Hinata tugged anxiously at her violet blouse whilst staring off into the distance. There she spotted a familiar set of unruly blonde locks, bouncing up and down in a hyperactive motion. Those blonde locks belonged to the object of her desire, Uzumaki Naruto.

His loud, obnoxious voice was ringing through the campus grounds, declaring a war on his best friend Sasuke. She didn't know what had caused friction within their rivalry this time, but she didn't really care about that part anyway. As long as she could just see him, hear him even, it was enough for her.

Well, sort of anyway. It had been enough throughout their highschool years together. But as she grew older, she felt like she needed more. Much more. But even though she was now 22 years old, she did not outgrow her shyness and still blushed like a silly school girl when Naruto just so much as breathed in her direction.

The shouting continued across the campus. Naruto now had Sasuke by the neck of his shirt, no doubt reacting to whatever the raven-haired man had said to him. Sasuke didn't even look phased at all. He simply grabbed Naruto's wrist and flicked it off him with minimal effort. That angered Naruto even more, as he lunged towards Sasuke and tried to punch him in the face.

Thus began another typical fight between the two best friends. A small scuffle would ensue, someone would break it up (Normally Kakashi-sensei) and the two would carry on as if nothing ever happened. She watched them kick, punch and dodge each other's blows until Sasuke had eventually pinned the blonde down on his back, and Naruto struggled to get back up. He squirmed, wriggled and kicked to no avail.

As he continued to struggle, Hinata couldn't help notice his shirt was rising up. Slowly, inch by inch it rode further and further until it was just above his chest. Her eyes roamed over his chiselled chest, the defined lines of his abs and the start of his v-line slowly directing towards…

"Hinata-chan? Are you okay?"

Hinata snapped out of her thoughts and gazed at her pink-headed friend. She realised her face felt heated and her fingers cramped from tugging at her shirt.

"I almost thought you were going to rip a whole in your shirt, the way you were tugging at it so ferociously. What were you staring at so intently?" Sakura asked. She turned her head towards the direction Hinata was staring at and spotted the duo.

"Oooooooh, I see," she grinned.

"W-what?" Hinata blushed.

"My friend, when are you finally going to make a move?" Sakura rolled her eyes.

"Make a move for what?" A voice chirped up behind them.

Ino plopped inbetween them and moved her head from side to side, looking at them quizzically.

"Hinata and the idiot," Sakura jabbed her thumb towards Naruto's direction.

"Don't worry girl!" Ino proclaimed, throwing her arm around the meek girl's shoulders, "When Sasuke and I officially become an item, I'll ask him to put in a good word for you!"

Sakura sprung up to her feet and glared at the platinum blonde. "Hell no! You know Sasuke likes me, pig!"

"Then why is it that every time you ask him out, does he reject you forehead-girl?" Ino said non-chalantly, examining her nails.

"Hmph, like he doesn't do the same to you?" Sakura growled, crossing her arms.

"WHAT!? He's just – "

"Anyway!" Sakura interrupted, "Let's not get into the Sasuke thing right now." Although I would really derive some pleasure in punching you in the face, she thought to herself. "This is about Hinata. And even though I can't begin to explain why, you are really into him. Like bad. Like I even worry for your health if you don't do something about it soon. These pent-up feelings are going to get to you."

"I-It's okay. Just seeing him…i-it's enough for me," the pale-eyed girl lied. "Besides," she smiled faintly, "He has always been in love with you Sakura-san."

"Ew. I know. It took forever and a few beatings to let him know we will never be more than friends. He may still be a dumbass but he has grown up and realised that there are other women out there. And maybe, he could realise you are one of them," she smiled at her friend coyly.

"You should totally just sneak into his room, and jump on his dick." Ino said blatantly.

Hinata felt her face het up so much, it felt like she was getting third degree burns, "W-W-What? Ino! How could you say that? I-I could never…"

"As crass as that was, I'm inclined to agree with her here," Sakura shrugged, "I think, as gross as this is to say out loud, you need to get into Naruto's pants."

"You have been so in love with this boy for so long, I seriously believe you've had no sense of relief. You've hardly ever spoken to the guy and you don't' even know if your feelings are even reciprocated."

"Girl, Sakura is basically trying to say, we all know you are sexually frustrated. And that's not healthy. Trust me I've blown off some steam here and there and even Sakura has, although she refuses to tell us with whom," the blonde glared at her Sakura before returning to Hinata, "I say go fuck him. See if he calls you the next day. If not, you've released some tension, you know where you stand and you can move on with your life."

"How d-d-do you expect me to d-d-do this? I can barely speak to him now you want me to-to-to go h-h-have…you know," Hinata stammered, tapping her two index fingers together.

"HAVE SEX?" Ino and Sakura yelled in chorus.

"Shhhhhh!" Hinata panicked, realising their shouts have piqued the interest in some students around them, "People are looking at us!" she whispered.

"Who gives a fuck!" Ino yelled louder, "You can do this girl! You can do him!"

"Hinata, here," Sakura dug through her bag and produced a square foil packet. She gently placed it in the timid girl's hands and closed the girl's fingers over it. "At the end of the day, it is your decision. We don't want to pressure you into this and you have to do what you want to do. You're 22 years old. I do think you should live a little so that you have no regrets later in life. But again, everything is up to you," She smiled at her gently.

Hinata looked at the matted, silver object in her hands and quickly thrusted it in the pockets of her jeans. She picked up her books seated next to her, thanked her friends for the chat and hurried off to her lectures. She rushed past all the students, and taking an alternative route, as to not walk past the man she deeply desired. As embarrassing as the conversation was, she knew that they were not wrong. Whenever she saw Naruto, the feelings didn't stop with her heart. There was another feeling in the pit of her stomach that slowly spiralled further down…


This was crazy. Her friends were crazy. SHE was crazy. Her hand was balled in a fist, suspended in the air and just a hair away from touching the door. Her other hand held a book tightly to her chest. Her heart was beating so fast that she worried it was making a noise as it thudded against the book. This is a reckless idea. What made her even think about doing this? Why did her brain allow her body to move towards this general direction?

She shook her head. No. It's not like she's here for any sort of…physical activity. Her intentions were pure on coming here. It had been a weird coincidence that she had nearly tripped over a thick textbook lying on the floor. It was also uncanny that the book would have the name Uzumaki N. scribbled inside it.

She also just happened to not see Naruto for the rest of the day, so the only way to give him his book back was to come through after hours and drop it off quickly. As she stared at the bronze plaque stating his room number, she wondered how this encounter would go. She would knock on the door. He would open, ecstatic to see her. He would be so grateful that he got his textbook back. He would give her a thank you hug, which would linger a little to long. Then he would pull away and stare deeply into her eyes and say, "Hinata…I…I've always liked you." Then he would kiss her. So passionately. She would wrap her hands around him and dig her fingertips deeply into his golden locks.

He would then push her against the door, lifting her up in the process. Her legs would wrap around him instinctively. The kiss would intensify. Breathes become heavy. She would feel his erection as his hands roam towards her breasts. He would break away from her lips, only to resume kissing her neck. She would give a soft moan…

The door opened before her very eyes, and she squeaked as she jumped back to reality. Her lavender eyes widened in fright as she stared into the face of Naruto.

"Oh? Hinata-chan?" he cocked his head to the side in confusion.

He had an orange towel draped across his hair, with the ends cascading past his exposed chest. Hinata's eyes couldn't help but admire his shirtless form, and loosely fitting shorts, showing off his leaf printed boxers.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

Hinata shyly diverted her gaze to the floor, and held up the book in front of her.

"Y-Y-You dropped this Naruto-kun," She said softly. She could feel the heat from her face, as well as another heat coming from below her navel. She couldn't believe the thoughts she just had. He entire body was feeling warm. But she also felt…wet.

"Ooooooooh! I didn't even realise that this was gone! Thanks Hinata! You're the best!" he grinned happily as he took the book from her, "It was nice of you to bring this for me! You could have waited until you saw me tomorrow."

Dammit that's right! She didn't think about giving him the book the next day! She was so deeply embarrassed. What must this look like to him? A desperate, infatuated girl rocking up at his door at 6:30 in the evening? Now she's never going to look him in the eyes for sure.

"No matter! Come on in! Let me sort out a few things, get dressed and I'll take you back to your dorm." The boy said cheerfully.

Hinata smiled and thanked him quietly. She shuffled inside as he held the door open for her.

She looked around the room as she entered. It was a decent sized room decorated with two beds on either side of the wall and one desk placed in the middle of the room. The bed on the right was perfectly made with a black and red blanket and two neatly placed black pillows. There was study notes meticulously placed on the wall. There were 3 pairs of shoes neatly aligned underneath the bed. Besides that, the floor was spotless. There wasn't even a sign of one speak of dust.

The desk was immaculate as well. The books were filed alphabetically, and the stationery all lined up perfectly. She glanced at the left side of the room that was the polar opposite. The blankets were thrown about. Empty ramen cups lay on the floor. A pillow was half dangling off the bed, threatening to take the plunge any second now. There was a small vertical set of shelves that were meant for clothing. Instead it lay empty, for a variety of shoes, jackets, pants and underwear were shoved in an untidy bundle underneath the bed.

The walls were decorated with women posing in bikinis of all shapes and sizes. There was one particular poster with "Icha-Icha Paradise" written in huge letters centred in the middle and an image of a half-naked women accompanying it. However, it looked like someone had scribbled and signed the poster. May this remind you of the greatest Godfather you ever had! Love Jirayia, it read.

"Yeah, that's from my pervy Godfather, the author of those books." The boy spoke as he noticed her looking at the poster, "That was my going away to college gift. As much as it pissed me off, I couldn't bring myself to throw it away."

He stood dangerously close to her. The towel was now thrown over the chair by the desk, but he was still shirtless. They both stood there, staring at this bizarre poster in silence. Eventually Naruto turned away and started digging through the pile of clothes, no doubt looking for something to cover his torso.

"W-where's Sasuke tonight?" She asked, attempting to make small talk.

Naruto stopped for a second and looked at her, "He said he went to go study. Whatever. We have a perfectly good desk here where he can do all his work. But he says he struggles to work when I'm here. My 'mess' distracts him. Can you believe that bullshit?"

He turned back towards his pile of clothes and continued pulling out garments. He grabbed two shirts and stood up. As he compared a black one to an orange one to inspect which one was the most clean he suddenly became aware of the small figure that stood in front of him. He lowered both shirts down to look at the girl with a quizzical look on his face.

"Hinata?" He said her name. Why did it feel so good to hear her name? Why did she want to keep hearing him say her name?

"Hinata?" he asked again, "Are you alr-"

He was interrupted by a pair of lips that suddenly crashed onto his. He stood motionless for a while, unsure of what was happening. Hinata sensed this and immediately pushed herself away. What had come over her? She didn't plan this. Before she realised what was happening, she had just went forward and kissed him.

The girls were right. There was too much frustration that she wasn't dealing with. She had to leave before she made a bigger fool of herself, "Naruto-kun, I'm so sorry. I-"

Before she could utter another word, she suddenly found herself between the wall and the warmth of Naruto's body. His lips on hers, tasting it. His tongue swirling inside her mouth, exploring every crevice. She blushed as her tongue pushed back wanting to reciprocate the action. Her hands wrapped around him, pulling herself closer to his body. She wanted, no needed to feel him. Every inch of him had to touch her.

He grunted as he lifted her legs and wrapped them around his waist. She clung onto him tightly, her lips never departing from his. He wanted her. She could feel it in his kiss and they way he was holding her. And that lit a fire deep within her. He carried her and gently lay her down on his bed. He lay on-top of her, careful not to crush her petite form. His hand went under her blouse and slowly trailed up towards her bra.

He stopped just before he reached it and looked at her, his eyes asking if this was okay. She felt her shyness creep in but forced herself to look him in the eyes. She gave a small nod. He smiled, his adorable smile and kissed her neck. She gasped as she felt a tingling sensation shoot through her body with each and every kiss. His hand was now slipped underneath her bra. He caressed her breast gently, before giving her nipple a slight pinch. Hinata gave a small moan as she pushed her breast further into his hand. She felt his lips purse into a smile and his move to her other breast and give it the same attention.

He came back towards her and gently nibbled her lower lip. He lifted her up gently, and took off her shirt. He continued kissing her whilst his hands carefully unclipped her bra and slid it off her shoulders. He laid her back down and stopped to admire her half naked form.

She stared up at him with those beautiful big eyes, and rose coloured cheeks. Her long hair black cascading around her. Her alluring white breasts, beautiful and big, heaved up and down from the excitement. He straddled her, leaned down and whispered in her ear, "You're beautiful."

He continued kissing down her neck, then towards her breasts. He took one mound in his mouth gently sucking on them, whilst his hand pinched her other nipple. She moaned some more in her sweet innocent voice, bucking her pelvis upwards. The fire in the pit of her stomach was growing at the anticipation. She could feel her panties were soaking as Naruto continued to slowly kiss down her body, past her navel and stopped at her jeans button. He slowly loosened the button and jeans and pulled them down to expose a pink, lace panty.

After discarding her jeans, he did the same with her underwear.

He continued kissing the innards of her thighs watching her breaths quicken and her body squirming, hungry for more. He spread her legs apart and she was only happy to oblige.

"Hinata-chan?" He smiled coyly.

"Y-yes Naruto-kun?" She breathed heavily

"You have to promise me you'll keep it down. We don't want anyone to hear you now do we?"

"N-No" She whispered.

He smiled at her again before licking her pussy. His tongue slowly swirling around, tasting her very essence. She gasped, as she nails dug into his messy bedsheets. She bit her bottom lip as she felt his tongue explore her.

"Hmng!" She cried as she felt a finger being inserted into her wet pussy. His tongue moved up until it found her clitoris. He continued making swirling motions with his warm tongue as his finger continued penetrating her.

"N-Naruto!" She gasped. She grabbed the pillow next to her and bit it to prevent further noise escaping from her mouth.

The blonde stopped and positioned himself between her legs. The girl let go of the pillow and stared at him with lust filled eyes.

He looked back at her intently and asked, "Are you okay with this? Do you want to stop?"

"No," She breathed heavily, "I don't want to stop."

He nodded and stood up. He slipped out of his shorts, promptly followed by his boxers. She admired his naked form. His member was standing erect, waiting for her.

He climbed back on the bed, and repositioned himself between her legs. He inserted the tip of his penis inside her, being careful and gentle. Slowly, he took his time inserting himself deeper and deeper until he was completely inside of her. He leaned on top of her, kissing her and he gradually slid inside an out of her.

He continued with his slow motions until she was fully adjusted to his member. His thrusts began to increase its pace. Faster and faster. The intensity grew, and he found it hard to keep himself quiet. Fuck this felt so good.

Her hands were wrapped around him. Her nails were digging into his skin with every penetration. She looked at his beautiful clear blue eyes. They were no longer gentle and kind. They had transformed into the eyes of animal. Hungry and wild. And she liked it.

He stood on his knees, and placed her legs over his shoulders. His hands gripped her hips tightly as he continued fucking her. Her moans were no longer being contained. But he didn't care. They were music to his ears.

"N-N-Naruto-kun. Hmmm," she moaned. His name sounded so sexy on her lips.

"Naruto-kun. Ah- I-I think we need to-to-hmmmm- wear protection," she panted. She didn't want him to stop. He didn't want to either. But the knew they had to.

"In my jean pocket…" she murmured.

He stopped and looked at her in surprise for a second. He grabbed her jeans and searched in all the pockets until he found the silver packaging. He grinned at her. She blushed ferociously, feeling embarrassed once again, wondering what he must think of her coming over here with a condom in her pocket.

He steadily tore open the wrapper and pulled out the rubber item. He placed it on the tip of his penis and rolled it down. He sat down and pulled the girl on top of him. She instinctively knew what to do as re slid inside her. Her held onto him tightly whilst her body bounced up and down. He sucked on her nipples whilst she arched backwards, still riding him.

"Ah – Naruto!" She moaned.

He pulled her head closer to his, "Say it again," he growled, "Say my name."

"Na-Naruto!" She moaned.

"Do you like it when I fuck you, Hinata?"

"Y-Yes, Naruto."

"Do you?" He growled again, nibbling her ear.

"Yes, oh yes!" She screamed.

He threw her back on the bed and positioned her on all fours. He climbed off the bed and grabbed her from behind. He once more penetrated her pussy, grabbing her hips to help him thrust deeper and faster.

Hinata was in pure bliss, she screamed Naruto's name over and over until he finally came.

He pulled out and quickly through the condom in the trash before collapsing next to Hinata. He wrapped his arm around the girl and pulled their naked bodies closer to a spooning position. Both panting heavily and sweat dripping down their bodies, the lay there, staring at the posters on Naruto's side of the wall.

As Hinata slowly came down from her high, her mind started to race. Did this really just happen?

Well obviously, it did. So, how does she feel, was the next question. Oddly, she felt…good. Like some sort of weight was on her and had now been casually tossed off. But now there was a new feeling of dread forming in the pit of her stomach. The feeling was so strong, that she almost felt sick.

What is to happen next? Was this a one-time thing? Will the entire campus be aware of what had just occurred by morning light? Where does she stand with this man she has admired for so long, who is currently holding her whilst they are both naked? Should she bring it up now or is that a bit weird? Was this whole ordeal…a mistake?

She lay there in silence, not wanting to waste this time alone with Naruto not knowing if it will happen again. But she also couldn't shake the uncertainty. She considered rolling over, getting dressed and leaving, just so that she wouldn't have to face the humiliation of him rejecting her.

She listened to rhythm of his breathing. It was calm deep. Perhaps he had fallen asleep? She rolled over to watch him sleep, only to find that his eyes were wide open and staring at her. He quickly diverted his gaze, a small tinge of red colouring his cheeks.

"Hey, I know this is weird timing, and I don't know if you wanted this to be a one-time thing but…do you want to go get some ramen with me tomorrow after lectures?" He asked, grinning nervously.

She stared at him, her eyes widened in shock. "Uhmm…"

"You don't have to, really. I was just as-"

"Yes," She smiled.


"Yes, I'd like to go get ramen with you tomorrow," she giggled.

"Yes! That's awesome!" He cried with joy rolling on top of her. He kissed her softly, and she gladly kissed back, caressing his handsome face.

Suddenly the door clicked and the door creaks open.

"Ugh, you moron. I really didn't want to see your ass waving in the air as I walk in the room."

The couple hastily broke away to see Sasuke covering his eyes.

"Teme! What the fuck are you doing here!?" Naruto growled as he jumped up from his bed. Hinata squeaked and hurriedly threw the blankets over herself. Naruto on the other hand, was still stark naked in front of his best friend.

"Idiot! I live here remember?" said the Uchiha, slowly unveiling his eyes, only to be greeted with a naked Naruto in front of him. "For fuck sake, put some pants on!"

"Well at least I know you aren't sexually attracted to me anymore."

"Wait? WHAT?" Screeched the Uzumaki.

"I figured the reason why you keep fighting me is so that you have an excuse to touch me," the Uchiha smirked. He turned around and gradually walked out the door.

"Hey wait a minute, Sasuke! What the fuck did you just say to me?" Naruto yelled running after him.

"Hey! Why is Naruto naked?" a voice shouted.

"Why is Naruto chasing after Sasuke naked?" someone else proclaimed.

"Is that why we were hearing moas coming from his room earlier?" laughed another voice.

Hinata buried her head under the covers, to scared to be seen. How embarrassing. If Ino and Sakura find out about this, she will never hear the end of it.


On the upside…

Naruto had finally asked her out.

That makes all the embarrassment in the world…worth it.

Well mature boys and girls. That was my very first M-rated fanfic. I'd love to hear comments and thoughts. Critiques and hopefully a compliment or two.

Stay safe during the pandemic!