PTTP: Buon giorno! Konnichi wa! Aloha! Hola! YO!

Lynn: Stop showing off!

PTTP: Sorry! Well anyways, you have made it to the 4th chappie of my fanfic. I decided that Jen-Jen, Ria, and Rae will be in a future chappie. I'm not sure when so don't ask me!

Bakura: Well, ON WITH THE FIC!

(((((a/n: I couldn't help myself.)))))

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

We join the gang as they reach the warehouse on Smith Drive

OA: Are we there yet?

YA: Stop complaining! Its right over there! *points to gigantic warehouse with a large neon sign that says "CLONING MACHINE FACTORY!"*

Siren: Let's go!

Everyone: *walks up to the door of the warehouse*


Door: *magically opens*

Ryou: I think it would utterly preposterous to go through that door!

Everyone else: *walks in door*

Ryou: *rolls eyes* O fiddlesticks...

Yami: *clinging to Seto* MEEP! Help me Seto! I'm scared!

Seto: GET OFF ME!!

Yami: T.T

Bunny: Yo soy banana! ^_^

Everyone: O_o

Weird Voice in Distance: Mwuhahahahahahahaha!!!! It's finally finished!

Weird Voice in Distance 2-100: Mwuhahahahahahahaha!!!


Malik: It sounded like 100 voices with evil laughs.

Mai: Thank you, Captain Obvious!

PTTP: We should go find whoever said that.

Everyone: *walk towards the sound of the voice*

WVID: It looks as if we have some customers.


Honda: Stop doing that!

WVID: Sorry! Let me introduce myself. I am (dun dun dun) *throws off lab coat as all the other WVID's do the same*

PTTP: ERIC...S!!!! *hugs central Eric*

Eric: Umm, hi.

Siren: HELLO! *flashy hand movements*

Ryan: I HATE YOU ALL, except Siren.

Siren: RYAN!!! *hugs Ryan*

Ryan: Umm, hi.

PTTP: Hiya, Ryan!

Eric and Ryan: Hi everyone else!

OA: So you guys own this factory?

Eric: Yeppers!

Katy: *materializes* THAT IS COPYRIGHTED AND ITS MINE! *disappears*

PTTP: KATY!!!!!! Don't go!!

Katy: *reappears* OK!

PTTP, Lynn, Frankie G, and Siren: *hug Katy*

Bakura: Who are you?

Katy: Who? Chuckles Lafoon funniest lady in....wait! Wrong show...

Ryan and Erics: HI KATY!

Katy: Hi Ryan! Hi Er...OMG!!! There're a hundred of you!

Eric: Yeppe...I mean yes! I created a cloning machine!

Siren: Speaking of which, we came here to find out about that. Does it work on golden objects that look like rods likeeee *steals Malik's Millennium rod* this!

Ryan: I dunno! Lets find out. How many do you need?

Siren: Ummm, 350, to be on the safe side.

Ryan: All righty!

Malik: HEY! Don't you lose it! It's my baby!!!!!

Ryan: *puts rod in cloning machine and 350 copies of it come out*

Yugi: But do they work?

Lynn: I'll check! *takes rod and controls Mokuba*

Mokuba: *under Lynn's control* I love cheesssse! *dances*

Lynn: It works!

PTTP: But what does this have to do with getting Joey elected president?

Siren: It's very simple actually. Now that we cloned the Millennium Rod and we know it works, we give them to your penguins. Then they go and control every politician in the Senate and make them vote yes to a law that would make it legal for a person of any age to run for president.

PTTP: *clapping* Good job! I knew it was a good idea to come to you!

Everyone: *give rods to all of the penguins*

PTTP: *speaking penguin language* Now go make every Senator and Representative say yes to that law!

Penguins: SQUAWK!!!!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

PTTP: So there you have it! Hope that you tune in next time!

Katy: How do you tune into a story on a computer? You can only do that on a TV or radio.

PTTP: O well.... Arrivederci, Sayoonara, Adios, Peace out!

Lynn: *gives death glare*

PTTP: Meep!