Author's note: Hi everyone, FireSlash here and welcome to another chapter of 'Resurrection Isn't Fun'. Glad to see you guys like this fic so far :-). I just want to remind people to vote for what pairing you want to see in this fic (between Tsuyu and Ochako).

I don't have anything else to say, so let's get right to the story. Review and enjoy :-)


"Izuku, it's here!"

Blinking, the young immortal saw his mother scurrying towards him, an envelope in hand. Eyeing it, he noticed that it was sent to him by U.A.

Two weeks had passed since he took the exam, so he had been expecting the letter.

"Thanks mom." Taking the envelope from his mother, Izuku ran up to his room and closed the door.

"Let's see if lighting myself on fire for that exam was worth it." Opening the envelope, he was confused to see that some sort of circular machine was inside instead of a standard letter. Touching the device, his confusion turned to one of surprise when a hologram began to appear, displaying an image of the current number one hero.


"All Might's working at U.A?" Izuku asked himself, seeing no other reason as to why the hero was on the recordings instead of the principal. Izuku wasn't going to lie, the idea of All Might working at U.A was something which excited him. All Might was his favorite hero after all. Being taught by him was something that made his inner hero-nerd squeal. Thankfully, he managed to hold in his excitement. "Neat!"

"It says here that you managed to pass the written portion of the exam and received a whopping total of fifty villain points on the physical portion, which is enough to pass! In fact, you've earned the second most points out of everyone taking the test this year!"

Izuku smiled at his accomplishment. "Looks like it was."

"However, that is not all!" The projection continued, turning his pride into confusion. "You see, the test was designed to help us look for those we think could be the best possible heroes! During the exam, we noticed that you've chosen to aid your competition at numerous points."

The hologram briefly showed all of Izuku's saves, that is, except for the part where he rescued Ochako from the zero-pointer.

"This earned you a total of ten hero points, boosting your score to sixty. HOWEVER, there's even more! How can we ignore the stunt you pulled with the zero pointer…"

The hologram then shifted to an image of the brunette he saved speaking to Present Mic.

"Uh, excuse me, but I have a question about the test…"

"Sure! Ask away, little listener!"

"Well, during the test, a green haired boy saved me from the zero-pointer that was about to crush me. I would've been dead if it wasn't for him, so if possible, if he didn't get enough points to pass, could you please give him some of mine. He deserves to go here!"

"HAHAHAHAH! Don't you worry, he'll be fine," Present Mic informed her. It was then that the hologram shifted back to All Might.

"Not only did you save her, but you made sure to do it in a manner which caused the least amount of destruction. For this, you have received seventy extra hero points and the girl you saved earned forty hero points!" The hologram's image shifted again to show a chart of the top ten highest scoring participants. Highlighted on it was the girl he saved and his own. With the hero points, he actually ended up scoring one hundred thirty points, putting him in first place by quite a margen. Second place had nothing on him. "Come young Midoriya, this is your Hero Academia now…"

"Hey mom, I made it!" Izuku shouted.

"That's great! I'm so happy for you!" His mom shouted back.

"THIS HOLOGRAM WILL SELF DESTRUCT IN 3..." His eyes widening, Izuku grabbed the disk. "...2" With no hesitation, the boy opened his window and tossed the device outside. "...1."


The hologram exploded into a pile of smoke, prompting Izuku to close his window.

"The hell?"


"Excuse me! I ask that you take your feet off the desk this instant! It is extremely disrespectful to those who took the time to create it!"

"Pfft. Don't tell me what to do you filthy side character! Who the hell are you anyways?"

"My name is Tenya Iida and I come from Somei Private Academy…"

"Somei? So you're some damn elitist? I'm going to enjoy crushing you."

"Crush?! You wish to become a hero with that attitude?"

"Oh God damn it." Izuku silently groaned in annoyance at the scene unfolding in front of him. Not only had it revealed to him that he'd be spending three more years of his life with Katsuki (well, he should've expected this to happen since there are only two freshmen classes in U.A that are a part of the heroics department), but the boy he flipped off during the exam was in his class as well. He was really hoping for a fresh new start, but it looks like the world hated him too much to allow him such a luxury.

Deciding that it was a good idea not to piss anyone off before the day even started, Izuku took a seat somewhere in the front of the class and waited for his homeroom teacher. Naturally, it was at this moment when the formal boy decided to make his way to Izuku.

"You are the boy who took on the zero pointer and saved that girl, correct?"

Izuku raised an eyebrow at this while ignoring Katsuki's loud mumbles about he got 'fucking lucky', trying to figure out what this boy wanted from him while also simultaneously trying to see if he should play nice or not. On one hand, the boy might not be the jerk he thought he was. On the other hand, almost everyone Izuku met were jerks. "Yes?"

"Great! I must admit, I was quite surprised to see you managed to quickly deduce the hidden portion of the exam, something not even I could get. My name is Tenya Iida and I look forward to spending my next three academic years with you."

Izuku tilted his head. He wasn't expecting such a greeting. The boy probably had ulterior motives, but Izuku would smile and play along. No need to make an ass of himself on the first day. "Nice to meet you Iida, I'm Izuku Midoriya. Sorry for flipping you the bird earlier and about the hidden portion of the exam, I didn't know about it. I just saw a girl who was in danger and jumped in."

"I see… then you certainly deserve to be a hero," Tenya declared. "Very well then! I shall follow your example this day forth so I may call myself a hero someday as well."

As this was going on, a man in a sleeping bag began inching his way behind the teacher's desk, said man being Shota Aizawa.

Izuku saw him do so and became confused. "Hey Iida, do you know if U.A has a homeless employment policy going on?"

"Not to my knowledge… why do you ask?"

"There's a hobo behind the teacher's desk," Izuku said as he pointed to Shota. "Might want to do something about that." It was then that his hero knowledge kicked in. "Wait, nevermind. That's just Eraserhead. Don't know why a hero who hates attention is teaching, but hey, I'm not going to tell him how to live his life."

"Hey! Green hair… you're the boy that saved me!" Turning their attention towards the door, the two teens noticed the girl Izuku had helped enter the room. "Wow, I can't believe we're in the same class. Thank you for saving me… Izuku Midoriya, right?"

"Yeah," Izuku responded, analyzing the girl. She, like Tenya, seemed nice enough, but he would still keep his guard up around them. "Ochako Uraraka, right?"


"Well, I'd love to talk to you more, but I think our teacher's waiting for us to quiet down."

"Huh?" Ochako asked, her voice catching the attention of all his classmates. It was then that everyone noticed Shota, the man having stepped out of his bag.

"Only one of you noticed… I'm a bit disappointed in those who didn't," Shota spoke, the class quieting down upon hearing his voice. "Part of being a hero is being alert. If I were a villain, everyone here but Midoriya would be-" Shota immediately remembered the boy's quirk. How the hell do you deal with someone who can't die? "-dead."

Izuku held in a laugh. It was obvious Shota knew. Well, everyone was going to find out one way or another. Depending on how they treat him once they find out will determine how he sees them in return. Will he finally get some friends? Probably not, but he was hoping they weren't like Katsuki. Dealing with one was already annoying as it is, he didn't need more.

"...Anyways, I'm wasting enough time as it is. I'll make this quick, I'm Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. Understood?"

"Yes sensei!" Tenya diligently shouted as everyone looked at the strange man.

"Good. I'll be handing out your P.E uniforms. Go get changed and meet me at the back field. Just because it's your first day doesn't mean you don't have to work."


"You managed to get here in under two minutes…" Shota told Izuku as the two stood outside, waiting for the rest of the boy's classmates. "Not bad."

"I just changed while heading over here," Izuku admitted as he glanced around the field. He never liked being in the locker rooms back in middle school, so whenever it was time for gym class, he'd change while walking. "What're we doing?"

"I'll explain once everyone gets here," Shota said.

"Do I need my quirk for this?"

"I'll explain once everyone gets here," Shota repeated.

"Alright Mr. Grumpy Pants, have it your way."

The two stood in awkward silence until everyone else arrived.

"Hmph, you all made it here in eight minutes…" Shota said, giving the rest of the class a disappointed look once everyone made it to the field. "We'll work on that. Now, the reason I brought you all out here is for a quirk assessment test."

"A quirk assessment test?" Ochako asked, tilting her head in confusion.

Izuku frowned. 'Of course. Shouldn't have left my lighter in my bag.'

Shota simply nodded in response. "Yes. You've all had basic physical assessment tests back in elementary school, correct? These are nearly the same."

"This is going to be so much fun!" A pink skinned girl shouted in excitement.

"Fun? You think being a hero is fun? Well, how about this: the person who scores the lowest on the assessment will be expelled."

"Expelled? But we just got here! That's so unfair!" a short boy with grape looking hair, Minoru Mineta, complained.

Everyone else began complaining as well, not liking the fact that people could be expelled on the first day, all except Izuku who seemed to be thinking about something.

"Unfair? According to the principle, us teachers can run our courses as we please. As a result, I'm sorry to tell you that for the next three years, U.A. will run you through the wringer. That's 'Plus Ultra.' Use your strength to overcome it all. So bring it…"

When Shota finished, most of the class looked at one another with uncertainty. Their looks of uncertainty would turn to one of confusion a second later.

"Hey sensei, do you have the keys to the roof?" Izuku asked his teacher. Since his lighter was in his bag, he only had two easy ways of killing himself; either he leaps off the roof or snaps his neck. Doing the latter won't give him anything useful for a physical exam, so the former was his only option.

Shota raised an eyebrow. "Keys to the roof?"

"You said this was a quirk assessment test…"

Shota's eyes widened as he realized what Izuku's intentions were. "You're taking this test quirkless."

"You sure?" Izuku asked. "I could always snap-"

"You're taking this test quirkless." The fact Izuku was willing to light himself on fire during U.A's Entrance Exam more than proved he was worthy of being in the hero course; there was no need to make him kill himself again. At this point, Shota just needed to know how athletic Izuku was. 'How the hell do I deal with this kid?'

"Alright. We'll do it your way," Izuku shrugged as everyone looked at them, confused as to what was going on. The only one who wasn't was Katsuki, who was happy that Izuku was taking this test quirkless. He was hoping Shota would expel him.

'Without dying, Deku's fucking worthless…'


The exercises were simple, consisting of the softball throw, a 50 meter dash, a test of grip strength, a long jump, and a side stepping test. Thankfully, due to all the training he's done, Izuku was able to avoid coming in last on any of the tests.

Once all the tests were done, Aizawa began to address his class. "With that out of the way, it's time to reveal the results of the test."

With the press of a button, everyone's results and rankings were put on full display. Some were pleased with their score while others were not. In Minoru's case, he was tearing up as he found himself at the bottom of the pack despite his fantastic score on the repeated side step test. He already knew he was at risk for being expelled seeing as he was at the bottom of the pack. As for Izuku, he was satisfied with his score.

"Tenth place. Not bad."

'Fucking Deku,' Katsuki growled at seeing Izuku wasn't last.

As everyone continued reacting to their scores, Aizawa let loose a small cough, grabbing everyone's attention. "Now if you're all done comparing scores, I have an announcement to make. As I said before, the person with the lowest score on the exam is to be expelled. However, since all of you seem to be at least somewhat competent, I'm not expelling anyone today."

"OH THANK GOD!" Minoru joyfully cried out.

"Now go get changed. Your next class starts in ten minutes."


The rest of the day came and went by quickly. After the quirk assessment exam, nothing of interest happened other than seeing which pro heroes would be teaching what class. Being the superhero fanboy he is, Izuku was practically in heaven, having a chance to meet some of his favorite heroes up close. After each of his classes, he asked each of his teachers for autographs.

Eventually, class 1-A found themselves waiting for their last class to start, it being the mandatory hero's basics course. Surprisingly, no one knew which hero would be teaching this class, well that is, except for Izuku. Such remained a mystery until said teacher ended up bursting through the door, making a memorable entrance.

"I AM...COMING THROUGH THE DOOR LIKE AN ORDINARY PERSON!" The booming voice of their teacher shouted as he entered the door. With the hero's bulging muscles and his costume, there was no mistaking his identity: he was the number one hero All Might. Seeing the legendary hero in person, everyone began getting excited.

"Is that really All Might?"

"That's definitely his silver age costume!"

"Sign my book All Might!" Izuku shouted, pulling out his burnt journal.

"Settle down everyone!" All Might said, silencing everyone. "Yes, the rumors are true! I, All Might, will be teaching the hero's basics course here at U.A! Today, we'll be going over combat training! However, such training must be done with style! Your hero costumes are labeled with the same number as your seats. Put them on and meet me at Ground Beta! PLUS ULTRA!"

Wasting no time, everyone began grabbing their costumes and prepared for the lesson.

"Can I still get that autograph?" Izuku asked his teacher.

"Of course!" Grabbing the notebook, All Might signed with with surprising speed before giving it back to the eager fan.

"Thank you so much! I'll treasure this forever! It'll be a family heirloom!"

"Always glad to be of service!" The hero said before walking off. "Now, let us get ready for class."


'Man, U.A really came through,' Izuku thought to himself as he admired his costume. It wasn't really anything special, only consisting of an army vest, a respirator, and sweatpants, but it wasn't like he needed any protection due to his quirk. Even the army vest didn't offer anything, really only being there to supply ammo for his guns, a switch blade, and some smoke grenades.

Speaking of which, on each side of Izuku's waist hung two handguns, both having two small nozzles on each side. The ones on the outermost side controlled how powerful the guns were. On its lowest settings, they were weaker than a BB gun while on the highest, they could shoot through bricks. Obviously, since this was an exercise, he wasn't going to use the lethal settings on anyone but himself. The innermost nozzles turned the guns into rifles so he could hit people far away.

Finally, he had two short katanas hanging from his back in case he needed to do some close quarters combat.

Eventually done with admiring his costume, Izuku began leaving the changing room.


Once everyone was in costume, All Might began explaining the exercise.

"Alright, as you all know, being a hero often means you'll be fighting bad guys! As such, you'll need to learn to defend yourselves. I've split you all into ten teams of two. Two teams will go head to head at a time, one serving as the heroes and one serving as the villains. The villains will be in charge of safeguarding a bomb inside a building. The heroes on the other hand will need to retrieve said bomb before the timer runs out. Any questions?"

"Can I blow everyone up?"

"How do the heroes retrieve the bomb?"

"Are we going to get expelled like with Aizawa sensei?"

"How will teams be chosen?"

"Isn't this cape fantastic?"

"Hold it! To retrieve the bombs, all the heroes need to do is touch it," All Might said before holding up a large strip capture tape. "Both the heroes and villains will be getting these strips of tape. Tie them around your opponent and they'll be eliminated from the battle. Also, no one's getting expelled."

Everyone released a sigh of relief at the fact no one was being expelled.

"Teams will be chosen through a lottery!" All Might continued, pointing at a computer behind him with all the student's names listed.

'Universe, if you love me, you'll put me on a team with someone decent and not with Bakugou. I'd rather drink bleach again than work with him.'

With a push of a button, All Might had the computer shuffle the teams. Once it finished, Izuku immediately looked at the listing, hoping that he wouldn't be partnered with Katsuki. He ended up lucking out in terms of partners though, Ochako being his partner instead.

"Wow, we're on the same team. It must be fate! I'll be counting on you."

'You do love me…' Izuku thought to himself, happy with his partner. Ochako's been nothing but nice to him thus far, so he couldn't complain. He gave the girl a friendly smile. "Great to be working with you."

Glancing over, he noticed that Katsuki was paired up with Tenya. Poor guy. He had to deal with his shenanigans…

Being the nice guy he was, Izuku began consolidating his acquaintance. "I'm so sorry for you. Good luck out there, you'll need it…"

"Now that teams have been made, it's time to see which ones will go head to head!" Pressing the button again, All Might had the computer randomize the matches. When Izuku saw who he was up against, he sighed. He was going up against Katsuki, the boy giving him a sinister look upon seeing the lineups, and their match was first.

Normally, Izuku would dread any encounter he had to deal with regarding the other boy, but this time, he couldn't help but smile. This was a situation he's been looking forward to for a long time…


Once the matches were determined, the first one began. The villains had a ten minute head start to come up with a plan, something which Tenya wanted to use.

"The bomb's paper mache, so that's a relief. All right, here's what I think we should-" Tenya began speaking, only for Katsuki to cut him off.

"I don't give a shit about what you think. I'm going after Deku."

"And leave the bomb unguarded? That seems like a horrible plan."

"You'll be here to guard it, won't you dumbass?"

"Going in without a plan will only lead to failure. Teamwork here is import-"


Meanwhile, as the 'villains' were doing their thing, Izuku and Ochako were outside the building, trying their best to come up with a plan. Well, Izuku was the one making a plan.

"Alright, so Bakugou's going to come after me," Izuku told her. "While I fight him off, you go deal with Iida. I'll join you in a bit."

"Are you sure you can handle him?" The girl asked, not liking the idea of separation. "He looks mean."

"Trust me, I know that idiot like the back of my hand," Izuku said with a smirk. "He's not an issue."

"...Alright, I trust you. Just promise me that you'll surrender if things get too rough out there, ok?"

Izuku almost laughed, but remembered that she still didn't know his quirk. "Don't worry, I'll be fine."

"Ten minutes are up! Hero team, you may now search for the bomb!"

Izuku grinned at his partner. "Let's do this."


Once the announcement was made, Ochako followed her teammate through the building, him serving as her guide. For a while, the two were able to navigate the building without much problem. Unfortunately, all good things must end as after a few minutes, Izuku's eyes widened. Ochako was about to ask him what was wrong when he tackled her to the ground, a large explosion having gone off. Looking up, both teens saw Katsuki in all his glory staring at them, upset his shot had missed.

"I was sure I was going to smash your hea-"


As Katsuki began talking, Izuku threw a punch at his forehead, causing him to stumble back.

"I think this is where we split off," Izuku said to Ochako while Katsuki recovered from the surprise attack.

"Alright! Good luck!"

When the girl left, Izuku turned his attention back to a very pissed off Katsuki.


"You know 'Kacchan'," Izuku said, a false smile growing on his face. 'Kacchan' was an affectionate nickname Izuku gave the other boy when they were younger and still friends. However, the way he said it now held no such affection, instead using it to mock his former friend. "I've been waiting for this moment. Our middle school can't protect you anymore, which means I can finally deliver all the karma you've avoided, you karma houdini."

"Fuck off!" Launching himself forwards, Katsuki prepared to strike Izuku with a right hook, something the other boy saw coming from a mile away. Pulling out his katanas, Izuku rushed in and slashed at the grenade shaped gauntlets the blonde was wearing.

"Your costume is useless now," Izuku taunted, riling up his opponent. While the young immortal didn't know exactly what the gauntlets did, he knew that they were made to enhance Katsuki's explosions.

"I don't need those fucking things to kick your ass!" Katsuki shouted as he attempted to hit Izuku with another explosion.

However, what he failed to take into account was that Izuku's reach with his legs was longer than his own reach with his arms, so with a powerful roundhouse kick, Izuku sent him flying.

"What's wrong? Can't keep up with someone who actually knows how to fight?" Izuku mocked his opponent. "I told you things would be different once we graduate."

To the untrained eye, Katsuki would appear to be a great fighter, his fighting instinct being admirable. To a highly trained fighter however, they'd realize the boy's moves could easily be manipulated. He lacked variety, utilizing the same moves over and over, only changing his movements ever so slightly. Having seen the boy in action before, Izuku knew everything he could do and knew for a fact he could take him out in a few moves. This all stems from the fact that Katsuki's never been in a real fight before, all his 'fights' being one sided beatdowns. Izuku on the other hand has been in his fair share of scraps, mainly against serial killers and muggers. It wasn't his fault that his favorite library was in a rough neighborhood. It wasn't like he had much to worry about anyways seeing as he can't die.

"Shut the fuck up Deku! You think you're hot shit just because you know some fancy tricks?!" Katsuki shouted at him, the boy being more angry than ever before.

"I mean, you think you're hot shit because you can make boom booms," Izuku retorted. Again, Katsuki ran towards Izuku. This time however, he was aiming to go for a smokescreen, something Izuku picked up on seeing as whenever the blonde went for a feint, he'd extend his arm three-fourths of its actual length. Pulling out his gun, Izuku shot the boy in the stomach, interrupting his attack. Stumbling backwards, the blonde attempted to get his bearings together, only to see that Izuku somehow managed to close the distance between them, his gun pointing at his neck as he continued holding onto that fake smile he's been wearing throughout their fight. "You always saw me as worthless because my quirk's not always active, but here I am, kicking your ass, and look, I didn't need to die once to do so."


"That's for all the times you've killed me you son of a bitch."

Katsuki collapsed on his knees, struggling to breath. Izuku had the gun on its lowest setting when he shot his opponent in the neck, so he would be fine, though it'll take a bit for him to fully recover. Using this to his advantage, Izuku secretly rolled a smoke grenade between the two of them and slid on his respirator. Once it exploded, Izuku ran in and wrapped the other boy's leg in the capture tape before he could start launching a turrent of explosions.

"KATSUKI BAKUGOU IS ELIMINATED!" The voice of All Might echoed through the intercom. The man never specified how someone had to wrap their opponent in capture tape, something Izuku took advantage of when battling Katsuki.

"Maybe now you'll work on being a better person," Izuku taunted as his bully began cursing. "But you probably won't. Anyways, I got an exercise to win."


With Ochako giving the boy instructions through an earpiece the two were given before the exercise, it didn't take long for Izuku to find Tenya and the bomb, both being on the fourth floor.

'Iida's speed's going to make him a problem,' Izuku thought to himself as he hid from the other boy, who was too busy keeping Ochako away from the bomb to even suspect something was up. 'So I'm going to have to distract him.'

Izuku rolled three smoke bombs to where his classmates were, both being too engrossed in their fight to notice until it was too late.

"Use your quirk to walk on the ceiling and drop on the bomb," Izuku whispered to his earpiece as the smoke filled the room.

"Ok." Utilizing Tenya's disorientation to her advantage, Ochako made herself float. Flipping upside-down, the girl began tip-toeing on the ceiling as Izuku pulled out his guns and shot at Tenya. With them being set to its lowest potency, all they did was make a loud 'clanking' sound as they were unable to pierce the other boy's metallic costume. What it did do though was allow Tenya to figure out where Izuku was. Using his engines to run forwards, the boy gripped Izuku by the shirt.

"I commend your bravery hero," Tenya said, seemingly aiming to get himself to play the villain role the best he could. "But this is a battle you cannot win."

Izuku smirked. "Sorry to break it to you, but you lost ever since you decided to go after me. You see-"

"What do you mean?"

"CLAIMED!" Ochako shouted as she hugged the bomb.

"-I was only a distraction."

Izuku's plan ended up working as Tenya wasn't able to notice Ochako, allowing the girl to safely land on her target.

"HERO TEAM WINS!" All Might shouted, signaling the end of the battle trial.

Izuku smiled to himself, happy with his performance. Sadly, that smile turned into a frown when the boy realized that Katsuki won't be taking this loss lightly. His ego had been attacked and he was going to be more violent from now on. Oh well, it's not like he can do much besides killing him again. At this point, Katsuki was simply a minor nuisance…

'Maybe he'll get himself expelled. That would be nice.'


Author's note 2: No deaths this chapter, I know. Initially, I was going to have Izuku leap off U.A's roof and take the Quirk Assessment Exam, but as I was writing this chapter, it didn't feel right, so I scrapped it. Next chapter's the USJ, so it'll make up for this. Also, next chapter's the last chapter of 'Immortality Sucks' that I'm reworking for this fic, meaning updates will be slower afterwards. I thought I'd let you know just in case. Also, you'll notice that I don't have Izuku working as a vigilante like I do in 'Immortality Sucks.' Well, the whole vigilante thing in that fic was done for two reasons; to get Izuku and Yui to encounter one another and to set up an event which has yet to take place as of writing this. Neither will be happening in this fic, so there's no need for Izuku to go vigilante. This Izuku would rather hone his skills first since he can't reset the day. Also, the quirk analysis entries aren't here mainly due to the fact this Izuku dies considerably less than his counterpart and has better luck.