
Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia.

Warnings: Violence, Angst, Drama, Hurt/Comfort

Pairings: Midoriya x Shinsou, Midoriya x Toga, Toga x Dabi, Midoriya x Dabi, Midoriya x Toga x Dabi, Dabi x Hawks

Plot: Deku seeks refuge in the slums. Dabi finds him, and offers Deku a truce.

Part Four of Villains and Heroes: The Safehouse Series

Ch 01: Truce

He watched the hero with narrowed eyes, azure flames lapping at his fingertips. He seemed disoriented, stumbling around the alley in the dark, reaching out towards the chain-link fence and steadying himself with a metallic clatter. Carefully the villain made his way down from the rooftops to the alley below, approaching the hero through the shadows, examining his behavior. He was alone, exposed, and from what Dabi could tell he appeared to be injured. His turquoise irises burned with blue fire, and as he stepped gradually closer the hero twisted to look up at him, his green eyes flashing with a hint of lightning.

They stared at one another, neither moving closer or opting to speak, the silence heavy between them. In the distance Dabi could hear the subway station and downtown traffic, a myriad of bustling city noises humming low on the wind. There was another sound, closer, more defined. Liquid dripping onto cobblestones. He could smell fresh blood in the air. When he stepped closer, the smaller boy took a step back, pressing closer to the chain-link fence and inhaling shakily. It didn't seem as if he had the strength to fight.

"Well well. Not so tough when you aren't surrounded by your little friends, are you Deku?"

The hero frowned, clenching his gloved fingers in the chain-link and activating his quirk, viridian lightning crackling up his arms and ruffling his dark green hair. "Tough enough to handle you." He quipped in reply, though Dabi could tell he was trembling.

Dabi took another step forward, his blue flames lapping against his palms, licking along the scars adorning his wrists before travelling upwards in a vibrant wave. "What are you doing out here, hero? Don't you know it's not safe to wander down dark alleyways alone at night?"

The smaller boy was quiet, his brow arching as he glanced away, his grip on the fence loosening as he pulled away. "I'm not a hero anymore."

Dabi laughed, open and rich with amusement, his eyes smouldering as he stepped closer. "What could you have possibly done to make you think you're no longer a hero? Have a little argument with your friends? Come out to the slums to pout about it?"

Deku glanced up at him, then turned away, despondent, letting his lightning fall. He continued down the alley, stumbling a little as he went, leaving wet footprints and splatters of blood behind him. Dabi watched the hero with narrowed eyes, mouth pressed into a firm line, clenching one of his fists. How irritating. He wanted to play with him a bit, but the hero wasn't even putting up a fight. How dull.

He clicked his tongue, turning around and sauntering away, thinking about what the other boy had said.

Not a hero anymore, huh?

He ascended to the rooftops once more, making his way to the closest lair, casting his eyes towards the bright lights of the city.

We'll see about that.

Over the next several weeks Dabi watched him. The hero kept to himself, not interacting with anyone longer than it took to barter for scraps of food or find a dry place to sleep, sticking to shadowed alleys and abandoned buildings near the river slums.

After a month had passed, he confided in Hawks.

The winged hero showed him footage of the brawl, the damage that had been done, the civilians that had been injured and the hero that had been killed during the attack. Uravity had been close to Deku. They had been partners. It made sense that he snapped in the wake of her death. From what he could tell, it seemed another hero had instigated the ensuing battle. Dabi could relate to that feeling, that overwhelming, endless rage. Hawks was impartial as usual, not offering any commentary on how the heroes were reacting to Deku's disappearance. Dabi found that aspect of the double-agent attractive to a fault. He played both sides flawlessly, his blasé attitude and savoir-faire not giving Dabi anything biased to go off of. He had to make the decision for himself.

After another week had passed in similar fashion, he finally spoke to Shigaraki. The villains discussed their options, then Shigaraki cautiously agreed to give Deku a trial run. If he truly wasn't a hero now, he might be willing to join them. His abilities would be a powerful asset to the League. The question was, would he be willing to fight with them, and could they trust him not to turn on them the moment he was within their ranks? Shigaraki left the final decision up to Dabi, and over the next several nights he devised a plan of approach.

Nearly two weeks passed before Dabi approached Deku again. Toga came with him, the petite blonde humming excitedly as she trailed alongside Dabi, skipping a bit to keep up with his long stride. They found him in a warehouse, huddled on the second floor beside a makeshift tent, a small trash can fire dimly illuminating his small sanctuary. He watched their approach with uncertainty, his eyes glowing with neon light in the darkness, Toga pressing her hands over her smile as she giggled at Dabi's side.

"You're really here, Deku! You're out here all alone!"

Deku frowned, getting to his feet slowly and taking a few steps away from them, circling around the fire and activating his quirk, green lightning bundled around one of his wrists in warning. "Yeah. I'm alone. I'd like for it to stay that way."

Dabi stepped forward, drawing closer to him, his boots thudding dully against the rickety metal platform. "Is that true? You want to keep living like this?" He lifted his hand, tiny blue flames igniting against his fingertips. "In the dark, all alone, begging for scraps of food like a dog?" He stopped across from the hero, his eyes swirling with blue fire. "We can offer you more than that."

Deku glared up at Dabi, the lightning around him growing and snapping angrily as he spoke. "Villains killed my best friend." He threw his arm to the side, sending a cascade of sparks from his fingers. "I will never be one of you."

Toga skipped closer, leaning around Dabi's side as she said cheerily, "Heroes kill our friends too you know! They're captured and put away for life all the time, so what's the difference between us really?" She tilted her head and grinned over at the hero with narrowed eyes, her fangs clearly visible as she asked, "Do you want to be alone forever? Do you think somehow that will make you feel better about your friend's death?"

Deku blinked over at her, lowering his hand slightly. "I'm not here because I want to be. I'm here because I don't have anywhere else to go."

"So? Come with us!" She cheered, clapping her hands together excitedly. "You lost your family, right? So come make a new home with us instead!"

Dabi watched Deku carefully, searching his guarded expression. "I've been watching you for weeks. Since that night in the alley." He looked away casually, casting his eyes across the shadowed warehouse. "It's pathetic, watching you live like this. When's the last time you had a decent meal?" He stepped closer again, the flames in his hand flickering momentarily before dissipating, flexing his fingers in the space between them. "You don't have to trust us, we don't trust you either. For now, let's call a truce?"

Deku watched him for a long moment then stepped away, ignoring his invitation and walking back towards the tent. "Leave me alone." He didn't look back at them before ducking inside, leaving Toga and Dabi behind in the dim firelight.

Toga let out a disappointed whine, starting towards the tent after him, but Dabi stopped her. He shook his head once, turning to walk away, Toga staring at the tent a moment longer before beginning down the stairs after him.

Hawks had said when Dabi first proposed the idea that it wouldn't be easy to convince Deku to switch sides. Dabi hadn't expected it to work the first try. He waited patiently, observing from the rooftops, waiting for a sign that Deku might be more open to his offer. The hero lived alone for four months before Dabi approached him again, this time alone. Deku had relocated to another abandoned building closer to the river, surprisingly close to one of their hideouts, unknowingly creeping into the League's territory. Between his own personal surveillance, Hawks' regular updates, and Toga's cheery reports after watching the hero from the shadows, he could tell without any doubt Deku was getting more and more worn down. More susceptible to persuasion.

The next time Dabi approached him and offered a truce, Deku accepted.

He led Deku to the nearby hideout, stepping into the dark apartment and flicking on a lightswitch, the overhead fluorescents flickering for several moments before illuminating the interior with a low hum. Deku glanced around warily, following after Dabi hesitantly, flinching lightly when the villain closed the door behind them. Dabi didn't comment on his ragged appearance, merely directed him towards the small bathroom nearby, Deku grabbing a towel from the linen closet before disappearing inside.

Dabi made a fresh pot of coffee, reclining back against the kitchen counter and sipping at his cup while Deku showered. When he finally emerged, Dabi nodded towards the bedroom, still sipping at his coffee. Deku entered, closed the door quietly, and then reappeared after a few minutes wearing an oversized set of clean clothes. He looked exhausted, toweling at his damp hair, stepping closer to the kitchen slowly. Dabi watched him quietly, nodding towards the cup of coffee he had set aside near the coffee pot, steam still curling up from the surface. Deku took it gingerly, lifting it to his lips and blowing away the steam, taking a little sip and sighing softly.

They stood together in the kitchen for a while, sipping at their respective cups and familiarizing themselves with one another's presence. When Deku finished his coffee he set the cup aside, crossing his arms over his waist and padding around the small apartment slowly, peeking around the corners here and there to get his bearings. Looking for escape routes, no doubt. Dabi couldn't blame him. He was in enemy territory now.

"There isn't much food here." The villain eventually said, his voice calm and deep. Deku turned to look at him, his shoulders a little tense from the sudden breach of silence. "I'll bring something by later. You should get some sleep."

Deku watched him carefully, frowning a little as he rubbed at his upper arm then glanced away. "You don't have to do that."

"I do." Dabi replied, and his tone wasn't cruel or accusatory, just calmly stating the fact. "You don't have any other means, and I have no reason to let you starve." He exhaled softly, setting his cup aside as well and stepping towards the door, his boots thudding quietly against the carpet. "You're free to come and go as you please. You aren't being held captive here." He opened the door, turning to glance back at Deku one last time. "You may not be one of us, but you could be. We take care of our own."

He left the hideout and stepped out into the chilled air, glancing up at the rainclouds gathering overhead. A storm was coming. He stepped across the rooftops, hands in his pockets, the passing wind billowing out his trench coat behind him. This one would take some work, but if he was diligent enough he believed he could convince Deku he was better off with them than without. His lips curved into a low grin, and he glanced upwards towards the sky as rain began to fall. He'd looked rather cute wearing Dabi's old clothes, standing in the kitchen barefoot with his hair tousled. He wondered what Deku would think if he knew.

It took several weeks for the hero to relax around him enough for Dabi to carry on a casual conversation without things feeling awkward between them. It was another month before Deku began opening up a bit, and a month after that Dabi brought him to one of their bigger lairs, closer to the heart of the city. Toga was ecstatic to see him, bounding over to him and clinging to his arm happily, Deku giving her a hesitant smile but accepting her embrace nonetheless. Kurogiri and Shigaraki greeted him calmly, and Deku exchanged a few words with them before they left him with Dabi and Toga, trusting the other villains to keep their eyes on Deku while he was there.

After six months of being away from the only life he had ever known, Deku finally showed signs of viewing the villains as companions, if not quite friends. He spoke with Dabi and Toga without his former hesitation, smiling now and then, laughing at Dabi's sarcasm and allowing Toga to cuddle with him while they watched movies together. The petite blonde was infatuated with him, fascinated by the lightning in his emerald eyes when he activated his quirk, cooing over his freckled cheeks and constantly playing with his dark green hair. Deku pushed her away at first, but slowly over time Dabi watched them grow closer, until eventually Deku would close his eyes as he rested against her and she combed her fingers through his soft, thick hair.

Once they had been living together for eight months, Dabi found them alone together, Toga's skirt hiked up around her waist, gasping quietly as she squirmed in Deku's lap. The hero was kissing at her breasts, moaning softly as he bucked into her, Toga tugging his hair and arching her back as she whispered desperately for more. Dabi lingered before the cracked door, watching them for a few moments before quietly stepping away, a soft smile across his lips. This was exactly what he needed to ensure Deku would agree to their next offer. He just needed to give it time to take root and grow.

At the one year mark of Deku living among them, Shigaraki called a gathering of villains at the main lair downtown. Deku hadn't been there before, it was the biggest of all their hideaways and well equipped, and it showed the villains trusted him to allow him within their most secretive walls. Shigaraki waited until every villain directly under his command had assembled, and then he called Deku before him, and formally asked the hero to join the League. Deku was hesitant, but Toga was at his side, smiling up at him and squeezing his hand excitedly. He looked from her to Dabi, the older boy smiling as well, nodding lightly. Deku took a deep breath, meeting Shigaraki's eyes, and accepted. His only condition was that Shigaraki wouldn't ask him to kill anyone, and that was a compromise their leader was willing to make.

Deku quickly became one of the most powerful villains within their ranks. It was a huge win for the League, finally having someone amongst them who could contend with the high-tier heroes that opposed them. Deku countered the heroes at every turn, going up against his former comrades with everything he had, his rage and frustration a steady stream of gasoline fueling the sweltering inferno inside of him.

His closeness with Toga gradually became visible to everyone around them, and eventually they stopped hiding their relationship in the shadows. They were often seen holding hands around the base, kissing and cuddling together as they lazed around between assignments, and Dabi caught them on several occasions entwined together, having sex in various locations around the main lair. He found them most often on the couch, grinding together half-naked and clinging to one another as they ascended towards climax. He wasn't entirely sure why, but Deku didn't care for having sex or sleeping in beds, most of the time curling up on a futon on the floor or spooning on the couch with Toga, the petite villain happy to cuddle with him however he liked.

He said as much to Hawks when they spent time together, standing beneath the stars and looking out across the city. "It sounds like he was assaulted." Hawks mused absently, his bright red wings curling in towards the villain as he wrapped his arms around Dabi's neck, searching his turquoise eyes. "It's probably a trigger for him, being in an actual bed. I wouldn't press him about it personally, but it's up to you if you want to try to talk to him. You're friendly enough now he may actually confide in you."

Dabi hummed quietly, pulling Hawks closer and bringing their lips together, sliding his hands up beneath his wings and listening to the way the hero's breath hitched as he teased at the soft featherdown closest to his warm skin. Hawks curled his fingers in Dabi's hair, keeping him close as the villain kissed him, one hand drifting from beneath his wing to caress his hip, kneading slowly. He wasn't sure if he wanted to know something so intimate about the former hero, but he was grateful for Hawk's insight as always. "It would make for a tragic backstory, wouldn't it?" He commented cheekily, Hawks sighing exasperatedly and smiling, tugging him down for another kiss.

"None so tragic as yours, I'm afraid." Hawks teased, "Though I have to say, my own childhood may be in a close runner-up position for second place."

Dabi chuckled, kissing him again while pulling him closer, tugging him down against the blankets spread out upon the rooftop beneath them. He took his time stripping the hero out of his jacket, his large hands roaming over his skin-tight under armour appreciatively. Hawks let out a soft heated sound, curving his wings over Dabi's shoulders and tugging him town to him, wrapping him in crimson and gasping softly as their lips met over and over. Nothing else in that moment existed, except the passion between them.

Hawks left him again before sunrise, his vivid wings glinting as he flew across the sky, fading into the city lights.

Dabi reached the lair at dawn, letting himself inside quietly and heading to the nearby bedroom, stripping out of his clothes and heading for the shower. He lingered beneath the warm water, fingertips brushing against the scratches across his pecs that Hawks had left behind, smiling fondly. The hero was always so responsive, and Dabi almost always came home with remnants of their nights together etched into his skin. It distracted him from his disfigurement, knowing he was still desirable. He rinsed his hair, closing his eyes and lingering under the downpour with his palms pressed against the shower wall, glancing towards the bathroom door when he heard it click open.

Toga was there, stripping out of her clothes and tugging back the shower curtain to step in under the water beneath him. She smiled up at him, smoothing her small hands over his chest, tracing along the same scratches Dabi had before. "Were you out with Birdie again?" She teased, Dabi chuckling softly and tugging her closer, Toga tilting her face up for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close as she hummed happily and rubbed her wet skin against his, Dabi quickly picking her up and pressing her back against the shower wall. He kissed her roughly, sliding into her easily as she wrapped her legs around him and clung to his shoulders, moaning sweetly. He bucked into her quickly, groaning as she kissed at his neck and chest, her nails pricking against his scars, the sound of the shower running muffling their noises. She arched up and cried out as she came, squirting in hot spurts and clenching hard around him, biting her lip and rubbing her breasts as he continued fucking into her roughly, panting softly over her shoulder. "Yes, yes you feel so good in me! Touya…"

"You feel good too, baby girl." He groaned against her ear, Toga gasping while squeezing her breasts and teasing her nipples as his pace quickened, grunting with effort as he searched for his own release. "You're so wet baby, were you fucking your little boyfriend while I was out?"

She giggled and nodded, moaning and pressing close to him while wrapping her arms around his neck. "He fucked me so good earlier, he came inside me so deep. I'm gonna have his babies, Touya. He's gonna put a baby inside me!"

Dabi chuckled and dipped down to kiss her, Toga whining and clinging to him tightly as he squeezed her thighs and jerked her hips against his roughly, pushing his cock into her deep so he was bumping against her cervix with each thrust. "Yeah? You want a baby so badly don't you, baby girl? You want to be a mommy?"

"Yes! Yes!" She whined and nuzzled into his neck, her nails pricking along his nape and shoulders. "Give me a baby, Touya! I want a baby inside me! I'll have your babies, and Deku's babies too! I'll be such a good mommy! I will!"

"You want your tummy to get all big and round, and your breasts to swell with milk so we can suckle you? Is that what you want?" He pulled her away from the wall and stepped out of the shower, leaving the water running as he carried her to the sink, setting her down atop it and spreading her thighs wide. He looked down between them, watching his cock slide in and out of her pussy as he thrust into her over and over, water dripping down their bodies and puddling on the linoleum beneath them. "Huh? Is that what you want? You want me to cum inside you too, baby girl?"

"Yeah! Yeah I want it! Put a baby in me!" She squealed excitedly, curling her toes as she braced her hands against the sink behind her, her breasts bouncing and her head lolling back as she panted eagerly, her yellow eyes hazy as she stared at the ceiling. "Cum inside me, Touya! I want your cum inside me! Fill me up!"

Dabi gave a few last thrusts before he did so, groaning low and deep as he filled her in hot bursts, pressing firmly against her cervix while bucking his hips, his grip on her hips bruising. Toga giggled and moaned excitedly as he leaned in and mouthed at the tops of her breasts, kissing at her neck and cheek before meeting her lips, the petite blonde humming softly and clenching around him.

When Dabi pulled away, he turned to see Deku standing in the doorway, watching them with a distant expression. He held Dabi's gaze for a moment before turning away, heading back towards the living room, Toga patting at Dabi's chest so he withdrew from her, the petite villain going after him. He sighed softly, hearing her voice as she spoke to Deku, trying to explain, Dabi turning off the shower and dressing himself before going out to the living room to join them.

He draped a towel around Toga's bare shoulders as he settled down on the couch beside them, Deku looking between them with a hesitant expression. "So you two...fuck each other, and also other people?"

Toga nodded, smiling and squeezing his hand. "Yes! We typically both have different partners. Dabi likes boys and I…" She paused, biting her lip and giggling before finishing, "I like having my own variety too!"

Deku's eyes widened a bit, blinking over at Dabi curiously. "Wait...does that mean you have a boyfriend?"

Dabi laughed and ran a hand through his damp hair, shrugging lightly. "I mean, we aren't officially dating or anything, but we've been hooking up off and on for years." He rested his arm across the back of the couch, Toga reclining back against him and toweling at her wet hair, Deku watching them with curiosity.

"Do you two ever share partners?"

Toga hummed while nodding, Dabi grinning and meeting Deku's eyes with a little smirk. "I mean...yeah? Threeways are nice, when we find willing partners. We've both fucked Shigaraki, though not at the same time."

Deku's eyes were wide again, a faint blush across his cheeks. "Seriously?"

"Yeah! We like to share!" Toga said, grinning and reaching out for Deku, tugging him forward so he could lay against her as she reclined back against Dabi. "You can play with us too, if you want to?"

Deku hesitantly settled against her, his face pressed to her bare breasts. She cooed softly and pet his hair, tugging gently and watching him affectionately as he breathed softly against her skin, considering her offer. Dabi's hand drifted down from the back of the couch, threading through Deku's hair as well, the former hero shivering beneath his touch.

"Are you interested in having sex with me?" He asked casually, Deku closing his eyes and letting out a shaky exhale as Dabi tightened his grip in his hair. "Do you want to have a threesome with us?"

"I think it would be really hot, watching you two play." Toga whispered, her nails drifting along Deku's shoulders teasingly. "Would you let me watch? Then take turns fucking me?"

Deku let out a soft moan, breath shaky as Dabi tugged his hair up so he had to meet their eyes. "Do you want me to fuck you, Deku?"

"Yes." He whispered heatedly, Dabi grinning wickedly as he tightened his grip.

"Get into bed. Both of you." He held Deku's gaze for a long moment before loosening his grip on his dark green locks, a soft whimper escaping the smaller boy as he pushed himself up from the couch and obeyed.

Toga giggled as she followed after him, tugging Deku down for kisses as she helped him undress, Dabi lingering in the doorway and watching them as he began tugging off his own clothes again. They climbed into bed, Toga pushing Deku down beneath her and dipping between his thighs, bobbing her head as she sucked him greedily, Deku's voice going rough and low as he watched her. Dabi stepped over to the bed, his cock in hand, stroking himself slowly as he met eyes with Deku. "Have you ever sucked cock?"

Deku blushed brightly, nodding, reaching for Dabi's hip as the older boy knelt over his face, watching as Deku took him into his mouth. He moaned softly, tongue flicking along the underside and twisting over the head before he started working Dabi into his throat, the villain groaning and cupping the back of his head, forcing him to take him deeper down his throat. Toga whined softly, licking her lips as she watched them, sliding up Deku's body and lowering herself onto his rigid cock, rocking her hips and moaning excitedly as she started bouncing. She cupped a pert breast and squeezed excitedly while her other hand flattened against her tummy, shifting lower til her fingers slipped between her wet lips to find her swollen clit and start rubbing rhythmically.

"That's right, Deku baby. Can you taste me on his cock?" She moaned and squirmed as she bounced faster, fingering herself quickly and clenching down around him as he bucked into her, the former hero swallowing around Dabi while the villain fucked his throat. "You look so pretty taking his fat cock. Doesn't it taste so good? Don't you want him inside you?"

Deku moaned deeply and nodded the best he could while Dabi kept him in place, groaning softly as Deku swallowed around him. "I'll give you my cock, Deku. Get on your knees, face down ass up."

He released his grip, Deku coughing and trying to catch his breath, tears in the corners of his eyes as he looked up at him, his entire face flushed. Toga giggled and leaned forward, rubbing her breasts against his chest and rocking against his cock for a few moments longer before climbing off of him. She settled near the headboard, spreading her thighs wide to continue fingering her clit while she watched the two boys before her get into position, urging them on breathlessly.

"Give it to him, Touya. Give him your fat cock."

Deku gasped and arched against the mattress as he was filled, Dabi giving a few shallow thrusts before sheathing himself completely inside, Deku trembling beneath him as he cried out and gasped for air. Dabi quieted him gently, wrapping his arm around his chest and resting his hand against Deku's throat, curling his fingers against his pulse. "You want me, Deku? Tell me you want me."

"I want you. I want you, Dabi. Fuck me!"

He chuckled, tightening his grip on Deku's throat as he started bucking into him, the smaller boy crying out sharply and rocking back against him, his dripping cock swaying heavily between his parted thighs with each harsh thrust. Dabi brought him to climax easily, thrusting against his prostate just the way Hawks liked it, Deku arching and crying out loudly as he came against the sheets. Toga climaxed as well, gasping and shuddering as she squirted against her fingers, her toes curling as she watched them, thrusting two fingers deep inside her clenching pussy. They switched off, Dabi fucking her while Deku rested, the blonde squealing as he pounded her into the mattress. Toga kissed Deku eagerly as she was fucked, tugging both of them closer, Dabi letting out a low shout as he released inside of her, filling her with more of his hot, thick cum.

They rested together, Toga in the middle with the two boys curled against her sides, Deku sucking one of her breasts slowly while she stroked his cock, cooing to him softly as he suckled. When he was worked up again he shifted on top of her, thrusting into her slowly while sucking on her breasts, Dabi watching them and whispering soft encouragements. He kissed Deku's shoulder, combing his long fingers through his dark hair as his pace quickened, Toga moaning sweetly and pulling Dabi down to kiss her while she was fucked. When Deku came inside her, she smiled against Dabi's lips, purring in satisfaction, clinging to them both with sharp nails as she held them close, cupping Deku's nape as he continued suckling her. They rested together, Dabi spooning Toga from behind, Deku latched onto her breast and sucking slowly even after he drifted off to sleep.

They spent hours each night after that discovering one another, learning and sharing and exploring, until after a few months the three villains were inseparable. Deku fought for them, defended them, gave himself to them in every way, and Toga and Dabi reciprocated in earnest until one day, something changed.

Deku went missing.

He left sometimes on his own for a few days, weeks even. This time something was different. They searched for him after clashing with the pro heroes in the middle of the city, visiting rarely used hideaways and places they'd frequented together before, but there was no sign of him. Hawks knew nothing either. They were at a dead end.

Then, just as suddenly as he had disappeared, he returned. He had been wounded, a freshly healed scar marking up a large expanse of his side, Deku shrugging off their worried inquiries and settling back into his life with them. Something seemed off about him, as if his mind was elsewhere, but when he was with them in battle he fought just the same. He opposed their enemies, defended them at every turn, always watching their backs, always looking out for them.

During sex he was distant, but he continued to play with them eagerly if not occasionally, his relationship with Toga simmering from dating to a more casual friends with benefits arrangement. She spent more time with Dabi instead, determined as always to make a baby. Her quirk made her anemic, and her body was so small that it seemed no matter how hard she tried nothing ever clicked. That didn't stop her from trying in earnest, Dabi happy to give her what she wanted every time.

The years passed, and with time Deku changed. He lost himself, becoming quieter, depressed, and despite their best efforts there was nothing Dabi or Toga could do to distract or comfort him.

One day, Deku came home crying.

The next day, he left.

Dabi didn't see him again for months after. He hadn't really been looking. He'd been wandering the rooftops, surveying the city, and had noticed a boy that looked strangely familiar walking around a suburban neighborhood. Bright green eyes, cute freckles. His hair was different, cropped short and faded along his nape and ears, dyed jet black. He was walking with another boy, hand in hand, Dabi narrowing his eyes slowly. He'd seen that purple hair before. He was a pro hero. Mid-tier, with some sort of mind manipulation quirk. Dabi didn't know his name, but he knew his mentor well. Eraser Head.

Was Deku being held captive?

Had the heroes brainwashed him into returning to them, and subsequently abandoning the League?

He couldn't be certain, and he knew better than to try to approach during daylight. Especially if Deku had turned against them. He wasn't certain he could handle the two pro heroes on his own without creating a huge unnecessary mess, and drawing more attention to himself than he wanted. He would wait until nightfall and determine what to do next. He watched them until they wandered back from the neighborhood park towards a townhouse, disappearing inside, making note of their location before returning to the downtown lair. Once night fell upon the city, Dabi ventured back to the townhouse, finding the balcony was open, climbing up to it slowly and listening to the muffled sounds within.

Deku was on his knees before a large mirror, crying out desperately as he was fucked, the boy behind him gripping his hips tightly and slapping into him wetly, groaning as he climbed towards release.

"Hitoshi…! Hitoshi!"

"That's it, love. Let me hear your pretty voice."

Deku arched his back, gasping and crying out louder than before, the taller boy reaching forward and gripping his shoulder to keep his back arched as he bucked into him roughly.

"I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Ah!"

He came across the carpet, whining loudly and trembling as his prostate was prodded continuously, his cock dribbling cum as the boy behind him kept moving quickly, his voice rising as well.

"Fuck Izuku. Baby, you're gonna make me cum…"

Deku whined eagerly, nodding and closing his eyes, stray tears dripping down his flushed cheeks. "Cum inside me, Daddy! Cum inside!"

The taller boy cried out sharply and slammed his hips against his ass, his whole body jerking as his orgasm wrecked through him, his movements slowing as he leaned across Deku's back and kissed at his shoulders and neck slowly. "Fuck that was good." He praised, rubbing Deku's hip gently and tilting his head back for a kiss. "I love you, baby."

"Love you too…" Deku whispered tiredly, sighing happily and slipping slowly to the floor. The other boy chuckled softly before gathering himself up from the carpet, picking up the smaller boy gently, Deku clinging to his chest and humming softly as he was carried to bed.

Dabi watched from the shadowed balcony, exhaling silently as he turned away, descending to the ground and walking towards the nearby park. This was where he had noticed the heroes wander to before on their afternoon stroll, glancing towards the small pond nearby, his eyes drifting over the fluffy ducks sleeping amongst the cattails. The park was empty, the swings creaking softly on the breeze, Dabi sitting down on one of the curved seats and kicking at the ground lightly to gain a little momentum, sighing exasperatedly as he gazed up into the dark boughs overhead.

Deku wasn't under the control of a quirk. He wasn't brainwashed or being forced to stay with the hero. He was in love with him. Dabi thought back, wondering when it had started. His disappearance. His injury. The time he had spent away from the League. How strangely he had acted once he returned. It must have happened then.

He chuckled softly, closing his eyes and kicking at the ground again, swinging a little higher in the darkness. That had happened years ago, which meant he had likely been sneaking off to spend time with the other hero all along. He was playing games with them. Making them believe he was on their side, that he was loyal to the League, when in reality he'd been playing both sides and putting on a show. At least Hawks was honest about being a double-agent. Deku had never said anything, keeping him completely in the dark.


If that's how he wanted to play, then Dabi would just have to play along with his little domestic-lifestyle game, and put an end to the charade once and for all.

He debated on telling Toga, but decided to wait. Not yet. He wanted to have a bit of fun for himself first before getting her involved.

He wondered how much Hawks knew.

He watched Deku over the next few days, noting how he never traveled far, how closely he kept to the other hero's side, until one morning they set out together and headed downtown into the heart of the city. Dabi followed after them across the rooftops, the buildings gradually growing larger and more clustered together, providing excellent coverage for his surveillance. He followed them all the way to their destination, his eyes flashing with blue embers as he set his sights on UA.

Well well.

It truly seemed the little hero turned villain was indeed a hero once more.

He returned to the lair, gathered Toga, and then reported his findings to Shigaraki. He was quiet, speaking with Kurogiri for several long, drawn out moments before returning his eyes to the two before him.

"Dabi. Toga. I want to speak with him. Bring him to me."

Toga grinned wickedly, her sharp fangs glinting in the fluorescent lighting as she beamed up at Dabi.

"We're going to visit Deku at his school?"

Dabi caught her eyes, nodding. "Yes. Let's be certain to give him a proper invitation to return to us. We wouldn't want to keep everyone waiting."

Toga giggled excitedly, clapping her hands together as she skipped closer to the door, Dabi following after her, Shigaraki's voice calling after him as he went.

"Bring me the other hero too. The one he's been staying with. Kurogiri will accompany you."

Dabi turned, meeting his eyes briefly and nodding before following Toga out into the sunshine. This was a strike mission. A hunt. Now, to find their unsuspecting prey.

Thanks for reading! More to come!