No Regrets

She held her breath waiting for the verdict.

"All those in favour of Sirius Black." The minister spoke.

45 of 50 raised their hands.

"Lord Sirius Orion Black is now a free man. Case dismissed!"

Hermione sighed in relief. She did it, she managed to win Sirius's case. He now was a free man, out of Azkaban and legal Guardian of his godson Harry James Potter. In addition, his bank accounts were reopened making him Lord Black.

She turned towards the podium, her eyes searching for him only to find him running at her. A gleeful smile stretched across his handsome face.

"You gorgeous, amazing, beautiful, brilliant witch!"

With that he picked her up twirling them around. Both laughing merrily. When they both became slightly dizzy, he set her down starring into her eyes with a look that could only be described as love. Unconditional love. Hermione smiled back at him. He then dipped her, one of her hands went from his neck to hold his cheek as he mirrored her movements. Slowly their heads moved towards each other until their lips brushed. The kiss was soft and slow, the perfect first kiss. When they broke apart, slightly out of breath, slightly flushed and beaming, they rested their foreheads on each other's.

Neither of the two noticed the reporter photographing them nor everyone in the room watching. They were too lost in each other.

"No regrets." Sirius whispered.

"No regrets." Hermione confirmed.

In the background a certain Metamorphmagus and Auror named Nymphadora Tonks reached into one of her pockets, retrieved 5 galleons and dropped them into the hands of none other than Remus Lupin who was grinning smugly.

"Told you he would finally kiss her here." He whispered.

Tonks rolled her eyes.

"Couldn't they have waited 'til they were at home?" She grumbled.

The next morning at number 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Remus and Tonks are bringing Harry over later." Sirius informed Hermione who was sitting opposite him at the kitchen table drinking tea.

"Do you think he has seen the article?" The witch asked waving the daily prophet in front of her lover's face. The front page was covered with a photo of them kissing at his trial.

"Probably." Her eyes met his.

"I hope he isn't mad at us."

Hermione reached across the table and grabbed Sirius's hand.

"No matter what his reaction is going to be, I don't regret a single thing. I love you Hermione and I am never going to let you go."

She smiled at him.

"I love you too, Snuffles." She winked as he playfully glared at her. "No regrets."

When afternoon turned around Hermione and Sirius were cuddling on the sofa in front of the lit fireplace in the library.

"Sirius! Hermione where are you?!" Remus called from downstairs which of course set of Walburga Black also known as the most annoying portrait to have ever existed.


Mrs. Black was promptly cut off by a silencing charm and her curtains being shut.

Sirius sighed, if only there was a way to get rid of that bloody painting.

Detangling themselves Hermione send her Patronus downstairs, telling them that they were in the library. Shortly after Harry stood at the door, Tonks and Remus behind him.

"Harry!" Sirius went to hug him but stopped himself when he glared at him.

Hermione came up behind Sirius, grabbing his wrist.

"Hello Harry." She said softly. Looking around Harry she continued. "Tonks, Remus would you bring us tea, please?"

Remus nodded and steered Tonks away.

"Explain." Harry growled crossing his arms over his chest.

"Why don't we sit down?"

Glaring at them Harry stalked to the sofa and flopped down. Sirius gracefully sat on one of the armchairs. When he tried to pull Hermione into his lap she threw him a look that said not right now. Instead she sat on the chairs left arm.

"So?" Harry asked impatiently.

"As you have probably gathered- Hermione and I- are in a relationship."

"She is my age! And my best friend."

Hermione sighed.

"Harry, I am at least two years- if not three- older than you. I know that it might look bad-"

"Might!? It looks bloody awful and extremely wrong! Sirius is nearly two decades older than you!"

"As if we didn't know." Sirius muttered under his breath. Hermione glared at him.

"How long has this even been going on!?"

"Well, we have been in love with each other for a year now, I think."

Sirius nodded.

"Our first kiss was just after the trial which was only yesterday and we weren't in a relationship per-say, we just promised that we would wait for each other."

"And that we would only start our relationship after my trial." Sirius continued.

"So, nothing really happened before that?" Harry asked confused.


"Exactly. Whenever we were about to kiss one of us would pull away before anything happened."

"It was bloody torture." The Black heir admitted.

Hermione nodded in agreement.


Sirius tilted his head looking at his godson. "Not that bad anymore, eh?"

Hermione elbowed him.

"But it's still wrong." He protested.

Hermione sighed.

"What is?"

"He could be your father!"

"Age is still a problem for you then?"


She pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers.

"Harry, I have always been older than everyone else, mentally I was 45 when I turned 13, and I was stuck in a kidlike body, do you know how annoying that is?"

"Um no."

"Anyways, I am of age and I have been of age for quite some time now, it's not illegal, my mind is already far ahead, and I don't give a fuck what people think of me."

Conflict was written over Harry's face.

"And this-this." He paused gesturing to the two of them. "Is serious?"

"Yes, it is." Hermione answered.

"Very much so."

"Damn it! Why can't I stay mad?"

Sirius leaned forward and whispered.

"Because deep down you are happy for us."


"Wordy as ever, Harry."

The witch laughed.

"Come on love, tell us what you think now."

"You are happy?"

"Never been happier." His godfather answered.

"I agree."

The black-haired teen sighed.

"Fine but keep the PDA to a minimum in front of me."

"That can be arranged." Hermione said at the same time Sirius replied. "No promises."

A/N: This story has no specific timeline.