Chapter 1
Issei, Gasper, Kiba travel to the Bleach universe to train in using their abilities and gain more combat experience. It will be before the Soul Society Arc. Smart Issei x Fem Gasper x Fem Kiba x Harem. Ichigo X harem.
Karakura Park
In the forest area of Karakura Park, in the afternoon, a portal opens to reveal three individuals in different uniforms. One was a normal guy with brown hair and eyes with a red gauntlet on his left hand. The second was a handsome young man with short blond hair, blue eyes, and a mole underneath his left eye.
The last one was an androgynous-looking male with platinum blond hair and pinkish-violet eyes. His hair is styled in short bob cut with several small fringes over his forehead, and he has pointed ears. He was fidgeting because of the nervousness from being in a new place without his bag and box. But also for a third reason but he couldn't say since he was nervous.
Issei looked around and then at the map. "Looks like our destination is Urahara Shoten. It should be a bit further ahead and it's the afternoon so we should be able to get there in I'd say 30 minutes, sound good?"
Kiba nods while Gasper is swaying side to side. "It's sooooooo hooottt!~" He wobbles to Issei and extends his arms out and did a grabbing motion. "Please carry me." Issei sighs with a smile and gets on the ground. "Come on."
Gasper smiles and gets in his senpai's back. The vampire snuggles on Issei's back. "Your so cool. Ah.~"
Issei laughs a little at his and begins to head to their location while Kiba is a bit mad at the vampire but remembered the deal. Swallowing some spit, 'he' put on his mask and went with his friends.
Urahara Shoten
Issei looks at the worn down shop and sighs before knocking on the door. "Excuse me, Kisuke Urahara, are you there?"
They waited for a few minutes.
They waited for a few minutes more.
And more...
And more...
Kiba was pissed and summoned a longsword and stabbed the door. "If you don't open this door and let us in then I will tear down this door and give you a gender change but cutting 'them' off."
A panicked voice screamed. "I was going to open my door, I swear just please put your sword away." The door opens to reveal a blond haired man wearing a black and green striped cloak with a hat in the same pattern.
Urahara bows and introduced himself. "Apologies. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kisuke Urahara. I'm a former Fallen Angel and it's a pleasure to meet you all. Please come in."
The three entered and were greeted by a muscleman with glasses, a red haired kid, and a black twin tailed Loli petting a black cat.
Issei liked the little cat and showed the cat his hand. The black cat sniffed it and rubbed her head against the young mans hand. "Mind if I?" The Loli smiles and hand the cat over to him.
Issei places the cat in his lap and begins to pet the cats back then moved towards its neck. The cat purred in joy as she enjoyed the attention and feeling of Issei's hands on her body. Issei then got to her ears and gently rubbed them. They twitched are first but then Issei found a spot where the cat liked being pet on her ears and continued in that same spot.
Kiba and Gasper saw Issei enjoy himself and was happy that he was actually smiling, for real this time. They were with Issei much longer than Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, Irina, and Xenovia. They knew Issei had been putting on a tough guy act since they were able to see that he acts like his buffoon old self but that's all it was, an act.
Kiba and Gasper noticed that he had a look of fear in his eyes whenever he looked at the girls. It took Kiba sometime until he realized that Raynare must still be hurting his heart. He thought he was a bad friend for not doing anything to help him but when Azazel told 'him' that he could go with Issei to train in another world, it made him happy. Gasper was explained the situation of Issei's heart and they made a promise to each other that they would help heal his heart.
Kiba wondered why the girls liked Issei even though they never showed interest in him until Risers defeat. Asia was self explanatory but Rias didn't see him as nothing but a funny little brother and then just kissed him out of the blue after the fight. Also she was very possessive. Akeno just loves to tease him. Koneko hates his guts, figuratively and literally. Irina is ashamed that her best friend turned into a perverted devil. And Xenovia is always trying to rape him to have his baby.
Gasper and Kiba were annoyed by how the girls continued to fight over him while he has to play peacekeeper and the girls exploit his kind nature. Granted he is a pervert, he stopped peeping after Rias's confession. But as always Issei had to do Rias's work and do things that none of them could do. Issei was the one who always jumped in and sacrificed his life on the line for others but what do the girls do: cry for him and only get serious when he's incredibly injured.
They enjoyed the times when Issei was free from the girls and it seemed that when he spoke with them, Issei could be himself. He didn't have to put on a brave face and a tough act for the girls when he was talking to his 'guy' friends.
When Kiba and Gasper heard how they were going to be with Issei during his training, it made them excited for two reasons: spend time with Issei away from the girls and they could reveal their true selves when with him.
Urahara got the message from his old boss and was surprised by the three arrivals to his city. 'This is going to be interesting.' He clapped his hands to get their attention. "Listen while your here, your going to be going to attending Karakura High. Also you'll be starting as second years, so depending on your performance you should be graduated in three of five years your going to be here. The time difference in our worlds is different. Two days there equal one year here and since you only have ten days that means you here for five years."
Issei raised his hand while holding the cat. "Question. Is Karakura High a coed school? You know both male and female."
Urahara nodded. "Why yes but the ratio of boys and girls are quite equal so unlike your old school there won't be a large number of girls glaring at you."
Issei sighs in relief. 'Finally, a fresh start. I can be myself around others in a new school. I may be a pervert but I hate always going with Matsuda and Motohama since they always want to go too far like steal the girls underwear. Seriously? I may be a pervert but even I have a line where I don't cross. It would be a huge relief of not always getting glares from the female body. God, thank you for this gift you have bestowed upon me.' Issei cried a manly tear while Kiba and Gasper pondered what he was thinking about.
Urahara said nothing but mentally nodded. 'I share your sympathies my friend. Issei Hyoudou, you are one I admire and can call a friend.' Issei and Urahara nodded to each other and shook hands.
Everyone wondered if they had some sort of secret code that they didn't know about.
Urahara got up. "Well as much as I want to continue this conversation. I want to go ahead and help you three unlock your powers already but first research so..."
He pulls out a couple of books and passed them to Issei, Kiba, and Gasper. "These books contain information and history pertaining to the Quincys, Hollows, Soul Reapers, and their abilities. There's also a book on the techniques that each race specializes with so I'll give you guys a week to get used to the city before we get to the important stuff like Zanpaktos and Kido, sounds good?"
The three nodded but Gasper had a question. "Ah, I got a question. When are we going to our new school?" Urahara grinned and gave them the memo. "You'll all be going tomorrow and don't worry about any problems with IDs or anything . I already took care of them."
They nodded and bowed. "Thanks for having us." Urahara has his fan out and waves it off. "Anything for Azazel. He and I go wayyyyy back, we were friends before I discovered a new world where I could take it easy and relax but I also have done some deeds which I'm not proud off. But that's a story for another time. It's best you guys go ahead and get some shut eye. It's already 7pm and your first day starts at 8am."
The three nodded and got up. Issei put down the cat and gave it a kiss on the forehead before saying goodnight to the little black cat and the black haired loli. The muscleman walked them over to their room and gave them a pat on their shoulders. "Welcome to Urahara Shoten. Have a good night."
"You too." "Thanks for having us." "Goodnight, sir." Issei, Kiba, and Gasper responded in their own farewell. Tessai has a small smile and waves then goodbye before heading to the dining room.
The trio went into their new room and noticed it was spacious and had three futons out. Kiba and Gasper blushed when Issei started to strip into his pjs that he brought with him. Kiba and Gasper turned away and for ready on the other sides of the room.
When they were done changing, Issei was wearing a red pajama shirt and black pajama shorts. Kiba wore a white shirt and shorts that looked like it was for a girl and Gasper wore a woman's purple pajama shirt and pants.
Issei was going heading to the bathroom to relieve himself before bed. While Kiba and Gasper nodded to each other and waited for Issei to return so they could tell him their secret.
Issei came back out and sat on his futon. "Well this is it. A fresh start. It's eight right now so let's crack open some of those books that Urahara gave to us so we can get a head start, sounds good?"
Gasper nodded but Kiba was looking down at his legs. "Um, before we begin can I tell you something Issei. And please promise me you won't hate me for what I'm about to say." Issei was surprised at this but allowed it. "Sure what's up?"
Kiba breathes deeply and takes off his shirt to reveal a strange mark on his chest. Issei was surprised and asked. "What's this?" Kiba just smiled and poured some magic into the mark and it vanished.
Kiba exploded in a burst of white smoke to reveal him as a her. Yuuto Kiba was now a girl with long blond hair that reached the middle of her back, sapphire eyes that shined like gems, and an impressive chest around D cups. Issei plugged his nose and asked. "Why are you a girl?!"
The female Kiba poked her fingers together and had a shy look on her face. "Well you see, I've always been a girl but Rias wanted me to look like a boy because the club would have gotten harassed if there wasn't a guy in the group. Please forgive me for hiding this from you."
Issei saw her chest bounce and hugged her, surprising the new female in the room. "Yuuto-"
"My names Yumi!"
Issei chuckles a bit and says. "Yumi, you don't have to worry about hiding this from me. I'm not mad at you and if you thought I wouldn't accept you then your wrong. I care about you whether your male or female but this does explain why you were making those weird comments when you were Yuuto."
Yumi chuckles nervously. "Hehehehe, yeah sorry about the awkwardness I caused you." She looks at Gasper. Gasper squeals and blushes. Issei sees this and said. " I'll accept you for who you are. Come on please?"
Gasper sighs and bit her hand. Her body exploded in a red burst of energy and was now a relatively petite, fair-skinned girl who had a rather pretty face. The newly female Gasper now has slightly inward-tilting eyes, irises bright red and their pupils' thin slits, making them somewhat resemble those of a cat. Her mouth was rather feline, as both her upper and lower canines are more pointed and longer than the rest of her teeth.
Her hair was now a pale, dirty ash-blonde and is styled into two messy buns, numerous wild strands sticking out at all angles from their centers and where they're fastened, a straight fringe and two chin-length side bangs to frame her face. She still had her pointed ears and somehow it made her cuter.
Issei was surprised by this new form from the tiny dhampir he was used to. The new Gasper had a smile on her face as she tackled Issei and rubbed her head against his chest. "Squeeze. You have no idea how long I held back from cuddling with you but now that I don't have to hide my form, I can be my true self with you. Mmmmm." Issei was surprised by the change in personality but still smiled. "Your a lot different from your old self. Is that because Rias ordered you to?"
The new Gasper nodded. "I think she was afraid that me and Yumi would take you from miss nudist. Honestly, the girls at school call you a pervert? Their bigger perverts than you. President is a nudist who sleeps naked at night and acts provocative, Queenie is a sadist who hides behind behind a teasing look, Kitty is a bitch, Nun is a crybaby who needs her hand to be held, Angel is annoying, and Berserker is a rapist for trying to rape you and take your first time."
Issei was surprised at the mouth this vampire had and asked. "That's how you saw them? Dang you must've really had to hold back didn't you. Oh by the way, what do I call you now?"
The new Gasper got on her knees and said with a smile. "Selina. Call me Selina Vladi. Your super cute vampire girl." Issei laughs at this and hugs the two girls. Both of them smile to each other and give them a thumbs up. They finally revealed their true forms to the man they liked now all they have to do is win his heart and actually fight with him, not stand on the sidelines like the others did.
Urahara was watching from the surveillance room and was surprised by the two new girls. He chuckles. "Issei Hyoudou. I think your definitely are going to enjoy these new girls."
He flicked the camera off and went to bed.
Issei let the two go and noticed that the time was now 9:30pm. "Crap! We better get to bed if we don't want to be late tomorrow." The girls agreed and got into their futons before hitting the lights.
Issei relaxed into his futon but also felt a pressure against his left and right. He opens his eyes to see Selina's eyes glowed in the dark as she was snuggling to Issei's right arm and Yumi snuggled into Issei's left arm. The two were asleep with a smile on their faces.
Issei ruffles their hair as he closed his eyes. "I think their much cuter this way. Thanks for telling me your secret girls." They snuggled deeper into him and whispered. "We love you."
Their first night of Karakura City started out with a bang. Let's see what their first day at school brings them.
So let me know does it live or die.
By the way, as for his harem: Yumi, Selina, Yoruichi, Soifon, Halibel, Isane or Unohana, Bambietta, Minnie, Candice, Giselle, Jackie from Fullbringers, and Riruka.
Let me know what you think.