AN: I wasn't going to put this one on here but I'm going to do it. Now normally I wouldn't put a new story up until I'd finished the last one but to hell with it. I'm winging it. Hope you like it, guinea pigs. And of course standard disclaimers apply.

Chapter 1

Harry knocked on the potions master's office door, the professor was late for a detention. This unnerved the Potter boy since Severus Snape was never late for anything.

"Professor?" There was a muffled groan from behind the desk at the opposite end of the room. Harry stepped cautiously over the threshold, "Sir? Are you okay?" This time there was no noise that could be heard.

Harry walked nervously around the desk once he had taken the potion that was threatening to boil over off the heat. He looked down at the floor hoping to find Snape in one piece, and while the professor was technically in one piece he had been changed.

No longer was he towering at nearly seven feet, if his eyes could be seen they would no longer be black but electric blue; it was blaringly obvious that something had gone drastically wrong with the potion he had been working on. In the place of the man there was a small, silent and unconscious child.

Harry picked up the child version of his hated teacher and held him bundled in his robes. Potter ran swiftly and as quietly as he could to the hospital wing praying that Madame Pomfrey could help.