***Author's Note: This story is a fanfiction (a story that I wrote using
the characters of another author – in this case, characters from Rumiko
Takahashi's manga, Inu-yasha). It is written for a specific audience of
those familiar with the plot and characters. The story takes place in
Japan, and the main character, Kagome Higurashi, goes back in time to
feudal Japan where demons exist, and fights against an evil demon as they
vie for a jewel of great power. (It's not as corny as it sounds, I
promise). I wrote this story from the point of view of one of Kagome's
friends in the modern era. Kagome's time traveling and adventures are a
secret from them. The only appearances of her three friends are scarce, and
include them setting Kagome up with a boy to try and get her away from her
'mysterious boyfriend'.
Also, Takahashi portrays Kagome's friends as shallow, air-headed teen girls who aren't very aware of the world around them due to their focus on boys and friends. I took these characters, particularly Ayumi, and have elaborated on their characters. This is the story of the effects of Kagome's double-life, from the perspective of her closest friends.
Smile of a Shadow
"Oh my gosh, Eri! You look so cute in this picture! I'd forgotten that shirt! Do you still have it?"
"No, it ripped... better make copies of that one, though! It's a great picture of all of us! I think we all need a copy! Great find, Yuka."
I watch as Eri emerges from the stacks of photos and runs over to the scanner, scans the picture into the computer, then prints us each a photo- sized copy. The ritual continues with each photo. Eri and Yuka banter on and on, and occasionally Kagome and I add something. But for the most part, Kagome sits quietly and looks at the pictures with a little smile, and I sit and observe Kagome. Something's just not right, and I think the smile is fake. She hasn't smiled her normal smile in so long, and she always seems so tired. But there's something wrong with the way she smiles at us... It's on her face, but not in her eyes.
"Mm... Oh! Look, Ayumi, here's one of you and Kagome – I remember taking that one on the field trip to the beach! Remember, Kagome, how your lunch got stolen by a seagull? You pouted for the rest of the day!"
Laughter ensues from the four of us at the memory. Well, if you could call the noise Kagome made a laugh. It was more like a down-hearted giggle. At best.
The source of our mirth is a picture is of Kagome and I in fifth grade at the ocean. It's a very cute picture of us, but especially Kagome. She's in her bathing suit with shorts over it, her raven hair tied back in a lively ponytail and giant, carefree grin on her face, confirming that she's having an excellent time. It's a smile like the ones Yuka and Eri are wearing right now as we work on our 'scrap-albums'. 'Scrap-albums' are scrapbooks with pages of just pictures between the artistically done pages, and we each have one. Or we will, after today.
Kagome's expression has changed, and she seems suddenly tired. She opens her mouth to speak, but her voice is almost sad, and her words puzzle me.
"Oh, I remember that day. I'd forgotten that.... That was such a fun, happy day, wasn't it?"
Normally she would ask a question like that to ask us if we thought it was fun and make us remember good times. However, Kagome's tone seemed to ask to be reminded, like she couldn't remember that happiness. Her face changed, too, and lost that little smile. She keeps staring at the picture, and her rather blank and strained face turned into a small and pained smile – a shadowy expression I have seen so often on her lately. It's so different from the happy smile in the picture, but I can't place it. Not yet, anyways.
"Is something wrong Ayumi?" I've been caught watching her. Kagome looks at me expectantly, her pleasant, happy, half-smiling mask in place again, and the strained, tired face has faded so it's almost gone. Almost. Actually, anyone would think her happy except for the look in her eyes... she can't erase her eyes, can she?
So, I stammer a reply. "Ah, no. Just spacing." She doesn't seem to buy it, so I'm forced to cover it. "Can you have Eri scan that one? It's one of my favorites!"
Kagome flashes that funny little smile again, then hands the picture to Eri. I smile back and grab a stack of the photos Kagome brought to share with us. She has some that I haven't seen; mostly pictures of the three of us. There's a bunch of when we were little – old birthday parties, field trips and such.
Suddenly film is better and hasn't faded so much; these must be recent. The roll starts with a couple of us at school – an excellent one of Eri drooling in her sleep at one of our slumber parties – and then suddenly the scene changes from the school and city background. It's in a forest, and is of people I don't know. They're dressed in an old style – very old. A Buddhist priest is easily recognizable by his robes and staff, but the others are harder to place. A girl in tight armor, a tiny boy in heavy Halloween costume, and an older boy with silver hair and....dog ears?...dressed in an entirely oversized red outfit.
I look up questioningly at Kagome, expecting an answer, but find her looking out the window with that tense expression that claims her face when she's not paying attention. It's been happening a lot lately; it vanishes when we get her attention back, and morphs into that half smile, hiding darkness behind it. When did this start? Why didn't we notice before?
I sigh. I guess I'll have to interrogate her instead.
"What? Sorry, I was zoning. I..." But she cuts off abruptly when she sees the pictures I'm holding.
"Where did you find those?"
Now the other two are looking too, and the room is eerily silent. Dead silent. Then...
"Wow, was this some kind of party, Kagome?"
"Oh my gosh, what hot guys! But the guy in red needs a new outfit.... But is his hair really dyed that way? So cool!"
"Who are these people, Kagome? Why haven't you introduced me?"
I almost fall out of my chair. How can those two be so thick?
Kagome seems rather flustered by their sudden outbursts. However, I don't miss that quick, calculating look that flashes in her eyes.
"Yes, it was a costume party. A Feudal Era theme. They are, um, friends of mine that you don't know. I, um..."
But they aren't listening. I am, because there's something wrong here. Kagome's hiding something – something important. She's speaking too fast, without any laughter or excess information. She always was a terrible liar.
My mind jumps to the one, simple conclusion - one of them must be her mysterious boyfriend. Her two timing jerk of a boyfriend. Her boyfriend who needs anger management. The one that she gets so angry with, cries for, and won't introduce us to. The one she thinks she's in love with despite it all. That bastard.
"He's one of these guys, isn't he?"
Even as Kagome mutters some question about who I'm talking about, she knows I know. I saw her jump nearly out of her skin when I asked. I saw her eyes fill with fear as she looked at me.
"Oh, really? He's one of these guys? No wonder you stick with him!" bursts in Eri, who is oblivious to the exchange between Kagome and I. Kagome and I meet each other's eyes in challenge and fear, while Eri and Yuka continue to flip through the pictures.
Right on cue, Yuka adds, "I bet it's this guy! Look at this next picture – he's got his hand on that other girl's butt! Is that his old girlfriend?"
Kagome looks over to see Yuka pointing at a picture of the monk with his hand on the armored girl's rear.
"No, actually, that's..... That's Miroku. He's nice, but a pervert." I watch her face carefully. I don't miss the slight twitches as she chases some unknown emotion off her face to keep that tiny smile in place. I don't miss that it's hard for her, or that she won't meet my eyes. She picks up another picture, one where all four of those friends – the ones we, her best friends, have never met – are standing together. They're all smiling, except the guy in red, the one who must be her boyfriend, who is looking away in a huff.
Kagome wears that sad smile again, and you can almost feel her sorrow. Her eyes seem to water a little, but she shakes her head and looks up again. How can she be so sad when the picture is so happy? Pictures like that are supposed to bring back good memories and make people smile and laugh. That's why you take pictures.
That half smile has Kagome's face masked again now. I don't know which hurts more – the sad smile that breaks my heart, or the half-smile mask that hides her from us.
Meanwhile, Yuka and Eri are putting two and two together.
"So that means... the grouch in the red is him?"
"What a hottie.... Where did you find him? Are there any more?"
"I dunno, remember, he's a two timer. I'll stick with our mediocre guys."
"Well, how about the other one? That lecherous looking one? Except I wouldn't want a lech, of course!"
"Eri, you're so shallow!"
Eri, however, would not be so easily swayed. She turns to Kagome with an eager look.
"Hey Kagome, is this guy single? Do you think you could introduce me?"
I give Eri a look to tell her she's being rude, but then watch Kagome, because something very strange is happening. Kagome would usually giggle and say yes or no at a comment like that. Or get angry if she liked the guy. But she doesn't. She sits there, and her mouth opens and closes helplessly, and her eyes shimmer with water. I wish for all the world that she would get angry even, and just be Kagome again. I wish that she would be mad at Eri for being shallow, for being nosy, at me for staring at her, for anything! Where did all her fire go?
Kagome attempts to explain herself.
"I... no, he..... He was.... He's dying. Even as we speak. That's why I can't stay past today. I have to go back and be there for him. For Sango. He did it for Sango.... And there's nothing we can do."
We stare at the girl as two round tears roll down her cheeks. I'm the first to come out of my shock, and I move in to give her a hug and comfort her. We knew she'd been traveling a lot (and that she wasn't sick like she always claimed), and that was why we didn't see her often. But we hadn't noticed the strain like we did now. What was she doing while she was gone?
As I rock her back and forth in a comforting fashion, I notice she's wearing some make-up over something on her cheek. Her tears have washed some away. I rub, then gasp.
"Kagome! Where did this bruise come from?"
She says nothing.
I continue to inspect her for damage, and notice that the scratches that she had claimed were from 'hasty shaving' didn't look like razor marks, but more like plants, or even claws in some places. Like she had been running. As I readjust the hug to continue to check her, I accidentally brush over a sore spot on her side and she winces. I lift her shirt enough to uncover a bandage that covered small, bloody gash that was still healing, and obviously fairly new. Kagome seems oblivious as I try to make sense of all this.
She's been traveling with her boyfriend...We hardly see her anymore...She didn't start disappearing till just after she met him...
And when we do see her, she's incredibly tired, and barely smiles anymore; when she does, it's fake. Half of nothing. Or else it's a smile of sorrow. That's what that look is – fear. Pain and fear.
And now, she returns from her travels having run hard from something, and with bruises and gashes all over, and I'm confident that if we undressed her, we'd find more. And now that I think about it, she's been using her left arm quite a bit, although she's right-handed. As I test this theory by a gentle poke on her right arm, I am rewarded by a small yelp of pain.
Suddenly, it makes sense to me.
"He's been beating you, hasn't he?"
"Your boyfriend. He's been hurting you, hasn't he?"
"No, no he hasn't! He wouldn't! I'm fine, I've just been ill."
"Don't lie to me, Kagome! Don't lie to us! We're your best friends, and we're here for you! Don't give us this sickness crap – we know you've been with your boyfriend. Why are you defending him? He could be put in jail for that! You don't have to stay, you can leave him!"
"I don't want to leave him. He'd never hurt me. He protects me!"
"From what? You're sixteen, for goodness sake! What do you need protection from?"
"I.... You wouldn't understand."
'Why not!?' I think angrily. It hurts that she's hiding so much. That she thinks that her closest friend since second grade wouldn't understand. My questions get vicious.
"Was he 'protecting you' from Miroku?"
"No! Miroku was our friend!"
"Is he a gang member of some kind? Break away! Or at least tell us what's happening! Kagome, you've been gone so much, and now you have new friends and a boyfriend. You're beat up and depressed. It's like we're losing you! What happened to our good old Kagome? The Kagome who could smile?"
There is a long pause. Eri and Yuka seem frozen, but I know that I speak for them too. They look on and nod a little. All eyes are on Kagome.
"That Kagome.... That Kagome...." She's whispering. She looks up at me, and her eyes have changed from the eyes I know. Something's snapped deep inside her.
"Kagome, what's happened?"
But I saw her eyes. Now I realize... I already know what happened to that Kagome. I don't know why or how, but I know what... and her next words voice what I dare not even think.
"That Kagome.... died a little while ago. And I'm going to leave you too. That's why I came today. That's why I had us make these books. I don't want to forget that Kagome, or her friends. And she doesn't want to be forgotten," she ends in a whisper.
"What are you saying, Kagome?"
"I have to leave. I don't have a choice."
"Yes you do! You don't have to go with him!"
She looks out the window suddenly, as though something were out there. I look too, but I see nothing there.
"Kagome?" I ask quietly. A dead silence fills the room, so heavy that it seems to weigh down on us all, crushing us with weight of our words.
Then finally... "Yes I do. I have to go, because he needs me. They need me. I know you don't understand, but...."
Now I'm in tears. "Then make me understand! Tell me! Tell us! Don't leave us, Kagome. You can't do this to us. What can be so important that it could take you from us? Tell me! What could be so terrible?!?"
Suddenly, Kagome flares to life.
"What's so important? My friend who is dying! My friends who will die if I don't go! Who knows what has happened while I sat here idly chitchatting with you guys! Don't you dare make me feel guilty! I don't have any choice!"
There's anger in her voice and even in her tear-filled eyes. It's her fire, her passion... and it's for them now. She used to get angry like that for us. Yelling for justice; justice for her friends. But now, it's for them, against us. I was right – she's leaving us. We, who used to be her best friends, are losing her to these scary people who deal with death. To a dangerous place with dangerous people, and even an monster of a boyfriend.
"And when they're all dead.... when your boyfriend is dead from whoever.... Then will you come back? I see it in your eyes, Kagome. You don't have hope for whatever you're doing. You act and talk like a dead person. Get out now, involve the police."
"No! We can't give up! That's not an option!"
'Of course it is, dammit Kagome. Can't you see that?' I can only figure that she's involved with a gang of some sort, but we can't let that stop her. We just can't.
"Are you going to tell that to Miroku? It looks like he's giving up." I can hardly believe the venom in my voice.
It's a low blow, and I know it. But that's what it's come to. I expect her to yell, to get angry, and keep fighting with me. If she'll fight, at least we have Kagome, and Kagome can have sense talked into her.
But she doesn't fight. She loses her nerve, falls back.... And glances out the window again. This time, I think I see something, like a flash of silver. But it was so fast, I don't know if I'm just seeing things through my tears. When did I start crying?
"....I have to go...." It's a whisper, so low I almost miss it.
Then suddenly, Kagome dashes out the door. She just gets up and runs out.
Suddenly, Eri and Yuka exist again. They'd sat by and watched the fight with tears in their eyes. We all look at each other and silently come to a decision: follow her. I pick up her scrap-album that she left here and follow the other two out the door.
After running down the driveway, we have no idea which way she went. I think back to the flash of silver, our only clue. That they don't know about. That they don't have to know about, either. I just lead the way, and they follow as we jog, listening hard for where she might be.
After just two blocks, we find her. Find them. She's in his arms. At this moment, I want nothing more than to walk up to that bastard and slap him, to free Kagome, to bring her back from her world of darkness.
But I look, and I stop. They're sitting on the grass under a tree. Kagome has her face buried in his chest, the material of his bright red outfit (the same one from the picture, strangely enough, although he's wearing a hat) clutched tightly in her fists. He rests his chin on top of her head and gently rocks her back and forth, eyes closed in pain. At first I think that maybe he just hit her and is apologizing. But then I understand. He's just comforting her, and he's suffering similarly.
I feel a stab of pain and jealousy. That's my job. When someone cries, I'm the one who hugs them and lets them cry.
I guess I just lost my job.
Then they speak.
"Inu... Inu-yasha, they didn't.... And Miroku, and.... And..."
"Shhhh, easy Kagome. Easy..."
They don't seem to notice us at all. He just keeps rocking her and she just keeps crying.
After she's cried for a few minutes, she sniffles and sits up a little, sitting across his lap and resting her head on his shoulder. For his part, he closes his eyes and leans his head on hers in a form of comfort. My heart sinks.
Kagome stutters what she has been trying to say.
"They found my pictures of the others.... Asked about Miroku..... Kami, is there nothing we can do? Nothing?!? And Sango... poor Sango... First her brother, now Miroku... It's not fair..." She takes a deep, shuddering breath to stabilize herself. "And they didn't understand. They accused me, accused you.... I think I've hurt Ayumi the most.... They just didn't understand at all... How can I make them understand?"
"I don't know, Kagome, I don't know. But we can't stay. We just can't. Not with Miroku like he is. And Sango's.... Sango isn't handling this well. And Naraku could.... could.... it could be any time now."
He, Inu-yasha, seems rather surprised by this question.
"What do you mean why? Miroku...."
"Why do we have to do this? Why us? What did we do to deserve this? Kami-sama, I'm just a sixteen year old girl! I'm just sixteen! I can't handle this..."
Kagome is one of the strongest people I know. Or she was until this guy came along. What did he do to her? ....And can't he just reassure her already? Tell her she can handle it? She can handle anything!
Yet still he doesn't. He just rocks her back and forth as she starts crying again. How my heart aches to watch this. I want to hit him again for not making her feel better.
Then Kagome has come back to herself again. Calm and collected, despite the odd sniffle and the bright red puffiness around her eyes, she sits up and speaks softly, regretfully.
"I guess we should go. I'll miss them. I'm sorry I couldn't make them understand. I hope they'll forgive me. Lets go."
"Not yet, Kagome," he says, holding her to his chest and burying his face in her hair. "Lets sit here a few more minutes."
"But Miroku's..."
"Just a few minutes!" he yells, suddenly erupting with anger. "Is that so much to ask? Is it? A few damn minutes to just sit and hold you close?"
Kagome just clings to him and more tears streak down her face, and he just lets out a roar of frustration as he holds her so tightly you'd think her ribs would shatter. That pushes me over the edge. Her small squeak of pain and surprise hits a nerve in me – an angry nerve. I stomp up to them.
"Bastard!" I slap him.
Or at least, I was going to. He's up before I see him move, and Kagome is standing too, as though he stood and put her down. So not possible. He catches my hand and holds it tight by the wrist while twisting it behind my back. His grip is like a vise, and it seems to crush the bones in my arms as I whimper in pain. Then, he.... Growls? Kagome yells from behind him.
"Inu-yasha, don't! These are my friends, they're not going to hurt us or steal it!"
He does something behind me (I get the feeling that he was sniffing me, but that doesn't make sense), then releases me. I snap my arm back around and hold it to my chest. Damn, that hurts. I'm surprised Kagome only has bruises.
"Ayumi!" Eri and Yuka race to me, and gasp as they see my bright red arm. It hurts, but it isn't broken. Kagome comes over too.
"Ayumi, I'm so sorry! Inu-yasha's just on edge right now, and..." She's sorry? And defending him? That does it.
"Kagome, don't you dare defend him. I was right! Kami-sama, I'm surprised you still have your life!"
But she won't stop me this time. I turn to Inu-yasha, who looks at me warily.
"And you! How dare you! What kind of sick loser are you? Your girlfriend is in tears, and you can't even comfort her right! And then you yell at her and hurt her when she is ready to do what YOU wanted her to do!" His eyes go wide.
"What the hell? I-"
"Don't deny it, we all heard you. You hit her too, don't you? Threaten her into silence? That's why she won't tell us, isn't it? You twisted freak, if you ever hurt her again, I swear, I'll-"
But suddenly I'm cut off by a hand at my throat as my back hits the tree, none too gently. However, he doesn't seem to be exerting hardly any strength – damn he's strong. And my throat agrees. However, he's not actually trying to kill me, because my air isn't cut off. Well, not completely – it's like he's pinning me to the tree by my neck. Which, on the other hand, probably isn't much better.
Suddenly, he's growling at me. Who growls? And he has gorgeous amber eyes... What a weirdo. Strong weirdo. This is so not good. What is this guy?
"Don't you ever call my mate a liar. She's told you the truth the whole time, and it's your own fault if you don't believe her. I protect her from everything, and I would never hurt her. I won't let anything hurt her, even you, bitch!" My eyes widen here in disbelief. Protecting her from us? But he notices my disbelief. "Do you realize how bad it hurts her to hide things from you? That you don't believe her when she does tell you the truth? That you don't accept her any more? I'm sick of it!"
"Inu-yasha, stop! Osuwari!"
He slams onto the ground, releasing my throat. I lean back against that tree, away from this violent thing at my feet. I stare at him for a moment as he twitches on the ground and grumbles words I'm glad I can't hear. I don't understand what just happened, or why he seems glued to the ground. Not in the least. But this isn't important. I look up at Kagome, and I nearly burst into tears again. My neck hurts, her boyfriend just threatened me before getting stuck to the floor, and she's standing there, torn between rushing over to me, reprimanding her boyfriend, and bursting into fresh tears too. Yuka and Eri seem to be in complete shock. Yuka seems to come to her senses and grabs Kagome's arm, and Eri just looks at us all in turn, a look of horror stuck on her face.
Inu-yasha is starting to get up. Suddenly feeling angry again, I kick his head, then run over to Kagome and look her in the eye.
"We're going to the police right now."
Kagome just shakes her head.
"I'm sorry guys.... It's time I told you the truth."
From where he is now sitting cross-legged on the ground, rubbing his head, Inu-yasha looks up at her in shock.
"Kagome, what the hell are you thinking?"
"Don't worry Inu-yasha. It'll all be ok. As long as you guys swear not to tell a soul. If you even choose to believe me."
We all nod, hardly believing that she'll tell us after everything. She sits down on the grass next to Inu-yasha, and we all follow suit, forming a ring around her. I don't miss that she discreetly grabs his hand for support. Then, she begins.
"This is going to be hard for you guys to swallow, but here goes: over a year ago, I met Inu-yasha after being pulled through the well on our shrine by a giant demon." She notices our raised eyebrows. "Yes, a giant demon. And yes, demons do exist. I accidentally shattered a jewel of great power, and now we have to find all the pieces. But Naraku, an evil hanyou, is out to kill us and take the jewel. All the bruises you see are from fighting with him and his puppets. Inu-yasha protects me. I have other friends... but one's dying now... Miroku... and...and...."
She can't seem to go on. We just stare at her for a moment. I move in to hug her, worried though I am for her sanity, but he beats me to it as he pulls her into his lap again. I glare. He looks back, angry, but not quite glaring either.
"You made her tell that story, didn't you?"
Wait, I think, that doesn't add up. Why would he be angry?
"No, wench! Don't you get it yet? She was protecting you! And now she's given you the truth, all of it."
"You expect us to believe that an evil hanyou is trying to kill her?" Eri states shrewdly, picking up the argument at last.
"And that, while she is incredibly bruised and beaten, you're unscathed?" Yuka follows Eri's example.
"Argh, stupid, I'm a hanyou too!" he yells, tearing the hat off his head to reveal two surprisingly cute, pointed puppy ears. Suddenly, swallowing has become incredibly difficult for me.
Kagome hides her face in Inu-yasha's chest, unable to deal with this – with us – and her reality. Something about those ears twitching in the sunlight makes everything seem... real. Everything.
And suddenly... I know I've lost. We've lost. Even though we still don't understand everything. And... she's hiding from us, with him. And he's protecting her. I can't fight this anymore.... She's left us. She doesn't belong here anymore. The part of her that's Kagome, our friend of old, is gone. She's broken. And part of it is our fault, for not knowing, not realizing it for so long. Kagome belongs to him now. And there's nothing we can do.
But Eri can't accept that yet.
"No way... I don't believe you! I-"
But I cut her off with my hand.
"I.... Kagome, I understand." Her head whips around and her eyes lock with mine, searching me. Again the tears come to my eyes – why won't they stop? – and then she gets up and hugs me. I hold tight, realizing I'll probably never see her again. Eri and Yuka pile in too, and everyone holds tight. This is our last hurrah, I guess. The last hardship we'll experience together. And it's ending. I squeeze tighter.
Finally, the giant hug breaks. I meet Kagome's eyes.
"Kagome-chan, I still don't understand what happened, and I probably never will." Her face falls at this. "However, I do understand what you meant earlier. You don't belong here anymore... you have new friends who need you more than we do. Take good care of them. And we'll always be here if you need us, ok?"
Kagome just nods, unable to speak. Inu-yasha seems to have come back to what I assume is his usual self. He's acting arrogant, at any rate. Kagome always used to complain about that. Remembering that brings a smile to my face, and a little joy to my heart.
"Keh. A bunch of cry-babies you lot are. Lets get out of here Kagome." Yup, he is arrogant. But it makes Kagome smile when he says that. A real smile, I can't help but notice. It's not that half of nothing she keeps showing us, it's a real, beautiful smile, even if her eyes are red and puffy and her nose is running. Her smile is real, her little bit of joy is real. And it's with him. It makes me jealous, but happy at the same time.
Kagome nods again, and he scoops her up bridal style. Then, he gives us one last glance, then turns to leave.
"Wait just a second!" yells Eri. We look at her, fearing more conflict.
Turns out, we shouldn't have worried. She runs back a ways and picks up the scrap-album that I dropped earlier. Then she runs back up to where they're waiting and delivers it to Kagome. They both grin and laugh a little before getting in one last hug. Then, Inu-yasha simply leaps into the air. 20 feet into the air. Apparently, this is his common form of transportation, and it doesn't seem difficult for him. As a matter of fact, he seems very graceful and powerful, despite his funny red costume.
Of course, I'm not normally so calm about these things. If I hadn't seen the ears, I wouldn't have believed it. But I did, and somehow it seems right as we stand and watch them leave. Then Yuka breaks our silence.
"You take good care of her! If she's not completely safe, you'll be sorry!" she yells loudly, ensuring being heard.
In spite of myself, I laugh. Eri and I join in as he suddenly leaves the ground again, leaping high in the air and seeming to fly away by running across treetops.
"If I ever hear of you two timing her again, you'll regret it!"
"Make sure you visit! I want to see her again once your business is all finished! She better be ok!"
"Goodbye, Kagome-chan, we'll miss you!"
We continue to yell and wave frantically long after they're gone. And we're all smiling. Somehow, we know that this was a good thing. Kagome came back to us for a moment, and she's going away to become herself again. Whether or not we'll see her again doesn't matter anymore – she'll be ok. And she's in good hands; Inu-yasha's.
Goodbye Kagome. If you survive your quest, please come back to us. The mall will still be here, waiting for us to tear it up. Life will go on here, and we'll be as silly and shallow as ever. But then, everybody needs that now and then. So remember, when you need it, everyone will still be here. We'll still be here.
Which reminds me – we'll need to come up with a good excuse for her. It doesn't look like she'll be back to school for a while. What kind of friends would we be to let her down?
Also, Takahashi portrays Kagome's friends as shallow, air-headed teen girls who aren't very aware of the world around them due to their focus on boys and friends. I took these characters, particularly Ayumi, and have elaborated on their characters. This is the story of the effects of Kagome's double-life, from the perspective of her closest friends.
Smile of a Shadow
"Oh my gosh, Eri! You look so cute in this picture! I'd forgotten that shirt! Do you still have it?"
"No, it ripped... better make copies of that one, though! It's a great picture of all of us! I think we all need a copy! Great find, Yuka."
I watch as Eri emerges from the stacks of photos and runs over to the scanner, scans the picture into the computer, then prints us each a photo- sized copy. The ritual continues with each photo. Eri and Yuka banter on and on, and occasionally Kagome and I add something. But for the most part, Kagome sits quietly and looks at the pictures with a little smile, and I sit and observe Kagome. Something's just not right, and I think the smile is fake. She hasn't smiled her normal smile in so long, and she always seems so tired. But there's something wrong with the way she smiles at us... It's on her face, but not in her eyes.
"Mm... Oh! Look, Ayumi, here's one of you and Kagome – I remember taking that one on the field trip to the beach! Remember, Kagome, how your lunch got stolen by a seagull? You pouted for the rest of the day!"
Laughter ensues from the four of us at the memory. Well, if you could call the noise Kagome made a laugh. It was more like a down-hearted giggle. At best.
The source of our mirth is a picture is of Kagome and I in fifth grade at the ocean. It's a very cute picture of us, but especially Kagome. She's in her bathing suit with shorts over it, her raven hair tied back in a lively ponytail and giant, carefree grin on her face, confirming that she's having an excellent time. It's a smile like the ones Yuka and Eri are wearing right now as we work on our 'scrap-albums'. 'Scrap-albums' are scrapbooks with pages of just pictures between the artistically done pages, and we each have one. Or we will, after today.
Kagome's expression has changed, and she seems suddenly tired. She opens her mouth to speak, but her voice is almost sad, and her words puzzle me.
"Oh, I remember that day. I'd forgotten that.... That was such a fun, happy day, wasn't it?"
Normally she would ask a question like that to ask us if we thought it was fun and make us remember good times. However, Kagome's tone seemed to ask to be reminded, like she couldn't remember that happiness. Her face changed, too, and lost that little smile. She keeps staring at the picture, and her rather blank and strained face turned into a small and pained smile – a shadowy expression I have seen so often on her lately. It's so different from the happy smile in the picture, but I can't place it. Not yet, anyways.
"Is something wrong Ayumi?" I've been caught watching her. Kagome looks at me expectantly, her pleasant, happy, half-smiling mask in place again, and the strained, tired face has faded so it's almost gone. Almost. Actually, anyone would think her happy except for the look in her eyes... she can't erase her eyes, can she?
So, I stammer a reply. "Ah, no. Just spacing." She doesn't seem to buy it, so I'm forced to cover it. "Can you have Eri scan that one? It's one of my favorites!"
Kagome flashes that funny little smile again, then hands the picture to Eri. I smile back and grab a stack of the photos Kagome brought to share with us. She has some that I haven't seen; mostly pictures of the three of us. There's a bunch of when we were little – old birthday parties, field trips and such.
Suddenly film is better and hasn't faded so much; these must be recent. The roll starts with a couple of us at school – an excellent one of Eri drooling in her sleep at one of our slumber parties – and then suddenly the scene changes from the school and city background. It's in a forest, and is of people I don't know. They're dressed in an old style – very old. A Buddhist priest is easily recognizable by his robes and staff, but the others are harder to place. A girl in tight armor, a tiny boy in heavy Halloween costume, and an older boy with silver hair and....dog ears?...dressed in an entirely oversized red outfit.
I look up questioningly at Kagome, expecting an answer, but find her looking out the window with that tense expression that claims her face when she's not paying attention. It's been happening a lot lately; it vanishes when we get her attention back, and morphs into that half smile, hiding darkness behind it. When did this start? Why didn't we notice before?
I sigh. I guess I'll have to interrogate her instead.
"What? Sorry, I was zoning. I..." But she cuts off abruptly when she sees the pictures I'm holding.
"Where did you find those?"
Now the other two are looking too, and the room is eerily silent. Dead silent. Then...
"Wow, was this some kind of party, Kagome?"
"Oh my gosh, what hot guys! But the guy in red needs a new outfit.... But is his hair really dyed that way? So cool!"
"Who are these people, Kagome? Why haven't you introduced me?"
I almost fall out of my chair. How can those two be so thick?
Kagome seems rather flustered by their sudden outbursts. However, I don't miss that quick, calculating look that flashes in her eyes.
"Yes, it was a costume party. A Feudal Era theme. They are, um, friends of mine that you don't know. I, um..."
But they aren't listening. I am, because there's something wrong here. Kagome's hiding something – something important. She's speaking too fast, without any laughter or excess information. She always was a terrible liar.
My mind jumps to the one, simple conclusion - one of them must be her mysterious boyfriend. Her two timing jerk of a boyfriend. Her boyfriend who needs anger management. The one that she gets so angry with, cries for, and won't introduce us to. The one she thinks she's in love with despite it all. That bastard.
"He's one of these guys, isn't he?"
Even as Kagome mutters some question about who I'm talking about, she knows I know. I saw her jump nearly out of her skin when I asked. I saw her eyes fill with fear as she looked at me.
"Oh, really? He's one of these guys? No wonder you stick with him!" bursts in Eri, who is oblivious to the exchange between Kagome and I. Kagome and I meet each other's eyes in challenge and fear, while Eri and Yuka continue to flip through the pictures.
Right on cue, Yuka adds, "I bet it's this guy! Look at this next picture – he's got his hand on that other girl's butt! Is that his old girlfriend?"
Kagome looks over to see Yuka pointing at a picture of the monk with his hand on the armored girl's rear.
"No, actually, that's..... That's Miroku. He's nice, but a pervert." I watch her face carefully. I don't miss the slight twitches as she chases some unknown emotion off her face to keep that tiny smile in place. I don't miss that it's hard for her, or that she won't meet my eyes. She picks up another picture, one where all four of those friends – the ones we, her best friends, have never met – are standing together. They're all smiling, except the guy in red, the one who must be her boyfriend, who is looking away in a huff.
Kagome wears that sad smile again, and you can almost feel her sorrow. Her eyes seem to water a little, but she shakes her head and looks up again. How can she be so sad when the picture is so happy? Pictures like that are supposed to bring back good memories and make people smile and laugh. That's why you take pictures.
That half smile has Kagome's face masked again now. I don't know which hurts more – the sad smile that breaks my heart, or the half-smile mask that hides her from us.
Meanwhile, Yuka and Eri are putting two and two together.
"So that means... the grouch in the red is him?"
"What a hottie.... Where did you find him? Are there any more?"
"I dunno, remember, he's a two timer. I'll stick with our mediocre guys."
"Well, how about the other one? That lecherous looking one? Except I wouldn't want a lech, of course!"
"Eri, you're so shallow!"
Eri, however, would not be so easily swayed. She turns to Kagome with an eager look.
"Hey Kagome, is this guy single? Do you think you could introduce me?"
I give Eri a look to tell her she's being rude, but then watch Kagome, because something very strange is happening. Kagome would usually giggle and say yes or no at a comment like that. Or get angry if she liked the guy. But she doesn't. She sits there, and her mouth opens and closes helplessly, and her eyes shimmer with water. I wish for all the world that she would get angry even, and just be Kagome again. I wish that she would be mad at Eri for being shallow, for being nosy, at me for staring at her, for anything! Where did all her fire go?
Kagome attempts to explain herself.
"I... no, he..... He was.... He's dying. Even as we speak. That's why I can't stay past today. I have to go back and be there for him. For Sango. He did it for Sango.... And there's nothing we can do."
We stare at the girl as two round tears roll down her cheeks. I'm the first to come out of my shock, and I move in to give her a hug and comfort her. We knew she'd been traveling a lot (and that she wasn't sick like she always claimed), and that was why we didn't see her often. But we hadn't noticed the strain like we did now. What was she doing while she was gone?
As I rock her back and forth in a comforting fashion, I notice she's wearing some make-up over something on her cheek. Her tears have washed some away. I rub, then gasp.
"Kagome! Where did this bruise come from?"
She says nothing.
I continue to inspect her for damage, and notice that the scratches that she had claimed were from 'hasty shaving' didn't look like razor marks, but more like plants, or even claws in some places. Like she had been running. As I readjust the hug to continue to check her, I accidentally brush over a sore spot on her side and she winces. I lift her shirt enough to uncover a bandage that covered small, bloody gash that was still healing, and obviously fairly new. Kagome seems oblivious as I try to make sense of all this.
She's been traveling with her boyfriend...We hardly see her anymore...She didn't start disappearing till just after she met him...
And when we do see her, she's incredibly tired, and barely smiles anymore; when she does, it's fake. Half of nothing. Or else it's a smile of sorrow. That's what that look is – fear. Pain and fear.
And now, she returns from her travels having run hard from something, and with bruises and gashes all over, and I'm confident that if we undressed her, we'd find more. And now that I think about it, she's been using her left arm quite a bit, although she's right-handed. As I test this theory by a gentle poke on her right arm, I am rewarded by a small yelp of pain.
Suddenly, it makes sense to me.
"He's been beating you, hasn't he?"
"Your boyfriend. He's been hurting you, hasn't he?"
"No, no he hasn't! He wouldn't! I'm fine, I've just been ill."
"Don't lie to me, Kagome! Don't lie to us! We're your best friends, and we're here for you! Don't give us this sickness crap – we know you've been with your boyfriend. Why are you defending him? He could be put in jail for that! You don't have to stay, you can leave him!"
"I don't want to leave him. He'd never hurt me. He protects me!"
"From what? You're sixteen, for goodness sake! What do you need protection from?"
"I.... You wouldn't understand."
'Why not!?' I think angrily. It hurts that she's hiding so much. That she thinks that her closest friend since second grade wouldn't understand. My questions get vicious.
"Was he 'protecting you' from Miroku?"
"No! Miroku was our friend!"
"Is he a gang member of some kind? Break away! Or at least tell us what's happening! Kagome, you've been gone so much, and now you have new friends and a boyfriend. You're beat up and depressed. It's like we're losing you! What happened to our good old Kagome? The Kagome who could smile?"
There is a long pause. Eri and Yuka seem frozen, but I know that I speak for them too. They look on and nod a little. All eyes are on Kagome.
"That Kagome.... That Kagome...." She's whispering. She looks up at me, and her eyes have changed from the eyes I know. Something's snapped deep inside her.
"Kagome, what's happened?"
But I saw her eyes. Now I realize... I already know what happened to that Kagome. I don't know why or how, but I know what... and her next words voice what I dare not even think.
"That Kagome.... died a little while ago. And I'm going to leave you too. That's why I came today. That's why I had us make these books. I don't want to forget that Kagome, or her friends. And she doesn't want to be forgotten," she ends in a whisper.
"What are you saying, Kagome?"
"I have to leave. I don't have a choice."
"Yes you do! You don't have to go with him!"
She looks out the window suddenly, as though something were out there. I look too, but I see nothing there.
"Kagome?" I ask quietly. A dead silence fills the room, so heavy that it seems to weigh down on us all, crushing us with weight of our words.
Then finally... "Yes I do. I have to go, because he needs me. They need me. I know you don't understand, but...."
Now I'm in tears. "Then make me understand! Tell me! Tell us! Don't leave us, Kagome. You can't do this to us. What can be so important that it could take you from us? Tell me! What could be so terrible?!?"
Suddenly, Kagome flares to life.
"What's so important? My friend who is dying! My friends who will die if I don't go! Who knows what has happened while I sat here idly chitchatting with you guys! Don't you dare make me feel guilty! I don't have any choice!"
There's anger in her voice and even in her tear-filled eyes. It's her fire, her passion... and it's for them now. She used to get angry like that for us. Yelling for justice; justice for her friends. But now, it's for them, against us. I was right – she's leaving us. We, who used to be her best friends, are losing her to these scary people who deal with death. To a dangerous place with dangerous people, and even an monster of a boyfriend.
"And when they're all dead.... when your boyfriend is dead from whoever.... Then will you come back? I see it in your eyes, Kagome. You don't have hope for whatever you're doing. You act and talk like a dead person. Get out now, involve the police."
"No! We can't give up! That's not an option!"
'Of course it is, dammit Kagome. Can't you see that?' I can only figure that she's involved with a gang of some sort, but we can't let that stop her. We just can't.
"Are you going to tell that to Miroku? It looks like he's giving up." I can hardly believe the venom in my voice.
It's a low blow, and I know it. But that's what it's come to. I expect her to yell, to get angry, and keep fighting with me. If she'll fight, at least we have Kagome, and Kagome can have sense talked into her.
But she doesn't fight. She loses her nerve, falls back.... And glances out the window again. This time, I think I see something, like a flash of silver. But it was so fast, I don't know if I'm just seeing things through my tears. When did I start crying?
"....I have to go...." It's a whisper, so low I almost miss it.
Then suddenly, Kagome dashes out the door. She just gets up and runs out.
Suddenly, Eri and Yuka exist again. They'd sat by and watched the fight with tears in their eyes. We all look at each other and silently come to a decision: follow her. I pick up her scrap-album that she left here and follow the other two out the door.
After running down the driveway, we have no idea which way she went. I think back to the flash of silver, our only clue. That they don't know about. That they don't have to know about, either. I just lead the way, and they follow as we jog, listening hard for where she might be.
After just two blocks, we find her. Find them. She's in his arms. At this moment, I want nothing more than to walk up to that bastard and slap him, to free Kagome, to bring her back from her world of darkness.
But I look, and I stop. They're sitting on the grass under a tree. Kagome has her face buried in his chest, the material of his bright red outfit (the same one from the picture, strangely enough, although he's wearing a hat) clutched tightly in her fists. He rests his chin on top of her head and gently rocks her back and forth, eyes closed in pain. At first I think that maybe he just hit her and is apologizing. But then I understand. He's just comforting her, and he's suffering similarly.
I feel a stab of pain and jealousy. That's my job. When someone cries, I'm the one who hugs them and lets them cry.
I guess I just lost my job.
Then they speak.
"Inu... Inu-yasha, they didn't.... And Miroku, and.... And..."
"Shhhh, easy Kagome. Easy..."
They don't seem to notice us at all. He just keeps rocking her and she just keeps crying.
After she's cried for a few minutes, she sniffles and sits up a little, sitting across his lap and resting her head on his shoulder. For his part, he closes his eyes and leans his head on hers in a form of comfort. My heart sinks.
Kagome stutters what she has been trying to say.
"They found my pictures of the others.... Asked about Miroku..... Kami, is there nothing we can do? Nothing?!? And Sango... poor Sango... First her brother, now Miroku... It's not fair..." She takes a deep, shuddering breath to stabilize herself. "And they didn't understand. They accused me, accused you.... I think I've hurt Ayumi the most.... They just didn't understand at all... How can I make them understand?"
"I don't know, Kagome, I don't know. But we can't stay. We just can't. Not with Miroku like he is. And Sango's.... Sango isn't handling this well. And Naraku could.... could.... it could be any time now."
He, Inu-yasha, seems rather surprised by this question.
"What do you mean why? Miroku...."
"Why do we have to do this? Why us? What did we do to deserve this? Kami-sama, I'm just a sixteen year old girl! I'm just sixteen! I can't handle this..."
Kagome is one of the strongest people I know. Or she was until this guy came along. What did he do to her? ....And can't he just reassure her already? Tell her she can handle it? She can handle anything!
Yet still he doesn't. He just rocks her back and forth as she starts crying again. How my heart aches to watch this. I want to hit him again for not making her feel better.
Then Kagome has come back to herself again. Calm and collected, despite the odd sniffle and the bright red puffiness around her eyes, she sits up and speaks softly, regretfully.
"I guess we should go. I'll miss them. I'm sorry I couldn't make them understand. I hope they'll forgive me. Lets go."
"Not yet, Kagome," he says, holding her to his chest and burying his face in her hair. "Lets sit here a few more minutes."
"But Miroku's..."
"Just a few minutes!" he yells, suddenly erupting with anger. "Is that so much to ask? Is it? A few damn minutes to just sit and hold you close?"
Kagome just clings to him and more tears streak down her face, and he just lets out a roar of frustration as he holds her so tightly you'd think her ribs would shatter. That pushes me over the edge. Her small squeak of pain and surprise hits a nerve in me – an angry nerve. I stomp up to them.
"Bastard!" I slap him.
Or at least, I was going to. He's up before I see him move, and Kagome is standing too, as though he stood and put her down. So not possible. He catches my hand and holds it tight by the wrist while twisting it behind my back. His grip is like a vise, and it seems to crush the bones in my arms as I whimper in pain. Then, he.... Growls? Kagome yells from behind him.
"Inu-yasha, don't! These are my friends, they're not going to hurt us or steal it!"
He does something behind me (I get the feeling that he was sniffing me, but that doesn't make sense), then releases me. I snap my arm back around and hold it to my chest. Damn, that hurts. I'm surprised Kagome only has bruises.
"Ayumi!" Eri and Yuka race to me, and gasp as they see my bright red arm. It hurts, but it isn't broken. Kagome comes over too.
"Ayumi, I'm so sorry! Inu-yasha's just on edge right now, and..." She's sorry? And defending him? That does it.
"Kagome, don't you dare defend him. I was right! Kami-sama, I'm surprised you still have your life!"
But she won't stop me this time. I turn to Inu-yasha, who looks at me warily.
"And you! How dare you! What kind of sick loser are you? Your girlfriend is in tears, and you can't even comfort her right! And then you yell at her and hurt her when she is ready to do what YOU wanted her to do!" His eyes go wide.
"What the hell? I-"
"Don't deny it, we all heard you. You hit her too, don't you? Threaten her into silence? That's why she won't tell us, isn't it? You twisted freak, if you ever hurt her again, I swear, I'll-"
But suddenly I'm cut off by a hand at my throat as my back hits the tree, none too gently. However, he doesn't seem to be exerting hardly any strength – damn he's strong. And my throat agrees. However, he's not actually trying to kill me, because my air isn't cut off. Well, not completely – it's like he's pinning me to the tree by my neck. Which, on the other hand, probably isn't much better.
Suddenly, he's growling at me. Who growls? And he has gorgeous amber eyes... What a weirdo. Strong weirdo. This is so not good. What is this guy?
"Don't you ever call my mate a liar. She's told you the truth the whole time, and it's your own fault if you don't believe her. I protect her from everything, and I would never hurt her. I won't let anything hurt her, even you, bitch!" My eyes widen here in disbelief. Protecting her from us? But he notices my disbelief. "Do you realize how bad it hurts her to hide things from you? That you don't believe her when she does tell you the truth? That you don't accept her any more? I'm sick of it!"
"Inu-yasha, stop! Osuwari!"
He slams onto the ground, releasing my throat. I lean back against that tree, away from this violent thing at my feet. I stare at him for a moment as he twitches on the ground and grumbles words I'm glad I can't hear. I don't understand what just happened, or why he seems glued to the ground. Not in the least. But this isn't important. I look up at Kagome, and I nearly burst into tears again. My neck hurts, her boyfriend just threatened me before getting stuck to the floor, and she's standing there, torn between rushing over to me, reprimanding her boyfriend, and bursting into fresh tears too. Yuka and Eri seem to be in complete shock. Yuka seems to come to her senses and grabs Kagome's arm, and Eri just looks at us all in turn, a look of horror stuck on her face.
Inu-yasha is starting to get up. Suddenly feeling angry again, I kick his head, then run over to Kagome and look her in the eye.
"We're going to the police right now."
Kagome just shakes her head.
"I'm sorry guys.... It's time I told you the truth."
From where he is now sitting cross-legged on the ground, rubbing his head, Inu-yasha looks up at her in shock.
"Kagome, what the hell are you thinking?"
"Don't worry Inu-yasha. It'll all be ok. As long as you guys swear not to tell a soul. If you even choose to believe me."
We all nod, hardly believing that she'll tell us after everything. She sits down on the grass next to Inu-yasha, and we all follow suit, forming a ring around her. I don't miss that she discreetly grabs his hand for support. Then, she begins.
"This is going to be hard for you guys to swallow, but here goes: over a year ago, I met Inu-yasha after being pulled through the well on our shrine by a giant demon." She notices our raised eyebrows. "Yes, a giant demon. And yes, demons do exist. I accidentally shattered a jewel of great power, and now we have to find all the pieces. But Naraku, an evil hanyou, is out to kill us and take the jewel. All the bruises you see are from fighting with him and his puppets. Inu-yasha protects me. I have other friends... but one's dying now... Miroku... and...and...."
She can't seem to go on. We just stare at her for a moment. I move in to hug her, worried though I am for her sanity, but he beats me to it as he pulls her into his lap again. I glare. He looks back, angry, but not quite glaring either.
"You made her tell that story, didn't you?"
Wait, I think, that doesn't add up. Why would he be angry?
"No, wench! Don't you get it yet? She was protecting you! And now she's given you the truth, all of it."
"You expect us to believe that an evil hanyou is trying to kill her?" Eri states shrewdly, picking up the argument at last.
"And that, while she is incredibly bruised and beaten, you're unscathed?" Yuka follows Eri's example.
"Argh, stupid, I'm a hanyou too!" he yells, tearing the hat off his head to reveal two surprisingly cute, pointed puppy ears. Suddenly, swallowing has become incredibly difficult for me.
Kagome hides her face in Inu-yasha's chest, unable to deal with this – with us – and her reality. Something about those ears twitching in the sunlight makes everything seem... real. Everything.
And suddenly... I know I've lost. We've lost. Even though we still don't understand everything. And... she's hiding from us, with him. And he's protecting her. I can't fight this anymore.... She's left us. She doesn't belong here anymore. The part of her that's Kagome, our friend of old, is gone. She's broken. And part of it is our fault, for not knowing, not realizing it for so long. Kagome belongs to him now. And there's nothing we can do.
But Eri can't accept that yet.
"No way... I don't believe you! I-"
But I cut her off with my hand.
"I.... Kagome, I understand." Her head whips around and her eyes lock with mine, searching me. Again the tears come to my eyes – why won't they stop? – and then she gets up and hugs me. I hold tight, realizing I'll probably never see her again. Eri and Yuka pile in too, and everyone holds tight. This is our last hurrah, I guess. The last hardship we'll experience together. And it's ending. I squeeze tighter.
Finally, the giant hug breaks. I meet Kagome's eyes.
"Kagome-chan, I still don't understand what happened, and I probably never will." Her face falls at this. "However, I do understand what you meant earlier. You don't belong here anymore... you have new friends who need you more than we do. Take good care of them. And we'll always be here if you need us, ok?"
Kagome just nods, unable to speak. Inu-yasha seems to have come back to what I assume is his usual self. He's acting arrogant, at any rate. Kagome always used to complain about that. Remembering that brings a smile to my face, and a little joy to my heart.
"Keh. A bunch of cry-babies you lot are. Lets get out of here Kagome." Yup, he is arrogant. But it makes Kagome smile when he says that. A real smile, I can't help but notice. It's not that half of nothing she keeps showing us, it's a real, beautiful smile, even if her eyes are red and puffy and her nose is running. Her smile is real, her little bit of joy is real. And it's with him. It makes me jealous, but happy at the same time.
Kagome nods again, and he scoops her up bridal style. Then, he gives us one last glance, then turns to leave.
"Wait just a second!" yells Eri. We look at her, fearing more conflict.
Turns out, we shouldn't have worried. She runs back a ways and picks up the scrap-album that I dropped earlier. Then she runs back up to where they're waiting and delivers it to Kagome. They both grin and laugh a little before getting in one last hug. Then, Inu-yasha simply leaps into the air. 20 feet into the air. Apparently, this is his common form of transportation, and it doesn't seem difficult for him. As a matter of fact, he seems very graceful and powerful, despite his funny red costume.
Of course, I'm not normally so calm about these things. If I hadn't seen the ears, I wouldn't have believed it. But I did, and somehow it seems right as we stand and watch them leave. Then Yuka breaks our silence.
"You take good care of her! If she's not completely safe, you'll be sorry!" she yells loudly, ensuring being heard.
In spite of myself, I laugh. Eri and I join in as he suddenly leaves the ground again, leaping high in the air and seeming to fly away by running across treetops.
"If I ever hear of you two timing her again, you'll regret it!"
"Make sure you visit! I want to see her again once your business is all finished! She better be ok!"
"Goodbye, Kagome-chan, we'll miss you!"
We continue to yell and wave frantically long after they're gone. And we're all smiling. Somehow, we know that this was a good thing. Kagome came back to us for a moment, and she's going away to become herself again. Whether or not we'll see her again doesn't matter anymore – she'll be ok. And she's in good hands; Inu-yasha's.
Goodbye Kagome. If you survive your quest, please come back to us. The mall will still be here, waiting for us to tear it up. Life will go on here, and we'll be as silly and shallow as ever. But then, everybody needs that now and then. So remember, when you need it, everyone will still be here. We'll still be here.
Which reminds me – we'll need to come up with a good excuse for her. It doesn't look like she'll be back to school for a while. What kind of friends would we be to let her down?