~~What' cha doing?~~ Bakura asked through the mindlink. ~Looking for my Uncle.~ He answered simply, a bit ticked. ~~Well there he is!~~ ~Where?~ ~~The guy with the sign! I think your name is Ryou Bakura, unless you changed it without telling me~~ Ryou sighed, relieved that he found him as he walked toward the man with the sign. "Hi. You're Ryou, right?" Ryou nodded. "Yes. Are you my uncle." He asked suspiciously. This certainly didn't look like any uncle of his. The man chuckled. "No. I'm afraid you're uncle is whole lot grouchier than me. You're very lucky you're a guest and not a family member. They're very judgmental of people." He said as he led him along to a station wagon. The man unlocked the door and motioned for him to get in.

About an hour later, the two finally arrived at the Dursleys. Carefully making sure that his ring was safely tucked under his shirt, not to mention trying not to laugh out loud at his Yami's comments, he rung the doorbell. A black-haired green-eyed boy opened it, and before saying anything he simply looked for a moment. ~~What's up with him?~~ Ryou scoffed mentally. ~It's not him! It's me!~ Bakura clenched his fists. ~~I swear one comment about the hair and I will personally send him to the shadow realm!~~ "Umm. Hi! You must be Ryou. I'm Harry, Harry Potter." He held his hand to shake, which Ryou took. ~~No comments yet, but weird looks. he's on his way~~ Ryou smiled. To an outsider, not one would guess they were related. They were exact opposites, Ryou with his white hair and deep ebony eyes, and Harry, with the jet-black hair and vibrant emerald eyes. "Well, come on in." Harry motioned. "I have to warn you of Dudley. He's a bit. overbearing and... Large." As they came into the living room, Ryou realized 'large' was by far an understatement. He was at least as large as a young killer whale, if not bigger. "Uh. thanks." Ryou said timidly before being engulfed by stares. At this, Bakura immediately took over. "What are you looking at?!" He asked before letting Ryou regain control. Ryou blushed as he ran up the stairs into the one room that didn't look occupied. Harry ran up after him, wondering what could set him off like that. The door was closed, but what he heard through it shocked him.

"You baka, what were you thinking, taking over like that! I could have handled it!" Said a first voice that sounded like Ryou. "I was getting tired of the stares! You're lucky I didn't send the lot of them to the shadow realm!" A darker, more vicious voice answered. "Oh, you had your fun, now go away! I swear, if anything like that should happen again, you will not be allowed to split or take over!" The first voice hissed. "I can take over when I wish, and I don't need to split from you! Taking over would be much easier!" The second voice threatened. A weird sound came from inside the room, and Harry heard footsteps coming towards the door. Harry ran to his bedroom and shut the door swiftly before Ryou came out looking more than slightly ruffled.

"Um, Ryou. I have to ask you something." Harry requested timidly. Ryou raised his eyes from the paper he was working on. "Yes?" Harry looked around fervently, making sure no one else was around to hear. "Are you attending a school called Hogwarts this year?" Ryou thought for a moment. "My father told me I was coming England to attend a school, but I never quite caught the name." He answered before swirling around. "Harry? Aren't owls nocturnal?" He asked rather nervously. Harry looked at the window. "Not when they're delivering. This is for you, but it's not from Dumbledore." He handed Ryou a letter. Ryou opened it carefully, trying not to rip this sandy paper the envelope was made of. "It's from Isis!" He said excitedly as he ripped the covering off, no longer bothering with neatness. "Isis?" Harry asked. "A good friend of mine. She lives in Cairo, though, so I haven't seen her since the tournament." He explained, although leaving out some important details. "Oh, don't worry, she's much older than I am." He said with a blush after seeing the expression on Harry's face. It read:

Dear Ryou,

I trust that you are doing well. Malik is much better since the last time you saw him, but I think one look at the Grave Robber would put him back to his old tricks. I hope he's been in line since I last saw him. You tell me if he's not, I'll take care of it. Now to other things.

I am told you are to attend a school called Hogwarts. How am I aware of this? Well, yeah, the tauk, but that's not it. Malik was accepted as well, along with Kaiba and Yugi. You know as well as I do that Malik is hardly allowed out of the house without either me or Rishid, due to his profuse temper. So, I have applied for Defense against the dark arts professor.

Ryou looked up. "What's Defense Against the Dark Arts?" Harry looked at him for a moment, and answered. "It's a class at Hogwarts. Why?" Ryou glanced back down at the letter. "Professor Ishtar. Doesn't that sound lovely." Harry blinked a few seconds. "Huh? Professor Ishtar? Who's that?" Ryou smiled. "Apparently Isis Ishtar." He said before going back to the letter.

I hope you're enjoying you're stay in England. I'll see you in Diagon Alley. Yugi and Kaiba will be there with us, so if you see the pharaoh running around wild in places you're pretty sure he shouldn't be, then tell him to get back to his hikari immediately or else suffer the wrath of me 'borrowing' the rod. I don't think anyone should know of the darks unless absolutely necessary, with the sole exception of Professor Dumbledore. At this moment, I want you to take this letter or shove it down your throat. Or make Bakura do it.
Seeing this, Bakura laughed and snickered in his soul room. Ryou got annoyed and shut himself in his, forcing Bakura to take over. Bakura immediately seized the opportunity to go find a certain pig, and maybe give his man-eater bug a treat. Harry asked where he was going, and he answered with a grin, "To feed a pet of mine." ~~So, Ryou, should we eat him or sacrifice him?~~ He asked, smirking the whole way down the stairs. "I don't want to get sick! You should dress him up like a pig and throw a party for Yami's god cards. Then, next time we duel them, he can't use Slypher, Osiris, or Ra!~ He answered, knowing that was what his Yami would want to hear. He could hear the lunatic raving through the door about something or other. ~~Ah ha, what a smart little hikari you are!~~

The next few days were pretty uneventful. The Dursleys took him sightseeing a lot, to the zoo, the park, to the 'London Bridge'. They kept him away from Harry as much as possible, but as much as they tried to keep the two apart, they were becoming fast friends. They shared both the secret of magic, and the detest of Dudley. But Bakura just made it all the more difficult. Whenever Ryou let him take over, he even looked different. And Harry definitely noticed. Ryou knew this, for Harry also acted somewhat different when Bakura was in control. He looked a bit. scared. He didn't know what happened, but he knew when. He never told anyone, but when you considered this wasn't the kind of thing you could write in a letter that may be intercepted, and there was no one nearby worth telling, it really didn't matter. Ryou and Bakura had a long discussion about this. ~You need to be more subtle! You act too different from me, and he's noticing! You know what Isis said! No one needs to know about the Millennium Items, it could be too dangerous!~ Bakura sighed. ~~So you want me to sit around all day like a little goody-two-shoes and simply not enjoy my time out of the ring?~~ Ryou smiled grimly. ~Yeah, basically.~ He answered. ~~I have more fun stealing stuff from your soul room!~~ Bakura pouted. ~What! Forget it. Tell you what. Next time we go out to some famous place of England, we'll split. I'll go back with the Dursleys and you can wander around all day. You know how to sense when I'm near, and you're obviously good at hiding, so just keep out of sight.~ Ryou offered. Bakura though for a few seconds. ~~How will I return to the ring from a distance if I need to?~~ He asked. ~We can talk through the link, and arrange a place where you'll be near enough to return.~ Ryou suggested. Bakura smiled and nodded enthusiastically.

~~We're going to the zoo.~~ Bakura said, astonished such a boring thing could be thought up. ~Yeah, but you'll be on your own for once. But I swear, if I find one zookeeper or a lion or something in the shadow realm, I'm shipping you back to Isis in Cairo!~ Ryou answered, terribly annoyed at his Yami. ~~Ahh. think of all the things I can do to precious Egypt!~~ Ryou blinked a few times. ~To Japan then, to live with the pharaoh!~ Bakura shook his index finger. ~~No, Yugi-chan is going too~~ Ryou shook his head in frustration, accidentally whipping Dudley with the ends. "Hey!" He yelled. Ryou pretended to blush, and murmured a soft apology. They drove up into the parking lot, and looking out the window he made out the figure of, "Yugi!!" He said aloud. Petunia turned from her seat and looked at Ryou with his face pressed up against the window. Ryou blushed. "He's a friend. from home." He quickly explained. She nodded as she let out her breath. ~~The pharaoh!~~ Bakura exclaimed as he pushed Ryou into his soul room and took over himself. "I'm going to go see what in the world he's doing in England. Last time I checked, he couldn't even speak English." He imitated Ryou's voice perfectly as he hopped out of the minivan. He was careful not to let Harry see his face, he could sense he was trying to see. Vernon and Petunia watched the boy run fervently toward the gates in awe.

"Pharaoh." Bakura greeted in disgust. "Hello to you too, tomb robber." He answered as he looked up from his directory. "Switch to Arabic, people can hear." Bakura ordered in his native language. "Fine. But I think you should know, Isis knows yours and Ryou's little plan to split. And she doesn't want you to, stealthy as you may be." He pointed out. "Stupid tauk of hers!" Bakura muttered. "Not to mention that she's here to pick you and that Harry cousin of yours. Taking them out to the Woozle's or something. I suggest you tell Ryou and let him tell his cousin." He said as he walked into the gift shop. ~~Ryou, d' ya hear that?~~ Ryou nodded mentally as he gained control. The Dursleys, accompanied by Harry witnessed this as they followed Ryou. Ryou ignored the stares as he smiled and waved. "Hey Harry!" He yelled across the street. "You're being picked up as soon as I can figure out where Malik and Isis are hiding!" Ryou said excitedly as he grabbed Harry and ran. "Oh, and by the way, I'm a wizard too!" He yelled before the explosion.

"What, are you crazy! You will be seriously lucky if the next time they see you they cast you off or kick you out!" Harry said quite truthfully. Ryou nodded. "Didn't you think I knew that! Besides, I seriously pride myself on being a bit crazy sometimes. Now be quiet and look for a blonde Egyptian with lavender eyes, a black-haired Egyptian, or a guy with three different hair colors, red, black and blonde. You spot one, you'll find the rest. Isis would never trust those two on their own." He said quietly as they looked all through the gift shop. "Oh, Yugi, you're not so hard to spot, so where are you." He sang softly. "Ah ha! Hey, Yugi, over here!" Yami turned around swiftly. "Oh, hey Ryou." The boy's facial features softened and seemed to get a bit shorter. "Hi Ryou. Looking for Isis too?" He greeted merrily. Ryou sweat dropped. "You mean you don't know where she is either!?" Yugi shook his head. "No, I know where she is, I just can't go in there." He pointed to the girls bathroom. Ryou blushed. "Oh.." He muttered. "And Malik?" He asked. "Right here!" Malik popped up out of nowhere. "That Harry?' Malik pointed at the boy. Ryou nodded. "Yeah." Malik waved. "I gotta ask you something." Ryou animé fell. This was going to take a while.

"Ron!!" Harry yelled excitedly as they pulled up to the burrow. ~~The burrow? Do they call it that cause it's so small only rabbits could live in it?~~ Yami Bakura asked. ~No, they don't! Now shut up before I space out again, and make me look all weird and stuff!~ Ryou ordered stubbornly. ~~Geez, someone's certainly not feeling well!~~ He said before returning to his soul room. "Ryou. Ryou." Yugi waved his hand in front of Ryou's face to no avail. "Uh. look out, Shadi's on the warpath again!" Malik said in Arabic. "Don't bother, he can't understand you, as atrocious as your accent is!" Isis chided. "Huh? Oh, sorry." Ryou quickly snapped out of it once he realized what was going on. ~~Well, that went well.~~ Bakura chuckled from inside his soul room. "Does that happen often?' Mrs. Weasley asked timidly. "Sometimes." Yugi answered for him. "He goes way too deep into thought sometimes. I imagine it happens to everyone once in a while. Most people don't have as much to think about though." He trailed off. Ryou grabbed his stuff, the few things he did have with him at the zoo, along with Harry. "The ministry will magic your things here. Don't worry." Isis reassured, noticing the look on Harry's face when he realized all he had was a bit of money in his pocket. "Come on up, you four. He said, more to Harry than to the three foreigners. As they walked into the house, two of Ron's brothers, Fred and George, looked up and gazed at Yugi, Ryou, and Malik. "Cool!" They said as they looked at each other excitedly. "It's natural." The three said by instinct. "It is?" Ron asked curiously. "Well, Yugi's hair has a little help," Malik pointed at the boy's blond bangs. "But otherwise, yeah, it's real." The two twins were now writing something down eagerly. "Thanks for the idea!" One of them popped up. Ron rolled his eyes. "If you hear mum yelling something about hair dye, please don't mind. Those two are always in some sort of trouble." Ron explained. "You three can stay in Bill and Charlie's room." He pointed to a room next to the one that Harry had just walked into. ~~Lemme out, lemme out!~~ Bakura begged. "Uh, yeah, thanks." Ryou muttered as he pushed Yugi and Malik in. "Okay!" He said aloud once he shut the door. "Thank you!" Bakura said as he stretched. "If he's out, so am I!" Yami also took advantage of the privacy. "Okay." Malik uttered softly. He still wasn't quite used to the two appearing out of nowhere. "A game anyone?"
"Isis, I know, already!" Malik argued. "I know you know, for all the more reason to drill it in to your head farther! Just remember, keep your temper. I swear, if I have to set Yami on after you again," Malik put it off with a wave of his hand. "Don't worry, I got it all under control here." He smiled mischievously. Isis frowned. "You know, even if no one finds out that you get into trouble, I will know." Malik nodded, a glint still in his lavender eyes. Isis frowned again and turned to leave. "Oh, and, I suggest you make peace with the pharaoh. You may need him sooner than you think." She said as an afterthought as she left.

"Dinner!" Mrs. Weasley hollered up the stairs. Bakura stared at Ryou, begging to take over, if just to eat. "Absolutely not! I think Harry can honestly tell the difference between you and me!" Ryou warned. "So what?" The tomb robber replied, obviously not phased. "The answer is no." Bakura pouted. "Fine, but you have to bring me something up to eat!" He ordered, right before that weird sound that seemed to suck Bakura back into the ring. Ryou knew that it would be hard to keep his Yami a secret. What he didn't know is that somebody already knew.

~Ginny's POV~

As I was about to knock on the door to tell Ryou that it was dinnertime, I heard something that shocked me greatly. The door was slightly open, so I peered in to see if he was ready. What I saw scared me into a jolt. When I looked in, it was like from one of the books Charlie had once sent me, only different in a way. There were two Ryou's! Well, actually, they didn't look exactly the same, but they had the same skinny figure, the same long, white hair, not to mention they were wearing the same exact outfit. But one of them looked like the Ryou I had seen earlier, and the other. more evil. It sounds silly, I know, but it was true. There was a certain glint in the other's eyes, a glint I had seen many times in Fred or George's eyes, but it wasn't as bright. He wasn't up to simple mischief at all. He was after something more dangerous than ton-tongue toffees or turning a few people into canaries. There was much more to him. The one I recognized as the real Ryou, though, didn't seem scared or worried about him. He looked perfectly comfortable talking to him about food or something, I really didn't catch the conversation. I heard a sound like a giant fan being put on reverse, and saw Ryou put something under his shirt before coming towards the door. I knew I had to move before he caught me there, but I couldn't at all. He opened the door and saw me before I could do anything.

~Normal POV~

Ryou's eyes opened wide once he realized that Ginny had saw him talking to Bakura. He quickly shoved her into the room. "You saw me, didn't you." Bakura appeared right in front of her. Knowing that now he had appeared, there was no way out, she said, "Yes. I did." She said, starting to cry. "Weakling! Not even little Ryou would cry before a lesson, and I've managed to change since then." He said in a very cocky voice. "Yami.." Ryou was cut off by Bakura. "Don't worry, little Ryou. I won't do anything. yet." He got up close to Ginny's face. "I can promise you, if you tell anyone. and I mean anyone about your little sightseeing, I will send you to a place worse than death. Your body will remain a useless shell, unable to think or talk. Much like a rock." He said before once again disappearing with that sound. "Ginny.. Are you okay?" Ryou went up to comfort Ginny, knowing for himself that Bakura could be extremely nerve-racking when he felt like it. Ginny simply sat there, still crying. "Don't worry about him. He won't hurt you, I promise. But you really can't tell." He warned. "Like he said, don't even risk it in a diary." He said, making Ginny giggle a bit. "I'm sorry.." Ryou said, feeling very confused. Ginny just giggled a bit more. "It's just that. two years ago. I had a bit of a run-in with a rather mad diary. It turned out that it had conserved the memory of Tom Riddle, who is known to most as You-know-who. I just think it's a bit ironic you should mention that." She explained. By now, her tears had dried. "If you really need to know more about him, don't talk to me, because he could take over my body and simply do something like that again, so make sure you're in private and talk to Yugi or Malik. They could probably tell you more interesting things about him than I could anyway. I never remember what happens when he takes over, anyway." He told her with a smile before leaving her to her own thoughts.