Authors Note This is going to be a long story of at least 100 chapters and having learned from my other story Silver Vixen I would love a Beta Reader to point out any spelling, grammar, or inconsistency issues.

PM me if interested.

Chapter 1

October 31st, 2021

Hamburg, Germany


Harry dodged Rockwoods Curse before seeing his opportunity to start firing back.


"Aggh" Rockwood screamed as he was hit with a bolt of lightning that paralyzed him long enough for Harry to get a shot in,

"Bombarda" Aiming at Theodore Rockwoods Leg Harry was finally able to end their duel that had been going on for nearly an hour.

"Avada Kedavra" And the Rockwood Son died at Harry's had just like the father had fifteen years earlier.

Harry sighed.

Another Death Eater bites the dust.

The Manor where the rest of those monsters were at was right up ahead.

It was time to end this.

The Wizarding War had been going on for far too long.

Voldemorts Resurrection from a quarter-century ago seemed like from another life by this point,

Ever since then their world had been torn apart by the Dark Lords Insanity.

Harry was the only one still alive from the Hogwarts Graduating Class of 1998 that hadn't been killed in battle or joined the Death Eaters.

Hermione had died almost twenty years ago to this day during the disastrous Battle of Birmingham killed by Fenrir Grayback who also had Remus Death on his hand from April 1999 and Minerva McGonogal in March 2003.

Ron had then finally taken Grayback to the grave along with himself when he had done the Magical Version of a Suicide Attack.

The other Weasleys had then died off in various battles. Molly in August 2001, Arthur in June 2004, and Ginny, Charlie, and Bill dying in 2006 the year Harry had called the Year of Dark Darkness.

But Harry had managed to kill a lot of high ranking Death Eaters over the past twenty years as well including both Rockwoods, Antonin Dolohov, Corban Yaxley, Rabastan Lestrange, Walden Macnair, and Selwyn.

But including the lower rank Death Eaters that Harry had killed over the years, he had no idea what his death toll was.

His goal over the past decade had been though of a different look.

Find and destroy Voldermorts Hocroxes.

He had tried his best to finish the mission that Albus Dumbledore had started all those years and destroy Tom Riddle's means to immortality.

So far Marvolo Gaunt's Ring, Salazar Slytherin's Locket. Helga Hufflepuff's Cup and Rowena Ravenclaw's Diadem had all been destroyed

Now the snake Nagini was the only Hocrox left to be destroyed and then it would be checkmate for Lord Voldermort.

They had tracked Voldermort, Nagini, and the remainders of the Death Eaters to this mansion in Germany.

And the remainder of the Resistance was here ready to end this.

Looking over the witches and wizards Harry was commanding into battle he was saddened by how few there were.

They had probably a hundred fighters or so compared to years ago when thousands of witches and wizards from multiple countries had gathered to fight the Death Eaters.

Those days of large battles were for the most part over though and everyone had gotten used to a more asymmetrical war for the past decade.

A war that had claimed a frightening toll on their numbers.

It was some solace to know that the Death Eaters were not much better numerically though than them.

It was hard to get an exact number but over half of Magical Englands Population was dead and there were very few children being born to replenish those numbers.

Hogwarts had not opened up a new class year since 2007.

Harry had also become known as the only person who could fight Voldermort to a draw ever since Dumbledore had died.

The two of them had fought six times in the past twenty-odd years though all in explosive and deadly battles.

The Seventh Battle was going to be the last though.

Harry breathed in.

"Anderson take Werner and Jackson's squad and go through the left side of the building and the rest of you follow me".Harry called out.

The group nodded and followed Harry as they headed towards the manor.

He looked at who was beside him.

It was Stephen Weasley born to George Weasley and Angelina Johnson two months before they had died during the Battle of Ipswich.

He turned eighteen just a few weeks ago and now he was fighting to end those who had killed his parents.

Poor kid, he had known nothing but war and fighting in his short time on earth.

As they got to the front of the manor Harry felt the ward defenses activate.

Looking back he picked out a few of the Resistance Fighters.

"Mark, Stephen, Greg I believe Warding is more of your thing, " he said.

Nodding the three of them moved up and started waving their wands.

"Not too complicated of a ward system boss," Mark said "I think we can have it down in about ten minutes or so".

"Ok," Harry said, "Make it quick".

Looking around as his wardmasters get to work Harry observed the manor they were getting ready to attack.

It was quiet.

To quiet.

And except for that little ground of Death Eaters that they had found on the other perimeter of the grounds they had not run into anyone else.

After years of war, Harry was also paranoid about the lack of visible Death Eaters on the premises.

Something was not right.

But eventually, despite his paranoia, the others took down the wards and they began to move forward.

Entering the building Harry saw the shimmer that he knew from experience was a Disillusionment Charm.

"Avada Kedavra"

Surprising the disguised man who went down quickly the hallway fast turned into a rapid exchange of spellfire as Harry ran to duck behind a pillar.


Conjuring a boa constrictor to distract the Death Eaters fire he ordered it to attack before using the cover to take down several more Death Eaters

"Fulmen Impetus, Ignium Sanguinaria,Percus Sangui, Avada Kedavra"

He wasn't able to tell how effective that was but based on the screams he guessed that he got at least a few.

Slowly with the others' help, they were able to clear the bottom floor before working their way up.

Soon Harry heard that they had captured James Marwood, a high ranking Death Eater who gave information that Voldermort was waiting for him in the second-floor grand ballroom.

That's where they were going now.

On the Second Floor Harry finally came face to face with his mortal enemy.

"Tom" Harry growled.

"Potter" A voice replied that spoke the soft melody of death "So we meet again".

"We do" Harry replied, "This ends today".

The Dark Lord Voldermort cracked a grin

"I couldn't agree more".

Authors Note The next update will be on Wendsay July 29th between 12 and 1 EDT.

Any thoughts.