Hermione- Idril/ Sparkling Brilliance

Severus- Iston/ The Wise One

Harry- Amarth/ Fate

"I want to give you something," Aragorn said, a few days later when they were back in Nogrod Blue Forest. Harry blinked at him they were standing on top of their hill home.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, blushing as Aragorn took his hand.

"A gift," Aragorn explained, "So that you know I'm always with you and always thinking of you. A gift so you remember that you're mine."

Harry blushed worse and gave Aragorn a shy smile while tucking his hair behind his ear. He went redder than a Weasley's hair when Aragorn showed him a silver ring with two serpents intertwined with eyes made of green jewels. The serpents met beneath a crown of golden flowers that one upheld and one devoured. Harry knew it. It was the Ring of Barahir that Aragorn was supposed to give to Arwen. He slipped the ring off of his left pointer finger and slipped it on Harry's left middle finger.

"Keep this with you always," Aragorn told him. "It is a symbol of my family and of who I am."

'All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes, a fire shall be woken,
A light, from the shadows, shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.'

Harry remembered the words of Bilbo's poem.

Aragorn laughed.

"Yes, exactly." He finally said and kissed Harry's lips. "Did you make that for me when I told you my heritage, Laevir?"

Harry berated himself for saying the words out loud. He said a silent apology to Bilbo that he was taking credit for such an awesome and iconic poem then nodded.

"I like it," Aragorn told him and kissed Harry's lips again. "I hope that when we are apart that you will look at this ring and not get depressed. May it remind you always how I feel about you."

"I don't... I don't have anything for you right now." Harry whispered, "I want to give you something too."

Aragorn chuckled and kissed him lightly.

"Oh, how about this," Harry said, pulling his cloak out of his Inventory. "This is what is called a Cloak of Invisibility where I'm from. It's been handed down in my father's family to the eldest son. For now, you can keep it safe until I can make you something. This is my most beloved thing."

Aragorn was shocked but gingerly took the cloak and put it in his own Inventory. He took Harry in his arms and kissed deeply trying to convey his feelings. He then held Harry close to him. He put his mouth to Harry's ear.

"I love you, Harry," Aragorn whispered.

"I love you, too, Aragorn." Harry said back, "Say my name again?"

Aragorn chuckled.

"I'll call you your proper name whenever you want, Harry." He mumbled.

Hermione had her fist in her mouth and a Silencing Spell on Fáli and his kin. Her Staff was pointed at them so that they didn't move and disturb what was going on above them. She finally couldn't take it anymore and removed the spell.

"Amarth! Aragorn!" she screamed when they were suddenly surrounded.

"Why did you think I was waving my arms at you?!" Fáli demanded.

"AMARTH!" Hermione bellowed swinging her staff into the head of the nearest thing near her it looked like a head of black hair but she wasn't stopping to find out.

Arrows suddenly rained down from atop the hill. She relaxed a bit knowing that they had both been alerted and were coming to their aide. They weren't the only ones. Her screams had brought Halbarad and some Rangers out of the house. It wasn't long before whoever had attacked them were tied to trees. Hermione put her hand on the tree and spoke to it in Elvish. Seconds later they were trapped in roots.

"You're getting good at that," Harry said, running up and hugging her. "Are you okay?"

"That scared me." She admitted.

"How did they sneak up on you?" Halbarad demanded. He was holding Huan in front of him frowning. "What part of, protect Amarth and Idril don't you understand? They are your charges!"

"It was my fault!" Hermione cried, she blushed and wouldn't meet Harry's eyes. "We came out and heard Amarth and Aragorn having a moment on top of the hill and I silenced them and wouldn't let them move. I didn't want to disturb Amarth and Aragorn..."

"How much did you hear?" Harry hissed.

Hermione smiled a knowing smile at him and he blushed.

"I swear!" Harry snapped at her! "You're worse than Ron, Ginny, and the twins!"

"I AM NOT!" Hermione protested, "TAKE THAT BACK!"



Both Harry and Hermione went silent as Severus came to both of them and checked to make sure both of them were okay. He then checked on Huan whom he had to assure that he wasn't in trouble. He put the wolf down.

"So... you're wondering the same thing as me right?" Harry asked Hermione and Severus as they looked at their prisoners.

"Yep," Hermione said, popping the P.

"What are Wild Men doing this far from Druadan Forest?" Severus asked for them.

The teens nodded.

"These are not Halflings?" A Dwarf asked, clearly never having encountered a Hobbit.

"No," Fáli said, "Though they must be related."

"Never thought about that," Hermione said, thoughtfully.

"So, what are you doing here?" Harry asked, "and why did you attack us?"

"Hungry," One grunted, "Gonna take your food and money."

Harry went inside the house and got them food and drink. Hermione grudgingly had the tree let them go. The Wild Men lavished them with thanks.

"Yeah," Harry said, "I'm just a bleeding heart. "

"Sorry?" Fáli asked.

"It means he likes helping people," Hermione said, shaking his head. "What are you doing so far from home?"

"Don't know." The same Wild Man spoke.

"Well, you couldn't have walked all the way here." Hermione frowned, "Well, I guess you could have... how long have you been here?"

"Ten suns."

"Ten days." Hermione said, "I think you need to tell us what happened."

"Was at Anduin." Harry nodded encouraging him to keep talking. "Drank some... slept... woke up here. Couldn't find home."

"That's because you're on the other side of Middle-Earth." Hermione explained, "You live in the East this is the West shore of Middle Earth."

"None of us here?"

"No," Harry said, shaking his head. "Elves and Dwarves live around here. Some Halflings live near here as well."


"They are short, plump, they have curly hair and love nature."

"Sound family."

"Well..." Hermione said, "Maybe, but they don't fight or steal. They don't live in forests."


"No," Harry said, "They live in places like that." He pointed to his hill. "In hills. Very comfortable. "

Fáli got in on it and started telling the five wild men all he knew about Halflings.

In the end, the Wild Men wanted to see Halflings. They agreed to be blindfolded and taken through to Bagshot door. Hermione got this task as she told Harry and Aragorn to go and celebrate their getting engaged. She'd run screaming from fire that he'd shot at her.

Harry moaned as he and Aragorn kissed. They were still sitting on top of Nogrod Blue Home. Aragorn had Harry wrapped in his arms holding him close. Both were wanting more so much more.

"Sorry, to interrupt," Fáli said, they looked to see him blushing and fidgeting. "The Lady Idril says to go on to Nogrod without her and that she will catch up."

So after that, they were off.

"Idril forgets that she was the guide!" Harry raged as he sat looking over his maps four hours later. They'd made it out of the wood but the Dwarves weren't used to coming this way and didn't know where the door was. "Okay, so we're here," he pointed on one of Hermione's more detailed maps. He'd drawn it but she'd told him what to draw from memory.

"If we're here," Fáli said, looking at Harry's sketchbook. "There is a door right here. It's a backdoor of sorts. I can get us in and talk to the guards. My kin uses that door."

Harry nodded and made a few notes. He listened to what Fáli had to say.

"You have an interest in maps?" One of the Dwarves asked.

"I want to map all of middle-earth," Harry informed. "I'm not very good at drawing right now one day I want to make the greatest map of Middle-Earth ever so that I can remember my journey and time here."

When Harry was done making his note they were off again. It took them less than two hours to get to the door by that time it was clear to everyone that Harry was having an issue with his right foot as he was once again leaning heavily on his staff.

Fáli opened the door and was stopped he talked rapidly to the guards in Dwarvish.

"Fáli, you know that I speak and understand Dwarvish don't you?" Harry asked when they finally went inside and the door was shut. Darkness surrounded them and Harry suddenly froze his mind flashing back to his cupboard. To the darkness. He felt trapped, he couldn't breathe. Suddenly, the lights went on. Harry hadn't realized that they had been walking. The room opened up and Harry's breathing slowed back to normal. "I'm okay," he rasped at everyone who was looking at him in worry. "I'm fine."

"If you have problems with dark places you will not be able to carry out your own mission." one dwarf grunted.

"I've got that worked out," Harry informed. "I just forgot to bring it with." he gave a strained smile. "Please lead on, Fáli."

Fáli nodded and lead them through Nogrod's halls up to the person who was in charge of the place. Once there Harry put on his presentation and laid out what he planned to do. The Dwarf in charge pledged 2000 Dwarves.

"No, please listen," Harry begged, he rubbed his eyes. "If we go in with so many they'll know we are there, we don't want that. This is going to be a stealth mission. We just need Dwarves to stay in the warded places and make them habitable again. Reclaim them and get the scum and filth of the Goblins and Orcs out."

He kept explaining this over and over until he figured out that he should probably just explain in his own language so shocked the Dwarves by speaking in their native tongue.


I use Funtranslations/elvish for my Elvish translations. If you know a better site let me know, please.

Does anyone know a good site for Dwarvish translations?

Okay, the song is original work. That's why it sucks. They now have:

Bridge Home

Glade Home

Lune Home

Bagshot Home

Woodhall Home

Old Forest Home

North Downs Home/ Found by Severus on track to the Grey Mountains

Nogrod Blue Home/ Found by Harry and Hermione on the way to Nogrod in the Blue Mountains