Chapter 1 Son of Belial and Princess of Deviluke

I do not own Ultraman and To Love Ru.

This concept was born when I read Kamen Rider Chrome's Maken-Geed.

16 years ago, the rise of the Dark Warrior, Belial wreak havoc and chaos across the cosmos. The Warriors of Light fought a great war against him and his forces. The battle soon reached a stalemate and soon in order to turn the tide, a scientist named Hikari of the Warriors created capsules that contained powers of them which had the potential to change the course of the battle. However, at the final battle which took place on Earth, Belial successfully destroyed the universe but the King of the Warriors of Light sacrificed himself to save it.

This event which the apocalypse almost happened was called the Crisis Impact.

6 years later, the post battle chaos in the Milky Way Galaxy caused by Belial created disorder and was embroiled in war. Then, a race of aliens known as Devilukians led by their king, Gid Lucione Deviluke united it under his rule. The battle for unification in the Milky Way was known as the Galactic Unification Way.

In an apartment in Sainan Town, Japan was getting ready for school. He is currently looking for his backpack.

The young man was 15 years old and has black hair. This is Riku Asakura.

"Where's my backpack?" Riku frantically looked. His shadow the expanded which shifted into a figure who was wearing a sweater and jeans.

This figure doesn't have a human appearance since it had eye stalk eyes and a yellow spot on his chest. This is Pega, a Pegassaian whom Riku befriended during middle school. He is 13 earth years old which in his world is considered a baby.

The whole apartment room consists of a kitchen, a living room, bathroom, and a bedroom which was filled posters and merchandise of the local popular tokusatsu hero, Don Shine.

Pega looked around then found his backpack under the desk. He grabbed it and handed it to his friend. "Here you go, Riku I found it under your desk." He replied.

Riku smiled and thanked him. "Thanks, Pega." The alien then proceeded to jump into his friend's shadow and Riku walked out of his apartment.

Riku Asakura arrived in Sainan Academy and he is a first year student here. He hoped that he'll meet any of his old friends from middle school.

As he walk through the halls and noticed a certain someone peeking out behind the corner of the hall. He was around his age and his best friend in middle school. He had golden eyes and orange spiky hair, Rito Yuuki.

He walked and greeted, "Hey, Rito!" The said boy screamed and looked behind him. "Riku, don't scare me like that!"

Riku tilted his head in confusion. "Why I was just saying, hi." Then he asked, "What were you doing behind the pillar?" Rito flinched and stammering, "Um, well..."

"He's probably stalking Sairenji again." A teasing voice said. The two boys looked at the source and another boy around their age with spiky hair smirked at Rito. This is Kenichi Saruyama another of Riku's friends.

Riku knowing who Sairenji is look behind the spot Rito was looking at. There was a pretty girl with short purple hair with a red clip talking to her friends. Riku knew about her from middle school and she happens to be Rito's not so secret crush.

Riku with a teasing smirk asked Rito, "C'mon Rito why don't you just talk to her? You know you won't be able to confess to her if she finds out you're stalking her."

Rito gave his two friends a glare. "Well, I was trying to find the right moment." Riku blinked. "Moment?" Rito then made a brave face. "Because today I'm going to confess to her!"

Riku and Kenichi both stared at Rito. Then Riku turned to Kenichi, "How many times does that make?" Kenichi counted with his fingers. "Five times." He snickered.

Rito looked at his friends with in disbelief. "You guys counted all of that?!" Riku smiled.

"Well seeing you screw up so badly was so funny we counted how many times you fail."

Rito just placed his hands on his head. "I can't believe this." Then he put on a brave face. "Well, just watch you two. I'm going to confess to her this time."

Just as he proceeded to try to talk to his crush, the bell rang which made him froze and his target of affection went to class.

"After I catch her after school."

Riku could only facepalm and Kenichi laugh.

As the class bell rang signaling the end of school, the students walk out of school heading home. Riku and Rito both walked out together. Kenichi wasn't with them but they figured he went ahead of them or he's off doing something perverted.

Kenichi Saruyama was a known pervert in school second only to the principal. There was a time when Kenichi tried to dragged the two into one of his peepings but Rito immediately backed off because he was too shy and he easily faints at the sight of gravure model in a magazine. Riku immediately back off knowing it was wrong since he was raised by his big sister figure, Moa Aizaki about how to treat girls plus even when forced he used his superhuman abilities to escape. Thus even though Rito and Riku were known to best friends with the pervert in the school they weren't labeled as perverts. In the end, the two were known as a shy kid who's nervous about love and ecchi and an otaku who's obsessed with the tokusatsu hero, Don Shine.

Rito then frozed as she sees Haruna Sairenji walking in front of them reading a book. Riku looking at this patted Rito's shoulder and smiled in support.

"This is it buddy. All you got to do is confess your feelings and ask her out. It's a piece of cake!" Riku advises.

"B-but what if she doesn't feel the same way and rejects me?! How am I supposed to deal with that?!" Rito stuttered.

Riku smiled and patted him again. "Then, me and Mikan-chan will listen to your woes. It's just one confession there are other girls out there."

Rito looked at his friend He smiled at his support. "Thanks." He put on a brave face. "Yosh! Let's do this!"

A few seconds later, Rito stood at the front gate with the target of his affection. He felt nervous and looked at the trees. Riku hid behind the bushes watching in support of things went awry.

Rito then looked ahead with Haruna on her way towards him. Riku watched as his best friend was calling out to his crush.

(Riku! Look up there!)

Riku jumped when Pega telepathically called out to him. He followed his gaze towards the sky and his eyes widen. A giant fireball from the sky was dropping to where Rito was!

Frightened for his friend, Riku ran out of bushes towards Rito intending to save his friend.

Meanwhile, Rito called out to Haruna.



Rito turned to Riku who was calling out to him and running towards him.

"Riku?! Wha..?!"

"There's a giant meteor heading towards you!" Riku pointed. Rito turned to where Riku was pointing at and his eyes bulged in shock and fear. He was too scared to move unable to do anything. The students noticed the meteor all yelled in fright and ran from the meteor's impact zone except for Rito.

Seeing this, Riku jumped with his inhuman strength and tackled his friend pushing him out of the way.


Hearing Pega's voice, he turned to see the meteor heading towards him instead. To frighten to move, he closed his eyes and covered his face with his arms.


Riku blinked, opened his eyes and he gaped on the scene before him. The meteor made a small crater and was a few inches away from Riku. However, that wasn't what made Riku gape. It was the meteor's true form.

The "meteor" is a scorched alien ship which seems to be burned due to atmospheric entry. Everyone in the witnesses including Rito and Haruna looked in shock on what just happened.

It was late afternoon and Riku went to his apartment and immediately laid down on his bed.

He was completely exhausted on the events from a few hours ago. After that certain ordeal, he was taken to the school nurse's office to check for injuries fortunately they weren't serious so he was let out.

However, that event completely shocked Riku. To think that a spaceship fell from space. Meeting Pega in middle school was incredible but a spaceship falling from the sky? That was different all together.

Pega came out of Riku's shadow and looked at his friend in concern.

"Riku, are you all right?" He asked.

"I'm fine Pega." Riku assured. "But man who would've thought that a space ship would crash on Earth." He looked at his alien friend. "Did you recognize that ship?"

The pegassa-seijin only shook his head. "No, it was too burnt out for me to recognize anything on it."

"But still what do you think caused it to crash on Earth?" Riku crosses his arms as he sat down in front of his TV.

Pega shrugged. "Who knows maybe it was abandoned in space and wondered into this planet or possibly..." The alien trailed off.

Riku looked at his friend with certainty about the latter. "Possibly What?"

Pega looked at Riku and answered, "Maybe there was a fight in outer space above this planet and an attack caused the ship to crash here."

A silence came after that then they both laughed.

"Yeah right. Well let's forget that Pega. How about watching Don Shine to keep our mind over it?" Riku suggested.

The alien nodded. "Sure, Riku!"

Riku grabbed the remote to his DVD player and pressed the play button.

The TV screen turned on and it showed a man in white armor facing against people in black suits.

"Battle Chronicler, Don Shine!" The masked hero shouted flashing his palms on the sides of his face. "Here we go!" He then charged at the minions.

Riku and Pega watched with anticipation as their hero fights. The tokusatsu show was considered to be one of the top rated kids shows in Japan which rivaled that of a live action magical girl series, Magical Flame Girl Kyouko.

In Riku's bedroom, there was a huge collection of Don Shine merchandise. From posters to toys, even DVDs. Riku and his alien friend continued to watch as their hero stood face to face with his arch foe, Satanzorg who this time had the main heroine held hostage.

Just as Don Shine was about to rescue her, the screen turned static which made the two raised their eyebrows. Was there some bad reception?

"Pega, is there something wrong with the TV?" Riku asked. The pegassa-seijin went over to check since he was an expert in electronics. But then, there was shaking in the bedroom which caused Riku's Don Shine collection to shake off the shelves.

"An earthquake?!" Riku shouted.

Riku and Pega held on to whatever there could for safety and heard sirens outside. However, the biggest sound shock them the most.


It was a roar. A roar of a fearsome creature.

Riku went over to the window and moved the curtains with Pega behind him. Their eyes widened in terror at what they saw.

"A Kaiju?!" Riku gasped.

This Kaiju had a yellow body with black underbelly and it had red eyes and horns on his head and red spikes that travelled down its spine.

This is Skull Gomora.

The Kaiju seemed to be rampaging through the town. It was stomping on buildings and smashing bigger ones with its arms. The sight caused the people to panic and went running.

However, the path Skull Gormora was heading towards their apartment!

Riku and Pega immediately jumped out the window and landed safely on the ground despite how high it was. They looked up and watched helplessly as Skull Gormora proceeded to step on the apartment.

"Riku, we gotta get outta here!" His alien friend pulled on Riku's sleeve. The boy followed Pega's plead and ran out of the Kaiju's path of destruction leaving their destroyed home behind.

Skull Gormora roared as it tear through the city and then it disappeared in a pillar of red light.

The retreating crowd looked back confused on what just happened but they were relieved that the kaiju was gone. However...

Riku Asakura was among the people whose home was destroyed by Skull Gormora. With their homes gone, they had to go to the emergency shelter. He had a backpack with him which somehow survived the destruction of his apartment. He looked around at destruction caused by the kaiju. He stood there as the evacuating crowd left him behind. He looked down with a sad look on his face.

All this destruction and Riku can't do anything about it. He never felt so helpless in his life.

(Riku, is something wrong?) Pega telepathically called out his friend.

"Pega, if I had the power to fight against the kaiju, I would be able to prevent this from happening." Riku said.

(...You're not Don Shine, you know. Besides, you're only human and I hardly doubt you can do anything now.)

Riku silently took in his friend's words and sighed.

If Don Shine were here, what would he do?

(So where are we going to stay, Riku?)

Riku smiled. "Don't worry I already know a place. I even called ahead explaining what happened."

Riku Asakura stood at the front door of a house and then Riku rang the door bell.

"Coming." A voice called out. The door opened and there stood a girl who is 12 years old with long brown hair styled like a pineapple on top and wearing an apron over her clothes.

This girl is Mikan Yuuki, Rito's little sister. She became friends with Riku during his middle school days. The girl widen her eyes and smiled. "Oh, Riku!" She ran over and hugged Riku. "It's so good to see you! I got so worried when I heard your neighborhood got attacked by a kaiju I was really worried."

Riku could only smiled at this. "Don't worry Mikan-chan. I'm alright." Mikan let a sigh of relief she was really worried about her brother's friend so worried she panicked. It doesn't take a genius on how the girl felt towards Riku.

Mikan then went inside and looked behind her. "Anyway it's going to be dark soon. I already made dinner so you must be hungry."

"Your apartment was stomped by a kaiju?!" The Yuuki siblings shouted.

The three were at the dinner table eating dinner. The food was exquisite and delicious. While they were eating, Riku explained the kaiju attack.

"Did you call Sui-san?" Mikan asked. She was referring to Riku's guardian who sends Riku money to pay for his living expenses and daily needs. Riku nodded.

"Yeah, I told him what happened and he was pretty worried but he said he'll said in some money to help me." Riku explained.

Rito nodded. "That's good. Well you guys are welcome to stay as long as you like." Touched by his friends sincerity, Riku thanked him. "Thanks Rito."

Mikan then looked down at the table in sadness. "But to think that a kaiju would appear again. It's been 12 years."

Everyone on the table was quiet at that. This wasn't the first kaiju attack. Kaiju were creatures that live underground and they don't come to the surface. Then, a kaiju appeared 12 ago and attacked. There were many casualties and a lot of people lost their homes. It was a horrifying memory. Since then humanity feared that kaiju would appear again, but 12 years came by and no kaiju attacked. It was a peaceful time until now.

Riku then broke the silence. "I wish I could do something about it. If I had the power to fight against the kaiju, I would be able to protect this city."

Rito then sighed. "Don't tell me, you want to become hero like Don Shine. Riku I know you want to do something about the kaiju but we're only human."

Mikan then giggled finding Riku's proclamation to be cute.

"Anyway, we should get to bed. Riku, how about you take a bath? You must be exhausted from all that walking coming here." Mikan suggested. Riku nodded. "Yeah Thanks Mikan-chan!"

Riku settled down on the bathtub as let out relaxing sigh. Today was a whirlwind for him a spaceship crashed near their school, his house was destroyed by a Kaiju, and he have to stay over at his friend's place.

He dipped down knowing his current situation. Now that his apartment was gone, where is him and Pega supposed to live? The Yuuki siblings offered he could stay as long as he liked but the boy didn't want to be free loader. He talked to his guardian again before he took a bath. Sui Asakura told him that he'll look into another apartment which relieves him but knowing that a kaiju attack made Riku a bit nervous.

What if it comes back again to attack? He shook his head. He wished he could do something but Riku was just a human. Despite his unique superhuman abilities, what good would they do against a giant creature?

He shook his thoughts again. He then looked back at Rito's attempt on confessing to Haruna Sairenji. He felt for his friend. Despite how funny Rito's attempts ended in failure, he felt bad for him. Rito may be serious in everything but when he started to notice girls he would become a nervous wreck. Riku wouldn't understand this since he never had a crush on anyone. The only girls he was ever close with were his childhood friend, Moa and Rito's little sister, Mikan.

He kind of wished on feeling what it's like to fall in love but his focus was that he wanted to become a hero. Maybe it'll come in an unexpected way.

Riku closed his eyes as he relaxed himself in the bath. Then, blue electricity appeared in front of the boy whose sounds made Riku opened his eyes.

"What the?" Riku spoke. Then, the water exploded in front of him which made Riku scream and hold out his hands in defense. What came in contact in his hands was something he didn't expect. It was soft and round. He opened his eyes seeing the mist dissipating and when it cleared Riku's eyes widen.

It was a girl.

A pink-haired gorgeous girl with an hourglass figure with a pretty face which is leagues above than any girl in his school. Her pink hair had a swirl ahoge with bangs covering her forehead.

Riku was completely mesmerized by her beautiful appearance that he didn't notice where he was touching.

"Escape successful~!" The girl said cheerfully. She stretched her arms above her head and then she looked down noticing someone was touching her breasts. Riku followed her gaze and his face turned red on where his hands were groping.

He cried out and fell on the tub. He looked at the girl with wide eyes with a red shade face. The girl looked at him and smiled. "Ne, are you done looking?" She asked. Riku could only say nothing. A naked beautiful girl was right in front of him. There was nothing he could do but one thing, he screamed.

Rito and Mikan heard the scream and went upstairs. They find Riku on the floor with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Riku?! What happened?!"Rito asked in concern. His best friend shakily pointed his finger into the bathroom.

"A n-naked g-girl! In the bathroom!" Riku shakily answered. The two looked at the shaken boy with disbelief. They then decided to look in the shower steam still coming out.

"Where?" Mikan asked. She looked along with Rito. "Uh, Riku there is nobody in there." Rito inquired.

"Eh?!" Riku looked at the bathroom and true enough, nobody was there. "But I swear I saw a girl in there!"

The trio looked at Riku then Mikan giggled. Rito chuckled. "Riku, look I know we're at that age but this is embarrassing especially in front of my sister."

Riku just gape then felt completely embarrassed. Had he been hallucinating?

Riku was in a white T-shirt which was labeled SPACE AGE with a towel over his shoulders walking to was in his shadow while Mikan and Rito were downstairs watching TV.

(Riku are you sure you really saw a girl in the bathtub?)

"You gotta believe me, Pega! There was some electrical surge, the bathtub exploded, and she just appeared there out of thin air." Riku explained. He didn't want to mention that girl was also naked since it'll embarrass him and Pega wouldn't believed him even further.

(Yeah...sure whatever you say.)

Riku just shook it off hoping to forget it. He opened the door to his guest bedroom then he froze.

His bedroom consists nothing but a closet and a bed but nothing of Riku's stuff was placed there since Riku just got here but what made him froze was that same girl sitting on the bed wrapped in a towel.

"Ah~, that was refreshing." The girl sighed. She noticed Riku at the door. She then said, "Oh, I'm borrowing your towel."

Riku stood there frozen in shock. Pega in his shadow was the same but didn't bother to come out yet.

Riku immediately covered his eyes seeing the girl's state of dress and asked, "Okay, Who are you?!"

"Me. I'm Lala." The girl answered with a smile. Riku peeked through his fingers.

"Lala?" Riku repeated.

"Yep. I'm from Planet Deviluke." She explained. That made Riku removed his hands and looked at the girl in shock.

"Wait, you're an alien?" Riku asked.

"Well, I guess that's what you Earthlings call us." Lala smiled. Riku looked at the girl with uncertainty. He had seen an alien before since he met Pega but Lala looked so human.

"But you look very human." Riku explained. The girl then stood up and walked toward Riku which made the boy nervous.

"Oh you don't believe me?" Lala asked leaning forward. Her face getting to close to Riku's go red due to how pretty she is.

Riku tried to remain in composure. "Yeah, I mean I've had a friend who's actually an alien." He explained. The pinkette looked at Riku with surprise. "You met an alien before?"

That was when Pega emerged from Riku's shadow. Lala looked at Pega in wonder.

"Oh my! A Pegassaian!" Lala gasp. She didn't expect to encounter another alien on this planet.

"Um, hello, Lala-san. I'm Pega, a Pegassaian." Pega introducing himself. She didn't believe his Earthling friend's story at first but now she believes him.

Riku then asked, "Pega, are you sure this girl is an alien? I mean Lala looks pretty human."

Pega turned to his friend. "Believe it or not Riku. Devilukians have a similar human appearance. What makes them so different from Earthlings is that they have a tail."

Riku looked at Lala. "A tail?" Lala nodded with cheery smile. "Yep. If you don't believe me, here I'll show you mine."

Lala then did something which made Riku's face red and Pega covering his eyes. The girl turned and showed the two boys her butt however what caught their attention was that there is a black tail with spade shaped tip.

While her display of proof was effective, she didn't realize it was pretty effective to the boys in more ways than one. Riku covered his eyes and sputtered, "Okay! We get it! I believe you but please at least cover yourself!"

Lala giggled as she turned around. "Oh your face is so red! How cute!" Finding Riku's embarrassing state to be quite amusing.

After getting his act together, Riku asked, "So how did you appeared in my bathtub?"

"I used this!" Lala answered showing them a bracelet on her left arm which looked like a creature. "This is called Pyon-Pyon Warp-Kun. I used it to warp myself to your bathroom."

Riku and Pega looked closely at the brace. "Warp? As in teleport?" Lala nodded. "Yep. I made this thing myself."

Riku was amazed at the girl's claim. "You made it? That's amazing." Lala blushed at that. No one has ever complimented about her inventions.

Riku felt amazed that such technology existed. He actually wanted to see how advanced alien technology is after seeing so many sci-fi movies.

However, Pega was wondering about one thing. "So Lala-san, what are you doing here on Earth?"

Lala smiled faded a bit. "I'm being chased." Both boys shared surprised looks at that. "I thought I would be safe on this planet but my pursuers managed to catch up and captured me but I managed to get away again via spaceship but just before I got caught again, I used Pyon-Pyon Warp-Kun to appear in your bathtub."

Riku and Pega felt sympathy towards this girl. However, one thing about her still made them nervous. Riku looked away with red face and stuttered. "Anyway, we gotta get you some clothes. I can't have you running around in a towel."

Lala cutely tilted her head in confusion. "Eh? Why?" Both Riku and Pega looked at her in disbelief. Does this alien know anything about decency?

"Lala-sama!" A voice called out. The three looked towards the source of the voice which came from the window. It was a odd-looking creature in white with bat wings and swirly eyes.

"What is that?!" Pega gaped. Riku stared at the creature in wonder. "Peke!" Lala exclaimed in joy. The said thing named Peke flew towards Lala and hugged her.

"Oh thank goodness! You managed to get away safely. I was getting worried." Lala sighed in relief.

"Yes. I managed to escape safely when you used your invention and we got separated." Peke explained. It then noticed the other two occupants in the room with its master.

"Lala-sama, who is this dumb-looking Earthling? And why is there a Pegassaian here?" Peke asked pointing to those two.

"Dumb-looking?!" Riku gaped. Pega and Lala giggled. "The Pegassaian is named Pega and the Earthling's name is Riku right?"

"Yes, I'm Riku Asakura. It's nice to meet you Peke." Riku introducing himself with a low bow.

"How do you do?" Peke returned. "I am Peke, Lala-sama's costume robot."

Riku and Pega looked at Peke in confusion.

"Costume robot?" Pega asked.

Lala nodded with a smile. "Um! Peke is the one who becomes my clothes!"

Riku looked at Peke in wonder. "How does that work?" Lala smiled as her hand went to her towel. "I'll show you!" The pink-haired girl removed towel which made Riku and Peke cover their eyes again.

"Don't take off your towel so casually!"Riku cried out. But his pleas were ignored.

"Yosh! Peke, if you please." Lala asked her costume robot.

"Understood! Change! Dress Form!" Peke called. Peke shine in pink light and changed into gray rope. The two peaked through the fingers and gaped in shock and awe.

The rope gradually wrapped around the alien's body causing her to moan and then she spun around and her clothes became a white suit which showed off curves and tail. Her hat was big which had bat-like wings and having the swirling eyes of Peke.

Riku and Peke gaped at the costume. While the magical girl-like transformation was cool, the costume looked would the two say it?

"Is it too tight, Lala-sama?" Peke asked. "Nope, it's perfect." Lala replied and turned to the two. "Well what do you think? It's great right?"

Pega didn't say anything and Riku gave a weak smile and said, "Um...well it looks great..." He couldn't say that it was an embarrassing outfit.

"So what do you think we should do, Lala-sama?" Peke asked. Lala crosses her arms under her chest and pondered. "Well, I have a few ideas." She looked at Riku with a smile which made him looked at her with confusion.

Then all of sudden two figures appeared which shocked the group in the room. The two were men in black suits and wearing black shades. One had short blond hair with a rough-looking face while the other hand red hair which is slick back and had a scar over his left eye.

The blond hair glared at the girl and sighed. "Mattaku, you gave us quite the trouble in finding you. We should tied your hands and feet once we captured you and leave this planet."

Lala stared at this situation with an irritated look on her face and said, "Peke." The hat cried out, "Hai?"

"Didn't I told you to make sure you weren't followed?" Lala deadpanned. Peke went silent at that. Then the pinkeye raised her arms in the air in anger. "Mou, you baka robot! Now everything went down the drain!" She cried out while Peke apologized profusely to its mistress.

"Playtime is over! Now come with us!" The red head demanded as he grabbed Lala's arm.

The girl shocked cried, "No, let me go!" The blond then grabbed her other arm trying to secure her. "Stop resisting its for your own good!"

However the blond was struck from behind by Pega and the red head got a backpack thrown at his face knocking them out. Lala was stunned at this then she sees Riku picking up his backpack.

"Eh?" Lala was surprised when Riku grabbed her hand and Pega went into his shadow.

"C'mon we can't stay here!" He yelled. He pulled the pinkette outside and the duo disappeared into the night.

The two bodyguards came to and looked around. The blond's eyes fell into the open window and looked at his partner.

"We can't let them get away!" He told him. The duo went to window to pursue them. Once they were gone, the door opened, Rito looked around. "Weird, I could've sworn I heard a ruckus in this room." He shrugged his shoulders and went back downstairs.

Riku and Lala were jumping from roof to roof as they tried to run from their pursuers. Lala was shocked at how Riku was able to do this feat so easily. Moreover, she was taken back at why Riku a boy she just met was helping her.

"Riku, why are you..?"

"Well, I couldn't let someone in front of me getting herself kidnapped." The girl's eyes widen on surprise at his answer. "Plus at times like this. I always think about GEED."

"GEED?" Lala tilted her head in confusion.

"Standing around doing nothing won't get me anywhere!" Riku replied.

As they continued their run at the rooftops, a man in black suit walking with a cane and well comb hair is taking a stroll in an alleyway. This is Kei Fukuide, a well-known author of a recent hit sci-fi novel series. He just got back from a meeting with his editor and then he noticed something on rooftops.

He sees Riku Asakura along with a pink haired girl with a black heart tipped tail dressed what he assumed to be a clothes which were clearly not from this planet. Once they were gone he then sees two men in black pursuing them with similar tails but were spade shaped.

"Riku Asakura? Those two men. They're clearly Devilukians judging by their tails And that girl where have I...?" He cupped his chin in thought then his eyes widen in realization and a dark smile formed on his face.

"I see. It seems that things have gotten very interesting." He said and reached into his pockets. In his hands were two black capsules.

"But first its time to mark the end."

Riku and Lala landed on the ground and continued running until they realized they were in some kind of park.

(Riku! Where are we going to hide?!")

"I don't know Pega!" He looked around then his eyes landed on Lala. He cursed himself of not thinking of a place to hide but he knew he can't just leave her but he had to do something.

"Hyah!" A yell cut off his thoughts and he saw the blond threw something over his head.


Riku looked behind him and his eyes widen. It was a giant truck! The truck was blocking their way of escape. He turned to the two guards whom were in the opposite direction.

"Earthling! You had better get out of the way!" The red haired guard yelled.

"No way! You thinking I'm letting you take Lala-chan so you can do who knows what to her?! You're going to have to go through me first!" Riku growled at them. The two bodyguards looked at each other and the red head replied, "Earthling, don't you even realize what the situation is?"

"Not really but I don't really care. Lala-chan needs help so I'm doing what I can to protect her." Riku declared. Lala looked at the boy in shock. "Riku." She softly said. Even though they just met she never expected to see anyone who is willing to help her. Now she felt kind of guilty of not telling him the whole reason on why she's being chased in the first place.

"Lala-sama! Cease this foolish behavior of running away from home!" The red-head called out to her.

"No way!" Lala denied.

"Yeah," Riku slowly trailed off as he looked at the pinkette.

"Mou! I'm tired of all these marriage meetings! I don't care about being successor. Every day it's one suitor meeting after another! I'm sick of it!" Lala yelling.

Riku looked at Lala in shock.

'The reason Lala-chan ran away is because she was tired of all her marriage meetings?!' He thought.

(It seems so, Riku.)

"But Lala-sama, this your father's will."

Lala then brought out a white cell phone. "That isn't Papa to decide!" She pressed buttons on her phone and yelled, "Transport! Go-Go Vacuum-kun!"

A bright light shot of the phone and out of it a giant metal octopus came out.

The two men in black paled at the sight. "Shit, it's one of Lala-sama's inventions!"

"Go and suck'em up!" Lala commanded. The giant octopus opened its mouth and started to suck up everything in the park with strong force.

The men in black tried to run but they both ended up in the suck inside the octopus.

(Riku! Grab on to something! Quick!) Pega telepathically called out.

"I know!" The boy looked around and then he spotted a tree near him. With his abnormal jump, he grabbed onto a branch from a tree and held on for dear life. He looked in wonder as the giant octopus sucked up everything in the park even the two men in suits were sucked inside.

Riku then realized something that octopus wasn't stopping.

"Lala, turn this thing off! Lala! LALA!" He yelled as he was starting to lose his grip. Lala was in midair with an unsure look on her face.

"What is it, Lala-sama?" Peke asked.

"Um, Peke? How do you turn this thing off?" Lala asked. Riku gaped in shock. She invented this thing and she forgot how to turn it off.

"WHAT?!" Riku cried out in shock.

Vacuum-kun then sucked an over-sized swing set blocking its suction and the head started to expanded. Riku and Pega looked in fear as sparks started from around the giant robot. Then...


Riku, Pega who was out of his shadow, and Lala were walking on their way back to Rito's house.

The two best friends were exhausted walked with a tired and haggard looks due to what happened at the park. After the vacuum octopus blew up, Lala recovered the broken parts and stored them in her D-Dial.

Lala walked behind them with an apologetic look on her face. "I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to get you two involved in all of this! I just didn't want go back to those marriage meetings!"

The duo stopped and looked back at the pinkette. The two were actually kind of mad on Lala not telling the whole truth but still...

"Lala why exactly did you run away, you said something about not going back to those marriage interviews?"Pega asked.

"Yeah, Lala are you rich or born as a noble on your planet?" Riku added.

"Lala-sama is more than that. You see she's..." Peke was about to explain but its master cut it off.

"No I'll tell them, Peke." Lala said. "You see my full name is Lala Satalin Deviluke."

Both alien and Earthling widen their eyes at that. Lala just told them earlier she was from the planet Deviluke. People having their last name named after their home usually means...

"You mean you're royalty like a princess?" Riku stuttered looking at the girl with widen eyes. Lala happily nodded.

"She's not just any princess, Riku-san. Lala-sama is the first princess of the Deviluke Empire." Peke explained further shocking two but Pega especially.

"The Deviluke Empire?!" The alien gasped. Riku turned to his best friend. "You know something, Pega?"

"Riku, the Deviluke Empire is the most powerful galactic empire in the Milky Way Galaxy. After the Crisis Impact, the entire universe was in chaos in the aftermath. The Milky Way Galaxy wasn't any different. However, Gid Lucione Deviluke, who was recently crowned king decided to unite most of it under his rule. That resulted in the Milky Way Unification War which just ended 10 years ago. At the time, Gid succeeded and now he's been named Emperor of the Milky Way Galaxy." Pega explained to his best friend.

"Seriously?!" Riku gaped then turned to Lala. "And you're the princess of that empire?!"

The pinkette in just rubbed her head in embarrassment and slowly nodded. Riku just stood there shocked. Meeting Pega was one thing but meeting an actual alien princess was another. Riku didn't expect his next close encounter would be an alien princess of the galaxy.

"But wait, if Gid is whom I'm problably going to guess is your father." Riku began which earned a nod from Lala. "Is the emperor of the Milky Way, how come us Earthlings weren't aware of this?"

"It's because his majesty only ruled most of the galaxy, Riku-san. Most." Peke explained. "You see, Earth is classified as a low-level planet meaning it's inhabitants not ready to be shown alien existence out your world. Plus there is also the technology level which is far behind some worlds. Thus, we made sure some of our troops would protect the edges of your sol system to make sure your planet wouldn't be invaded."

Riku nodded in understanding. Riku didn't show Pega to his friends because they would most likely freak out about it. Alien encounters would most likely result in fear and hysteria. He's seen enough sci-fi movies to back those up.

"I see. but Lala, why didn't you just tell us the truth?" Pega asked which Lala flinched. The alien looked down sadly.

"Because I was afraid that if I did. You two would probably wouldn't help me." Lala said sadly. Making the two's widen their eyes at that. "You see, this isn't the first time I've been running away from home because of those marriage meetings. Some of the planets I fled to all knew about me and the local authorities usually catch me and ship me back to Deviluke. This planet is actually the farthest I've been and the first that is low leveled." Then, tears slowly spilled out of the girl's eyes. "My papa wouldn't even listen to me when I rejected all those suitor candidates. I didn't want to be immediately be married off. I didn't even like those suitors Papa selected. All they do is stare at me and want to take the throne. I'm still too young for that and plus if I want to get married I want to do it with someone I like." She smiled sadly.

Riku can actually understand that then went to Lala and placed a hand on her shoulder surprising the alien princess.

"Riku?" The boy smiled at her.

"If you had told us the truth, we still would've helped you." Riku replied with a smile.

Lala, Peke, and Pega were surprised at this.

"I mean being in an unloved marriage like that is wrong. Plus I think your father should think about your feelings. No one deserve to be forced to be together with someone they don't even like." Riku replied. "Everyone has the right to choose who they get to be with."

Lala looked at Riku with awe. No one has ever said those words to her. People around her tells them that as first princess she must accept the responsibilities that lay down before her. This was all planned due to her being born as the first princess of Deviluke. Perhaps Riku can...

She smiled sweetly and hugged Riku much to everyone's surprise.

"Thank you, Riku! I'm so glad that you're willing to help me!" Lala cheerfully said. Riku blushed at the close contact but he also felt two soft things touching against his chest. He gently pushed her off making her frown a bit. "All right but first we gotta get back to Rito's house. You need a place to stay while you can think on how to get out of this marriage problem."

Lala tilted her head a bit. "Rito?"

"You see Lala-san, that home we're living is an old friend of Riku's, Rito Yuuki. He's letting us live there until we find a new place for us to live." Pega explained.

"What happened to your own home?" Lala asked. Riku winced at that and smiled sheepishly.

"It got a kaiju." Riku answered rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. The pinkette's eyes widen in shock.

"Eh?! Your home was destroyed by a kaiju?!" The alien princess gasped. Pega looked down with a sigh, "That's right. Not just that it also attacked our neighborhood too. A lot of people lost their homes."

Lala frowned sadly about the sad news even Peke looked at them with a sympathic look. "I'm really sorry to hear that." The clip said. Riku waved it off. "It's fine. At least nobody got hurt, that's what counts. Besides, my guardian is looking for a place for me."

"Your guardian?" Lala asked.

"You see Lala-san, Riku is actually adopted. He doesn't know who his real parents are." Pega explained. Lala sadly frowned at him. "Oh Riku I'm really sorry to hear that." Riku smiles at that. "It's fine. Besides, it's not like it'll effect in the long run."

"Still I never would've thought that Kaiju would exist on this planet." Lala trailed off. Riku and Pega looked at Lala with a curious look. "You know about Kaiju?" Riku asked.

"A bit but my sister, Nana is an expert on all the creatures in the universe. She also specializes in Kaiju." Lala said. Riku smiled. "Wish I could meet her." He said which made the pinkette giggled. "Maybe when she decides to visit this planet." The three laughed for a bit to rid of the atmosphere. Then Lala and Pega noticed something behind Riku making them stop. Riku noticing his friend's faces asked, "what is it?"

"R-Riku, there's something behind you." Pega pointed behind him with Lala nodding. With a raised eyebrow, he turned and to his shock a red floating sphere with silver outlines was staring at Riku.

Curiously Riku reached over to touch it. "Wait, Riku we don't know what it can do!" Lala warned. Riku wasn't paying attention and the sphere shot out a bright light as it scanned Riku. After it fully scanned him, the sphere said, B-Factor confirmed. Now activating base to sleep mode to active mode.

Then a bright blue circle lit up below it and much to everyone's shock an elevator came out of the circle.

"Whoa, What is that?!" Pega exclaimed. Lala and Peke just gaped in amazement. This is clearly alien technology in the works.

Please enter the elevator.

Riku looked at the sudden appearance of the elevator in shock and looked at Lala and Pega. "I'm not seeing things am I?" Pega just nodded. Riku was about to enter but Lala grabbed his hand.

"Wait Riku are you sure you want to go in there?" She asked in concern. Seeing a elevator appearing out of no where like that is suspicious.

"I don't think there is no cause of worry Lala-sama." Peke replied. "The AI scanned Riku's DNA and called him its master. I'm sure it won't cause any harm to him."

"Let's go inside Lala. We can't keep it waiting." Riku said.


The trio entered the elevator and watched as it descended down to the destination.

"We are about 500 meters underground. Welcome home Master." The elevators opened and the trio looked around in awe. Around is what seemed to be a hi-tech base and in the ceiling is a giant yellow sphere hanging down. The red sphere went to a table and deactivated itself and the yellow sphere lit up.

"Who are you?" Pega asked.

"I am Reporting Management AI or R.E.M for short." The AI replied.

The group was surprised especially Lala and Peke since they never met another AI before.

They looked around and wondered what is going on.

Meanwhile, back at Sainan Town, Skull Gormora appears again and starts rampaging across the city. The current citizens seeing this screamed and ran towards the shelters.

Back at the mysterious base, alarms blared surprising the visitors.

"Gigantic Lifeform Detected." The A.I responded. Then she pulled out more holographic screens as it showed Skull Gormora destroying everything in its path much to the their horror.

"Riku, that's the Kaiju that destroyed our home." Pega informed his best friend. Riku nodded while Lala gasped in horror at the Kaiju attacking the city.

"How horrible! Peke can you identify it?" Lala asked her robot.

"I can't see to find it in the Kaiju Database, Lala-sama. However, I can detect that it has traits of two Kaiju. Gormora and Red King." Peke narrowed its eyes.

The screens then showed the two Kaiju that Peke explained.

"How is that possible? I've never seen a Kaiju with those kinds of traits unless..." Lala trailed off. Riku and Pega looked at her with uncertainty.

"Unless what?" Riku asked.

"It must've been created by a dubious space organization that specializes in creating Kaiju hybrids as weapons for invasions." Lala said. That shocked the two a bit. They're familiar with that sort of stuff but that appears in sci-fi movies...then again, Pega and Lala both come from outer space.

"The Gigantic Lifeform seems to be heading towards this location." The AI explained. It showed a map pinpointing at a certain location.

"That's where the shelter is!" Riku gasped.

"Master Riku, would you like to confront the Gigantic Lifeform?" R.E.M asked.

A table lit up and materializing on it was certain objects. One is a big red device with a capsule embedded inside which looked like a knuckle duster. Several capsules which looked like plastic bullets. A gray case along with a black box that has two holes in it.

"These are yours, Master Riku. This is the Riser that will allow to Fusion Rise allowing you to awaken your B-Factor inside you." R.E.M said.

"Fusion Rise?" Riku raises an eyebrow.

"Eh?! You want Riku to fight against that Kaiju?! He'll get squashed!" Lala gasped.

"Negative. Master Riku has the power to fight against the Gigantic Lifeform." R.E.M explained.

"I agree. Riku-San doesn't seem to be the type to fight against Kaiju." Peke agreed.

"Negative. That's because Master Riku has Ultraman genes inside him. That is what the B-Factor is." R.E.M explained.

Lala gasped in surprise and turned to Riku in shock.

" an Ultraman?!" Lala stuttered out. Riku looked at her. "You know what an Ultraman is, Lala-Chan?"

Lala nodded excitedly. "Yeah! They're like the universe's greatest protectors. They help people and have a strong sense of justice. They can even fight against Kaiju too. In fact I had one visited in one of my birthday parties and he even gave me an autograph." Lala squealed. She pulled out her white cell phone and it showed a board with something written in alien language. Riku looked at it for a bit and somehow understood it.


She turned off her phone and smiled at him. "Riku, if you become an Ultraman, I'm sure you can beat it."

Riku looked down at the devices as he grasped them and said, "Sitting around doing nothing, wont get me anywhere." He looked up. "Rem send me up there."

"Rem, are you referring to me?" The AI asked.

"Yeah it's what I want to call you and calling me master is a bit much so will it be okay if you can call me Riku?" Riku asked.

"New designation and order accepted and recorded." The newly recorded AI replied.

Riku proceeded to equip the Riser and the other devices with the help of Rem and an elevator materializes inside. Just as Riku was about to enter...

"Riku wait!" Lala went over to him.

"What is it, Lala-chan?" He asked. Lala smiled and step forward as she pressed her lips against her cheek much to Peke's and Pega's surprise especially Riku as his face turned bright red.

"...What was that for?" Riku stuttered out.

"Its a good luck charm. My Mama always does that for Papa whenever he goes out into a fight." She smiled. Riku put a hand to his cheek and smiled.

"Thanks. I'll come back I promise!" Riku stepped inside the elevator as it closes and disappears.

Meanwhile on the surface, the elevator appeared and Riku stepped out of it.

"Riku, can you hear me?" Rem asked from the Riser.

"Yeah I can hear you, Rem." Riku conformed.

"The Gigantic Lifeform is heading towards the shelter in a few minutes." Rem informed. That made Riku paled a bit.

"Oh no, I gotta stop it now!" Riku said.

"Do you know what to do?" Rem asked. Riku looked down at his devices trying to figure it out. Rem gave him a short tutorial on how to use the Ultra Capsules and Riser.

"Um, how do I do it again?" Riku questioned.

"Riku please post your Fusion Rise designation." Rem said. Riku looked at his Riser. "Um Geed, Ultraman Geed and this is going to be the Geed Riser." He named his device.

"Acknowledged." Rem replied. Riku took a deep breath. "Sitting around doing nothing won't get me anywhere!"

He opened the Ultra Capsule Holder and pulled out one capsule and pressed the switched.

"You go!" A silver man with yellow eyes and red markings along with a blue light on his chest raised his hand showing a blue orb appeared to his right.


Riku places the capsule into the hole of the Loading Knuckle.

"I go!" Another figure appeared to his left but he was different. The man was completely black and red, have orange red eyes, jagged teeth, purple orb on his chest, and long claws raised his left hand conjuring a purple orb.


Riku places the other capsule in the other hole of the Loading Knuckle. Then he pressed the trigger of the Geed Riser. "Here we go!" He called out then he scanned the two capsules making a heartbeat sound.

Fusion Rise! The Geed Riser called out.

"Time to get ready!" Riku called out. He raised the Geed Riser into the air and placed it against his chest.

"Geed!" He called out as he pressed the trigger.

Ultraman! Ultraman Belial! Ultraman Geed: Primitive!

The energies of both capsules went into him and Riku felt a surge of power growing inside him. He raised his first into the air and jumped.

Riku transformed into a large humanoid with a silver, red, and black body suit. He had triangular blue eyes, a sharp fin on his silver head, a blue capsule light on his chest and sharp fins on his forearms.

Ultraman Geed landed on the ground on all fours kicking up dirt. The citizens turned around and gasped at the sight of the Ultra who stood in front of Skull Gomora.

Back at the base, the group gawked at the sight of Riku turning into an Ultraman.

"Fusion Rise is complete." Rem showing them Ultraman Geed.

"Is that Riku-san?" Peke gasped in shock.

Lala has stars in her eyes as she sees her friend transform into an Ultraman. Ultraman Geed looked heroic in this form. He could definitely save everyone and defeat the Kaiju.

"Riku, he looks just like..." Pega trailed off remembering a certain dark Ultraman he heard scary stories about.

Back at the scene, Geed looked around at himself. "Is this what I look like?" Then his musings were cut off by a roar from Skull Gomora, now remembering on what he has to do. Geed immediately took a giant leap towards it to close the distance.

The new Ultra tried to grab it by the horns but the Kaiju shook it off and tackled Geed causing it to crash against a building which he destroyed. The sight made the witnesses winced in pain.

Can Geed really do this?

Meanwhile back at the base,

"Rem can Riku hear us?" Lala asked.

"Riku can communicate with us via Riser." Rem answered.

"Lala, Pega, what happened to me? The buildings and roads feel soft. It's as if they're made of sand or something." Geed telling them.

"Riku you gotta stay focus! Focus and fight!" Lala cheered.

"Yeah Riku you gotta stop that Kaiju!" Pega said as Geed slowly got up.

Geed decide a different approach and tried tackling it but Skull Gomora shrugged it off and threw him into the bay causing a big splash.

The Kaiju decided to deal with Geed as it went after him in the bay. Geed decided to try again in fighting it. Geed decided to kick and punch it like how he watches Don Shine fight. Then Geed decided to grab the Kaiju and threw it on its back but skull Gomora fought back with its tail swinging at him.

Geed got knocked back down but he grabbed it by the tail pulling it towards him. Geed then jumped on its back and climbed until he reached the head and proceeded to pound it with its fists.

Meanwhile atop a building, a silver haired man wearing skeleton like armor with a cape watched the fight. His eyes narrowed at the Ultraman's fight against Skull Gomora

"His fighting style is almost similar to him." He narrowed his eyes. "It seems I have more to report to his majesty once I finished finding Lala-sama." He muttered.

Back at the fight Skull Gomora shook Geed off it's back. Then its horns glowed and rammed against Geed causing him to scream in pain. Geed fell against the water and felt stunned as he couldn't go back up. Then his capsule light starts to blink red.

"Riku you are reaching your limit. You can only maintain your Ultra form for three minutes. You only have one minute left. If time runs out, your form will disappear and you won't be transform for another 20 hours." Rem explained.

"One minute?" Geed gasped as he slowly went back up. Then he sees the Kaiju going back to where the citizens are who are frightened at the kaiju going after them.

"I gotta stop that thing now. Any suggestions Rem?" He asked.

"Then try firing your photonic energy at it." Rem suggested which confused him. "How am I supposed to do that?"

"You should know already." Rem replied. Before Riku can ask any further he felt something entered his mind causing him to remember something.

"Okay I think I got it!" Geed replied.

(BGM: Geed no Akashi)

Geed jumped high enough to go over Skull Gomora until he landed between it and the citizens. Enraged at the tenacity of this interloper. He charged his horns and spikes and made a mad tackle towards Geed.

Geed in turn crossed his arms over his body then to his head and red-black lightning coursed through his body. His eyes glowed as he spread his arms to his sides. Piles of rubble rose up at the power surge the Ultra is making then Geed made a plus sign as a blue beam coated in red-black lightning fired out of his arms and stopped Skull Gomora in its tracks.

The kaiju struggled against the beam but Geed kept firing until Skull Gomora couldn't take it and blew up into hundreds of pieces. That shocked the witnesses as the silver giant defeated the Kaiju while the kids and teens cheered. Some of the evacuees were teens had the whole fight recorded on their phones.

(End BGM)

Geed let out a sigh of relief as he disappeared into particles of light changing back to Riku who fell on one knee. While he felt tired he smiled as he was happy in winning.

Lala cheered back at the base. "Riku did it!"

"Such power. Rem was that an Ultra Beam?" Peke gasped.

"Yes or more specifically, the Wrecking Burst." Rem explained.

"Rem, can you tell me more about Riku's Ultraman form? Where did he inherited from?" Pega asked.

"Riku has Ultraman genes which is called the B-Factor inherited to him from his father, the original master of this base."

That surprised the group a bit. They all knew that Riku was adopted so his father built this base?

"And who is Riku's father?" Lala asked.

"His father's name is Belial. Ultraman Belial." Rem answered then showed a picture of the Dark Ultra himself whose power Riku used to transform.

"Belial?!" Pega and Peke gasped in shock and horrors. Lala widened her eyes at that. No one in the entire universe doesn't know who Belial is. He is the Dark Ultra Warrior who caused the Crisis Impact which nearly destroyed the Universe. This led to one conclusion, Riku is the Son of Belial.

Meanwhile back in certain command room the silver haired armored man and Two body guards who were after Lala earlier watched the video of Geed fighting against Skull Gomora as it ended with Geed destroying it with his Wrecking Burst. Then the computer screen did scans on Geed and it led to a conclusion by comparing it to an image of Ultraman Belial.

"Zastin-sama this is...!" The red haired man turned to his superior who was the silver haired man.

"It seems that Ultraman Belial has a son." Zastin narrowed his eyes at Geed.

"What should we do?" The green haired man asked.

"We must find Lala-sama along with that Ultraman on this planet." Zastin replied. "Once we find the latter, I will personally execute him. We cannot allow any inch of Belial's power to stain this universe any further."

A/N: Hello it's me, Recentreader325 I hope you enjoyed this story. This idea came up years ago but I never had a chance to fully type it due to many issues in life. But now thanks to inspiration from Ultraman Z. I can finally finish this. Tell me what you think.