Disclaimer- I don't own Fruits basket, alright?! You don't hafta rub it in...

A/N- YAY! (huggles reviewers) eight reviews so far! Im SO GLAD you like this story! Only one person has read the third chapter, or if people have read it, only one reviewed it. AND LIKED IT I might add...ne way, it was so mean of me to leave it on a cliffhanger like that. But at least I update often, right?! Ok, ok, ill stop blabbering, and give you the next chapter. High ho silver, away!

*...* = Memories

(My italics is broken, so ne thing in bold is going to be thoughts. If my bold doesn't work, figure out whats thought and whats not on your own. I have no further comments)

My eyes shot open, staring at the man in front of me. What? How did he know my name? And finally the penny dropped. An impassive doctor, who knows my name. Who knows of, no, is PART OF the junnishi. It all clicked. Why didn't I see it before? Was it the shock of my injuries? Or...was it because I didn't want to believe it? Was I because I didn't want to re-experience those memories? I shuddered involuntarily. I had kept them hidden away for this long. I didn't need to start stir them up again now. Especially not now. I needed all the cunning I possessed to get myself out of this one. I sighed. It would be a long night. I blinked, realizing I had just been gazing, awestruck at the man in front of me. "Mika...that is you, isn't it?" he inquired. I just sat there, frozen to my spot on the floor. Run away, run away, run away, run away my brain was telling me, but I was rooted to where I sat, a familiar panic flooding my body. Just run, he cant catch you, you can do this, just get up.... I couldn't do it. My body had seized up, in the shock of being found, and my legs refused to move. You IDIOT. You just let yourself into the Sohma family. It'll take a piece of work to get out of this one. Ok, first step, CALM DOWN! Panic never got anyone anywhere. You know that better than anyone. Remember... I shut my thoughts off. I wasn't going to THAT corner of my mind ever again. I took a steadying breath, and said in a voice, barely above a whisper, "Tadaima".

A/N- ahhh! Don't shoot me! Im so sorry for shuch a short chapter, but im sort of infamous for them now, ne? anyway, at least the story is getting somewhere now. NO REVIEWS NO MORE CHAPTERS! If you don't like where this is going, tho, tell me and ill chuck it. So whats the verdict- chuck? Don't chuck? I NEED ANSWERS! (and of course the normal review flattery and flaming.)