Chapter 1

It was going to be the summer holidays in a few days' timeand Harry Potter could not be more excited. Well, Dumbledore might think that he was going back to the Dursleys, but Harry planned to go back to The Burrow where the Weasleys lived. Hermione said she would be coming too, and Harry was all too excited for his first summer away from the Dursleys.

"Hi Hermione," he said, falling in line with his muggle-born friend on the way to Charms.

Harry Potter was not any normal child, though. He was a wizard, and his parents had perished in an attack by Lord Voldemort, the most feared wizard of all time. He had managed to survive and defeat Voldemort somehow, at the age of one. He had then been sent to his magic-hating abusing relatives, the Dursleys, by Hogwarts's (the school he was currently attending) current Headmaster, Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore.

But last year, he'd personally seen the Dark Lord rise again with the help of his Death Eaters. Blood had been taken from him to complete the ritual. He didn't want to, of course, make the Dark Lord rise at that time.

He hated Dumbledore a bit, because he was the one who sent the Boy-Who-Lived to the Dursleys.

On the train to his first year of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he'd met his best friend, Ronald Weasley. Harry liked him and they became firm friends.

And a bit into the first school year Hermione had entered the picture. Ron and Harry had saved her from a full-grown troll, and she too had become their best friend.

Hermione's parents were dentists and she was rather smart, a little bossy at times, but smart nontheless. She helped the other two through their schoolwork and was top of their year, despite her parents being muggles - non-wizard folks.

"Hi Harry," she replied.

"Did you finish your charms homework, that essay?" She asked incredulously.

"'Course, Patronus Charm; Flitwick decided to teach it this year, I'm surprised! I thought it was at least N.E.W.T. standard or higher. And Professor Lupin taught me this spell in third year, so it's easy." The brunet wizard answered. "Two feet, barely anything."

"I did three feet," Hermione said.

Harry rolled his eyes. His smart friend always did extra in everything; one reason why she was top of the year.

"Settle down, class. Now, I would like to see your Patronus Charm essays," Professor Flitwick squeaked.

Professor Flitwick was ridiculously short. He had to stand on a stack of books to reach the desk.


Immidiately all the essays were summoned from the students' desks or their bags, flying towards the tiny professor.

"Most of you got what the Patronus does correct, but Miss Brown, this is incorrect, it repels Dementors, the guards of Azkaban, not Demeters, the guards of Azkaban."

Lavender Brown flushed.

"Now, the indicaton is Expecto Patronum. This spell is N.E.W.T standards or higher, full grown wizards and witches have trouble with it. I don't expect you to get it right by the end of this year, but just some anyone know how to do it?"

Hemione, Ron, Harry and several others who had been in Dumbledore's Army (a secret organization that was used to teach students about the Defence Against Dark Arks, because their DADA professor, Umbridge, had them all reading out of books and not doing any literal practice) raised their hands.

Professor Flitwick was stunned, but he called on Harry.

"Mister Potter, please cast the Patronus Charm as an example." Flitwick said in a disbelieving tone.

"Okay," Harry said. "Expecto Patronum!"

He thought of all the happy memories with Ron and Hermione, as that was required to cast a Patronus. He remembered them chatting, sitting together with lunch and having fun with him.

A silver stag burst out of his wand tip, cantered around the room much to Professor Flitwick's disbelief, and dissolved.

"Very well done, Mr Potter. How did you learn it?" The professor asked.

"Lupin," Harry answered.

"Very nice, very niceā€¦" said Flitwick.

He called up members of last year's Dumbledore's Army and all succeeded in producing a sttrong Patronus in one or two goes. Hermione somehow was able to do it silently, her white glowing otter Patronus jumping around the room.

"That class was too easy," Hermione said once their Double Charms period was over.

"I know, right? We didn't even get homework." Harry answered.

"But try to do it silently," Hermione suggested.

"Hermione, not everybody is as smart as you,"

Hermione flushed pink before returning to her normal state.

"Potions next." Harry grumbled. The teacher, Snape, hated him because of his father. And Potions wasn't Harry's best subject too.

They walked in early and the Slytherins followed suit a minute later.

"Settle down, settle down," Snape said. "Today we will be making a Wit-Sharpening Potion. The instructions are written on the board."

"Okay, Mix in Ginger Root until lime green." Ron muttered.

"This isn't green, it's yellow," Harry commented. "We don't have enough Ginger Root."

Ron got up and walked over to the student cabinet and collected some more Ginger Root before coming back and mixing it.

"It's okay now," Harry said.

"Okay, mix Armadillo Bile until blue," Ron read.

"Done," Harry said, tipping the ingredient into the pot and stirring it. It became a light blue, as described in the textbook.

After they finished all of the steps, the class had finished and the potions were collected in vials. The trio departed for their free period.

"Hermione!" Harry said suddenly, gripping his friend's shoulder. "I've just remembered!"

"Remembered what?" Asked Hermione.

"We found out that Dumbledore could overrule the Goblet of Fire's rule as headmaster, then he obliviated us! Then we found that I was Lord to several houses, and Dumbledore was taking my seats in the Wizengamot, and we were about to go to Gringotts, and - and - Dumbledore obliviated us again! Then Sirius told us that Dumbledore wanted us under his thumb by accident in fifth year, but then he was obliviated along with us! And numerous other things," Harry exclaimed. It came rushing back into his mind: things he'd found out in the past few years. He suddenly remembered everything that Dumbledore obliviated from him. Before he remembered, there was a feeling like a barrier was lifted. He felt a tingling in his arms and he grasped his wand tightly. He had felt like he was glowing.