Hi everyone! How're you? Fine and safe? Today, I'm here with a new fic, a secret chapter of my story "Kingdom". The occasion was so special that I had to come here with it. I had to present it before you. Because...

Many many happy returns of the day, Kai Hiwatari! *Explodes balloons*. Misty adores and loves you a lot. She'll keep loving you always, not caring whether you really exist or not. *Smooches*

Besides, a reader of "Kingdom" expressed her desire to know about Voltaire's opinion regarding KaiHil's marriage. Justafan, if you're reading this story, let me tell you, on that very day, your question raised the plot of this story in my brain. Thank you so much for it :D

Plus, this is friendship day too, right? So, I've prepared the glimpse of the building and beginning of friendship between two certain characters in this shot.

The italic font has written Dranzer's POV. The whole story has been narrated by Dranzer. Pardon me, I'm not so good in first person P.O.V, just gave it a try. For Kai Hiwatari, Misty has become his Dranzer today! Yippie! *Flies away*


Greetings, everyone,

I am Dranzer, the sacred vermilion bird of the south.

Born from the volcano of mount Aconcagua, lavas always keep flowing through my veins. Capturing the whole sky with my eyes is my passion. I am free, I don't depend on anyone for my existence. I'm that fire which cannot be extinguished by the water of the seven mighty oceans of the world. Yet, I adore someone. I admire someone from the core of my heart since the beginning of life on the earth. Till the end, my admiration for him will not flinch a bit. He's my master, my worshipped: Kai Hiwatari.

Today, I'm here to tell you readers of his birth and childhood-along with those of someone else. If I don't narrate the childhood story of the noblewoman who made my master an emperor from a warrior, it will be a great sin for me. So, let's start.

Kai Alexander Hiwatari. The name was a source of hopes, light and devotion to every single dweller of Russia. They all knew the outcomes of his birth. When his mother, Apraxia Hiwatari, the erstwhile crown-princess of Russia, had been groaning in labor pain on her bed, Russia had also been tolerating the inflammation of being frozen. That time, it had gone excessive. Sleets had concealed trees, lanes, roads, highways, roofs of houses. Only white and white could have been seen as far as the eyes of people had been going. That day, the snowstorms had been so crazy that they couldn't have stopped their feet from performing the rampaging dance on the stage of the icy kingdom. Frosty pearls had garnished the green leaves of the trees. Unable to tolerate the weight of those jewelries, they'd been bending down.

They had to stand straight when the screeches of their little prince could be heard. For having his glimpse, the sun broke all the shackles of the snowy clouds which had been binding it. His rays spread all over the surface of Russia as the ice broke. Storms stopped, rivers melted, trees retrieved their greenness. A bizarre fire snatched all the lassitude from the snoozing people. All the objects and living creatures got a new life in new forms. Beneath his icy complexion, such a sunshine was engraved deep in his soul. It touched the skins of the Russians too. They understood: A fire had been born in their arctic motherland. Now, nothing could smother it. Nothing.

"Kai Hiwatari will be his name!" Sir Alexandrov, the great sage of Russia, declared boldly, "According to the last wish of his father, the late prince Susumu Hiwatari, his name is going to be Japanese. His name has different meanings. His knowledge and intelligence will be deep like oceans and armor will be stronger than the shells. He'll know to restore and recover very soon. He will be the worthiest of all Russians. He'll be the king of the kings!"

The mighty emperor of Russia had shown a wide grin on his face before the mentor announced something else:

"His full name, Kai Alexander Hiwatari, refers to a protector who walks barefooted on fire. For protecting his people, friends, family members and subjects, he'll have to sacrifice a lot in his future. For saving them from heat, he'll have to bear a lot of miseries. Sometimes, he will burn his eyes by watching someone dear walk on fire, yet unable to do something for him or her. Sometimes, that fire, springing from sacrifices, will swelter his heart."

Voltaire Hiwatari gasped, hearing the consequences of his grandson. Then, the master smiled, which indicated that everything would be alright eventually.

"His sacrifices will be valuable lessons to people. He'll be the man of men, the greatest of all the males. He'll be known for his suppressed kindness, heroism, fearlessness, wit and virtues to the rest of the world. He'll be the source of trust to the greatest warriors of the world. The most righteous troopers of the world will always be by his side, accompanying him from all the directions. You don't need to be anxious about his future, your Majesty."

The worried grandfather sighed in relief. Exhaling deeply, he rushed to the balcony of the second floor of his castle. Outside, in the courtyard, the people of Russia from all walks had mustered. They were eagerly waiting for the announcement of their emperor. Their faces were plastered with pleased beams. He blurted:

"Your prince and the next inheritor of the throne of Russia is here! Why are you standing silent? Go and celebrate!"

That worked. Getting the approval from their ruler, the subjects jumped in happiness. Together, they sang:

Finally, there laughed the palace of Russia,

There spread festivals of pleasure and euphoria,

Let's sing the songs of auspiciousness,

Let's make merry and dance,

Cradle is swinging in the yard of king Voltaire,

Our little prince has arrived, happiness is in the air,

Now, crown-princess Apraxia is in delight,

Positive time has come, everywhere is light,

Let the flowers bloom, ignite the lamps,

Decorate the whole Russia, here comes our champ,

Of festivities and enthusiasm, let the streams flow,

Our little prince has arrived; happiness is to blow.

Sage Alexandrov has entered the castle,

For naming him, without any hassle,

Counting the direction of the stars,

Uttering chants, he praised the phoenix-master,

Seeing the moment belonging to treasure,

He started the rituals with much pleasure,

There's no second one like our prince,

In the world, he's beyond all the sins.

He has the power of luring the earth,

Sages could see it even before his birth.

His stature and dignity is very high,

That's why, sir Alexandrov named him, "Kai".

In the whole Russia, it resonated:

"Kai…. Kai…. Kai…. Kai…."

After eight months; in Japan:

"Congratulations, your Majesty!" The elder Granger had a bright smile all over his face, "You have achieved a ruby in the form of a girl child."

"Thank you so much, Granger-san," The emperor put off his pearl necklace and placed it on the palms of the minister, "For this great news, I'll be grateful to you forever. Go and distribute wealth among the subjects!"

"Another good news, your Majesty," He bowed, "The drought which was making the lives of our people miserable is no more."

"What?" The brown orbs of the ruler sparkled in new hopes like flames in the darkness, "Really?"

"Yes, your Majesty," Ryu Granger nodded, "When the princess was born, the sky got overcast with clouds all of a sudden. Then…it started raining!"

Hayashi Tachibana couldn't be more surprised. Not hearing the rest of the words of his prime minister, he rushed to the porch of his room and watched the murky steams hover in the sky. There was not a single sign of a sole ray of sunshine. Maybe, his newborn daughter had been born with so much vigor and beams on her petite face that even the sun had got embarrassed because of it. That's why, it had decided to hide for the next few days. The gleams of her ruby eyes could defeat hundreds of light-giving stars. In her golden complexion and fiery appearance, she was the embodiment of rain and peace. She was the symbol of mother nature. She was an avatar of her. For eradicating the miseries of Japan and her environment, she'd been born from the womb of the empress.

Outside, still, nature was drumming the strings of clouds. In its rhythm, rain was singing. Spreading their tails, peacocks were dancing. Trees, plants, rivers, roads, fields-everything was quenching their thirst with the sacred liquid after a long time. When the droplets were prattling on the ground, mother earth felt satisfied. The sky was showering the tears of joy on the joyful people of Nippon.

"Just like her name," The ruler announced boldly in front of the crowd, "She'll bring only happiness in the life of people. She has calmed down the sweltering Japan with her arrival. In this way, she'll soften even the toughest hearts of the world. As her another name is 'Hiromi' which means generous beauty, the mightiest warriors of the world will be bound to bow before her generosity. She'll teach the world the excellence of sacrifices. She'll be the origin of dedication, self-sacrifice, patience, sacredness and courage. She'll be the epitome of love, motherhood and endearment. In the removal of the evil from the world, her contribution will play a significant role. She'll be so peaceful and pure that even the rampaging flames will be afraid to harm her! Only she'll have the power to appease the fire!"

The naming ceremony had successfully been completed. The Japanese had known that they would call their princess "Hilary". The touch of hilarity had already touched their minds, drenching the aridness with new expectations and dreams. That's why, they decided to hold a tiny concert in the courtyard. Even in the pattering rain, they were dancing, holding peacock-feather fans and flapping them metrically. Sitting in the balcony, the king and queen were enjoying it. In the golden cot, their baby princess was lying. With a rope, the mother was cradling her daughter in the swing. The crooning of the subjects echoed throughout Japan. Anklets tingled with the anklets of showers, drums got thumped.

Music is raining,

Good luck is raining,

As if from the sky,

Festivities are raining.

From the seeds, sprouts grow,

Bad times flee, good times glow,

After many years, many cries and tears,

Everyone in Japan is feeling the afterglow.

Here comes the daughter of king Hayashi,

With clinking cries, with pleasure's sea,

All the griefs were gone,

When she was born.

Everyone, burst out jubilations,

Welcome her with love and admirations,

The prayers have finally been answered,

Dreams have come true, everything's been standard.

Thankfulness is prevailing everywhere in Nippon,

Finally, Princess Hiromi has been born.

King Hayashi must have penanced a lot,

As a result, he got such happiness in his lot,

Now, there will be no calamity,

Hilary's born from hilarity,

Now, there's no reason to worry,

Because, with us, there's our princess Hilary.


The births of the prince and princess had brought the vibes of zeal and enthusiasm in their families as well as kingdoms. Grief, miseries, pain-everything had left Japan and Russia forever. Only happiness and joy were prevailing in the kingdoms. They both were growing up, being the apples of eyes to their parents and guardians. Sitting, crawling-then walking. Every single action of them was always loved by their elders. When my little master used to plod with his cousins with his wobbling feet throughout the corridors, his mother and aunts couldn't help smiling. Often they would call him towards them with the trays of his favorite sweets in their hands. Seeing them, the little prince of Russia used to rush towards them. His feet shook but he didn't stop.

Let me tell you the incident of one day.

The one and half-year old princess of Japan was treading in the lush lawn of her castle. Her miniscule feet were softly brushing the velvety grasses. When they were tickling her back, she was laughing and squirming. Nonetheless, she was enjoying it. The little birds were watching her with amazed eyes. Sometimes, mistaking her to be a flower, rainbow-smeared butterflies were roaming around her. Considering it as a game, she became busy in chasing them. Those tiny arthropods had never seen a moving flower before it. It was natural for them to fly and flee away. She giggled at it.

Suddenly, something else caught her attention. It was a floral wooden tub from which a plant of chicory was growing. From the gaps of the blade-like green leaves, baby-blue and lavender flowers were peeping at the outer world. She forgot those butterflies and birds after seeing the still creature. Her eyes glimmered at that. Hasting, she advanced towards it. No sooner had her teensy arms been about to pluck one of them than her mother caught her from behind. Lifting her up, the queen took her inside. The baby's eyes were fixed on those flowers. Soon, they turned watery as she pouted.

I don't know whether her pleadings reached someone's mind or not but from Russia, a certain boy-child could easily know about it. That's why, tiptoeing, he plucked a chicory flower from his balcony and dropped it before a cinnamon-colored hawk. Everyone in the palace used to despise those preying birds but he didn't. Somehow, he made them his friends. They used to obey all his orders and fulfill each of his wishes. That day, no exception took place. Carrying the gentle flower carefully in its beaks, the avian creature flew towards the east.

In Japan, everyone was almost sweating to pacify their princess. The queen was singing lullabies so that she could sleep. Different toys and dolls had been brought for her. She wasn't even looking at them once. The chicory flowers had already snatched her peace and sleep. She wanted nothing but them. But unfortunately, no one could understand it. For soothing his daughter, Hayashi Tachibana himself took her in his arms and cradled her affectionately. His wife snickered, seeing his care for his offspring.

All of a sudden, a navy-haired kid around her age came there, taking a lavender-blue flower in his tiny hand. Seeing it, the tears of the little princess stopped. Descending from her father's arm like a baby squirrel climbing down, she took it from his palm. A smile rose in her lips as the indigo-head nodded happily. Holding his hand, the girl gestured him to run as their little feet shakily treaded across the lobbies. The parents got relieved, not forgetting to praise the grandson of their prime minister.

Little did they know that the flower which had been given to their daughter by the navy-haired hadn't been plucked by him. Thanks to a cinnamon hawk which had dropped it before the little dragoon-wielder.

See? Then, my master didn't only appease the princess of Japan but also created a bond of friendship between her and the master of Dragoon. Tyson Granger should also be thanked a lot for conveying my master's love to the princess. From that day onwards, princess Hilary Tachibana became the best friend of Tyson Granger. Their bond went very strong with the passage of time. Oh, my poor little prince of Russia, he didn't even know that one day, this friendship which had been caused by him would also be on the verge of being hampered by him. Let it be, it's the story of another time.

The wheel of time kept rotating as our hero and heroine grew up. Their height and weight increased, so did their curiosity about the outer world and the maturity of their brains. Since they were the members of renowned royal clans, they were already being home-tutored. They could also play outside with their cousins. Sometimes, at nights, they kept awake, dreaming of meeting each other.

Wanna know about another day?

It was the 5th birthday of the prince of Russia. The palace had been adorned like a bride. Fragrant candles were ignited in the golden lamp-stands. Crystal lantern-holders were swaying with the calm and cool breeze of the kingdom. Festoons of white marigolds and chamomiles were encircling the cobblestone Tuscan pillars of the castle. Golden flags printed blood-red phoenixes on them were wavering from the flagpoles standing on the domes of the fort. Maids and butlers were marching across the passages with trays filled with valuable cloths and precious jewelries. Ladies were painting artworks on the marble floors. Voltaire Hiwatari himself was inspecting everything.

Outside, the arrivals of the guests had already begun. Golden and silver chariots pulled by black and white stallions from different kingdoms were stopping at the huge gate of the fortress. Among them, a vehicle belonged to Japan too. From it, the emperor and empress of Nippon landed on Russia. Grasping the finger of her father, the little princess descended as well. Her hands were under pink furry gloves. A buttoned pinkish-orange cloak was covering her shoulders and neck, protecting her from the chills of Russia. In a clinking way, she walked to the entrance of the palace with her parents as the maids sprinkled flowers on them. Soldiers announced, tapping the ground with the spears in their hands:

"Emperor Hayashi Tachibana, empress Sayoko Tachibana and princess Hilary Tachibana are entering!"

Voltaire Hiwatari was standing at the entrance with his daughter-in-law, the violet-haired crown-princess. Seeing the Japanese family, a large grin rose on his face. He expanded a hand to the king. Bowing, they shared a handshake as the queens hugged each other lightly but warmly.

"Greetings, king and queen Tachibana," Voltaire spread his arms, "Welcome to Russia."

"Greetings, king Voltaire and lady Apraxia," Hayashi greeted, "Glad to step on the surface of your kingdom."

Soon, the eyes of the crown-princess fell on the little girl who was standing there, holding the hand of her father. Her globular ruby eyes, squishy rosy cheeks, spongy pink lips and swollen chin melted the affectionate heart of the mother within no moment. Kneeling down before her, she held her hands.

"Princess Hilary," Apraxia spoke, "Your little feet arriving in our palace have given us good fortune. We are so thankful."

"Father has said that," The brunette uttered with her tiny mouth, gently bowing before the mother of her future life-partner, "Human beings get good fortune when they receive blessings from the elders."

Everyone beamed in awe. A strange peace filled the heart of the widow as she patted the head of the child, "Your thoughts are as pure as your appearance, princess. May you reach the heights of glory."

All the people from both the royal families were amazed at the behavior of the Japanese princess, except one. He was none but the king of Russia himself. The dark clouds of tensions were hovering on the fair complexion of his face. He wasn't dissatisfied with the little princess of Japan. Rather, she managed to impress him too. That's why, he was worrying for her the most. He was quite tensed about her her because he knew something that was hidden from nearly all the people around him. He was the one who flawlessly identified the pre-incarnation of the blameless girl.

"Ilaria Dante."

Surprised, aren't you? He was Voltaire Hiwatari. At that time, he was the most prodigious and grandest of all the rulers of the world. The levels of both his heroism and his wisdom were so high. He used to receive the information about what was happening around him in order to defend himself from his most potential enemy: Boris Balkov. While learning about him, he had known about the poor soul too. Even her curses that'd been given to Boris Balkov hadn't remained concealed from him, thank me for it.

"Where is the boy in whose honor we have been invited today?" Sayoko asked Apraxia, "We cannot see him here. Where's your son, Kai?"

"Kai has been five years old today, queen," Apraxia replied, "He's become too old to stay with me all the time. He must be playing with his cousins."

The four-year old princess didn't wait there for a single moment after hearing it. Wheeling back, she furtively walked towards the garden of the palace, not letting her parents or the elders know. Though she didn't know where it was, she could sense it by the strong smell of the flowers. Well, the scent of chicory flowers which were her favorite was pulling her there. She felt that the prince could be there, playing with his friends and cousins.

What an amazing moment it was! The two friendly royal families were unaware that they would be each other's in-laws in future. In the crowd of the guests, the restless eyes of princess Hilary were probably looking for the person with whom she would be spending the rest of her life. He was none but prince Kai Hiwatari, my honorable master.

The dual-haired toddler was holding the eyes of his red-haired cousin with his vealy fingers as the remaining four fled from the place. Some of them ran, some of them were pulled by the older children. Since everyone hid, he also left the wolf-prince and rushed to a grassy wall. Leaving the kid surprised, he covered himself behind it. A mischievous smirk got curved by his puffy lips as he lightly giggled, covering his mouth in his petite palms. Naughty flickers splashed from his big, round amethyst orbs, crossing his chubby cheeks.

"Tsarevich Kai!" The indistinct voice of a girl jingled in his ears, "Where are you?"

Princess Nipponista had already stepped in the garden. Plodding with her tiny feet, she was searching for the prince here and there. When she looked at a tub of chicory flowers, utilizing the chance, the phoenix-prince got up and hastened forward. Though the brunette hadn't seen him before it, she didn't face any difficulty to recognize him as she moved her head from the plant. In front of her eyes, his white scarf hanging around his neck swayed like two opposite waves in the air. Chuckling, she also chased him.

"Prince!" She squealed excitedly, while following him, "I'm nearby. I'll find you!"

When the little children were busy in finding each other, something serious was going on between me and his Majesty of Voltaire Hiwatari. He had appeared quite worried about something. That's why, he'd summoned me. Excluding my master, he had the power of communicating with me staying in his place though I resided in the locket. I couldn't have appeared before him but I had responded to his call. Then, the conversation had started-

"Dranzer," He ordered, "You have to do something so that they can never meet each other."

"Why, your Majesty?" I questioned, "What's the bad in their meeting? Aren't they perfect for each other? Don't they deserve each other?"

"That's not the time of questioning, Dranzer," Voltaire sternly spoke, "I don't want them to be together in any phase of their lives. That's final."

"Pardon me, your Majesty," I respectfully expressed my inability, "But...what's the problem? Is something about them bothering you? I was your reliable servant once upon a time, still I can do everything for you. Share with me."

"You know, Dranzer..." His breaths sounded heavy, "You are aware of the curse on me which was given by sage Stanley Dickenson. It will destroy the future of me and my family. It...it was all my fault, Dranzer. But...I cannot let an innocent soul suffer for my fault. Princess Hilary is an angel. If she gets married to Kai, she'll…just suffer in her future. Dranzer, she doesn't deserve this consequence. Please, let her life be beautiful..."


"How dare you, King Voltaire!"

The Japanese snapped. His eyes were bloodshot, cheeks were flushed. He was fuming as hot carbon-di-oxide came out through his nostrils. Before it, nobody had seen him being furious. He'd always been calm and cool…at least not ill-tempered at all. What had happened to him all of a sudden?

In front of him, the Russian emperor was standing, bowing his head down. It was true that he never liked to do that but he had to, he had to at that moment because he was guilty. Yes, truly guilty. Biting his lower lip, he was cursing himself madly. He had never wanted to do that but he didn't know how he had ended up there.

"You old wizard!" Stanley seethed, gritting his teeth, "How did you dare rape my student? What was her fault?"

"Pardon me, great sage," He whispered as his ears turned cerise, "I didn't do it intentionally. I was drunken then."

"Drunken?" Dickenson raised an eyebrow, "You couldn't give up consuming alcohol, could you? How many times did I forbid you to do that, Voltaire, how many times?"

The tsar didn't have any logical answer for the precious question. He couldn't utter a single word. He kept curving his head down which was meant to be upstretched always.

"I'm cursing you, Hiwatari!" The sage pointed at him, "In your next life, you'll be the evilest person of the world, craving for nothing but power. You'll be so crude…so crude that even the crudest man of this time will be bound to obey your orders and be your assistant. Not only that, you'll start hating the person who is the dearest to you of all people in this life."

Voltaire gasped. An image of his beloved grandson drifted in front of his eyes. His blameless smile, his round, innocent amethyst eyes, his moon-like face…..

"Yes, Voltaire Hiwatari," Dickenson didn't stop, "I don't know who he or she is but your relation will be the same then. However, you won't know to perform your duties as a relative or whatever….you will only know how to use him or her. You'll want to make him or her a mere puppet of you. Soon, you'll make him or her evil just like you. Like you, he or she'll be power-hungry. The person will hate you too in return….so much that he or she will want to make your blood spill. In short, you both will be thirsty….thirsty for each other's blood….thirsty for power. For that, you both can go to any extent."

"No, great sage!" He raised his eyes, almost kneeling down on the floor, "Don't curse me in this way! I….I can never imagine it even in my dreams!"

"Couldn't this thought visit your mind when you were tending to have fun with my student, Hiwatari?" The Japanese mentor rolled his eyes, "Besides, my words are like launched arrows. I'm sorry but I cannot bring them back. You deserve it, the mightiest emperor of the world!"

"Stop there right now, sage!"

The soldiers rushed to him, aiming their spears at his head, encircling him completely. The bald guy didn't gasp a bit. His eyes were set on the powerful, yet powerless ruler of Russia.

"Put them back, soldiers!"

The king stood up, ordering the troop. The battalion had never been late to follow his command before it. But this time, for an unknown reason, they were hesitating.

"But….your Majesty," Their leader gently objected, "He has misbehaved with you."

"I said to put them back!" Voltaire bellowed, turning back to his usual form.

Baffled, the guards lowered their javelins and freed the learned person. He grimaced, watching them marching backwards.

"Pardon me, sage Dickenson," Voltaire lowered his gazes, "You're right. I deserve this curse. But….please…."

Unbelievably, tears exploded out from his eyes, drenching his cheeks completely. Once again, he joined his hands together.

"My grandson is innocent!" He sobbed, "He's still a four-year old boy who knows nothing about the cruelty of this world. Please, don't involve him….."

The expression of the great educator mellowed a bit. Suddenly, he started feeling sorry for the so-called powerful man of the world.

Flash forward:

That time, the mighty emperor of Russia, Voltaire Hiwatari was pleading before me for the safety and security of princess Hilary. I couldn't believe my own ears. He was strong. He was an influential ruler. He was the example of an ideal Tsar in front of the world. He was...begging to me for an unknown girl?

"Your Majesty, you're worrying without any reason," I tried to console him, "Nothing can stop the fate."

"I know..." Stoicism was back to his throat, "But...we can try to console our hearts, cannot we?"

I didn't utter anything. Poor old man was dreaming to fasten the future with his power. But future was wind. It couldn't be tied or captured.

"Dranzer, it's not an order..." He was unbelievably soft, "Rather, it's a request. As the most faithful servant of Russia, it's your responsibility to keep it. Won't you keep it?"

Look, he was putting my faithfulness at his arrow-point. What else could I do then? If I hadn't kept his request, there would have fallen a stain on the white canvas of my loyalty and it might have remained there forever. So, I had no other choice before me. I had to please him at any cost.

The baby girl entered the chamber where the prince was practicing archery. His left hand was holding a small longbow and right one was grasping an arrow whose tip wasn't harmful, positioned against the string. In front of the dazzled eyes of the princess, the prince launched it which hit right at the bull's eye, placed quite far away from him. In appreciation, the Japanese girl clapped, breaking the concentration of the boy. If it had been one of his cousins, he would surely have gotten angry. But this time, he couldn't get pissed off. Smiling gently at the guest, he approached her and placed the weapons on her hands. She threw a questioning look at him regarding her abilities. Peacefully nodding at it and holding her wrist moderately, he pulled her at the spot where he had been standing and showed the goal.

People thought that the master of Dragoon taught her archery. But they often forgot the person who had sown the seed of the interest of learning archery in her heart. Quite obvious it was, they couldn't be blamed. As prince Kai had sown it, Tyson Granger had watered it regularly. Both their contributions were unforgettable in her life.

She decided to impress the prince. Adjusting the harmless shaft against the arc, she put her eyes on the bull's eye and pulled the string. Discharged, the barb shot right at the target. Right then, the board got shattered into pieces, exploding.


A scarlet light spread throughout the room, blinding the dumbfounded kids. They could see nothing. Suddenly, a strange fear gouged their hearts. They sensed that something wrong was going to happen with them. For fleeing from the room, they both dashed towards the doorway but collided with something. Their visions got blocked, abruptly, they started feeling sleepy. All the slumber of the world landed on their eyelids. They felt heavy. Yawning, they collapsed on the ground. Her head fell on his chest which felt like a pillow to her. He also didn't mind, they both got lost in their own worlds of dreams.

Ah! How serene, how adorable they were looking with each other! At that time, their pairing could defeat the moon and the stars, the river and the edge, the leaves and flowers. Unfortunate I was, I couldn't enjoy that moment.

That day, they forgot each other.

Yes, it was my trick. Willingly, on that day, I put them in sleep. When the king and queen of Japan got to know about the incident, they thought that there was something ominous in Russia. Quickly, taking their asleep daughter, they returned to Japan. Same thing went for the rest of the guests. That party completely went in vain.

When I became sure that all the invited guests had returned to their respective kingdoms, princess Hilary and prince Kai had regained their senses, I started another of my tasks. With my secret powers, I erased all their memories of visiting Russia. They remembered of the existence of Russia, her king and his family members, not about their journeys to the kingdom. I had to do it with the relatives of my master too save Voltaire Hiwatari. Crown-princess Apraxia Hiwatari, the aunts and cousins of my master totally forgot about the incident. They couldn't remember what happened in the birthday party of their prince. The invitees couldn't recall whether they had been invited to Russia ever or not.

What are you thinking? I'm heartless? No, dear readers. I had surely erased their memories but hadn't wiped away the feelings which had grown in their hearts for each other after having each other's sight. In this way, I hadn't only expressed my loyalty to the former king of Russia, but also I had proved that I would always be by the side of my master, my prince, my lord, Kai Alexander Hiwatari, let the world turn against or let him desert me.

Somewhere, in the corner of his heart, my master had an image of princess Hilary. Nipponista also couldn't forget his face fully. Their appearances kept teasing each other in honeyed dreams. The emotions had remained same. It hadn't changed a bit. It didn't change a bit. Till the end of the world, it would never change. Let alone Voltaire Hiwatari, even Boris Balkov didn't have the power to deform their future.

Because...their tryst was predestined.

Okay...how was it? Good or bad? You want to know what happened next? Go and view "Kingdom" :P

Pardon this Dranzer...sorry, Misty. Believe me, Dranzer's words don't belong to her, I myself let out my feelings there. When I was writing it, I wasn't Misty anymore. I literally became Dranzer then. Hehehe...

Even when I didn't start writing Kingdom, I was planning to write it from Dranzer's perspective. But guess what? I couldn't write it XD

Pardon the grammatical and the spelling errors too. Take care and stay safe. Once again, a very very happy birthday, the king of our hearts, our heartthrob, the apple of our eyes, our phoenix-prince :'D

-Misty ^_^ ^_^