Disclaimer: RWBY and all characters associated belong to Monty Oum and Rooster Teeth. Not GrimGrave.
Commissioned by Shigiya; sequel to Breaking Ice
A Queen's Send-off
Chapter 1 – Getting Nasty at the Club
It was happening.
Her team/girlfriends and their mothers would ravish her, six-on-one, in every way imaginable. Her heart wouldn't slow down. She was trembling in equal fear and excitement as her twisted mind ran through every possible scenario at an alarming speed.
Her underwear had pooled around her feet and her fingers were fiddling with the hem of her combat-skirt. All eyes were on her, hungry and—
"Someone is eager," Raven said with that sultry smirk of hers. "But I think you're jumping the gun a bit, princess."
Everything came to a screeching, jarring halt.
No wait, what?
What was happening?
"Don't misunderstand; we're certainly really excited after your…invitation," Kali commented and chuckled. "However we have some things to prepare before we have our fun – something very special. I'm afraid you will have to wait until then."
Weiss blinked and perfectly imitated a fish with the way her mouth opened and closed. "…Oh."
"Don't worry Weiss, we'll be sure to have some fun until then!" Yang added. "Just not all at once; at least not now~"
Well that certainly sounded promising, but the embarrassment of having jumped the gun – and having to pull your panties back up – certainly put a damper on her excitement. "I…see…So, uhm…What now?"
Yang and her mother exchanged looks and grinned – complete dead-ringers they were – and then turned towards the heiress. "Blake told me of this underground club that's a stone's throw away from here. I was thinking you, me, and mom visit it tonight and enjoy ourselves for a while, see where that takes us, you horn-dog."
Her face flared up. "I a-a-am certainly n-not a horn-dog! How rude!"
"You're the one who just a minute ago were ready to take us all on," Raven reminded with a smirk. "There's no shame in admitting that, little princess. We're all riled up, especially after your little show just now."
Her cheeks burned with shame and embarrassment as she avoided everyone's eyes. Getting so worked up and presenting herself in front of the bunch and getting what was basically a rejection did not sit well with her at all.
Granted, they had plans for the orgy Weiss had only just minutes ago accepted, but she would make do. She was already in a relationship with three people and had ended up sleeping with their mothers, what was an orgy on top of that?
And that didn't necessarily mean she couldn't have fun with them separately. As much as Weiss still thought of herself as above base desires and instinct she knew better and there was nothing wrong with having a healthy sexuality. She and her team had regular check-ups every now and then and more often than not they used condoms and only skipped them on special days. So far there had been no trouble.
She crossed her arms with a huff as she left the room. Who were they to call her a horndog when they all jumped at the chance to bed her the second they were introduced?
So be it. Her team could afford a week more in Menagerie (it would be a close shave with Beacon picking up again, but worth it) and during that time Weiss would make the most out of it by enjoying herself thoroughly. Certainly her teammates and their mothers would happily do the same.
With that settled, Weiss went back to the guestroom she had barely used what with Blake and Kali moving her between every room except her own, the fencer decided to unpack and perhaps take a quick stroll before tonight. If she was going clubbing with Yang and Raven she would have to dress to impress.
And she certainly had an idea in mind.
Once the evening rolled in the heiress had disappeared into her guestroom. A shower was in order before she donned her outfit for tonight that she had bought earlier today, and then she'd get to work on the details.
Emboldened by the promise of the trio enjoying themselves tonight and casting shame to the wind, Weiss had opted to wear something more risqué for the occasion; a coal-black virgin-killer sweater, white stockings, and heels. Her hair was flawless and her nails, makeup, were all perfect. It was the subtle things that brought it all together and judging by Yang's and Raven's stunned faces as she met up with them in the main hallway, she had indeed done a perfect job.
And the mother-daughter duo had positively spruced themselves up as well; black ties, slacks and dress-shoes with Yang sporting a fiery-yellow formal sleeveless vest over a black dress-shirt and Raven with a black formal waistcoat over a crimson dress-shirt. Their outfits accentuated their physiques just right and the fencer could do nothing but stare appreciatively.
Dapper bitches ain't they.
Weiss could practically see the faint outlines of their cocks down their pant-legs.
"Those clothes suit you," she acknowledged in a vain attempt to play it cool despite being just as smitten by the mother-daughter duo. The heat that was rising over cheeks was fought off only by gentle breeze that grazed Kuo Kuana from the open door.
"Uh…Yeah, thanks…" Yang cleared her throat. "You look…Just wow. I never thought I'd ever see you in a virgin-killer sweater, Weiss."
"I deemed it appropriate for tonight is all," the fencer said coolly.
"Oh it's appropriate alright," Raven commented with a lopsided grin. "Let's get out of here before I change my mind and drag you back to the guestroom."
She walked over and draped an arm over the heiress' shoulders as she began to lead the way with Yang wrapping her arm around Weiss' waist.
"I mean, I love clubbing and all, but I wouldn't mind if we—"
"I didn't go through all the trouble of doing my hair, makeup, and buying these clothes just to spend the evening in bed, thank you very much."
"How about afterwards then?"
Weiss scoffed. "That's…agreeable I suppose."
Yang smirked and pressed her lips against Weiss' temple. "Then let's hit the club post-haste!"
"I could go for a beer or two, myself. I leave the dancing to you two."
"Don't be such a bore, mom. I'm sure you and Weiss can enjoy yourselves on the dancefloor if you catch my drift."
"Of course I do. Subtlety was never one of your strengths, Yang."
Weiss just scoffed and rolled her eyes good-naturedly as the mother and daughter laughed, even when Yang felt up her butt every now and then.
It was a bit of an underground club with loud, reverberating music, (that didn't quite suit the more refined tastes of a Schnee, but she'd endure it for the occasion) and a host of various Faunus patrons, though a human here and there including Weiss, Yang, and Raven was noted to be around. Blake had mentioned that it was extraordinary, but for a simple-looking village like Kuo Kuana, the clubs and markets were mighty impressive, which said a lot coming from someone who was used to the modern technology of Atlas.
The club was everything Yang had hoped for and far too intense for Weiss' liking; the music was loud and wild, and the mixed smells of alcohol, body odour, and smoke was overpowering. The light was dim and only provided enough vision for the bar and dancefloor.
Raven had retreated to said bar for a beer or two while her daughter took over the dance floor with the fencer in tow – something about help her loosen up – and lost herself to the atmosphere of the place.
Amused, she watched the two girls dance to the beat; or rather, Yang dancing to the beat and Weiss awkwardly attempting to mimic her moves.
An hour swiftly disappeared. Raven enjoyed her beer and the eye-candy that happened to be present tonight, but her eyes never strayed off Weiss for too long. Brothers, the girl looked hot in that sweater.
Her brawler of a daughter moved with confidence and sultrily shimmied closer to the heiress, boldly and subtly feeling her up in the process.
Weiss slowly got into the groove as she mirrored Yang's moves and dipped low to the beat. When the blonde moved up behind her she knew those strong hands would be all over her in a second and sure enough firm hands roamed over pale expanses of skin that was left exposed and sneaked underneath the clothes as she grinded against her with enough hip-movement to further accentuate her derriere.
The wildness in their moves died down to a sensual, slow pace. Weiss grinded against Yang's pelvis as the brawler touched the curves of her butt and around over her stomach, up to the underside of her perky breasts. The light turned dim and blue-ish, but the pair could just barely see each other's eyes as the fencer reached back to bury a hand in golden tresses. Their lips grazed ever so slightly as if daring the other to claim a kiss, teasing each other before fully committing to their desires and busied themselves.
The heat and haze began to permeating the air around them and before long Raven joined them and sandwiched the fencer between the mother-daughter duo. Her dancing was not too different from her daughter's, but she focused a lot more on Weiss with lingering touches across her legs and up her sides. It didn't take her long to try and steal the fencer's lips and when she did, the dancing ceased in favour of tongues coiling and hands grabbing whatever they could reach. What was supposed to be a friendly outing turned into borderline foreplay right on the dancefloor.
It was as if the world stopped and she entered a trance. The sparks of heat that the mother-daughter pair set off from their fingertips, the smell and taste of alcohol on Raven's tongue, the close proximity of the pair as they sidled up against her with half-hearted dance-moves with sex on their mind…The heiress surrendered to it.
Weiss' heart was beating wildly beneath her breast. One second she was all pressed up against and made out with Raven, the next she was embraced by Yang who busied her lips hungrily. The way the mother-daughter duo touched her, watched her, and stayed close to her as if warding off potential predators would've been hilarious if it wasn't making a bolt of heat rush straight to between her legs.
Finally, Raven spoke and broke the silence between them as soon as the music toned down enough. "You know, I scoured the club while you two were busy and found something rather interesting…"
"Yes?" Weiss surprised herself with just how husky her voice came out. There was no fighting Desire.
The older woman smirked. "Why don't you head to the bathroom and enter the stall with a black door, Weiss?"
She knew immediately what the brunette was referring to; you heard about such things from movies or books and this club fit the bill perfectly with its atmosphere. Part of her didn't want to do things right here and now despite how wet she was already, but the idea of having to make a rushed walk back to the Belladonna mansion just to get some relief made her nod instead as she reluctantly stepped away from the two and headed towards the bathroom. She could feel Yang's and Raven's eyes, as well as everyone else's on her as she made her way over.
The stall was, dare she say, exquisite with its black floor and red neon lights overhead. She spotted the black door immediately and headed inside, confirming her suspicions. The club music was not as loud in here, but you could feel the beat vibrating through the walls and the floor.
There was a single hole in each wall. Judging by the stains it wasn't the first time tonight someone had been in here.
Weiss smirked and squatted, the perfect height for the holes, and waited. Soon enough there was the sound of the door creaking open and footsteps hurrying over to the stall to her left. She could've peeked through and caught a glimpse of who it was, but the thrill of mystery persuaded her not to and soon a large cock slipped through the hole, right in front of her. There was no way to tell if it was Yang's or Raven's.
Like mother like daughter.
The hole was enough for a set of testicles to push out as well and Weiss wetted her lips and, without wasting any time, dove straight for those healthy globes.
She couldn't tell who it was by the musky scent either, but it was intoxicating. Her wet tongue licked the seam of the testicles and up underside the cock about halfway before she focused on each individual ball, giving them a thorough tongue-bath before she popped one into her mouth and sucked, much to the delight of whoever it was.
It popped back out just as easily before she gave the other meaty orb the same treatment. The cock twitched overhead in response and Weiss chuckled before her mouth was full again.
If she had to guess she would say this was Yang, but who really knew; the soft groan she earned from slowly jerking the impressive length wasn't much to go on. As she gave the balls a kiss each she jerked a bit faster and licked the underside of the shaft, base to tip, before swirling her flexible organ around the helmet.
"Mhm…You like this huh? I'm surprised you would go these lengths for this when we could've stayed back at the Belladonna's…" Weiss chuckled and pursed her lips against the tip for a quick peck. "Although I don't mind getting out of that house and enjoy myself a bit. And seeing you two dressed up so dapperly is definitely doing it for me…"
The cock throbbed in her grasp and she sneered.
"I figured you'd like that."
Weiss squeezed her right breast through the sweater to occupy her other hand as she took an inch inside her mouth and suckled, still stroking the dick, before taking it deeper.
It pulsated inside her mouth. The scent was strong and it was so warm. Judging by how much it was twitching it felt good and even better when the fencer took it even deeper until it poked against the back of her throat. She applied suction and bobbed her head in time with her breathing, taking it slow on that end while she was vigorously pumping her hand over its length.
Her other hand and left her bosom to explore her lower lips. She was getting wetter. Her pussy quivered in response to the faint touch and for now that would suffice until she had something proper to quench the fire.
She reluctantly moved her hand back up to fondle the lucky intersex' balls as she bobbed her head a bit quicker, sucking every inch that made past her pursed lips. The cock was trembling and grew warmer and Weiss doubled down on her efforts, lavishing the masculine organ with her lips and tongue as she played with its balls to the sound of groaning and a fist slamming against the wall every so often until it became a full on string of bangs.
A lustful moan came from the other stall and the heiress braced herself with her palms square against the wall and bobbed her head and sucked off whoever was behind the stall. The cock throbbed more and more just as Weiss sunk her head forward it pulsated and ejaculated against the back of her throat.
She heaved and drank down the first spurt of cum, but her mouth was quickly filled as she pulled her head back and felt the shaft pulsate against her lips. The fencer swallowed as best as she could, but like others who had evidently come here there was semen and spittle dripping onto the floor.
After what seemed like an eternity the ejaculation finally stopped and the person on the other side pulled out with one last rope landing across Weiss' lips before they slipped out of the gloryhole. She hadn't looked to see who it was yet as she wiped her mouth with the back of her hands and cleared her throat of the tangy, salty taste.
And just like that there was another cock and balls emerging from the hole on the opposite wall, standing at attention.
Weiss smugly licked her lips and stepped closer, inhaling its scent. She still couldn't tell who this was, but at this point it didn't matter as she wrapped her fingers around the cock and flicked her tongue around its head while she stroked it firmly and slowly. Swirling her tongue she coated the tip with saliva and lapped a hot path alongside the underside, still jerking it off, and proceeded to slather the underside of those healthy-looking orbs by the seam with her tongue.
Whoever was behind the stall was impatient – this had to be Yang – as the foot tapping quickened and the occasional groan and sigh was head whilst the occupant jutted out her junk towards Weiss.
"Hey, settle down. I'll take good care of you…"
To emphasize her point the fencer licked one of the balls, altering between that and kissing the sac for a minute before she took the orbs one at a time into her mouth and applied suction, her hand still wrapped around the turgid shaft and pumping it at a faster pace. Pre-cum was gathering at the tip and was on the verge of rolling down the length.
Weiss suckled those meaty orbs thoroughly before lapping over their taut curves and tracing a path from the seam up along the cock's underside and swirled the pink muscle around the helmet. She collected the pre as she did and bobbed her head down onto the shaft. It throbbed inside her mouth in response and Weiss sucked it off, her cheeks hollowing out as she did, as she kept jerking the rest of the length.
If her family saw her now…just how would they react to their esteemed daughter behaving like a whore who's trying to earn the big bucks for one single night? It would be mortifying and yet she had never felt freer or felt such a thrill of keeping such a relationship with six women and her active sex-life a secret.
The cock pulsated and twitched more frequently and Weiss sucked more thoroughly. It strained against her cheek. It was warm to the touch and she eagerly pumped faster to the sound of the quiet noises that came from the other side of the stall.
With a long groan, lighter in tone than the other person, Weiss received her creamy discharge and drank it down, furiously pumping the shaft into her oral orifice. It was less messy than the other one, copious though as it was.
After what felt like an eternity the fencer pulled back, the ejaculation having subsided, and swirled her tongue around the last droplets in her mouth before she swallowed.
"My, my…Still hard, are we?"
The cock merely bobbed in response, still standing at attention.
"Well then. How about we try something more…tighter to sate you?"
It throbbed and jutted forward frantically to the fencer's amusement.
Chuckling, she slowly rose back up and turned around as she hiked up her virgin-killer sweater and pulled down her lacy underwear as she supported herself against the other wall. She propped out her butt against the dick and wiggled teasingly and watched with amusement as the cock thrusted at her. "I figured you'd like that."
There was a scoff coming from the other end of the stall and the shaft Weiss had serviced earlier – still slick with saliva – emerged back through the hole in front of her just as erect as the other one, followed by a fist slamming the stall wall.
Thankfully the booth was ridiculously narrow enough for Weiss to…accommodate both. She wetted her lips and leaned down to lick the mushroom-head pointing at her and giggled.
"Very well. I'll entertain both of you."
She felt spit-roasted.
As Weiss pulled back her head from the cock she pushed back onto the other as it sheathed down the base inside her pussy.
When she bounced back as a result she took the cock deeper into her mouth to the point it bulged her throat a little.
As if moving to the beat of the music the fencer kept taking both dicks as she slid back and forth between the stall walls. Her legs were shaking. Her underwear pooled around her ankles and spittle and drool stained the floor beneath her. With one hand on the cock in front of her and one pressed against the wall for support, Weiss kept servicing both women devotedly as pleasure and heat raked over her sweaty body. Loose strands of hair clung to her face and her heart hammered like a well-oiled engine piston beneath her breast.
She could hear the other two grunting and moaning over the music; it was litanies of relief for her girlfriends were an insatiable bunch and had too much stamina for their own good.
Not that she would ever really complain about it…too much that is.
Weiss began sliding back and forth faster. She took the shaft behind her down to the base each time, but the one in front could only be taken that far inside before her gag reflex had to fight back.
She jerked it off quicker and pursed her lips around it. It was trembling the more she sucked the first few inches and shifted to lick around its tip, but the other one was thrashing like crazy inside her core. It likely wouldn't take long before they abided pleasure, but until then Weiss would milk as much ecstasy out of this as possible.
Her pussy quivered as inner muscles clamped down on the pummelling cock, the sensation raking at her pleasure-receptors with the speed of lightning. It spread from neuron to neuron and up along the heiress' spine with each thrust backwards as she found herself pushed closer to the edge.
She was starting to slobber over the dick in front of her, obscenely and sloppily, as she sucked it in a haze of raw, borderline-disgusting lust. She was lost in a trance with music, musk, and the sound of her blood pumping.
The one behind the fencer was moaning louder and it started to sound more like Yang. Which made sense; Raven was a bit bigger than her, but they were all relatively hung so it made little difference. She sounded impatient, but so did Raven in front of her and their cocks were swelling and pulsating like rapid heartbeats.
Weiss would've laughed if she wasn't being stuffed from both ends; instead she redoubled her efforts, fucking herself on Yang's cock while sucking-and-jerking off Raven fervently. She took her deeper each time she bounced forward and pumped her hand over the twitching length, her own sex just as needy and on the verge of pleasure as she took all of the brawler's dick back inside with a slam.
Like lightning out of the blue, pleasure struck Weiss as she was thrown over the edge; she kept bouncing over the blonde's phallus, inner muscles tightening and her whole body taut as she rode out her high that took her by storm as she trembled. Her pale-blue eyes rolled back from the sudden spike as ecstasy washed over her body…along with the mother and daughter's ejaculations.
Raven came inside her mouth that just barely covered the mushroom-head while Yang was fully hilted and erupting inside silky-smooth wet heat. The torrents of cum filled her up on both ends, spilling out onto the floor as a result, as Weiss simply shook in place as she rode the wave of pleasure.
It wasn't until the dup pulled back that Weiss finally somewhat) came down from her high and leaned against the wall in front of her as she smacked her stained white lips. Her heart wouldn't slow down and her body felt like it was burning.
"That was…thorough," she uttered. Her breathing came out in heavy and her jaw was a bit sore. "But I said I would entertain you."
The door quickly opened as she was mid-way through of pulling her panties up as Raven and Yang, arms slung over each other's shoulders, greeted her with tired, but sly grins with their phalluses still out…and still hard.
Weiss' eyes widened and for only a moment there was a pang of fear striking her before she smugly chuckled. "You really are insatiable aren't you?"
The mother-daughter pair merely snickered and entered the stall and closed the door behind them.
"Fuck, Weiss…You feel so fucking good…" Yang breathed out as she lower her haunches and slipped her cock down the heiress' mouth. The position was awkward, but thanks to small ledges on the wall the blonde was now above the fencer.
Raven meanwhile was underneath snow-haired girl and her daughter, madly thrusting into her pussy. The fencer was stuck between them, underwear dangling around one ankle and her sweater hiked up as the brunette was furiously fucking her compared to the blonde's slower pacing.
The heiress' hair was dishevelled and her body was a sweaty mess. She didn't know where to keep her hands so they clutched onto whatever part of the mother-daughter duo she could reach and held on as Raven rutted into her pussy in raw desperate lust. Yang occupied her mouth and slowly sunk into her throat, her balls nestling against Weiss' chin as she did, before she pulled up until only the tip was inside the fencer's mouth.
"You should've introduced your girlfriend a lot earlier, Yang," the brunette uttered between her grunts and sharply exhaled moans. Her fingers dug deeper into the soft skin of the fencer's butt. "Brothers…It feels so fucking good…!"
Yang laughed, the sound abruptly cut short as she breathed out a shaky moan. "Y-Yeah, sorry for keeping you w-waiting, mom…Oh fuck… but better late than never, right?"
Weiss merely hummed in response as she took them both, deeper and harder than just moments ago. The musky scent and the smell of sweat permeated the air inside the room. There were likely other patrons who had come and left during this ordeal, maybe seeking somewhere private for their own trysts, but she couldn't care any less.
Weiss' eyes rolled back into their sockets and her inner muscles tightened down. She could feel them both getting closer. Yang's pace quickened and Raven even more so; the squelching noises was audible enough even with the music still playing loudly in the background, joined by the mother-daughter team who just as loudly vocalized their satisfaction as they pounded the fencer's orifices with increasing vigour!
"Oh Weiss…!"
Her throat bulged out a little as Yang sheathed her dick inside. Raven had hilted herself fully as well as the pair came in unison and thrusted with each pump of their pulsing, hot phalluses. They milked themselves inside the quaking heiress whose toes and fingers curled from the pleasure the sensation and thrill had brought her, and the heat that seeped into her above and below.
She was full by now. As Yang pulled out, droplets of her creamy discharge spilled onto the fencer's face dripped into her open mouth where it pooled and cum oozed out of her sore snatch as Raven slid out of her, exhausted.
Weiss gasped for air as she gulped down the semen that was still lingering in her mouth. Her body was getting sore.
They took their time getting cleaned up, fixed their hair and adjusted their clothes. Raven mentioned something about sitting out for the rest of the evening with a beer in the backroom while Yang wanted to return to the dancefloor.
But she had other plans as her lust-addled mind began to scheme…
The backroom was largely empty; few people apparently didn't want a break or were busying themselves by the bar instead. A few sofas and tables were strewn about.
The brunette, beer in hand, staggered over to the closest sofa and practically fell onto her rear with a long exhale before taking a swig of her beverage. Weiss had joined her with a glass of red wine which she sipped, but her mind and gaze was elsewhere.
Raven laughed. "I gotta tell you, girl, this has probably been the best night ever. It's a shame you have to get back to Beacon eventually; I'd love to take you back home, maybe let Yang visit when during winter break or something," she said with a wink.
"Someone sure is possessive," Weiss replied and winked back at the older woman. "Are you that jealous that Yang, Blake, and Ruby can bed me whenever they want?"
"Hmph. Why would I be?"
The fencer rolled her eyes and sipped a little more wine. She put the glass away and slipped off the sofa and underneath the table cloth—
"Hey, girl, what are you— Oohh…!" Raven threw her head back and sunk into her seat with a string pleased sighs as nimble fingers fished out her semi-erect cock out of her underwear and slacks. "Damn, girl…Haven't you had enough?"
Weiss giggled and stroked the brunette's cock to full erection and wasted no time lavishing it with her tongue and lips and Raven hissed in equal parts pleasure and agony, sensitive as she was, from what was now basically overstimulation. The fencer's tongue was all over her cock and even down to the balls, playing with them thoroughly before she lapped a path back up over the cock and fondled the healthy globes in the meantime…and then she felt the unmistaken sensation.
The heiress was pressing her body up against her phallus; it was snug between the sweater and the fencer's breasts as the snow-haired girl was giving her a—
Raven gritted her teeth as shame burned her cheeks along with a quickly pent up lust that just as swiftly came to an end when Weiss sucked her off along with giving her what was crudely known as a "boob-job" with her modest bust. Fingers clutched at the edge of the table as Raven thrusted as best as she could to prolong the sheer ecstasy as she ejaculated partly inside the heiress' mouth, before she felt it slip out of the lovely heat and nestled instead between the confines of the sweater and Weiss' breasts, cock pulsing like crazy and her high bittersweet from the sensitive overstimulation.
She wiped her brow and attempted to straighten, but instead sat hunched over the table. "Y-You…Minx…Fuck that felt good…"
"Mom, are you ok?" Yang jogged up to her and settled on the chair opposite the sofa. "You look flushed, did something happen? Maybe you're too old to hang around clubs," she commented with a grin, but her mother just smirked and leaned back. "Hey, where's Weiss by the way? Did she need to use the restroom for real this time or—
The brawler immediately doubled over, shaking and trying to stifle her voice. "O-Ooohhh…!"
Weiss merely snickered and hungrily gave Yang the same treatment as her mother as the blonde bucked against her, just as sensitive and overstimulated as Raven, until she too eventually succumbed to a talented tongue, lips, and breasts showering her cock and balls for minutes.
By the time they had gone back to the Belladonna household they were all in need of a thorough shower, plenty of body-wash, and a proper night's sleep.
And Weiss especially slept really well that night.