A/N: Please read the note at the end!

Normal Speech



"Mind Speech"


Flashback Normal "Speech"

October 18, 1981 Anmer Hall
10:36 p.m.

Inside the manor, a man stood outside his daughter's closed room. Turning the doorknob, he let out a shaky breath. Memories of the conversation he had with his mother recently that afternoon, came through his mind. Leaning on his daughter's door frame he watched her chest move as she sleeps peacefully.

"It's time, my dear Prince." His mother told him straight to the point, her teacup making a clunking sound. He watched his mother's hands tremble a little as she attempts stirring her tea. Alarmingly unusual how she does her tea, the queen added another teaspoon of sugar on her tea. 'This isn't good,' he thought.

"M-mother." He stuttered when he suddenly realized the possible direction of this conversation. His mother wouldn't react this way if it weren't for that right? She frowned at the look of her son. Without another sound, Rosalinda stood up and motioned for her son to follow her. Hesitating, he stayed on his seat while his mother walked alone down the right hall, he said "Iis it what grand-père" he stopped when his mother looked back at him and motioned again to follow her. Giving up, he obeyed.

The interior of the castle is vast. It feels ancient and at the same time modern with its recent changes in design. The plush burgundy carpet of the hallway creates an elegant walkway towards the gloomy chamber below the castle's north tower. The high ceiling was lined with intricate crystal designed chandeliers, casting a warm glow around the hall. The walls were aesthetically covered with french designs, honoring grand-mère's roots. Once they reached the end of the hall, Rosalinda grabbed a knob and turned it revealing a hidden passage that directs them to the chamber itself. Only the Queen can access it. This rumored chamber that is hidden underneath the castle, remains a rumor to the public. While it's a myth among the people, for the Royal Family, they were made aware of its existence since they were basically a babe. Of course, none of the staff knows about this place. Only the Queen has access to it and is the only person authorized to enter that place. It was entrusted to them for unknown reasons. The person who had given it to the family said it was meant to be with the family, as a gift for the current line of its royal greatness. It was also then that the person mentioned that only the firstborn of every generation should know about its existence. It has been with them for almost a millenniumwhich means whatever is in that chamber, something had changed. Just by observing his mother walking briskly across the gloomy hall beneath the castle, he understood now its importance and urgency of this thing already by the tension of his mother's shoulder.

When they reached the huge double doors, his mother pressed her left palm on a specific part of the concrete wall which made a buzzing sound. The double doors made a grating sound as it opened itself revealing the inside of the room, 'or should I say chamber.' The only thing that's inside the place was an altar. Above it, a strong glowing golden orb is resting on a pillow, encased in what looked like a huge glass box display.

Approaching the altar, he asked "Mother... Why am I here?"

Moving closer to the altar, she placed one hand at one side of the glass box, looking at the swirling golden orb inside giving her face an eerie magnificent glow, "When my petite fille came to our family…" she trailed off when he looked at her sharply.

"Yes my dear, your daughter Hermione. When she came into this family, I've never seen this orb shine like this. I've been going in and out of this room every day, observing this orb ever since my mother told me about it." She told him softly.

She turned around to watch her son for a brief second before she continues explaining his purpose here.

"The orb was passed through firstborns of each generation in this family, by telling them the existence and the reason why it is here. It was sent to the family when this very building was built. We were told to never break or remove the orb in that case unless something happened. However, centuries have passed, and rulers come and gone, still, nothing different happened to the orb," she paused, "well that was according to some journals I've read, and the records, but anyway," she trailed off mentally berating herself for babbling. "Since no changes happened to this orb, it was continued to be passed amongst the next ruler of England. Our task was to observe this orb and if we happen to witness a change in the orb, we need to immediately know the reason why it changed." Rosalinda stopped talking instantly when she saw her son pale as a sheet.

The prince started paling as his mother talks about the purpose of the orb to their family, and the task that was left for them to take care of it. He was still staring at the orb when a sudden thought popped inside his head. Rubbing his hand over his face to bring back the feeling there, as he's suddenly gone numb all over.

"Mother, what if grand-père told me was real? You know what I'm talking about, right?" He looked up at her and saw the pity in his mother's blue eyes. He scowled at that, "I am not a weak man mother. I'm just. . . overwhelmed with what is happening right now." His mother rolled her eyes and started to move towards him to offer some comfort. Even though he hides behind his brave mask, she knows he doesn't want his baby to be one of them.

When Charles found out about the Wizarding world in Britain he was immediately in love with the idea of fantasy becoming a reality and was constantly bothering his grand-père for stories about the other side of this world. Since his grand-père wasn't really a magical himself, as he is a proud squib of the House Novis, his only source of stories came from his twin brother, Stephen Novis. The stories his grand-père shares to him were all about the wonders of the magical world. How dying flowers could easily be cured back to their healthy vibrant colors; flying on a broomstick; summoning a fire out of thin air. Not to mention the dragons. Different creatures that Charles wanted to know were told to him every minute of every day. Books and pictures were also provided to help the boy get the real visual of such creatures.

However, Charles didn't stay in that small world any longer once he started growing up. When he matured, he started taking his responsibilities into action. He studied his role as the next in line of the throne and ruler of England. He studied everything there is about his history and land. Laws, agreements, the art of leading his people, the country's economy everything. Even the Prime Minister of Great Britain wasn't left out from his objectives. He wanted to learn everything there is about his people: their public health, financial situation, their education etc.

Then the brewing war from the magical world changed his view from magic. Even though the Minister of Magic has continued to placate the leaders of the non-magical Britain, it proved useless as the death rate and news of mysterious killings flew up the bar. Charles got all worried with her, ranting his mind out, after hearing the private meeting with the magicals. His basic knowledge about that world meant there was more to learn other than the beauty of magic and fantastical beasts. When he got the opportunity to talk to his grand-père about the bad side of the magical world. He was truthfully horrified and glad that he was qualified enough to understand the dark side of magic. He knows the world isn't black and white, but the idea of corrupting your soul to the extent is madness. That was when he started doubting magic.

She was jerked from her aimless wandering when her son took a sudden inhale of air.

"Maybe that's why she looks different," he said breathlessly, he turned to his mother."This is what they call Prophecy right?" When he received a nod he tightened his hold at the edge of the altar when his knees buckled. He was now staring intently at the orb in front of him, wondering what the contents would be and what would it entail for their family for his daughter. "What does it say? Have you heard what it said?"

Rosalinda shook her head with a frown.

Holding her son's arm she told him, "There's another thing that your grand-père hasn't told you." Looking up to his mother he asked what is it.

"Since we both know now that this is all about Hermione, I shall tell you the great burden of this responsibility she'll carry from now on." Charles nodded for his mother to continue. "Hermione is the first magical born in our family."

"What does this mean for her then?" He asked, lines of worries visible at his face. "She's a Princess in our world mother. If they found out a Royal Princess studying in the magical world, people there would go ballistic. Even the non-magicals. We can't risk exposing magic to these people."

Rosalinda can't agree more to that statement. "While Hermione is a magical, and a prominent member of our family, you do not have to worry yourself as it has been taken care of since your grand-père has been told by your Uncle Stephen that a change from their family tree revealed another member of the House Novis."

The queen has discovered through her ancestors' journals that none in their family line showed bits of magic. One interesting entry that was written by Queen Georgia, said that she encountered a prophecy herself in an accident among the crowd while having a state visit in France to personally meet King Louis XVII. A woman in her late thirties gripped her gloved hand and said that a maiden named Raquel must marry a Novis commoner. That's when Rosalinda figured the word 'novis' wasn't really a term used in the prophecy. She was able to figure out that 'Novis' is a Latin word for 'Strange' which she confirmed by asking her father of his real roots. He came from a well respected House in the Magical world. However, due to his special case, bearing no magic himself, he was cast off from his family and left to fend for himself. His twin brother, Stephen, never left him alone. It was because of his brother they changed their names in the non-magical world.

"I have also gathered information about her possible ancestry in the Magical World, as advised by your Uncle Stephen. The result was quite overwhelming and to put it mildly, a bit of a shock." Rosalinda grimaced slightly at that. It wasn't really a bit, it could definitely cause you to have a heart attack.

"What have you found out?" Deep concern shining through Charles' eyes as he watches his mother collect herself before sharing the information they have found out.

"King Arthur Pendragon actually had a stepbrother, named Elton. He was the bastard son of the former King, Uther, father of Arthur. It was an enlightening read. But to make it short, Hermione is a direct descendant of Elton Pendragon. The magic came from his mother, Ava. She was personally touched by Magic herself and Merlin took her under his wing to train her to wield her gifts. A blessed sorceress and Seer."

Shock, awe, fear, happiness, and excitement passed to the Prince's face. "So let me just repeat what you said mother," he paused and then rubbed his face, "Hermione is a Princess, and a damn near legend too due to her background and ancestry. Which makes it worse because she's just a child and still needs to understand the world as a whole. Not one but two worlds. And then there's the possibility that our magical line. . ." he trailed off. Charles suddenly looked at the orb with such intensity that Rosalinda fear that the glass might break from his intense scrutiny.

"What is it darling?"

"The prophecy mother." He pointed at the orb, the tip almost touching the glass, "It came from Elton's mother!" He turned to his mother eyes bright, "You said so yourself mother! Maybe Ava was the one who delivered the prophecy to this world and gave it to her son!" Charles started pacing in front of the altar.

Rosalinda slapped her forehead for failing to connect the orb and the direct magical line of her family. "I really think it is indeed her, my dear," she sighed, suddenly tired with the onslaught of memories and information. "She's a gifted Seer. Magic gave it to her, so that means she has a direct source of prophecies from who knows where."

Charles smirked at his mother and chuckled at the sound of her irritation. "Too much magic for the day mother?"

The Queen of Great Britain snorted and gestured her hand unceremoniously around her, exasperated with recent events occurring inside her family. "Ava probably talks to fate to see a glimpse of the future. Her son's possible family line." She shrugged again and gestured for her son to help her with the glass box lid.

Once they were able to remove the lid, Rosalinda motioned for her son to touch the orb with his bare hand.

After a moment, the mother and son, took a hasty retreat back to the comfort of the sunroom in the castle. The fresh smell of the plants surrounding the interior of the room creates a soothing aroma of nature. He opened his eyes when he heard his mother clear her throat softly.

"Son, if Hermione shows any accidental burst of Magic, you must tell me immediately. Is this understood?" Charles knows when he's given a command. He immediately agrees and settled on his seat to meditate.

Knowing the struggles her son is facing, she gently reassured him, "Chérie, you must know that you are not alone in this journey. Your grand-père and Uncle Stephen are open for any help you may need. They are just one call away, you must remember that." Rosalinda patted his forearm affectionately and smiled at him. "Hermione is surrounded with love, care, courage, kindness, and compassion. You mustn't worry yourself too much about this. If she is really of great power as what the prophecy said, we must prepare her and ourselves for the outcome. Promise me you'll be the father she needs?"

"I promise, Mother."

She smiled brightly, and dropped a kiss on his forehead, "Now that's my darling Prince! Brave and Courageous!"

He barked a laugh at that, with his mother joining him.

'For my Princess.'

"Charles?" A voice called to him. Turning he saw his wife, the Princess of Wales and the Duchess of Cambridge, "Madelaine, love, why are you still up?"

Approaching her husband, she told him "Isn't it obvious? You're not yet in bed, I've just finished showering in our room." When she saw her husband's face pull into a painful grimace. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. It's just... It's what Mother told me a while ago."

Frowning, she tried to soothe her husband by running her hands through his hair. Watching her daughter sleep, she told him, "You know, when I had Hermione, I knew she'll be different. When she came out looking like a living barbie doll? All pink in her glory?" Giggling at the memory she wrapped her other arm around him, "The whole world was ablaze with rumors and controversies saying that I had another man — that I'm cheating on you."

She frowned at the memory and sighed, "I did what I can only do to handle the situation. Even after giving birth, instead of resting, I was already making statements to calm the public's mind over the rumors. I told them in all honesty, that I've been loyal and faithful to you when we started as friends and then through the duration of our friendship, we turned as a couple and I became your fiancé."

"I have never looked at another man when I met you." She smiled when he leaned towards where her hand is massaging the back of his head.

"It was like a magical moment meeting you for the first time. I just knew it was you whom I'll end up with." She reached up to kiss her husband's lips. Smiling at that statement, he thanked her for the love and faith she's giving to him.

"You can just say 'I love you' you know?"

"I love you too, my queen," he grinned at her adorable snort.

October 18, 1981, Potter Manor
7:24 p.m.

"James... James... JAMES!" Lily yelled from upstairs. She's clutching Harry to her as the kid continues squirming hard in her arms, trying to escape.

The child had suddenly left and ran from his playroom and started screaming 'Mi! Mi!.' Instantly concerned at her son's actions, she followed him down the hallway and saw him turn a sudden left towards his father's private study. Lily went to the room as fast as she could, only coming to a stop from the doorway watching the scene before her. Harry was kneeling in front of the family tree, where his name was located. He was touching it and every touch he does, the tapestry starts glowing. Harry turned around and looked up to his mother grinning, "Mi! Mi!" Not stopping from his persistent thumping above his name.

Kneeling beside her son she asked him, "What is it darling? Who's Mi?" Lily knows something's happening here. She's never heard of Family Tapestry glowing upon touch. There's some great magic included here.

Harry began clapping his hands when a bright golden light began forming and enveloped the room. When it died out, Harry was once again touching the tapestry, but this time he's thumping at the one beside his name.

Lily widened her eyes at this and grabbed her son, while she screams for her husband.

James instantly popped inside his private study when he heard the distinct voice of Lily screaming his name from the library.

"What is it, Lily?" He knew upon entering his private study, that something had changed. He saw Harry trying to wriggle his way out of his mother's arms half-screaming, "Mi! Go! Mama, no! Go, 'arry."

"Bloody hell," he said narrowing his eyes, at the scene before him. Lily sighed with relief when she saw him, and wildly gestured the tapestry across the room.

"If you saw something unusual in this Family Tapestry. Open the Secret Chamber in this Manor. If it opened to you willingly, that's the time you'll find your answer and that'll be the very first time it will open." his father told him. James maybe a prat and a prankster at heart, but when it comes to his family matters, he's determined to listen attentively and take his duties as the future Head of House.

"It's been years since that Chamber opened. What's inside? We don't know. But our great, great, great, grandfathers told us that inside is your answer just remind yourself before you enter, to accept and face what it might contain. Solve it, learn from it and you'll remember that whatever you'll discover, never doubt it. Never let your indecision be your enemy. Whatever is inside you must accept it, James." His father told him gravely.

"Yes, father. I will gladly and with honor, accept whatever lies within the chamber." His father slapped his back and returned to their walk around the Quidditch pitch of the Manor.

"That's the advice that we were told to pass to our sons or daughters. The Chamber hasn't opened for centuries, and my dad your grandfather, bless his soul told me that the person who was allowed to access the Chamber cannot reveal what's inside. So no matter what's inside the Chamber promise me you'll never tell anyone, even your wife. That's if it opened to you." he stopped as they reached James' room. "Remember son, you cannot tell your wife about the Chamber unless it allows you. Only your eldest child."

'The Chamber.' he thought. The Potter Family Tapestry looked normal to him. However, the part where his family was located, his son's name was glowing with golden light. A line connecting beside his son, was also glowing gold, an empty and nameless banner. "I'll be right back," James said after kissing Lily's forehead. He ruffled Harry's hair as he watches his father approach the tapestry. James smiled and crouch down to look directly at his son. "You good Harry?"

Lily frowned at James' anxious lines around his eyes. Harry, on the other hand, smiled and he pointed again at the tapestry and started babbling about, Mi. James chuckled and looked up at his wife's worried face, "Everything will be fine James. Whatever that is, I know Magic will be guiding them. She takes care of her children, and we know this will probably help our son with what is to come." Lily smiled at her son, who's already drowsy and still mentioning Mi.

James sighed and kissed his wife thanks then left the room promptly.

Instead of going straight down the chamber, he went to one of the manor's room full of their Family Portraits. His father took it upon himself and added more frames around the house in case some of the members want to walk and get out of their respective portraits. Everyone in the Grand Hall of Potters, know about the Chamber. This gave them a reason to rant about it for being unfair, and for keeping it secret from the others.

When James reached the room, he opened the door and called for his father. There was a sudden hush around the room, and a man called out to him, "James? What is it?"

His ancestors were instantly piqued with the reason of his visit in the Hall of Potters. Getting self-conscious when everyone noticed his presence, he gulped and focused on his father. "The Family Tapestry," James paused, with a shaky breath he continued, "The tapestry made an odd sort of glow around my son's banner." Then the whispering started.

"What was the color of this glow, son of Charlus?" One of the Portrait asked. Everyone in their Portrait searched for the voice, wondering if they'll be able to get anything about the Chamber from them. "Arthur... is it...?" Arthur Potter's sister, Therese asked him, worried about what that means.

"Yes. My son's name glowed goldenly, but there was another thing. A line connecting to him, though it was an empty banner. It was also glowing gold." He trailed off worried about what or who is it. He looked up at where Arthur Potter's portrait was located, "What's going to happen now?"

"Well, that's the reason why you need to go there now. We don't have your answers, only the Chamber has it. Go now, son. And remember what we told you." Arthur Potter said, his tone turning grave.

James jerked a nod towards him. Bidding goodbye to everyone and receiving some encouragement from the others especially from his Father. He left to go down the Chamber.

On the way down James can't stop worrying, 'The Chamber hasn't opened for centuries, until now.' Shaking his head, he continued walking down the cold stoned stairs. Reaching the last stair, he was met by darkness. He reached for his wand and whispered the lighting charm. Lanterns lit up, lining up on the walls down towards the end of the hallway. He could detect the outline of the big double door at the end of the hallway.

When he started walking, he could hear the tapping of his shoes on the stone floor echoing around the hall. It reminds him of the dungeons at Hogwarts. Ancient and eerily quiet. His running thoughts were running miles per hour, pondering what answer the Chamber may offer. Once he made it in front of the double doors, with hesitancy he placed his right palm upon the door. The door made a click sound and opened by itself as if it knew his visit.

He stopped his tracks once he saw what's inside, he swore under his breath and rubbed his face quite forcefully. "Another prophecy?!" He exclaimed to the Chamber. He received a strong swept of magical aura before the altar, scolding him. James sighed and recovered his self. Reminding the exact words his father told him. He just hopes that this one contains something good and helpful for his family.

Before him was an altar, above it a swirling golden orb sits on a cushion, waiting to be discovered. Identical to the one underneath a Castle.

"Whatever is inside you must accept it, James."

Preparing for the worst he tapped his wand at it. A melodious voice echoed around the Chamber, singing her prophecy:

"Darkness looms, danger rises

Bloody quest only them shall end it

Two bound souls chosen and blessed by Her Supremeness as One

Rose's thorns are Emerald's; Emerald's ferociousness are Rose's

First of her line; his reclamation of the four majestic

Her Key, only they could wield only they could hone;

Great power that will bring and create change in this world.

Together they'll save humanity; together they'll end the force of horrors."


And that's the new 1st chapter! The Prophecy has been revealed!

HELLO GUYS! I know some of you are now asking what the heck is going on, and why is the story like this, or where the fuck I've came from. I know some of you may have come from wattpad. Sorry guys here is the first chapter!

Well, this is a heads up for everyone! This story is fiction! A fanfic that will include some mythological and magical bits that will probably make you all cringe so much. And also I'll be creating a completely OOC people here in my story, especially Hermione.

Look, I don't know any Greek and Roman Mythology, and I might mix their names from Roman to Greek, (and vice versa) so please pardon me for that. I'm researching while writing this, don't worry. Same thing with the story of Dr. Strange.

Also, I'm basically new in writing English, so expect for some misspelled words and grammatical errors.


Thanks for reading! Please fave, follow, rate and review my work!

I'm willing for an alpha and beta that may help me improve this work of mine.