behind Zell, resting his hands over Zell's flailing fists, and moved the angered martial artist's arms to wrap around himself, Seifer's arms resting over his. "What the frickin' hell was goin' through your mind?!"

"Wh—what?" the brunette looked at everyone with complete bafflement. "Where's the proof that I killed Naurwen? What the hell did I do?" He growled, glaring at the two SeeDs restraining him.

"We found fur from your bomber jacket all over Naurwen's body—we found evidence at the Training Center, your boot imprints all around the body…everything. Then Instructor Seifer, Selphie, and Cynthia confessed what you had done to us all." The SeeD replied his voice filled with animosity, "I looked up to you Squall."

"Squall you have been demoted and your SeeD ranking revoked. You are now a civilian and branded murderer." The Galbadian headmaster stepped out from behind the growing crowd, "Xu will take your place as Commander and Headmaster." Stormy oculars looked to the raven sorceress, his eyes pleading with her.

"…I don't think that Squall did this. Someone had to have set him up!" Rinoa jumped in front of the gunblader with his head hanging low, her arms spread wide. "Squall wouldn't kill someone! Why would he?" She stomped her foot, "I don't think Squall did ANY of this! I don't believe him blackmailing people! Why would he?!"

"Rinoa—they all saw Squall." Irvine stated, his hand waving flippantly.

"But…but…but…his magic isn't that powerful! Someone could've posed as Squall posing as someone else! C'mon! He's your friend!" Tears began to well up in her mocha eyes.

"Rinoa! He was never my friend! NEVER! Besides, FRIENDS don't fucking use their friends as sex toys! They don't treat friends as objects. Rinoa how come you aren't the only one believing that it was indeed Squall?" Seifer's eyes bored the intense rage into her skull.

"Fine! Then let's all go see Naurwen's body! Let's go see it! Then tell me Squall didn't do that. He would never…" She pleaded looking at Zell then to Cynthia and Kammy. "Please…please just let me prove that Squall didn't do this!"

"Nuh-uh…I'm not going to see a dead mutilated body." Cynthia shook her head and waved her hands around frantically. "Go on without me."

Dr. Kadowaki uncovered the body, a handkerchief to her nose and mouth, a nauseating redolence filled the room. Instantaneously every hand went to cover their noses and mouths, their gaze traveling to the mutilated body before them. Her fingers curled from struggling as she died, her nails ripped off. The signs of decay evident on her tinted green flesh. With a gloved hand, Dr. Kadowaki slowly pried open Naurwen's mouth, to reveal the tongue was missing. "Squall would never do something as disgusting as this! He couldn't! He wouldn't! This was the man that saved me when I was floating in space! Zell, this was the man that stuck up for you when Seifer made fun of you! Selphie this was the man that unlocked the doors for you on the train! Irvine he was the one that taught you being a player isn't always the best way to get a girl when you're a loner! Dr. Kadowaki, remember, Squall passed out from the sight of his own blood that day Seifer injured him during training! Squall passed out when Seifer and Zell came out in the open about their relationship! You guys! You have to believe me, Squall didn't do this!" Rinoa pleaded, her eyes watching everyone's head turn away with shame. "Why don't you believe me?!"

"Have you forgotten what we told you? Squall USED us as—his SEX TOYS. He…" Seifer put a hand to his temple, his vision blurring. "Unnngh…" everyone collapsed to their knees, their heads spinning, and their eyelids feeling heavier with each passing second.

"What's goin' on her—" They fell to the ground unconscious.

Icy blues peeked out from under his blonde eyelashes, surveying everyone that was still on the floor. The smell of the decaying flesh in an enclosed room, roasting in the sunlight that spilled in through the window was indeed nauseating. Slowly he rose to sitting on his legs, his gaze traveling to Rinoa sitting against the wall, her knees brought to her chest. Her head tilted to the side, watching Zell curiously. Her eyes were glazed over and her cheeks puffy from crying.

Emerald orbs came out from hiding, he was slumped against the wall, his legs splayed out in front of him. Groggily he glanced at his surroundings, a slight buzzing in his ears, and his head hurting like a Behemoth had struck him in the noggin. Groaning he slowly stood, his bones cracking from being sore. "Wh—What happened?" He looked to see everyone was still out cold, except for Zell and Rinoa.

"I don't know." Zell glanced up at Seifer, "But something smells…something smells like someone died and decayed here. Why?" He stood wearily, his eyes going to the empty gurney. "Seifer did you fart?" He chuckled and stumbled into the blonde gunblader. "Do you hear that buzzing? Unnngh, my head hurts."

"Me too. Why is everyone here and passed out? Rinoa…what happened?" Seifer glanced at the sorceress, shaking her head the glazed look left her eyes and she stood, brushing the dirt off her clothes.

"I…I don't know—why is Squall handcuffed?" She glanced at the unconscious headmaster on the floor, then to everyone else. Zell stumbled across the room avoiding the unconscious bodies, and opened the windows.

Everyone stood in the room, holding a hand to their left temples, the headaches not completely gone. They looked at each other warily. "Does anyone know what happened?" Irvine crossed his arms over his chest, "Any dreams that Ellone could've possibly sent us to?" All shook their heads no.

"I don't know what happened, but the smell is really starting to get to me…let's get out of the infirmary…okay?" Zell motioned towards the door and went through it. Students came running up to the group, words flying out of their mouths a million miles per minute.

"SILENCE!" Squall regaled, both hands cradling his head. "I can't listen to you if you're all talking at the same time. Now calmly and quietly tell me what happened."

"Sir!" The young boy that ran laps around the garden saluted, "Everyone in Balamb Garden went unconscious. Some are still out—what happened?" Squall shrugged.

"A gas leak maybe?" Seifer glanced at everyone fishing for ideas on what could've happened.

"I'm going to go see if Cynthia is okay. Maybe she can clue me in on what happened today, I don't remember anything that happened at all." Kammy muttered, "is it that way for you?" Everyone that was in the infirmary nodded.

"I remember what I did today." The other students nodded.

"Odd." Seifer raised an eyebrow and tried to think of what happened today, "I really don't remember either…do you Zell?"


"Well…as I was saying. I'm going to go check on Cynthia. I think she's in her dormitory." Kammy jogged away, stumbling into the benches, before correcting herself again.

The group looked at each other uneasily. The students that had come running to them throwing out questions slowly dispersed, leaving the original crowd of people that had all been in the infirmary to themselves and to their thoughts. Zell studied Rinoa's face and her actions, why did it look like she had cried? "Rinoa?"


"Doesn't your head hurt?" Zell quirked an eyebrow as she quickly uncrossed her arms and held a hand to her right temple. Odd. Everyone else had held a hand to their left temple—and looked slightly nauseated.

"Yeah it hurts…" She looked at Zell curiously, her other hand sliding to her left temple, and she cradled her head. "I'm trying to ignore it." Her hands fell to her side and watched the others, slowly her weight shifted to her left, and as if someone had pushed her, she fell into Squall.

"OOMPH!" He caught the sorceress in his arms and looked at everyone helplessly. "Why was I handcuffed?" Shrugs. Seifer wrapped an arm around Zell's waist, holding the man steady, not wanting him to fall to the ground and hurt himself.

An ear piercing scream echoed throughout Balamb Garden. The group without a second glance at each other went barreling through the almost empty corridor to the location of the scream. The dormitories.

Author's Notes: GASP! What happened?!

Now a word from our sponsors!

Squall Maiming Mashing Angry Person (From the makers in the making of Squall Killer)

Kammy: Are you mad at Cynthia for not allowing you to beat on Squall like she had promised? Well now she made me into a product! If you're just mad at the headmaster and don't want to kill him…USE ME! The Great All Knowing Kamela. I will Maim, Mash, and Beat Squall Leonhart and anyone that cos plays him!

Squall: *walks into the room* Hey when are we gonna…

Kammy: SQUAAAAAAAALL! *Jumps on him and begins to beat him furiously*