Hello all Storm here with a new story! Here we'll be seeing Naruko again, being reincarnated into a different world with a new, new powers, and a whole lot of new adventures in store for her. So, without further ado.
I own nothing
Naruko Uzumaki was dying.
She was fully aware of this, as she felt her body beginning to turn to ash, while she fell through the black void of the Yomotsu Hirasaka.
The reason for this, was because not long ago, Naruko and her teammates, Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, along with their sensei, Kakashi Hatake, had been in a fight against Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, the Rabbit Goddess and Progenitor of Chakra. With Naruko and Sasuke being given the power to seal Kaguya away again, by her son Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki, the Sage of the Six Paths. With Naruko receiving the Six Paths Yang Power and a powerful new Chakra Cloak, while Sasuke got the Six Paths Yin Power and the Rinnegan in his right eye.
Unfortunately, even with their new powers, in order for them to seal Kaguya away, they had to get close enough to physically touch her, at the same time. Which was hard to do, given Kaguya's abilities to teleport to different dimensions with her Yomotsu Hirasaka, instantly kill them with her All-Killing Ash Bones, paralyze them and absorb their Chakra just by touching them, and had the Byakugan to see where they were.
The only saving grace they had, was that Kaguya wasn't actually a trained fighter, relying more on just her godlike power to fight them. And even then, they were only able to catch her off guard a few times, but still weren't able to touch her.
It only got worse, when Naruko had been struck by one of her All-Killing Ash bones, before the Rabbit Goddess used Yomotsu Hirasaka to send her to another dimension. Leading to Naruko's current predicament of falling through the portal, as her body was turning to ash. The only reason Naruko hasn't turned to ash already, was thanks to Yin-Kurama being sealed inside her, along with the fragments of the other Bijū, to slow down the process.
'At least I managed to make a Shadow Clone.' Naruko thought, having managed to create a Shadow Clone, before she was struck by the All-Killing Ash Bone.
Now she just had to hope that she could stay alive, long enough for her clone and Sasuke to seal Kaguya away.
Suddenly, Naruko grunted in pain, as her body finally exited the portal. Looking around Naruko was confused, when she saw that she was in what looked like an alleyway. Having expected to land in one of Kaguya's dimensions, rather than a town or village.
'Kurama, any idea where we are?' Naruko thought.
"No, I don't, I can't sense any Chakra here, but I do sense that there are people here. It's likely, Kaguya didn't have a set destination in mind, when she teleported you, so we just landed in a random dimension." Kurama theorized, with Naruko nodding, before looking at her disintegrating body.
'Well, it's not like where we are will matter, in a few minutes.' Thought Naruko, with Kurama nodding in agreement, fully accepting that it's going to die, while the two could only hope that the others will be able to defeat Kaguya, before Naruko's Clone disperses, upon her death.
So, the two merely waited for the process to be complete, but Kurama held it off for as long as he could, until finally, the rest of Naruko's body turned to ash.
Though, unknown to Naruko and Kurama, given the nature of the world they landed in, the whiskered blondes Soul would have appeared, where her body once was, with a chain protruding from her chest. Instead, Naruko's Soul dispersed, with it being drawn into the womb of a nearby woman, lying next to her husband, after their recent lovemaking.
With Naruko's Soul dispersing also catching the attention of certain individuals.
*Urahara Shop*
Kisuke Urahara, former Captain of the 12th Division, looked up with wide eyes.
'What was that?' Urahara thought, looking off in the direction, where he had sensed a new Soul emerging, only for it to suddenly disperse, before he could get an accurate location.
Normally this wouldn't catch his interest, as it'd mean either a Shinigami had used a Konsō to send the soul off to Soul Society, or their Chain of Fate had corroded, and they became a Hollow. But what had Urahara's attention, was the fact he didn't sense any Shinigami appear, so Konsō wasn't used, and while it's not unheard for a Chain of Fate to vanish in a short amount of time, he also didn't sense a Hollow appear, either.
'And yet the Soul just vanished. No wait, it didn't vanish entirely…I can still sense trace amounts of its Reiryoku, but I can't see where, exactly. Meaning whoever's Soul that was, they've already entered the Cycle of Reincarnation, bypassing Soul Society all together. Interesting.' Urahara thought, while wondering if this person would be able to help, in the coming war against Aizen.
*Soul Society*
Meanwhile, within Soul Society, the sudden appearance then disappearance of a new Soul had also gotten the attention of numerous Shinigami. With one of them being the Captain of the 5th Division, Sōsuke Aizen.
Aizen looked up from his calligraphy in surprise, before his gaze sharpened, showing his true personality for a moment.
'Strange.' Aizen thought, having felt a Soul appear in the human world, only for it to suddenly vanish, yet it didn't reappear in Soul Society, showing Konsō hadn't been used on it, nor did he feel the emergence of a new Hollow, either.
'So, just what was this anomaly?' Wondered Aizen, while thinking of ways he could use this anomaly to further his plans.
While within his lab, Mayuri Kurotsuchi, Captain of the 12th Division, looked up from his latest experiment, when he sensed the appearance and the disappearance of the Soul.
"Hm, that's interesting. A Soul suddenly appearing and then disappearing, it's not in Soul Society and it didn't become a Hollow. It simply vanished, hmm. Hopefully, I'll be able to find out where it went, then dissect and experiment on it." Mayuri said, wanting to discover all he can about this new Soul, and what secrets it held.
While this was happening, Central 46 was throwing a major fit over the appearance of a new Soul, only for it to then disappear, without appearing in Soul Society. Meaning that whoever's Soul this was, was outside their jurisdiction, something the members of Central 46 refused to tolerate. Leading them sending out several orders to locate the anomaly, and have terminated, immediately.
Not knowing that by the time the anomaly is found, all of them will be dead. All without anyone even knowing, that in many years, the anomaly would be coming to Soul Society itself, and bringing in a lot of trouble with it.
*Timeskip-Nine Months*
*Karakura Town*
Within a hospital room in Karakura, Isshin Kurosaki and his wife, Masaki Kurosaki, smiled at their newborn daughter, with Masaki having just given birth that day.
Though the new parents had been surprised, and confused, when they saw their daughter's blonde hair, blue eyes, and whisker marks on her cheeks.
"Does anyone in your family have blue eyes, or blonde hair?" Masaki asked, wondering if they were recessive traits from Isshin's family.
"No, none that I'm aware of. Maybe it's from your side." Suggested Isshin, with Masaki thinking about it for a few moments, before nodding.
"That's possible." Said Masaki, given how most Quincy techniques and weapons have German names, it's possible that the Quincy originated from Europe, specifically Germany, leading to her having blonde hair and blue eyes as recessive traits, which her daughter now inherited.
As for the whisker marks, they figured they were just unique looking birthmarks.
"I'm just worried, what if people think she's a delinquent, with the way she looks." Masaki said, worried that her daughter will be seen as a troublemaker, for her appearance.
"If that happens, then they'll have to get through me, if anyone wants to make trouble for my little girl!" Said Isshin, with fire in his eyes, refusing to let anyone cause trouble for his daughter, while Masaki smiled and giggled at her husband's antics.
"Hear that, Naruko, your daddy's going to make sure no one hurts you. And so will your mommy." Masaki cooed at her sleeping daughter.
They had chosen to name her Naruko, as during her pregnancy, Masaki had been craving both ramen with Narutomaki, along with strawberries. So, they decided to name their child, Ichigo, if it was a boy, or Naruko, if it was a girl. With them soon learning they were having a daughter.
'I just hope she gets the chance to live a normal life.' Masaki thought, wanting Naruko to not have to deal with the trouble of being the child of a Shinigami and a Quincy.
Neither of the parents knowing of all the trouble Naruko will experience before she even learns of her true heritage.
*Timeskip-Fifteen Years*
"You got a death wish girly?! No one attacks one of my boys, and lives!" Said a delinquent glaring, at a now fifteen-year-old Naruko.
Over the years, Naruko had developed a mature and curvaceous figure, along with having her hair grow out to her waist, and keeping it tied in twintails. With her current attire being the girl's uniform, of Karakura High School.
Naruko didn't say anything to the guy, merely looking at him blankly, and scratched her head.
"That's all you gotta say?!" The guy shouted, before rushing to punch Naruko, only to be met by the blonde foot slamming into his face, knocking him to the ground, before Naruko proceeded to stomp on him repeatedly, burying his head in the ground, before she glared at the other three delinquents.
"Alright assholes, listen up! You see that?!" Demanded Naruko, while pointing at a vase with flowers by a post, that had been knocked over.
"First question, what do you think that is?! You the one in the middle!" Naruko said, startling the delinquents, with the one in the middle paling.
"Huh, you talking' to me? Uh, I guess someone left those flowers there, for some kid that got killed here." Said the guy nervously, before Naruko ran up and kicked him in the chin, knocking him out.
"That's right! Next question, why is that vase lying on it's side?!" Naruko said, while looking at the remaining two,
"I guess…one of us knocked it over, when we were skateboarding through here. We didn't-GAH!" Said the third, before Naruko kicked them as well.
"Wow, you idiots catch on fast. Now apologize, or next time, the flowers will be for you!" Shouted Naruko, while glaring at them.
"AAAAHH! We're sorry, we're sorry!" Shouted the delinquents, before they took off running, not wanting Naruko to attack them again.
"And don't come back here again, assholes!" Naruko shouted, while watching them run away in satisfaction, before looking back at the flowers.
"Sorry about that, I'll be sure to bring you some new flowers, tomorrow." Said Naruko, as the Soul of the child appeared before her, with a chain protruding from her chest.
"Thank you, for coming to my defense. I think now, I'll be able to rest peacefully." The child said, with Naruko nodding, before setting the flowers up again.
"It's the least I could do, after all, you deserve to rest in peace." Replied Naruko, before turning to leave, while waving at the Soul.
This wasn't something Naruko was surprised by, having been able to see the Souls of the deceased, for as long as she can remember. She didn't know why she was able to see spirits, only that she could.
It didn't take long, before Naruko got to her house, which also doubled as her family's clinic, that looked after people.
"Hey, I'm home-" Naruko said, only to be cutoff when her father appeared, and hugged her.
"Naruko! Are you alright, are you hurt?! Where are have you been?! Were you attacked?! Who did it, I'll find them and break their arms!" Isshin shouted, believing someone hurt his Little Fishcake.
"Idiot!" Naruko shouted, before punting her father across the room, always annoyed, whenever he gets overprotective of her like that, especially when she's more than capable of taking care of herself.
'Seriously, he's never like this with Ichigo.' Naruto thought in annoyance, while looking to Karin and Yuzu were there, but not their brother.
It was kind of funny, how Isshin and Misaki had their four children in a two year timespan, each. Two years after her birth, they gave birth to their second child, and son, Ichigo. Then two years after Ichigo was born, they had the twins, Yuzu and Karin. With Misaki having saved Ichigo's name, for if any of their children after Naruko, were a boy.
It was both funny, and kind of embarrassing, that their mother and father decided to name them after the food that Misaki was craving, when she was pregnant with Naruko.
"Nothing happened, alright! I was busy with the Archery and Kendo Clubs, with practice only recently ending." Said Naruko, being a member of those two clubs, alongside a Mixed Martial Arts Club, with today happening to be when Archery and Kendo were held on the same day, leading to her staying after school longer than she normally did.
"The only thing that happened, was that I had deal with some assholes, that thought they could get away with disrespecting the dead. Seriously, every time I come home; you think something has happened. Then again, I think that I might have gotten off lucky, with how you greet Ichigo, when he comes home." Naruko said, before walking over and greeting Karin and Yuzu, who were fraternal twins.
"Hey Karin, hey Yuzu. I'm guessing that there was a delay, with Ichigo's return from Shinjuku." Said Naruko.
"Yeah, the bus that his middle school class rented, had broken down on the way back here. Though, he should be home, in a few days." Karin said, since their father had gotten a phone call earlier today, telling him that there was a mishap with the bus that Ichigo's class is taking to, and from, their field trip.
Safe to say, Isshin wasn't happy to hear that his won't make it back home, when they originally expected. Especially, since they also had to wait for the bus to be fixed, as well.
"Okay, and I'm sorry, but I won't be staying down here, tonight. Do you think that you can bring my dinner up to my room, Yuzu?" Naruko asked, while looking at her younger sister apologetically.
"Okay, I'll bring it up, in a little bit." Yuzu replied, understanding the reason, with Naruko nodding in thanks, before going to her room.
"Way to go dad, you have such a way with words." Stated Karin, with a deadpanned expression, before becoming annoyed, when their father began hugging a poster of their deceased mother.
Who died when the twins were five, while Ichigo was seven, and Naruko was nine. It had been a hard for the family, with Naruko and Ichigo taking it the worse, since they blamed themselves for Masaki's death, in their own way.
"Oh, my dear Masaki! Look what I've done, our Little Fishcake hates me, our baby twins are being so cold to me, and Ichigo is probably lost somewhere in Japan, right now! Where did I go wrong?!" Isshin asked desperately, having known that he should have let their son go on that field trip.
"Where do you want me to start?" Karin questioned, while Yuzu patted their father's shoulder comfortingly.
"It's alright dad, and Naruko doesn't hate you. She just gets upset with how clingy and overprotective, you can be." Said Yuzu.
*With Naruko*
Meanwhile, Naruko laid down in her bed, giving her room a glance, knowing it wasn't a typical teenage girls room. Having plenty of anime and manga stacked on her shelves, a couple figurines from various anime as well. Along with several posters of her favorite anime characters, put up on her walls and ceiling.
Naruko's been a fan of it, since she was little, loving the action and adventures the characters go on. Especially in anime/manga with lots of fighting, she even tried replicating the fighting styles, when she started taking Mixed Martial Arts. With "Dragon Ball" being one of her most useful inspirations.
'Though, what I wouldn't give to be able to use Ki.' Naruko thought, knowing how fun that would be.
The whiskered blonde then sat up, when her door opened, showing Yuzu coming in with her dinner, making Naruko smile apologetically.
"Thanks Yuzu. Sorry, I couldn't get home earlier to help with dinner, and that you now had to bring it up to me." Naruko said, with Yuzu smiling and waving it off.
"It's fine, I'm always glad to help out around the house." Yuzu replied, with Naruko sighing, since she knew this, but she also didn't like to leave all the work for her younger sister.
After she finished her dinner, Naruko went downstairs to clean her dishes, then went to take a hot shower, before going to bed, once she was finished.
*Next Day*
The next morning, when Naruko woke up, she made herself a light breakfast, before helping Yuzu fix breakfast for the rest of their family. The girl pausing slightly, when she looked at the TV, seeing a news report about an earthquake.
'That's near here.' Thought Naruko listening to the report
"Something bad happen?" Yuzu asked, upon seeing Naruko look at the TV.
"Nothing out of the ordinary." Naruko replied, knowing that earthquakes in Japan weren't that uncommon.
After they finished making breakfast, Naruko waved to her sisters, and left for school, along with stopping to leave the flowers she promised, to the Soul girl.
Though when she arrived at the corner, Naruko frowned, when she didn't see her anywhere.
"Hello." Naruko said, while looking around for her, but the girl didn't appear, like she normally would, before her eyes widened as she felt that something was wrong.
Running through a crowd, Naruko heard an explosion go off, and saw what looked like claw marks on a building. Naruko then stopped running and covered her face, when something giant smashed through a wall, with the blonde's eyes widening in shock at seeing a giant black creature, with long blade-like arms and spider-like legs. The only color being its white mask, that seemed to be part of its face.
'What the hell is that?!' Thought Naruko.
"Help me!" Screamed the Soul girl, while running through the smoke.
"Run, hurry!" Naruko said, while motioning her to run from the monster, not knowing what it was, and didn't feel like sticking around to find out.
Though suddenly, Naruko saw a black butterfly flying in front of her, before a girl wearing a black kimono wielding a sword, appeared. With Naruko watching in shock, as the girl slashed the creature across its face, before jumping up and cutting the creature right down the middle. Naruko could watch in stunned silence, as the creature disappeared, before the sword-wielding girl walked away.
"I'm dreaming, I must be dreaming." Naruko muttered, while slapping her cheek, as she wondered if she was dreaming, or not.
*Later-Karakura High School*
After the strange…incident earlier, Naruko had continued making her way towards school, soon arriving at class.
"Hey Chad, Orihime, Tatsuki, Keigo, Mizuiro, Chizuru." Naruko greeted her friends, while greeting Chizuru with some annoyance, due to her tendency to grope the other girls in class, usually Orihime.
But, aside from that, Naruko didn't have anything against Chizuru, nor about the fact that she's a lesbian, or a pervert. Given Naruko is a lesbian herself, along with being quite perverted as well, since she's more than happy to admire and check out the other girls, whenever they changed in the locker room.
The difference though, was unlike Chizuru, Naruko knew when and where to keep her libido under control.
The others returned the greeting, before taking notice of how Naruko seemed to just be staring off into space.
"Are you alright Naruko? You seem unfocused." Chad said, while looking at his friend, with Naruko blinking, and saw they were looking at her in confusion.
"What? Oh, it's nothing, I just didn't get a lot of sleep, last night." Replied Naruko, not telling them about what actually happened, since she didn't want them to think she was crazy.
Especially since Naruko was currently thinking that she might be going crazy, as well.
After school, Naruko had attended her clubs, before going straight home and promptly fell onto her bed, feeling completely drained and exhausted. With today being the only day, that she has to attend all three of her clubs at once, on top of just going to school, as well.
'And whatever it was I saw earlier, doesn't help either. Both with the day in general, and questions that it's bringing up, with my own sanity.' Naruko thought, while sighing, before rolling onto her side.
Naruto began wondering if she was just overworked, with not only school and helping around the house when she could, but also being part of three different clubs.
'Maybe I should just quit the clubs, and practice Archery, Kendo, and Mixed Martial Arts on my own time.' Thought Naruko, as while she liked the clubs, she'd prefer practicing her skills on her own time, and at her own pace.
Deciding she needed a moment to relax, after the day she had, Naruko got up and locked her door, along with closing her window and blinds. With that done, Naruko reached under her bed, and pulled out a box of her special manga. Which consisted mostly of Yuri H-Manga and Doujinshi, that she had bought without anyone knowing.
'I really wish I could have gotten the anime of some of these.' Naruko thought, disappointed she couldn't see these in action, rather than just on pages, but didn't want to risk it being heard by her family.
After deciding on one, Naruko stripped down to her orange bra and panties. Though just as she took her bra off, and pull her panties down to her knees. Naruko froze, when she heard something, or someone, enter her room, and saw the girl from earlier standing on her desk.
The girl also froze, blushing in embarrassment at seeing Naruko's state of dress, or lack thereof, with the blonde also blushing in embarrassment at someone walking in on her, like this, and with what she was about to do. Though Naruko's embarrassment soon turned to anger and indignation.
"Perverted samurai-wannabe!" Naruko screamed, before punching the girl right in the head, hard enough to knock her across the room, where she hit the ground, knocked out.
Seeing she was unconscious, Naruko took the girls sword and tied her up, along with putting her uniform back on, since they were the only clothes she had out, right now, while also putting her Yuri Manga away.
'Is it too much to ask for just a few moments of privacy?!' Thought Naruko, angry that she was interrupted, before she could even start, along with her earlier annoyance and stress only growing further.
As if in response, Naruko heard her father pounding on her door.
"Naruko! What happened?! Who's in there?! They better not have seen anything, they shouldn't have!" Isshin shouted, believing someone had walked in on his daughter, while she was indecent, if her shouting "Pervert!" was anything to go by.
"Sure, why not? This day has just been getting better and better." Muttered Naruko, as her irritation rapidly grew, with each passing moment.
Going over to her door, and opened it, to let her father in, Isshin immediately rushed in and looked for an intruder.
"They're right there, by all means, feel free to attack them." Naruko said, while pointing at the tied up and unconscious girl, with Isshin looking, before hiding his surprise at seeing a Shinigami was here.
'Damn it, I was hoping that none of them would encounter a Shinigami, but I suppose this would happen, eventually. They are mine and Masaki's children, after all.' Isshin thought, knowing that the chances of Naruko, Ichigo, Karin and Yuzu getting involved with Shinigami, Quincies, and Hollows was always an inevitability, but hoped it wouldn't be, until they were older.
"Who? Is this another ghost thing? If it is, then tell the ghost to go haunt somewhere else, and not my daughter's bedroom." Said Isshin, while playing dumb before leaving the room, while going to contact Urahara and Ryūken, if the latter's willing to listen and help
Naruko watched her father leave, groaning that he couldn't see the girl, before closing her door. Looking at said girl, Naruko sat across from her, and crossed her arms, waiting for her to wake up.
After some time, the girl woke up, only to find herself tied, with Naruko glaring down at her.
"Alright, start talking pervert. How did you find me, and why did you come into my room, when my window was locked?" Naruko demanded, still believing she was a pervert that was spying on her, with the girl gaining a look of indignation.
"I'm not a pervert! How was I supposed to know, you'd look like…that, when I got here?!" Retorted the girl, still embarrassed at the state she saw Naruko in.
"Ah-ha! So you were following me! That proves you're a pervert! I bet you were hoping to get a free show, huh?!" Naruko said accusingly.
"I'm not a pervert! And I wasn't following you, I was tracking something, and followed it here!" The girl said, before taking a few calming breaths.
"Look if you untie me, I swear I'll explain everything." Said the girl, with Naruko looking at her with narrowed eye, not willing to trust her, but also wanted answers to everything she saw.
"Fine, but don't think of trying anything." Warned Naruko, untying the girl, but didn't give her back her sword.
"Thank you. Now, I am what's known as a Shinigami. I was sent here on a mission by the Soul Society, to deal with the Hollow activity in the area. An example of a Hollow, is the creature you saw me defeat, earlier. I'm currently tracking one right now, when I showed up, and saw you…that way." The girl explained, then before Naruko could react, she suddenly grabbed her sword in a burst of speed and drew it.
Shocking the blonde, before she closed her eyes, when the Shinigami swung it at her, thinking she was going to die.
Only to open her eyes, to instead see her putting the tapping the hilt of her sword against the forehead of another Soul. Naruko watched as a symbol appeared on the ghost's forehead, before he sunk into the floor in a pool of blue light, leaving a black butterfly in his place.
"What, what was that? What did you do to him?" Naruko asked, not sure what she saw just happened, while really starting to question her sanity.
"That was known as Konsō, a technique used by Shinigami to help lost Souls pass on to Soul Society. It's part of the main duty of a Shinigami, to destroy Hollows that find their way to the human world, and helping Souls pass on. That was a good spirit, otherwise known as a Whole, that Shinigami search for, to send to Soul Society. While bad spirits are known as Hollows, like the one you saw earlier, they exist only to devour the Souls of the living, and the dead. Any questions?" The girl said, while Naruko looked at her with wide eyes, not only at her explanation, but the really bad drawings she used to help explain things.
While Naruko understood the duties of a Shinigami, she was also really skeptical, since all this sounded like something out of a manga.
'Then again, I'm able to see ghosts, and talk to them, so I suppose I'm already in a Manga Scenario.' Thought Naruko, in a dry tone, as she could think of a few anime and manga, that revolved around the protagonist being able to see, and talk to, ghosts.
"No, no questions. But your drawings are really stupid, though." Stated Naruko, with the Shinigami gaining a tick mark, at the mention of her drawings.
Before they could say anything else, they were interrupted by the roar of a Hollow, with the two looking out the window, in shock. Especially the Shinigami since she hadn't been able to sense the Hollow's presence.
Naruko's eyes then widened in horror, when she heard Karin and Yuzu scream, downstairs.
"Karin, Yuzu!" Naruko shouted, before rushing out her room, to find her sisters.
"Wait don't! You can't fight a Hollow!" Said the Shinigami, knowing Naruko would only get herself killed.
"I don't care, my sisters are down there!" Naruko retorted, refusing to leave her sisters, alone with a Hollow nearby.
Rushing downstairs, Naruko's eyes widened, when she saw a giant hole in her home, with her father unconscious, and her sisters being held up in the hand of the Hollow.
"Let them go!" Shouted Naruko, grabbing a stool, and running at the Hollow to save her sisters, only for the Hollow to smack Naruko, aside.
"Naruko!" Yuzu and Karin cried out, at seeing their sister be attacked.
"I found you." Said the Hollow, seeing where the scent of the powerful Soul was coming from, and brought its hand down on Naruko to crush her, only for the blonde to roll out of the way.
The Hollow then cried out, when the Shinigami appeared and sliced its arm, holding Karin and Yuzu, releasing the two girls, with Naruko rushing forward and catching them, while the Hollow disappeared.
"Get inside, hurry!" Naruko said, while pushing her sisters inside, before turning to seeing the Hollow reappear.
"You need get inside, too!" Said the Shinigami.
"No! That thing attacked my sisters, I'm not leaving, until it's dead!" Naruko said, angry this thing attacked her sisters, before running in front of the Hollow.
"Hey! You attacked my home and hurt my family, and that's something I won't tolerate! If you want to eat a Soul, then try and eat mine, if you think you can take me, you ugly bastard!" Shouted Naruko glaring at the Hollow, before her eyes widened when it roared, and its neck stretched out to devour her.
But before it could, the Shinigami jumped in front of her, taking the attack, as the Hollow bit into her shoulder, while she cut part of its face. With Naruko looking at her in shock, that she'd defend her, like that.
"Shinigami!" Naruko said in worry when she fell over.
"You…are a fool…how could you think…you were any match for a Hollow…you really think it'd just leave, after devouring your Soul…you interfering will just insure we all end up as its food!" Said the Shinigami in pain, while sitting against a pole, after seeing she was unable to stand up.
"Do…you want to…save your family?" Asked the girl, knowing she wouldn't be able to fight.
"Of course, I do! If there's a way I can save them, then I'll take it." Said Naruko, with the Shinigami lifting her sword up.
"It'll only be temporary, but…you must become a Shinigami. Take my Zanpakutō and run it through the center of your being. So I may pour my powers into you. I can't guarantee you will live, but if it doesn't work, then it won't matter." Said the girl, knowing if this didn't work, they're all dead anyway.
"Then give me your sword, Shinigami." Naruko said, not caring about the risks, as long as she could protect her family.
"My name is Rukia, Rukia Kuchiki." Said Rukia, as Naruko grabbed her Zanpakutō.
"My name is Naruko Kurosaki." Naruko replied, before Rukia pushed her sword into Naruko, covering them both in a bright light.
Then before the Hollow could react, its arm was suddenly sliced off, as Naruko appeared behind it, now wearing the same attire as Rukia. Along with having a giant sword in her right hand, and a sheathe on her back. With Rukia's outfit now being completely white, while looked at Naruko in shock.
"How did this happen? I only meant to give her half of my power, but instead, she nearly took all of it. And this Reiatsu…just what is she?" Rukia said, while looking at Naruko in disbelief.
"This is ends now!" Said Naruko, before rushing at the Hollow, while swinging her sword, slicing off the Hollow's leg, while glaring at it.
"You'll pay for hurting my family. HYAH!" Naruko shouted, before swinging her sword, and cutting the Hollow right down the middle, watching as it vanished before her eyes.
"This power she has, no normal human should have this much Reiatsu. And that sword, I've never seen a Shinigami with a Zanpakutō that big." Rukia muttered, not knowing what to think of what she just witnessed.
Though, unknown to Naruko and Rukia, they were being watched by Urahara, with the former Captain standing on a rooftop, having seen what just occurred. Having arrived, after being contacted by Isshin, before he was attacked by the Hollow.
"Well, things have just gotten interesting." Urahara stated, smirking, with something telling him that things were about to get really exciting, in the coming days.
So, what did you think, good. Yep Naruko has been reincarnated into the Bleach world, after being sent there by Kaguya, with her new parents being none other than Isshin and Masaki, with Naruko taking Ichigo's place (not to say Ichigo doesn't appear just that he won't become the Substitute Shinigami). We also see Naruko has her own interests, along having a very different meeting with Rukia. But in the end, Naruko takes Rukia's power and becomes a Shinigami and defeats the Hollow, all while Urahara is watching this and knows that things were about to get interesting. So, review if you liked go away if you didn't.
Storm out