This was originally going to be part of Ugravidity, but I felt that I should put the sex scene as a separate thing for people who don't necessarily want to read an explicit story. It fits in when Ochako is 24 weeks (just after they get their new apartment)




Katsuki woke up with a start.

"Oh good, you're awake," said Ochako.

"Buh? Wuh? What?" Bakugo looked blearily at the clock on his nightstand. "2:30? What the fuck, Cheeks? What's wrong? Is it the baby?"

"No no! Nothing's wrong with the baby," she reassured him. "I couldn't sleep."

Ochako could have sworn she heard him blink at her.

"You couldn't sleep, and decided to wake me up?" he asked incredulously.

"I just have this craving. I think if I sate it, I'll be able to sleep!"

"Cheeks, the stores are all closed. If we don't have it, it's going to have to wait until morning!" he turned over to go back to sleep.

"I'm not craving food, I'm craving dick."

He sat up and looked at her. "What?"

"I need you to put your penis inside me so I can sleep."

Katsuki continued to stare at his wife.

"Look, my hormones have been going crazy all night! I tried to take care of myself without waking you, but it wasn't enough!" she said, her voice a little whiny. "So please fuck me!"

Katsuki growled, rolled over in bed on top of his wife, tossing the blankets aside. He carefully kept his weight off of her belly, and kissed her deeply from above. He pawed at the hem of her pajama shirt, pulling it up her torso, breaking the kiss to remove it completely, before diving down to encapsulate an engorged breast in his mouth.

Ochako moaned at the sensations of his lips and tongue against her flesh. "Katsuki," she sighed. "I'm already… mmm… warmed up. You don't… NNNN!" She bit her lip as Katsuki's fingers dipped inside the waistband of her panties, touching her clit directly.

"Yeah, but I'm not," he replied. He kissed his way down her torso, paying special attention around her navel. "Let me hear you scream for me, that'll get me going."

He grasped the waistband of her panties and her pajama pants, and slowly dragged them down her legs. Laying down between her legs, he kissed her thighs, making her squirm underneath him. Her hands tangled in his hair, as she tried to pull his head closer to her core.

Katsuki resisted her insistent tugs, and slowly made his way closer. The scent of her arousal filled his nostrils, waking him up better than a cup of coffee. He suddenly attacked her gaping pussy with his tongue, digging in as deeply as he could, drawing her thick juices into his mouth.

Ochako moaned loudly in appreciation at his ministrations. Even propped up on her pillows, she wasn't able to see much other than the top of his head over her belly, making every new sensation a surprise. Then he pursed his lips, and sucked on her clit, while two fingers pushed into her snatch. Her eyes crossed, and she screamed his name as she crested the wave. "Katsuki!"

Katsuki maintained the vacuum on her clit to keep her going as long as possible. Her inner walls squeezed tightly on her fingers, which he scissored inside of her. Finally he let her fall, withdrawing from her, running his hands along her thighs, and kissing up the hill of her belly.

Ochako was still trying to catch her breath when she felt him tugging insistently on her hips, pulling her to the edge of the bed. "Whu?" she managed to ask.

"I wanna see your face while we do it," he said, stepping off of the bed, and positioning her hips at the edge. "Since that's difficult right now…"

The height of their bed made it so Katsuki could stand on the floor just off the bed, and his cock would be just at the right height to penetrate her. He lifted her legs up to his shoulders, and slowly pushed inside.

Ochako gasped as she was finally filled. She was absolutely soaked, so Katsuki slid in easily to the hilt. With her legs bent 90 degrees, and her ankles up next to his neck, she couldn't move, and was totally at his mercy. She loved it. "Oh, fuck! KATSUKI!"

For his part, Katsuki was just getting into the groove, ready to draw out her pleasure for as long as possible. He leaned forward, and placed a hand on her gravid belly, stroking it lovingly in time with the strokes of his cock.

Ochako watched his crimson eyes as they made love, very happy with his decision to go with this position. His face was a mask of concentration as he focused on her. Then he looked into her eyes and she felt like she was floating. The look of determination drove her wild. She could feel one more orgasm building, and this was going to be a big one. There was just one thing missing… "Katsuki, cum for me. Inside!" she managed before another moan robbed her of the ability to speak.

That was all it took to get Katsuki to lose control. Bareback sex was still a bit of a novelty for them, and while he'd managed to learn control over the sensations that came from the lack of barrier between them, when she told him to cum inside her, control went right out the window, and instinct took over. He suddenly felt lightheaded, and slammed home as deep as he could, releasing his seed into her.

Ochako's eyes crossed as she felt him swell, and then the splash. The wave crashed and she rode her own climax. She spread her legs, taking them off of his shoulders, and wrapped them around his waist, holding him in.

Finally sated, Katsuki slowly pulled out of his wife, a torrent of cum flowing out from her as he withdrew. He grabbed a tissue from the nightstand next to the bed, and wiped up the excess cum, before helping her get back into a sleeping position on the bed. He climbed in behind her, pressing his chest against her back, and wrapping an arm around her. "Better?" he asked.

Ochako sighed contentedly as he pulled the bedsheet over them, nodding her agreement. She grabbed his arm, holding him close to her chest, and was quickly fast asleep