Knock on the Sky
Author's Note: Hey guys!! THIS IS THE CONCLUSION TO THE FIC!! Sorry, I didn't warn you in the last chapter. But there will be a sequel if people ask for it, so yeah. Oh yeah, I DON'T HAVE THE SHEDAISY CD ANYMORE BECAUSE MY SISTER DECIDED TO LET HER FRIEND BORROW IT WITHOUT TELLING ME!!!! So the SONG FEATURED HERE IS NOT SHEDAISY, BUT A BOY BAND CALLED ASIA 4. Sorry everyone.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. 'blah'=thoughts "blah"=speaking /blah/=song lyrics
Chapter 7: Right Here Waiting
~~Yuugi's P.O.V~~
I am alone again. After the incident, the students came over to Anzu's body. The doctors she died from overshock, and that she deserved a proper funeral. I didn't think she deserved a proper funeral! She did this! She caused Yami to get hurt! She made him injured, and Isis took him away from me. A week passed, and I was alone again.
I went back to what I was before Yami came. I just didn't talk much and listened to my sheDAISY CD on the rooftop until I cried. I always went to the rooftop, hoping Yami will come back to me, all healed and all right. But he didn't. Anzu's funeral is tomorrow, and nearly everyone is going. Should I go? She used to be my friend and girlfriend. But she also made Yami go away.
I got home, feeling depressed again because I'm alone. Everyone left me. Except my friends. They tried everything to cheer me up again, but it's no use. All I want is Yami back with me. I looked at my sheDAISY CD and I put it down gently. Don't get me wrong, I still like it, after all it was the last gift Grandpa gave to me before he died. But I just can't listen to it right now.
I sat down working on my speech, thinking about Yami as I did. Oh Yami, why did you have to leave me?! Why did you have to dodge that bullet?! Why?! I lept up from my chair. "WHY YAMI?!" I shouted. Then I started crying. It's official. I love Yami so much I'll die whenever he's not around. Like now. I saw teardrops on my paper, blurring the words that touched the salty tear. Yami doesn't want me to cry right now.
I must be strong for when Yami comes back. So I won't cry until he comes back. I sat down and began working on my speech, getting it ready to present when it's ready.
The next day, I walked to school, feeling a little better. With my speech in my hand, I met up with Jou, Honda, Ryou, and Shizuka. "Hi guys. I'm ready to do my speech. How about you?" I asked them. Everyone greeted me and answered my puestion. "I bet everyone is ready to present their speech. Since today's the due date." said Shizuka. Honda then started panicking. "Oh man, I hate speeches!" he cried. Jou slapped his back. "Don't worry about it, man. You can do it." he said. Honda smiled. Ryou just chuckled.
Soon the bell rang, but Jou pulled me aside before I could go in. I turn to my best friend. "What is it Jou?" I asked kindly. Jou handed me a CD with four guys wearing sport gear, sitting in positions, and a blue background. On the top it said *The Last Promise* and on the bottom it said the band's name, *Asia 4* with their website in tiny letters on the bottom. I took it and looked on the back.
Most of it was in English, but two of the songs were writting in a language I didn't understand. I looked at Jou. "Is this a new CD of yours, Jou?" I asked. Jou nodded. "It came out a year ago, but it's still kind of new. The band's Vietnamese, that's the language that those two songs are written in." he explained, pointing to the two songs that I didn't understand the writing.
"They're really good. But they take a long time making albums. You can borrow it." he said, smiling. I looked at Jou and smiled. "Thanks Jou. I'll take good care of it." I promised. Jou gave me a thumbs- up, then both of us went to class before we were late.
The teacher took attendance and sat at the desk. "Okay class, today's the due date of your speeches, so you're presenting no matter what. Who would like to go first?" A couple hands volunteered, and the teacher chose a girl.
I didn't pay attention to the speeches, I was busy looking out the window, hoping for Yami to come flying on his wings or something. But that didn't come. "Yugi Motou, since you seem so bored, how about you go next." said the teacher, startling me. I nodded, then stood up and walked to the front of the room. Now I shall begin my speech.
"People admire others for many reasons. Whether it'll be something they can do and they can't, or they so things no one else would dare to do. Or that someone kept you company at lunch when no one else would eat with you. The person I admire did all this and more. The person I admire, out his entire dimension, is Yami."
"Yami can do many things people can't. He can play games and always win, threaten people with no remorse, and bring kindness to the most dank corners of the world. When Anzu used to pick on me, he would always send her off for me, because he knew I couldn't. And he stayed with me after Grandpa died."
"Now, most of you would take one look at Yami and think 'Oh that guy's hot, he'll be really popular within seconds. True, he can, but instead of trying to get other people's attention, he was trying to get my attention. Before I met Yami, I was alone. Even with my friends here, I was alone. I would go home to an empty house, play games with my shadow, and listen to music."
"But then Yami came, and he was like my angel. He spent time with me, he walked to school with me, he even said he loved me! No sane person I know would do all that and then just up and leave without telling. Yes, Yami and I are lovers people! I love him and he loves me. I'll shout it to the world. Go ahead, look at me like I'm crazy, I don't care! The only thing I do care about is Yami. Yami has to be okay, Yami has to be happy, everything just has to be Yami. Or I'll die! Okay, it's like we are light and dark. We have to be together."
"I know Yami's healing his wounds right now, but I know he can hear me. If you're thinking I'm insane right now, I don't give a care. I know he can hear me. I know God can hear me, and what I wish for is for Yami to be with me always! He's more than my friend. He's my other half. That's my speech." I concluded.
Everyone clapped, and some of the girls even cried. I gave my written form to the teacher, and I sat down, waiting for Yami, and for the day to end.
School ended, and I was walking home after saying good-bye to Jou and the others. During the entire day, people would come up to me and compliment me on my speech, mostly girls. I guess I did a good job, but I just spoke the truth.
I came home, and I went inside to find Isis standing there, looking at me.
"Welcome home." she greeted. I couldn't look at her. "I heard your speech. It was a great one. Best one I've heard in years." she said. I snorted, then I looked at her. "What do you want, Isis?" I asked coldly. Isis frowned.
"Yugi, I know you're mad at me, but hating me won't bring Yami back." I look at her with hurt eyes. I know she's right, but I can't help but hate her. "Is that all you want to tell me?" I hissed. Isis sighed, then looked at me.
"You have a job to do, Yugi. I've come to give it to you." she announced. I glare at her. "What makes you think I'll do anything for you?" Isis shook her head. "Because it'll bring Yami back." Okay, now I'm listening. I sat down on the couch.
"What do I have to do?" I asked. Isis took out a small box with Egyptian designs all over it, along witht he Eye of Ra on the lid. I stare at the box. "This is the Millenium Puzzle. It's Yami's most precious item. When an angel is injured, the safeguards are asked to do something with the angel's precious item. Draw it, build it, or something like that. What I want you to do is solve it. Mind you, it is pretty hard. Only Yami's been able to solve it. As soon as you solve it, Yami will come back to you." Isis explained.
Isis walked over and gave the box to me. "Please solve it. So Yami can come back to you and your pain can stop." she said, before disappearing.
I took the box to my room, and I opened it. Iside were about a million gold pieces, all shaped in weird puzzle designs. Isis wasn't kidding when she said it'll be hard. I took out ome of the pieces and I started to work on the puzzle. After about 32 tries, I finally got about five pieces to fit. Then I remembered the CD Jou gave me earlier today. I took it out, took sheDAISY out, and popped in Asia 4. They weren't really bad. Actually they were pretty good.
There was one song I particularly liked though, so I repeated it and let it play throughout. I then looked out the window, seeing the setting sun. Yami, I promise you, I will solve this puzzle so you and I can be together again. Just wait. I listened to the song lyrics of my favorite song:
/Oceans apart/ /Day after day/ /And I slowly go insane/ /I hear your voice all around/ /But it doesn't stop the pain/
/If I see you next to never/ /How can we can stay forever/ /Wherever you go/ /Whatever you do/ /I will be right here waitng for you/ /Whatever it takes/ /Or how my heart breaks/ /I will be right here waiting for you/
/I took for granted/ /All the time that I thought would last somehow/ /I hear the laughter/ /I taste the tears/ /Oh can't you see baby/ /You've got me going crazy/
/Wherever you go/ /Whatever you do/ /I will be right here waitng for you/ /Whatever it takes/ /Or how my heart breaks/ /I will be right here waiting for you/
/I wonder how we can survive/ /This romance/ /But in the end if I'm with you/ /I'll take the chance/
/Oh can't you see it baby/ /You've got me going crazy/
/Wherever you go/ /Whatever you do/ /I will be right here waitng for you/ /Whatever it takes/ /Or how my heart breaks/ /I will be right here waiting for you/
/Wherever you go/ /Whatever you do/ /I will be right here waitng for you/ /Whatever it takes/ /Or how my heart breaks/ /I will be right here waiting for you/
/Wherever you go/ /Whatever you do/ /I will be right here waitng for you/ /Whatever it takes/ /Or how my heart breaks/ /I will be right here waiting for you/
I promise Yami, no matter how much my heart breaks, as soon as I solve this puzzle, I'll be right here waiting for you.
Well, that is the end of Knock on the Sky. I hope you liked it. REVIEW ME IF YOU WANT A SEQUEL!!!! So, obviously, don't forget to review, and I'll see you later! ^^
Author's Note: Hey guys!! THIS IS THE CONCLUSION TO THE FIC!! Sorry, I didn't warn you in the last chapter. But there will be a sequel if people ask for it, so yeah. Oh yeah, I DON'T HAVE THE SHEDAISY CD ANYMORE BECAUSE MY SISTER DECIDED TO LET HER FRIEND BORROW IT WITHOUT TELLING ME!!!! So the SONG FEATURED HERE IS NOT SHEDAISY, BUT A BOY BAND CALLED ASIA 4. Sorry everyone.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. 'blah'=thoughts "blah"=speaking /blah/=song lyrics
Chapter 7: Right Here Waiting
~~Yuugi's P.O.V~~
I am alone again. After the incident, the students came over to Anzu's body. The doctors she died from overshock, and that she deserved a proper funeral. I didn't think she deserved a proper funeral! She did this! She caused Yami to get hurt! She made him injured, and Isis took him away from me. A week passed, and I was alone again.
I went back to what I was before Yami came. I just didn't talk much and listened to my sheDAISY CD on the rooftop until I cried. I always went to the rooftop, hoping Yami will come back to me, all healed and all right. But he didn't. Anzu's funeral is tomorrow, and nearly everyone is going. Should I go? She used to be my friend and girlfriend. But she also made Yami go away.
I got home, feeling depressed again because I'm alone. Everyone left me. Except my friends. They tried everything to cheer me up again, but it's no use. All I want is Yami back with me. I looked at my sheDAISY CD and I put it down gently. Don't get me wrong, I still like it, after all it was the last gift Grandpa gave to me before he died. But I just can't listen to it right now.
I sat down working on my speech, thinking about Yami as I did. Oh Yami, why did you have to leave me?! Why did you have to dodge that bullet?! Why?! I lept up from my chair. "WHY YAMI?!" I shouted. Then I started crying. It's official. I love Yami so much I'll die whenever he's not around. Like now. I saw teardrops on my paper, blurring the words that touched the salty tear. Yami doesn't want me to cry right now.
I must be strong for when Yami comes back. So I won't cry until he comes back. I sat down and began working on my speech, getting it ready to present when it's ready.
The next day, I walked to school, feeling a little better. With my speech in my hand, I met up with Jou, Honda, Ryou, and Shizuka. "Hi guys. I'm ready to do my speech. How about you?" I asked them. Everyone greeted me and answered my puestion. "I bet everyone is ready to present their speech. Since today's the due date." said Shizuka. Honda then started panicking. "Oh man, I hate speeches!" he cried. Jou slapped his back. "Don't worry about it, man. You can do it." he said. Honda smiled. Ryou just chuckled.
Soon the bell rang, but Jou pulled me aside before I could go in. I turn to my best friend. "What is it Jou?" I asked kindly. Jou handed me a CD with four guys wearing sport gear, sitting in positions, and a blue background. On the top it said *The Last Promise* and on the bottom it said the band's name, *Asia 4* with their website in tiny letters on the bottom. I took it and looked on the back.
Most of it was in English, but two of the songs were writting in a language I didn't understand. I looked at Jou. "Is this a new CD of yours, Jou?" I asked. Jou nodded. "It came out a year ago, but it's still kind of new. The band's Vietnamese, that's the language that those two songs are written in." he explained, pointing to the two songs that I didn't understand the writing.
"They're really good. But they take a long time making albums. You can borrow it." he said, smiling. I looked at Jou and smiled. "Thanks Jou. I'll take good care of it." I promised. Jou gave me a thumbs- up, then both of us went to class before we were late.
The teacher took attendance and sat at the desk. "Okay class, today's the due date of your speeches, so you're presenting no matter what. Who would like to go first?" A couple hands volunteered, and the teacher chose a girl.
I didn't pay attention to the speeches, I was busy looking out the window, hoping for Yami to come flying on his wings or something. But that didn't come. "Yugi Motou, since you seem so bored, how about you go next." said the teacher, startling me. I nodded, then stood up and walked to the front of the room. Now I shall begin my speech.
"People admire others for many reasons. Whether it'll be something they can do and they can't, or they so things no one else would dare to do. Or that someone kept you company at lunch when no one else would eat with you. The person I admire did all this and more. The person I admire, out his entire dimension, is Yami."
"Yami can do many things people can't. He can play games and always win, threaten people with no remorse, and bring kindness to the most dank corners of the world. When Anzu used to pick on me, he would always send her off for me, because he knew I couldn't. And he stayed with me after Grandpa died."
"Now, most of you would take one look at Yami and think 'Oh that guy's hot, he'll be really popular within seconds. True, he can, but instead of trying to get other people's attention, he was trying to get my attention. Before I met Yami, I was alone. Even with my friends here, I was alone. I would go home to an empty house, play games with my shadow, and listen to music."
"But then Yami came, and he was like my angel. He spent time with me, he walked to school with me, he even said he loved me! No sane person I know would do all that and then just up and leave without telling. Yes, Yami and I are lovers people! I love him and he loves me. I'll shout it to the world. Go ahead, look at me like I'm crazy, I don't care! The only thing I do care about is Yami. Yami has to be okay, Yami has to be happy, everything just has to be Yami. Or I'll die! Okay, it's like we are light and dark. We have to be together."
"I know Yami's healing his wounds right now, but I know he can hear me. If you're thinking I'm insane right now, I don't give a care. I know he can hear me. I know God can hear me, and what I wish for is for Yami to be with me always! He's more than my friend. He's my other half. That's my speech." I concluded.
Everyone clapped, and some of the girls even cried. I gave my written form to the teacher, and I sat down, waiting for Yami, and for the day to end.
School ended, and I was walking home after saying good-bye to Jou and the others. During the entire day, people would come up to me and compliment me on my speech, mostly girls. I guess I did a good job, but I just spoke the truth.
I came home, and I went inside to find Isis standing there, looking at me.
"Welcome home." she greeted. I couldn't look at her. "I heard your speech. It was a great one. Best one I've heard in years." she said. I snorted, then I looked at her. "What do you want, Isis?" I asked coldly. Isis frowned.
"Yugi, I know you're mad at me, but hating me won't bring Yami back." I look at her with hurt eyes. I know she's right, but I can't help but hate her. "Is that all you want to tell me?" I hissed. Isis sighed, then looked at me.
"You have a job to do, Yugi. I've come to give it to you." she announced. I glare at her. "What makes you think I'll do anything for you?" Isis shook her head. "Because it'll bring Yami back." Okay, now I'm listening. I sat down on the couch.
"What do I have to do?" I asked. Isis took out a small box with Egyptian designs all over it, along witht he Eye of Ra on the lid. I stare at the box. "This is the Millenium Puzzle. It's Yami's most precious item. When an angel is injured, the safeguards are asked to do something with the angel's precious item. Draw it, build it, or something like that. What I want you to do is solve it. Mind you, it is pretty hard. Only Yami's been able to solve it. As soon as you solve it, Yami will come back to you." Isis explained.
Isis walked over and gave the box to me. "Please solve it. So Yami can come back to you and your pain can stop." she said, before disappearing.
I took the box to my room, and I opened it. Iside were about a million gold pieces, all shaped in weird puzzle designs. Isis wasn't kidding when she said it'll be hard. I took out ome of the pieces and I started to work on the puzzle. After about 32 tries, I finally got about five pieces to fit. Then I remembered the CD Jou gave me earlier today. I took it out, took sheDAISY out, and popped in Asia 4. They weren't really bad. Actually they were pretty good.
There was one song I particularly liked though, so I repeated it and let it play throughout. I then looked out the window, seeing the setting sun. Yami, I promise you, I will solve this puzzle so you and I can be together again. Just wait. I listened to the song lyrics of my favorite song:
/Oceans apart/ /Day after day/ /And I slowly go insane/ /I hear your voice all around/ /But it doesn't stop the pain/
/If I see you next to never/ /How can we can stay forever/ /Wherever you go/ /Whatever you do/ /I will be right here waitng for you/ /Whatever it takes/ /Or how my heart breaks/ /I will be right here waiting for you/
/I took for granted/ /All the time that I thought would last somehow/ /I hear the laughter/ /I taste the tears/ /Oh can't you see baby/ /You've got me going crazy/
/Wherever you go/ /Whatever you do/ /I will be right here waitng for you/ /Whatever it takes/ /Or how my heart breaks/ /I will be right here waiting for you/
/I wonder how we can survive/ /This romance/ /But in the end if I'm with you/ /I'll take the chance/
/Oh can't you see it baby/ /You've got me going crazy/
/Wherever you go/ /Whatever you do/ /I will be right here waitng for you/ /Whatever it takes/ /Or how my heart breaks/ /I will be right here waiting for you/
/Wherever you go/ /Whatever you do/ /I will be right here waitng for you/ /Whatever it takes/ /Or how my heart breaks/ /I will be right here waiting for you/
/Wherever you go/ /Whatever you do/ /I will be right here waitng for you/ /Whatever it takes/ /Or how my heart breaks/ /I will be right here waiting for you/
I promise Yami, no matter how much my heart breaks, as soon as I solve this puzzle, I'll be right here waiting for you.
Well, that is the end of Knock on the Sky. I hope you liked it. REVIEW ME IF YOU WANT A SEQUEL!!!! So, obviously, don't forget to review, and I'll see you later! ^^