Chapter 1

'Grandmother...' Talisa Tyrell's breath gets stuck in her throat, a sound akin to a wheeze leaving her lips instead.

There is an army of Lannisters before their doors. And everyone in the Seven Kingdoms knows, House Tyrell is not known for their aptness in battle.

'What?' Olenna Tyrell turns around, grim expression on her face. 'Listen to me, Talisa.' The young woman stays quiet, fear and panic clouding her mind.

'Listen to me.' The sharpness of her grandmother's voice makes the brownhaired woman go ramrod straight, her knees locking together so she does not fall apart.

'You will be the last living Tyrell. The only one who has a right to this Keep and it's lands.' Talisa's lips start to tremble.

She remembers Loras and Margaery going to King's Landing and never seeing them again. And though they were but distant cousins of her, they had all grown up together after her parents' untimely deaths. Close like siblings they had been.

But they are long gone now. And she fears her grandmother will soon be too.

'You need to warn the queen of what happened here. Go now!' Talisa's protests die in her throat when she sees the pain but also sheer will on her grandmother's face.


Talisa is running and running, going away from the rows of Lannister soldiers that take all her family's gold and other spoils of war. She needs to run , get away from here, warn the queen, ...

The last Tyrell lets out a cry of pain as she stumbles over her long gown, not one she had chosen for it's functionality.

But in her defense, she had never thought her day would end up with being homeless and running for her life.

Her hands catch her fall, her long brown hair slapping against the grass as she tries to get her fear and panic under control, the storm of emotions moments away from making her heart burst.

She had never been beautiful and witty like Margaery, in comparison to her she was plain. Kind, so very kind but plain.

But Margaery was like the sun, and you could not not love her. As was Loras.

Talisa allows one more moment of weakness, some tears trailing down her cheeks. Than she wipes them away, and stands up, brushing her long brown hair over her shoulders onto her back.

She dusts herself off and sets of into the opposite direction of the Lannister army, deciding she needs a mode of transport to begin with. A horse would be best.

And than, than she will go to Dragonstone.

It's the screaming and beating of hooves, that makes her turn around on top of the hill. Talisa's brown eyes widen as she lets out a shuddering breath, her heart starting to gallop in fear.

Dothraki screamers.

So this means... the dragonqueen is here.

Or at least her armies are.

If Talisa can tell them, ask them to take her to the queen, than maybe if the former khaleesi wins...

Maybe she will be able to avenge her family and get her Hold and lands back.

A small burst of hope flickers in her heart as the Dothraki appear at the horizon. She sees the Lannister army prepare for battle but something tells her they are at a serious disadvantage.

And than the sound comes. It makes the hairs on her arms stand up, and Talisa feels a gasp leave her mouth, as she stumbles back when she sees what comes down from the sky.

So her grandmother had been truthful.

Three dragons.

Three immense firebreathing dragons flying over the Dothraki armies, and on the black one, sits a silverhaired woman.

The queen.

This is her chance. And Talisa does not hesitate.

She grabs hold of her black summerdress, her pale legs visible as she starts running down the hill, long brown hair bouncing up and down her back.

And than she starts to run.

Talisa is an idiot. She had been called that many times jokingly and adoringly by both Loras and Margaery but she really is a fool.

Talisa coughs again, her hand before her mouth, trying to stop the smoke from entering her lungs. Thick, black smoke and burning flames surround her, making it hard to see and breathe.

She cannot breathe.

The Tyrell girl hears men dying but at this point, everything is a blur as she stumbles over another corpse made of ashes. She finally trips over her own feet and comes down, hard on her knees, next to the burned corpse of yet another Lannister soldier.

Her hands are black with sooth and ashes, as is her face. Her hands are bleeding from the impact, her dark dress torn in several places, making it seem grey with the sooth that falls onto it.

Talisa lets out another rackling breath, a coughing fit making her wheeze.

The queen. She needs to find the Targaryen queen.

Olenna's granddaughter keeps to the ground, her head buried protectively in her arms as she feels a ray of fire go just by her, the soldiers that were next to her screaming in pain as they are burned alive.

Embers are flying everywhere now and are starting to fall on Talisa as well, the girl finally finding some hidden strength to crawl away from the burning pile of spoils that Drogon just annihilated.

If that is what one dragon does, imagine three?

She sees the black dragon flying up, and before Talisa knows it, she is standing behind the archers who have their arrows set on the queen, Drogon by now having turned and roaring out viciously.

Her attention is momentarily diverted when another of the dragons breathes fire next to her, making her let out a shout of surprise.

Jaime Lannister turns around, his eyes widening in realisation who she is.

'A Tyrell?' Bronn asks, his sword taken out of it's scabbard in mere moments. He is already turning his horse around, to kill Talisa or take her prisoner she does not know, but she is frozen in sheer terror.

Two roars make them look up, Drogon starting to fly towards the archers, his brother Viserion flying next to him.

The arrows fly, but they bounce off of Drogon's body, the giant beast turning to the left at the last minute.

Viserion screeches angrily, having no qualms about burning the archers and everyone surrounding them.

'Bronn, take her captive!' Jaime Lannister shouts over the screaming and dying soldiers, his horse galloping to do Seven Gods know what.

Talisa takes a step back and another, and than she is running back into the smoke and burning fields, trying to make sure Jaime Lannister's croonie does not get her.

Who knows what Cersei will do to her if she finds out who she is.

After what her grandmother did to Cersei's beloved son Joffrey.

Talisa curses as she comes to a dead end, a burning wagon in front of her. She hears the horse huffing behind her, and she knows her time has run out.

Just as she turns her head, deciding she will not go down without a fight, she hears it again.

'What the...?'

A roar sounds above her, a giant shadow making it seem for a moment that day has turned into night. Talisa falls back onto the ground, crawling towards her enemy as a giant green head appears before her, hissing.

It takes a moment for her to realize that the beast is not hissing at her.

The dragon snarls and shows his teeth at Bronn, the horse hinnying in fear and wisely retreating. Ser Bronn of Blackwater barely escapes with his life as fire gathers in the green beasts's throat, Talisa crawling towards the animal.

She has not much of a choice.

At least he does seem to recognize that she is not an enemy and that is a start.

The heat envelops Talisa once more, and she cannot stop another coughing fit from leaving her.

Rhaegal, she later learns he is called, makes a soft noise in his throat and pushes her with his snout until she is standing.

Talisa blinks and so does he.

She hears men shouting, something akin to "Attack!", and she knows her time is running out.

Does she really have a choice?

If she stays, who knows what the Lannister army will do to her.

Talisa gulps and tries to calm herself, stepping towards the dragon, her hands now almost black with sooth and ash, grabbing onto his scales.

She crawls onto him, her pale legs visible underneath her torn summerdress, but eventually she finds her place.

She almost falls forward as Rhaegal rises, turning hss head to the sound behind them.

Talisa's eyes widen when she sees a few Dothraki galloping to her, their horses stopping in their tracks when they see her on Rhaegal's back.

The dragon grumbles and shows his teeth, hissing at them to back off and stay away. Talisa keeps on looking behind her, to the Dothraki who have all but decimated the Lannister army, as she feels the animal underneath her move.

Her gaze goes to her home, surrounded by burning fields and black smoke, so thick it almost blocks out the sun.

She does not stop looking behind her as she grabs onto Rhaegal's spikes, the dragon keening as he stands on his hind legs and starts running, wings opening as he prepares to take flight.

He lets out a last ray of fire, burning the last remaining archers on his way, as he jumps up and goes up into the sky.

And during all this, Talisa keeps on looking behind her, as the Hold she has called her home all her life becomes smaller and smaller.

Rhaegal keeps on going up and up into the sky, taking his new rider away from the battle and her home, until they are surrounded by nothing else than clouds and blue skies.

'So she is Lady Tyrell's last surviving grandchild?' The queen whispers to Tyrion, who nods as his gaze falls on Talisa, the girl still sitting on Rhaegal's back.

She is looking but not seeing, and Tyrion understands she is probably gone into shock.

Rhaegal has landed next to Drogon, the occasional hiss leaving his mouth. Do not even think of coming close to get Talisa off his back, as Daenerys had tried.

It was the one and only time her son had snarled at her in warning to stay away.

'Kneel.' Daenerys says, but no one moves. It is only when a furious Drogon, Rhaegal and Viserion roar that they do.

But not the Tarlys, oh no.

Talisa's jaw strains as her eyes fill with angry tears, her red eyes falling onto the men who had sworn to protect her House until recently.

'Than this is the fate you choose.' Daenerys finishes her speech, the Dothraki grabbing Randall and Dickon and dragging them forwards towards Drogon.

'My Lady Talisa, for what it is worth, I am sorry.' Randall says, Talisa's lips curling back into a sneer.

'Why would I accept your apology?' She bites out, frame starting to tremble out of anger.

'I suppose I want a clear mind before I am killed.' Dickon frowns at his father and than at her. Talisa shakes her head, a bitter laugh leaving her.

'I do not accept it. You all but decimated my House and killed my only living family that was left.' The last remaining Tyrell snarls, her face clear with disgust.

'It means nothing me.'

She bows forward as she grabs Rhaegal's spikes, red but so very cold and furious eyes glaring at the Tarlys.

'You can die for all I care. You...' She points to Dickon and Randall as Rhaegal opens his wings, screeching as he jumps up.

'Mean nothing to me.'

She is up into the sky when she hears the queen sealing their faith, a rustling beside her making her look to the side.

Viserion keens at her, and Rhaegal answers, his head bowing so Talisa can see his eyes.

The two brothers fly up and up, until they are surrounded by nothing more than sea.

Taking Talisa away from the loss of everything she once knew.

But for now, she is surrounded by nothing but sea and sky and clouds and sun, and for now her mind is quiet.

For now, it is enough.