Author's Note:
Thank you all for reading! I really appreciate your kind reviews!
Chapter 8: The Wolf Maid
Stonedance, Crownlands, 282 AC
It was good to be home. Whenever Aerion walked into the Great Hall of Stonedance castle, or laid down on his own bed, or strolled across the castle courtyard, he thanked the Seven that he and Baelor were home at last.
Aerion shouldn't still be feeling anxious. After all, he and Baelor have been home for almost three moons. They left the capital on the same day the Crown Prince and his household sailed for his seat of Dragonstone. By then, Prince Aegon was over a month old and strong enough to travel by boat.
Rhaegar had explained that it was more comfortable for the children and Princess Elia to be on Dragonstone than in the Red Keep, and Aerion fully agreed with him.
At their departure, the King received them in the Great Hall and had dismissed them with an annoyed wave of his hand. The Queen escorted the households to the gates of the Red Keep and hugged Princess Rhaenys and Prince Aegon tightly before seeing her grandchildren off. She even gave Baelor and Aerion a small smile when they rode out on their horses.
While Prince Rhaegar and his family sailed northeast on the royal fleet, Aerion and Baelor climbed onto a large sailboat bearing Stonedance banners that the castellan had sent. Baelor was immediately more relaxed when the sailboat pulled from King's Landing's docks and went on to play in the captain's scholar like any other boy of his age.
On his trip home, Aerion had tried not to think about the two looming problems that he could not solve. The first being the wildfire plot in the Red Keep, and the second being Rhaegar's deep-rooted belief that it is Aegon's destiny to have two sister wives.
For the first problem, Aerion's influence in the Red Keep was too minor to yield any concrete findings. After much debate, he decided to leak the concern to Lord Varys – not directly, of course, but through Varys' little birds who will undoubtedly bring the matter to their master. Aerion hoped that Lord Varys would have better luck digging deeper into the issue or raise it to the King or Rhaegar if needed.
As for the second problem, Aerion was worried about what the Crown Prince is planning to do. After their talk in the nursey, the Prince has been silent and only nodded to Aerion when Aerion tried to talk him out of his fantasies. Before the two went separate ways, Aerion asked Rhaegar to promise to think everything through before taking any action – to which Rhaegar swiftly promised with a confident smile.
Aerion had counted on Rhaegar's promise to calm his anxiousness, but it did not. Aerion still worried about any rash decisions that Rhaegar might make and whether it will lead to another crisis for the realm.
Thus, since Aerion and Baelor have been back, Aerion had focused on stockpiling provisions, arms, and household supplies for Stonedance.
Uncertainty was rising at court, and the least that he could do is prepare his men and his castle. He also worked hard to settle affairs concerning the holding and his bannermen, which have been on hold since he left for Harrenhal.
In the last month, Ser Wilfred was deemed stable enough for Maester Kelhmon to address his charred arm. The limb was effectively useless from above the elbow and the putrid flesh is a threat for further infection and swelling. The Maester fed the knight a full dose of the milk of the poppy and amputated Ser Wilfred's sword arm.
Now, Ser Wilfred was recovering from his operation and have been frustrated that he could never properly wield a sword again.
Aerion tried to reassure the loyal Ser that there were plenty of ways to help in the castle, if he was willing. For instance, Aerion would be thrilled if Ser Wilfred was willing to help train the garrison or manage the armory.
Enhanced training for the garrison was a top priority, which is why Aerion joined Xorru, Ser Grant, and another landed knight in the training fields outside of the castle to observe the session. His Master-at-Arms and captain of the guards were responsible for training the full garrison of almost twelve hundred men.
Traditionally, Stondance has prioritized archery and crossbow training, which are useful defences. During Lord Maegor's time, the lord thought to take advantage of the nearby Kingswood and cross-train his garrison to be cavalry crossbowmen – a rare specialization for a Westerosi fighting force, but deadly and formidable if used well.
Lord Maegor's efforts had paid off, as his private legion built a formidable reputation while fighting off smaller rebellions for King Jaehaerys II. As a reward, the King issued a royal decree that allowed Stonedance to maintain a relatively large garrison, a raise from eight hundred men to twelve hundred. The King also gifted Lord Maegor a herd of battle horses from the Vale and the North, which helped build the Stonedance's current herd.
Aerion was confident in his legion's crossbow skills and riding skills. Which is why Xorru has been tasked with enhancing the garrison's close combat skills in the past few moons.
Close combat is useful to hold off an invasion, as well as when a soldier's horse dies, or the enemy advances too close during a battle. Aerion worried that his garrison was too out of practice for close combat and sword fighting than the other noble houses.
"Ser Holme, do you think our training is missing any important drills?" Aerion asked for the landed knight's opinion.
Before Ser Holme was granted lands near Stonedance and became Aerion's vassal, he served as the Master-at-Arms for House Stokeworth. The infantry garrison of House Stokeworth is known to be quite competent, so Aerion invited the knight to improve upon the training at Stonedance.
Ser Holme scratched his temple. He has been watching the training for the entire morning and has been advising Xorru with his ideas. "My lord, I think more practice in group melee will be helpful. The men could learn how to help each other and coordinate their efforts."
Aerion looked to Xorru, who knitted his brow in thought. "Xorru?"
"Aye, my lord. I think Ser Holme makes a good point. I'll divide the men into groups of twenty and they can practice with each other. I can plan it this week and start the training after."
Aerion nodded. "I want to arm garrison as best as I can too. Do you have any suggestions on the men's armor or weapons, Ser Holme?"
Ser Holme hummed in thought and picked up an extra sword that the fighters were equipped with from a bench. He turned the weapon in his grip and tested the weight.
"Your cavalry crossbow legion carries a crossbow, arrows, and a standard infantry longsword each – but the sword is seldom used. I would advise changing to lighter swords that are shorter too. For more flexibility from the horse."
Aerion took over the offered sword from Ser Holme and tested it himself. He agreed, "That's a good idea, Ser. I will see if we can procure lighter swords for the garrison. Somewhere from the Reach, perhaps?"
Aerion passed the weapon to Xorru for his examination. Narrowing his eyes, the Master-at-Arms tried to remember, "My lord, there is magister in Myr that sells excellent swords adapted from Dothraki arakhs, I saw sellswords wielding it a few years past and they would work well for the garrison.
Aerion nodded. Xorru is quite knowledgeable about weapons, especially about specialty equipment from the Eastern continent. "I will send Ser Brayton off to Myr before I leave for the wedding at Grandview. I'll bid him to procure extras too, in case we need to arm peasant levies."
"That sounds good, my lord."
"If the trade envoy is heading to Essos, it might be helpful to procure more feed for horses. We missed the inventory count for that when we stocked more arrowheads and saddle gear." The captain of the guards added.
"Ah yes. I forgot about that." Aerion smiled appreciatively to Ser Grant for his reminder.
From the gates of the castle, three youngsters walked out while engaging in energetic conversation. Baelor was in the lead, followed by Kistam and Terrence. All three boys were trying on their shining new armor that Aerion had commissioned when he returned to Stonedance.
As Aerion's squire, Terrence spends most of his time attending to his lord. Baelor and Kistam, however, did not stick to a rigid schedule and have gotten close since Baelor's return.
"Aerion! Do you like my armor?" Baelor yelled out from ten paces away and was smiling in his helm.
"Of course I do, I helped design it, remember?" Aerion smirked at his brother. Kistam and Terrence dipped their heads at their lord in greeting and stood behind Baelor.
"Right. But don't I look brilliant in it? Like a true knight?" Their armor was one size bigger than usual to accommodate the boys' growing heights.
Aerion chuckled. "Yes, Baelor. You look very intimidating."
Baelor unsheathed his short blade from his waist. He straightened and declared in his deepest voice, "I hereby challenge you to a duel. Will you be courageous enough to accept?" His deepest voice was still of a child's, high-pitched and clear.
The adults shared amused laughs and Baelor joined in with a grin. He put back his sword and looked curiously towards the training fields.
"Can we go closer to watch the training?"
The men were practicing one-on-one wrestling, so there was little risk of harm. "You can, but don't bother the team captains when they give instruction."
Baelor nodded, "Come on Kistam, let's go watch wrestling!"
Kistam flashed an excited smile and followed Baelor towards the fields. The adults and Terrence watched over them.
"Terrence, how do you feel in the armor? Anything to adjust?" Aerion turned to his squire.
"No, my lord, it fits perfectly." Now a boy of four and ten, Terrence has grown quickly since Harrenhal. He had an interest and a talent in sword fighting, and Xorru even complimented on the boy's hard work.
"I am glad. You have been training hard, and it's due time for you to have a full armor of your own."
"Thank you, my lord." Terrence was happy to hear a compliment. He gripped tighter on the pommel of his sword as he looked up to Aerion.
"You can go join the boys if you'd like. I can manage on my own today."
Terrence nodded enthusiastically. He dipped his head to take his leave and headed towards Baelor and Kistam.
Aerion turned back to the training and discussed several points of organizing the Garrison with Ser Grant. Ser Holme was in the middle of explaining how to improve sword striking strength when a servant hurried to the group.
"My lord, the Maester is looking for your lordship."
"Where is the Maester now?"
"Heading to the courtyard, my lord."
Aerion spoke his apologies to leave the conversation. Ser Holme, Ser Grant, and Xorru all dipped their heads in understanding. With a last glance towards the training fields, Aerion started on the trail back to the castle.
Maester Kelhmon was waiting for him in the middle of the castle courtyard when Aerion walked through the gates. The Maester walked up to greet his lord, with a solemn-looking Pollitor at his heels.
"My lord, I apologize for disturbing you."
"No need to worry, Maester. What do you need?" Aerion looked to Pollitor. He rarely saw the Wisdom around the castle, since he was technically in hiding.
"Wisdom Pollitor volunteered to help me organize the unused stores underneath the castle, since we procured so much more supplies. You remember how it is down there – House Massey's crypts, miles and miles of tunnels, stone chambers and corridors leading to nowhere."
"Yes, of course. I thought we needn't use all of the space, just a few more storerooms? It's too easy to get lost down there."
"Aye. Pollitor has been very helpful in mapping out some of the closer passages and chambers. His decades of experience overseeing the Guildhall's underground network is invaluable."
"I didn't know that you were helping, Wisdom. Thank you." Aerion nodded to the Wisdom and donned a smile.
"I am happy to help, my lord. I owe my life to you and Stonedance." Pollitor said genuinely.
"My lord," Maester Kelhmon continued in a lower voice, "The Wisdom came to me with some concerns… Wisdom, would you explain?"
The Wisdom looked uneasy and took over, "My lord, I was checking some of the storerooms by House Massey's crypts. There were two huge stone chambers in the next corridor very far down, each two stories tall, that was completely vacant."
He continued, "They are completely built from large stone blocks – a special kind of stone too, different from the rest of the castle."
Aerion narrowed his eyes and tried to think if he has seen the chambers that Pollitor was talking about – and he probably never have. "What's special about those chambers?"
"My lord, we have chambers like that, maybe a bit larger, in the Guildhall." Pollitor swallowed hard and lowered his voice even more, "The walls are darkened stone, and the room is bare … because the chamber is used to make the substance."
Aerion stared at the Wisdom. What? He has never heard of any history of House Massey dabbling with the Alchemists' Guild or with wildfire. Could it be his grandfather or father?
That was unlikely too, since out of all the noble houses and families, his family would endeavor to stay as far as they can from wildfire – his ancestor, the infamous Prince Aerion the Monstrous, did die drinking the substance.
The Maester asked what Aerion wanted to ask for him. "Pollitor, are you certain of it? Could the chambers have been used for something else entirely?"
The Wisdom thought for a moment, "I guess the chambers could have been storage areas or as hidden rooms. But it does have all the precautionary builds for making wildfire – the darkened stone blocks, a narrow entrance, at least two stories tall, nothing that would catch fire in the vicinity…"
"That is indeed curious." Maester Kelhmon agreed, "Could you tell if it has been used recently?"
"The chambers are dusty, for sure, and cobwebs crowd the corners." Pollitor pursed his lips in thought, "Though I can't say how long it has been unused. Making the substance doesn't leave a trace, anyway."
The three men paused in their own thoughts. Aerion cleared his throat, "Wisdom, we had no idea that such chambers existed in the castle. I also haven't heard of wildfire being used in this part of the Crownlands for at least a hundred years."
"That's right. If wildfire was made here, but not used, could it be stored for that long?" The Maester was eager for Pollitor's answer.
"Under the right storage conditions, wildfire can be potent after a century. It gets more powerful as it ages, actually." The Wisdom was sure of it, since he knew the production intimately.
Aerion tapped on his arm and shifted his weight between from one foot to the other. Has he been sleeping in a castle on top of a stash of wildfire this whole time? "Wisdom Pollitor, in your experienced opinion, where could wildfire be stored in this castle that is both safe and secluded?"
"My lord, Stonedance is built on a cliff, with a good portion of the mountain tunneled out for the dock lift. Anywhere that might damage the lift, or the foundations of the castle would be ill-advised. That rules out three directions save to go more in-land. I would wager a level or two below the House Massey crypts for a wildfire vault."
Aerion exchanged a glance with Maester Kelhmon. The Maester gave a small nod as his approval of the theory.
Aerion drew a deep breath. "We need to be sure if there is wildfire at Stonedance. I will assign thirty trusted men to help navigate the tunnels under the crypts, if we can even find the entrance to those lower floors. I want this investigation to be absolutely discreet, am I clear?"
"Yes, my lord." The Maester and the Wisdom both nodded in confirmation. Maester Kelhmon had an apprehensive look, while Pollitor seemed excited for the prospect of finding antique wildfire.
Grandview, Stormlands, 282 AC
The date of Lord Renfred Rykker and Lady Everly Grandison's wedding was set many moons ago. It came faster than Aerion had wanted, for he still had much to address at Stonedance.
He wanted to be in the castle when his men swept the last of the tunnels underneath the ancient crypts of House Massey. He wanted to be there in case they find a vault of wildfire, or in case they found anything. Yet, the Grandview wedding was taking place soon and he had to ride out with Baelor to attend as guests of honor.
Not that he is unhappy to be at the ceremony. He and Lorent Grandison practically grew up together, and Lorent's sister is much like a sister to Aerion. Upon arriving at Grandview keep and seeing the wedding adornments, he felt bittersweet for the event.
He hoped that Everly will be happy with her future husband, and felt sad that the next time he visits Grandview, he won't see Everly's gentle smiles.
It was the day of the wedding and all the guests gathered in Grandview's beautiful Sept. Charming bouquets decorated the walls and small tables, and a hand-knit aisle runner presenting both Houses' sigils lined the middle of the holy place.
Aerion and Baelor stood on Lady Everly's side in the ceremony, just behind Lorent Grandison and some Grandison cousins. Across the aisle, Lord Renfred Rykker stood on the dais with the Septon, and his maternal House Darke cousins filled up their side of the Sept.
Lord Renfred's household was simple. Both of his parents were deceased, and he was an only child. His uncle had been killed during the Defiance of Duskendale and left no children. Everly was to join her lord husband and build a fresh generation for House Rykker.
Everly did not mind the lack of kin. She would always have Lorent and her own cousins for support if she and her new husband needed help. She was looking forward to marrying the young and handsome Lord of Duskendale and starting her household.
Furthermore, to build a good relationship with Lorent, Renfred offered one of his bannerman's young sons to squire for Grandview's heir. Lorent happily accepted the young lad of four and ten and thanked his new goodbrother.
All eyes turned to Lord Hugh Grandison and Lady Everly when music sounded that welcomed the bride. Handmaidens hurried behind Everly to make sure that the train of her gown did not ruffle after her steps.
On top of her gold and white wedding gown, she wore a thick cloak displaying the majestic sleeping lion of her maiden House on a yellow field. Her cheeks flushed as everyone smiled at her and she clenched the sides of her dress in nervousness.
Lord Grandison was elated. He was very happy with Renfred as a goodson, Aerion knew. The young lord was polite and charming and showed genuine affection for Lady Everly – everything that a father wanted for his daughter.
The distance to the dais was not far and the bride and her father quickly reached the bottom of the dais. Lord Grandison gave Lord Rykker his daughter's hand, and the younger lord gently led Lady Everly up the stairs.
With a delighted smile, the Septon began his speech about the institution of marriage and the prayers to the seven faces of God.
The bride and groom shared a shy smile before it was time to cloak the bride. Stopping behind his bride, Renfred unclasped the House Grandison cloak with almost trembling hands and respectfully returned it to Lord Grandison. Afterwards, the groom unfolded a second cloak that emblazoned House Rykker's banner. He smoothly draped it around Everly's shoulders.
Gesturing the bride and groom to hold hands, the Septon wrapped an elaborate band of silk and lace around the joined hands. "Let it be known that on this joyous day, Everly of House Grandison and Renfred of House Rykker are one heart, one flesh, one soul."
The bride and groom took their final vows, their words steady and clear for all the guests to hear. After the Septon's endorsement, the wedding ceremony was complete. The guests cheered and words of blessing and congratulations were shared.
Joyous music filled the Sept and groups of servants led the guests to Grandview's main hall for the wedding feast.
"Congratulations, Lord Grandison." Aerion smiled at Lorent and Everly's father as they walked towards the main hall in the middle of the crowd.
"Thank you, Lord Aerion." The older lord was beaming. His wrinkles curved around his broad smile.
"Lord Renfred succeeded his father just a year ago but has already built a respectable reputation for leading his household and banners. Lady Everly will be well cared for."
"I believe so too, my lord. My goodson is a great match for little Everly."
After Lord Grandison's reply, the older lord got pulled away by a Grandison cousin who wanted to congratulate him.
Aerion shook his head in amusement and found he and Baelor's seats at the end of the high table. By custom, they weren't supposed to be sitting with the families of the marriage reunion.
However, Lord Renfred only had himself and a close House Darke cousin, so it was up to the Grandisons to fill all the other empty seats.
After Everly, Lord Hugh, Lorent, and one Grandison cousin, Aerion and Baelor were invited as guests of honor to sit by the bride and the groom.
Jesters and singers started their acts from a corner of the hall while the rest of the wedding guests poured in. Once everyone found their seats, Grandview maids and servants served fresh baskets of bread, soups, and a large pigeon pie in front of the bride and groom.
Aerion watched a nervous Lord Rykker offer the knife to his new wife to do the honors. With a shy smile, Lady Everly invited her husband to slice the massive pigeon pie together and share the traditional wedding fare with their guests.
They look sweet together. Aerion was glad that Everly found a good match.
Aerion encouraged Baelor to present the Stonedance party's wedding gifts when guests lined up to bless the couple.
A full suit of armor for Lord Renfred Rykker, and a set of black pearl necklace, bracelet, and earrings from the Septstones for the new Lady Everly Rykker.
Wine flowed through the tables and the rest of the feast went in lively celebration. Aerion danced with a smiling Lady Everly, who was flushed from wine. He joked with Lorent, the Grandison cousin, and Baelor in good fun.
He cheered and roared with the other guests when it was time for the bedding but did not join in with the other male guests to carry a blushing Everly to the newlyweds' bedchamber. After that, the evening went by in a blur.
Aerion woke up in a comfy featherbed to soft voices calling his name. His eyes were tightly shut as he tried to shift from his awkward sleeping pose. One of his arms is completely numb and he felt nauseous when he tried to lift up his upper body.
A splitting headache commanded most of his thoughts as he tried to process his surroundings.
The soft voices came back, and a cool hand tentatively rested on his forehead. The voices debated whether or not he was feverish.
Aerion's eyes were still closed. He suddenly felt very thirsty and rough in his throat.
A wet towel gently pressed to his forehead and his attendants were arranging he blanks and pillows so he can spread out in a more comfortable position. He sighed in relief when a refreshing cloth wiped away the sweat and tension from his face and neck.
Aerion finally tried to open his eyes after steadying his breath. The mid-day sun in the chamber nearly blinded him and he winced and tried to hide from the light behind a pillow.
There was a slight giggle from Aerion's reaction. Someone placed something that sounded like glass by his bedside table.
Aerion gave himself time to adjust when he tried to open his eyes again. He blinked away the tears that stung his eyes and took in his surroundings.
He was back in his guest chamber at Grandview. His trunk was freshly organized and he was wearing his undershirt from the wedding feast. Two maids were attending to him – they smiled warmly when he looked awake.
"Mi'lord." The maids both gave a small courtesy and returned to their tasks at hand. One was drenching a towel in a water basin that washed his face; the other was setting out fresh clothes for him by the wardrobe.
Aerion noticed the glass of water that was set on his nightstand. He grabbed the glass eagerly and downed the refreshing drink. Clearing his throat, he finally found his voice, "What hour is it?"
The maid washing the towel answered with a tug on the corner of her mouth, "Late afternoon mi'lord. Lord Hugh sent us, he was wondering if you will join the house for dinner."
Did he really drink that much? Enough to knock him out until late afternoon the next day? Aerion rubbed his temples. It was probably a mix of the alcohol and how tired he has been in the last while.
"I will be there." Aerion's arm recovered from the numbness and he pushed himself higher against the headboard. His headache got better with the water, but he could only move slowly to avoid inducing nausea.
"Where is my brother?"
"Lord Baelor broke his fast with Lord Hugh, Lord Renfred, and Lady Everly this morning. He came to check up on you and then on Lord Lorent around mid-day." The taller girl of the two answered. "Lord Baelor should be with the Maester right now."
Aerion smirked, "Lord Lorent passed out too?"
"Aye, my lord. Lord Hugh arranged guards to carry you back to your chambers in the early morning. Lord Lorent is being attended to right now, too."
That made Aerion feel better. He couldn't remember how many flasks of wine the two of them emptied last night – but if he was knocked out, Lorent couldn't have been much better.
He stared blankly at his empty glass as he tried to decide which was more urgent – visiting the privy chamber, getting another glass of water, or taking a nap to ease his headache.
The maid finished their work and asked if he needed anything else. He shook his head and was half-aware when they turned to leave.
When he was by himself in the chamber, he rubbed his temples some more and yawned. His mind screamed at him to visit the privy chamber, so he begrudgingly obliged.
He couldn't say that he was fully awake when he strolled through the keep to reach the main hall. His servants had to call out to him twice when he took a wrong turn or almost fell off the last steps of the stairs.
He met an equally dazed Lorent, flanked by servants who propped him up, by the main hall's entrance. The two good friends exchanged a smirk and tried to look attentive when they greeted Lord Hugh at the head of the table.
Lord Hugh looked amused at his son and Aerion. He waved at the servants to help the two young men sit. Baelor smirked at their drowsy state but said nothing. The newlyweds were seated at the table, too, and greeted them with kind smiles.
Aerion made himself take at least a bite or two from each course that was served to him. His stomach protested but he drank more water to wash down the food.
Midway through dinner, a servant rushed in and interrupted a conversation between Lord Renfred and his goodfather. "My lords, we received a raven message from Stonedance." The servant presented a small rolled parchment in his palm.
Aerion furrowed his brow and held up his hand for the message. Rolling it between his fingers, he easily spread out the parchment and recognized Maester Kelhmon's hand.
Whatever drowsiness that Aerion felt, it dissipated as the message sank in. He gripped the sides of the parchment tightly and felt a burn of disappointment and agony within him.
Word from Harrenhal: Lyanna Stark was abducted by Prince Rhaegar. Both are still missing. House Stark is combing through the Riverlands while Brandon Stark rides south on the Kingsroad.