Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugou have a mission: protect Eraserhead from Shigaraki's murderous intent.

Their teacher is certainly a trouble for the albino-haired psychopath, given his ability to nullify Quirks.

Everyone is busy; some in the front line, some in the rear.

A total battle has begun that will determine the future of Japan, of the Heroes, of the Villains and perhaps also shake the whole world.

Izuku feels the determination pumping in his veins, his vision even clearer than usual, his senses sharpened.

But there is a voice that calls him deeply, and it's like a hypnotic song.


The green-haired boy dodges Shigaraki's slap, with his heart about to reach two hundred beats per minute.

"Izuku... I'm the First Owner and I have to warn you..."

"Warn me? Warn me of what?"

He no longer hears anything, the presence is gone and he has tumbled to the ground among the debris of collapsed buildings.

He gets up quickly and is immediately scolded by Kacchan:

"What are you doing? Don't lose focus, broccoli!"

"You are right!"

The green-haired activates One for All, but while the emerald sparks invade the surrounding environment, the voice returns to whisper words in his mind:

"Resist him... Don't be seduced by his false promises and what he will tell you... Promise me!"

"What do you mean?"

"Who are you talking to, fool?"

Izuku hasn't realized that he has spoken aloud, between a dodge and a quick attack.

In his mind, the First Owner of One for All has stretched out his hands.

"Promise me!"

Shortly thereafter, his brain is clear again, but he cannot concentrate on the battle, and yet the enemy is lethal.

"Oi, Deku! Are you there or do I have to put you on a nap myself?" Katsuki abruptly calls him back.


Izuku jumps high and his gaze is captured by Kyoka, who has knocked out a Nomu on her own thanks to her jacks.

His mood lift doesn't last long, because Shigaraki's spider fingers grab his wrist and crash him to the ground.

"Your dedication to your friends is admirable, Midoriya Izuku... Too bad it's also a considerable burden..."

Izuku has his belly pressed against the ruined asphalt and his arm pulled backwards by the Villain, who is stopped only by an explosion of the blond Hero.

"Holy bitch, Deku! Are you serious right now?"

The Hero in the green suit still has that voice in his head and cannot stop listening to it in a loop.

The First Owner whispers other words in his ear, as if he had him a few centimeters from his face:

"This boy adopted by my brother... Has a hatred in himself that is comparable to the sadness that accompanies him."

That phrase hits Deku and it's like he's seeing Tomura for the first time.

He never thought that there could be more human feelings in that boy with ruined skin, but simple megalomania and hatred towards the Heroes.

Even if he shouldn't, Izuku finds himself softening his gaze towards his enemy, wondering what kind of childhood he must have had for being reduced to being on All for One's side, if he ever had one.


In the dust Shigaraki again stretches out his hand and Izuku blows it away.

"You can't keep running away, sooner or later you'll be out of energy..."

"What about your hatred? Will it ever be out?"

The Villain's red eyes, initially bored and slightly disgusted, become surprised and attentive.

Izuku coughs because of the dust.

"You hate everything and everyone... Don't you get tired of living like this, Shigaraki Tomura?"

Izuku is irritated, but also sorry for his enemy.

How long has anyone been welcoming, or trying to be welcoming, with the malaise that has been the 20-year-old's faithful companion for years?

All for One doesn't matter, he has nourished and encouraged that malaise.

Perhaps it hasn't happened since the death of Nao, his mother.

However, that uncomfortable comparison with the past makes him mad:

"Don't think you can preach to me, Hero..."

"I don't want... But every Villain is first and foremost a person... There is a reason behind your behavior..."

Seeing that attempt at psychology, Katsuki becomes alarmed:

"What are you doing, moron? Do you want to offer him a tea while you're at it?"

But Izuku doesn't listen to him and stretches an arm towards the stunned Tomura.

"I still haven't figured out what you want to achieve, Shigaraki..."

Izuku's emerald gaze is firm, heroic, adult.

Shigaraki is immensely frightened... and infuriated.

With a scream, he interrupts the slow advance of the sixteen-year-old and scratches his face, but without activating his Quirk.



Katsuki fires a shot at the Villain to put distance between him and Izuku, but he has already jumped on Shigaraki.