Summary: the Order of the Phoenix uses a ritual to summon a hero from another world to aid them in the fight against Voldemort. He isn't exactly what they had expected.
Bashing!Dumbledore Bashing!Weasleys
A bit of violence
I do not own Harry Potter or anything written by J.K. Rowling.
August 1995
There was a lot of bickering and shouting going on in Dumbledore's office at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The Order of the Phoenix had gathered there to answer to the threat of the Dark Lord Voldemort who had returned after an absence of 14 years. Two months ago, a Death Eater disguised as Alastor Moody had kidnapped Neville Longbottom, the Boy-Who-Lived, during the third task of the Triwizard Tournament. Neville had been used in a ritual to bring the Dark Lord back and had been killed afterwards. While the ritual was taking place, Dumbledore saw 'Moody's suspicious behaviour when the boy disappeared, stunned him and questioned him under veritaserum. The DMLE had been notified, aurors and Dumbledore had arrived at the scene of the ritual to find Neville's body under the Dark Mark. A note had been attached to his body in a handwriting that the headmaster recognized as Voldemort's, stating he had to kill the boy twice before he had been permanently put down. When Dumbledore told Minister Fudge the Dark Lord had returned, the man refused to believe him. He started a slander campaign against the old wizard to convince the people all was well and that the Boy-Who-Lived died in a tragic accident during the Triwizard Tournament. Thus far, the Minister's strategy was working and now the Order had gathered to find a way to stop the Dark Lord without the Ministry's help. However, they didn't quite agree on 'how' to defeat him.
Frank and Alice Longbottom, James and Lily Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, the real Alastor Moody and the several auror members of the Order wanted to end Voldemort and his followers quick and swiftly once and for all. They had given up following the headmaster's beliefs after the devastating losses of the first war. The rest of the Order and the teacher staff followed Dumbledore's view on forgiveness and redemption; they blindly accepted his decisions because he is 'the most powerful wizard' to have ever lived, after Merlin of course. After almost an hour of disagreement, the headmaster had enough.
"Silence!" he yelled as he stands up using his aura to stop the heated discussion. The Order immediately quit the bickering and looked at him, some in disdain, and others with great expectations.
"I know we don't see eye to eye on how to defeat Voldemort, but we are not the ones to end him. We still have to show consideration for the prophecy." he sighed as he sat down. This statement made the Longbottom's blood boil.
"How can you say that, Albus?! Why do you still want to follow that blasted prophecy when the prophesied one, our son in fact, is dead?!" Frank roared as Alice looked at the old wizard with an expression as she wanted to strangle him. She would never forgive him as he was supposed to keep an eye on Neville while he was Hogwarts.
"I know and I meant no disrespect to young Neville." Dumbledore said, looking down at his hands. He still blamed himself for not preventing his kidnapping and not realising that an impostor had been polyjuiced as Moody.
"I meant that despite Neville's death, there is a prophesied one walking around, however not on this earth."
Everyone looked at him in confusion; they didn't quite gather what he meant. A young male voice asked "What do you mean, professor?"
Dumbledore looked at Ron Weasley, Neville's best friend, who had asked the question. He and his siblings were present at this meeting as was Skylar Potter. Neville, Ron and Skylar had been named Gryffindor's Golden Trio for they were inseparable and had gone through many adventures at Hogwarts in what Neville has been the centre of it. Their reputation got a recent dent however, when Ron had gone jealous of Neville when the latter had been accused of illegally entering the Tournament. Skylar had stayed at Neville's side and the three of them reunited after the first task when Ron realised his mistake. Now the two of them were depressed after the loss of their friend and there had been more than one heated argument between them. He gave the boy a sad smile as he started to explain.
"What I mean is that despite Neville's unfortunate death, the prophesied one will defeat Voldemort. There's no doubt about that, but he will not be from our world. He will be from a parallel universe."
The Order looked at him as if he had grown a second head, there was in their mind no way this could be possible. Dumbledore noticed Lily was the only one who realised what he meant.
"Albus, I implore you to reconsider. That ritual is still being researched by my fellow Unspeakables and is quite dangerous. It links the magical signatures of the performer and the one being summoned. If he is in pain, you will feel it as well and I don't want to think about what happens when he'll be murdered."
"I know and that is why I unfortunately need to do this. It is possible the other 'one' won't cooperate or even refuse to help us and demand us to return him to his world. I need leverage to make him stay and help us. Once Voldemort is defeated, I swear that I will send him back home." he calmly said.
"What you basically are planning, is kidnapping a stranger form his world, not forget to mention friends and family. This is something You-Know-Who would do, Albus. I am appalled that you would lower yourself to his level." Minerva McGonagall icily said to the headmaster who flinched at his old friend's tone.
"This is for the greater good, Minerva. We have no other choice now our Boy-Who-Lived is gone on his next great adventure. A prophecy is never wrong, without the 'other's help, no one can stop Voldemort. Not even me."
Dumbledore looked at the Order members before him. He saw the inner divide, but he counted a small majority that still trusted his judgement. He chose to use this to his advantage.
"Let's put it to a vote."
The result was obvious in his favour and he started to prepare the rituals with the majority's assistance. The others refused to lend a hand; they didn't want to be blamed when things would get out of hand.
April 2009
The Dark Lord was sitting in his office, looking pensive at a letter on his desk. The mission he gave Draco Malfoy was not going smoothly as he thought. He had sent him to France to propose new trade deals to the French Minister of Magic. However, the head of the French brand of the Malfoy family was the Minister's closest advisor and hated his English relative. Apparently a hate that started during the Hundred Year War between Britain and France, Draco had not written any further details about it. He was brought out of his musings when he heard a knock on the door.
The door opened and he saw the head of his secretary appear from behind.
"Milord, her Ladyship has arrived and wants to know if it is a good time to come in."
The Dark Lord shook his head as he smiled. He told his wife many times she could disturb him as many as she wanted to, he would always make time for her. Her answer to that would always be "I don't want to bring disrespect to your status. Besides, I know you rather spend time with me than wasting one more minute at a boring meeting." He looked at his secretary as she was still waiting for an answer.
"Let her in."
"Yes, milord."
He stood up as the Dark Lady entered the office, hugged her and kissed her long and sensuously. When their lips disconnected, she smirked at him.
"If I didn't know any better, I would say your kiss is a declaration of your love for me."
"Well, I still need to keep my so-called love for you in check so you wouldn't find out I am cheating on you with my secretary." he smirked as she mock-glared at him. Oh, how he loved to tease her. He kissed her on her forehead and returned to his seat.
"Did you leave the kids alone at the manor?" he asked.
"No, I dropped the off at the Department for Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures." she said with a wicked grin. She watched in satisfaction as a horrified look crossed her husband's face.
"Are you crazy?! You know her wrath when someone disturbs her in her work and because you two are good friends, she will blame me. Do you remember what happened last time?"
"If I remember correctly, she transfigured an annoying newbie in a pig and sold him to a muggle slaughterhouse?" he said as her smirk widened.
"Yes and she only told us where to find him when she was satisfied with her work. The aurors were just in time as they were about to chop his head off." he sighed, leaning his head on his hands. He looked up as his secretary knocked again.
"Milord, Lady Zabini demands to speak with you." she said to his horror. Before he could utter a word, the announced lady barged in. She glared at him with an intensity that would tame any dragon in the world. The secretary hastily left the office as Lady Zabini turned her focus to the Dark Lady.
"How are you?" she asked her with a genuine smile.
"As fine as I can be. You?"
"I was fine and busy, until a few minutes ago." she icily said, looking at the Dark Lord.
"Care to explain why your offspring is raving havoc in not only my office, but the whole department, milord?"
"Eh…because one of them is your goddaughter and they all love you?" he tried. Her nostrils dangerously flared, her glare got more intense and he knew he would be at the receiving end of another one of her rantings. Dark Lord of not, only two persons in the world scared him when angered and those two were currently in his office. Before Lady Zabini could say a word, something strange happened. A bright light started to shine around the Dark Lord and got more intense by the second.
"What are you doing, love?" the Dark Lady worriedly asked.
"Nothing, I swear. This isn't me." he seriously answered.
A shriek of Lady Zabini made him look to his feet; they started to fade followed by his legs some seconds later. He looked at the two women in front of him and barked orders.
"Go to the Department of Mysteries and tell them what happened. Urge them to find any information on limbs fading away on their own. Love, I want you to take my place for the time being and make the kids are all right. I don't know what this is, but it won't be for long I promise."
Lady Zabini ran out of the office as the Dark Lady looked horrified as her husband's chest started to fade. Their eyes locked, icy blue filled with fear and despair met emerald green fuelled with love, reassurance and determination. The Dark Lord gave her a reassuring smile before darkness took him.