Hi Everyone! I have recently rewatched all the Pirates of the Caribbean (PotC) and decided to work on a pirate's themes Bethyl story with inspiration from the PotC universe!
One note before we begin! Zach is in this story (Beth's boyfriend from the first episode of season 4) and since he does not have a last name, I used the last name of the actor who portrayed him. There are also a lot of creative liberties taken from both PotC and TWD. It is not a direct retelling of either story. Enjoy!
Chapter 1: Time to Dock
Captain Daryl Dixon loves nothing more than to sail the open sea and go wherever his heart desires. He never had a desire to settle down anywhere or with anyone. All he ever wanted to do for as long as he can remember is sail around the world with his brother and be free.
Daryl also wanted to see everything this world had to offer and that's why he was on his way to their next destination, Port Royal. The rumours were the city was very wealthy and had enough alcohol to keep his crew happy while they made some quick repairs to his ship, The Black Pearl.
Of course, he would never be easily able to dock his ship in the harbour without being locked up and hung. Daryl knew they would have to come up with a plan for getting ashore without being noticed and very casually roam the town.
Luckily his youngest crew member, Jesus, was always ready with disguises.
Daryl adjusted his hat and gestured for Merle to take over steering their ship towards to port. Daryl guessed they are about an hour away now. Just enough time for everyone to get ready.
Daryl walked below deck where Jesus was taking inventory of the ship's ammunition.
Daryl cleared his throat and Jesus turned quickly.
"Aye, captain." Jesus said, looking at Daryl confidently.
"When we picked you up in Tortuga you had enough clean clothes in that trunk of yours to outfit my entire crew…. We are going to need them now before we dock in Port Royal, savvy?" Daryl said.
Jesus nodded, "Aye, captain! I will distribute the clothes promptly."
Daryl nodded and waved his hand for Jesus to leave.
About an hour later, Daryl and his crew we in their rowboats, rowing towards Port Royal. They were able to dock The Pearl behind a rocky cliff that should keep it out of the military's eye.
"Listen up, gents!" Daryl commanded over the loudness of the ocean. "You have two days to do whatever your little heart's desire! Whoever is not back on The Pearl by then is left behind. Savvy?"
"Aye!" the crew responded.
As the crew rowed ashore in their three rowboats and docked them, Daryl got out first to "pay" for their boats to be docked. All the while, Merle pit pocketed the money the Port had collected. This was not their first time docking somewhere pirates are not supposed to be.
As Daryl and his crew walked into the town of Port Royal and everyone went in their own direction, Daryl was impressed with how well Jesus was able to disguise them all. While none of them looked like fine English folks, they all cleaned up nicely enough to not raise suspicion from the people in town. They were able to blend in and explore without fear.
Daryl was dressed in a white button-down shirt and simple black pants and boots. His long hair was tied back in a low ponytail, the way they had seen other regular sailors style their hair.
Daryl looked around the town. The buildings were huge at Port Royal, the largest he has seen, and the streets were filled with people buying food from stands. As Daryl examined the town he saw a girl in a window looking out longingly at the ocean. He knew that feeling.
The girl was beautiful, in a soft pink gown, blonde hair curled and pinned up into a fluffy hat. Daryl couldn't help but stare at her until she could feel him staring. The girl glanced down at him and Daryl smiled and walked off to the nearest pub.
Elizabeth Greene, or Beth as she preferred to be called, was the daughter of Hershel Greene, the Governor of Port Royal. She never felt like she was free on land. She had a lot of responsibilities and duties being the governor's daughter that she was even told when to sleep and eat. She also had to be careful of the gossipers in town who were relentless if she even slipped up slightly.
Beth walked up to her bedroom window and gazed out at the sea, the one perk of being the governor's daughter was having the best view. As she looked ahead she could see many ships coming into the harbour to dock. She sighed and leaned against the window frame.
How she wanted to be out there on a ship, exploring and free from the duties that were required of her.
Beth was dressed in her favourite blush pink dress, it had many fine gold details in the dress that made it sparkle in the sunlight. Her hair was curled into a hat, the current style in London as she was told.
Today there was going to be an event in town, Zachary Gallner was going to be promoted from Captain to Commodore, and her father assured her this was going to be a huge event and a special one for her. He had previously stated that Zach fancied her, which was not something Beth wanted. She didn't want to be tied down to Port Royal through a marriage, despite Zach being a fine choice for a husband. She feared she would have no choice, she was to be 18 soon and will be married off whether she liked it or not.
Beth's mind began to race with worry. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to clear her mind. With her eyes closed, she got a feeling someone was watching her.
She quickly opened her eyes and scanned the town below and saw a man staring up at her. He had brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, looking like any sailor to dock in Port Royal. He was older than her, though she couldn't pinpoint his age, maybe close to Zach's age in his 30's. But something about him seemed different. He had a freeing aurora about him, one that made her feel calm and excited at the same time.
Then just like that, he smiled and walked off. Taking the freedom with him.
Beth was curious about this man and was determined to see him again. Maybe he could help her find that freeing feeling again.
Zachary's ceremony had just begun and Beth was standing with her father watching, though she wasn't very good at paying attention.
Zach was swinging his sword around at the command of the ceremony runner, but Beth was scanning the audience, hoping to see the man again. But he never showed. Beth felt sadness not seeing him there, but why would a sailor be at this event? Why would someone free be here?
Daryl was drinking rum and walking down the docks examining the ships. He was looking for some parts for The Black Pearl. She wasn't broken, he would remind himself, she just needed the right pins and brackets to make hoisting the sails smoother, and these ships at Port Royal were some of the finest he has ever seen, after The Pearl of course.
Daryl turned and then he saw it, a ship to rival The Pearl. The Interceptor.
He smiled and walked towards the ship but was stopped by two guards.
"What are you doin' down here?" One guard asked.
"This dock is off limits to civilians." The other guard said.
"I'm sorry gentlemen, but this ship is just so beautiful I had to stop and take a look, may I?" Daryl asked, gesturing to the plank to board the ship.
"No. Of course not." The first guard had said.
"Pity." Daryl said. "It's a pity you won't let a tourist examine the ship, that could mean big money you know."
The guards look at one another and hesitate. "Fine… A quick look then." They said, moving aside to let Daryl aboard and look around.
The ceremony was over and Beth found herself separated from the crowd talking with Zach.
"Congratulations on becoming Commodore." Beth said, smiling politely as she always does.
"It is a great achievement." Zach replied kindly. "But there is still one thing that I have yet to accomplish." He continued.
Beth looked up at him, "And what is that?" She asked.
"To find a wife." Zach said matter-of-factly.
Beth's eyes widen suddenly understanding why Zach had pulled her aside. She thought she had more time to figure out what she wanted before this day.
"You have grown up to be a fine woman, Elizabeth. Strong, kind, and beautiful. You would make a wonderful wife. And if you would," Zach got down on one knee. "Elizabeth, would you do the honours-"
Beth never heard exactly what words Zach was going to use to ask her to marry him because the next thing she knew she was running. Running away from Zach and down the path back into the main part of town.
She couldn't marry him. She couldn't settle down with him. She wasn't ready. She wasn't in love with him. This wasn't what she wanted.
Beth's mind was racing as fast as she was running. Suddenly she was running into town when suddenly she ran straight into another person. They collided so hard it sent Beth flying to the ground, landing on her butt hard. Her hat long gone and she was sure she was covered in dirt.
Beth looked up to yell and realized the person she had collided with was none other than the brown-haired sailor she had seen earlier. He was looking at her equally as shocked.
As Daryl examined The Interceptor he was subtly picking pins, washers, gears, and other small pieces he knew The Pearl needed to continue to run at top speeds.
The guards were half watching him and half watching the dock, probably making sure their superiors don't catch them breaking the rules.
Daryl had stuffed about all he could into his pockets, shirt, hand, hair, and turned to the guards.
"You two gentlemen deserve a raise for letting passionate sailors examine this fine ship." Daryl said as he walked past the guards and back down the dock towards the town centre. "I hope you two will offer tours to more people."
Daryl smiled and nodded his head and began walking down the dock. Then it happened a pin fell out from behind his ear and hit the dock.
The guards looked at him, "Thief!" they yelled and started running towards him.
Without a second thought, Daryl took off running down the dock. He was not going to be the one to get locked up and let Merle have full control of his ship.
Daryl tried to save as much of the parts as he could, and he was doing a good job until another person plowed right into him, making him stumble and drop a handful of parts.
Daryl turned to yell at the person who ran into him and his eyes widen as he recognized the girl as the one from the window this morning.
"Ow!" The girl said as she rubbed her back.
Daryl heard shouting from behind him and could see the guards pushing through the crowd from the way he had just came.
Daryl grabbed the girls arm and pulled her up. She was looking up at him shocked.
"I need a hiding place." He demanded.
The girl stared at him wide eyed and nodded her head slightly.
"This way." She whispered and ran towards a large building.
Daryl followed her, hoping she wasn't leading him into a prison.
She entered the building and pulled Daryl in behind her, slamming the doors shut and locking them. Daryl looked around, seemed to be the foyer of a home.
They were both breathing heavily staring at one another.
"Why were you running?" She asked.
He couldn't tell her he was wanted when he was supposed to be a civil sailor. So he decided to deflect the question. "Wy were you running?" He asked.
She scowled and folded her arms over her chest. "Will you at least tell me your name? Considering you knocked me over."
"Your name first, so I know I can trust you." Daryl said.
She sighed, "Elizabeth Greene. You?"
"Daryl Dixon." Daryl said without hesitation and instantly realizing it was a mistake as her eyes widened.
"As in… Captain Daryl Dixon? Captain of The Black Pearl!?" Her voice was getting louder and he covered her mouth quickly, who knew who was around them listening in this foyer.
Daryl sighed and nodded slightly.
"Then you're a pirate?" Elizabeth said muffled from under Daryl's hand.
Daryl nodded again.
Elizabeth's eyes seemed to shine brightly, the opposite of what he was expecting. Why would such a reputable lady be happy to be helping a pirate?
Little did he know this would be the beginning of a long adventure for the pair.
I hope you like this story so far! Constructive criticism is always welcome, but please be kind!