Hola, I had a change of plan.. I have decided to make this part of a new series I have had on my mind for years called 'Oh Father' in this serious, Naruto is pervy and predatory. Most of the time I will make him older, hence the name of the series..
Don't own Naruto of course.
Life... what a joke. A true sham. "So fake, so mundane, repetitive." A figure mumbled watching the dirt road from his position in a tree, covered by vibrant green leafs. Seeing the same people doing their daily routines, daily work schedules. Take these crates here, take this bucket of water here, deliver these flowers here. Taking his road is the only route for these people. He has even named some of these travelers, that's how often they follow their mundane routines.
"Mommy, can me and Rio go in there and play?" The figures attention was brought to the sounds of a excited little girl, she was pointing in his direction, not at him exactly. At his home. The girl is smiling widely, standing beside a boy, just a little bit taller then her, must be Rio.
The mother frowned, the figures attention went to her, a middle aged lady, maybe older. The lady frowned, her face is quite plain, the frown made it ugly, very much so. "No, baby, you know it is forbidden to enter the home of the Hero of the leaf." She chided whilst beckoning her children to her, they followed sadly, then left.
'Hero of the leaf.' The figure thought bitterly.
That's another thing about life, it came with titles. Titles, he use to love those, use too, before he realized what they were. Empty soulless platitudes. They didn't bring you happiness, didn't bring you fame, love, even money as you would think. Hero of the leaf? A sham.
He remembers what he did to earn to that worthless crock of shit title. When the village he still loves to this day was destroyed as he was gone, yes he still this village even if the inhabitants are ungrateful.
He remembers earning the title of sage. This wasn't completely a worthless title, but it didn't bring the fame and fortune one would think. He had earned this title before the becoming the Hero of the Leaf. A toad sage to be exact. He was with those toads for a couple of years to earn it. And when he did..
He was summoned back to the village cause apparently it was being stomped on by some masked weirdo and six dudes with orange hair. They, or rather he called themselves pain. They had killed most of the village by the time he had arrived.
All the so called great ninja's of Konoha were beaten and or killed. He arrived with the only guys he'd say he trusted to this day, Might guy and Rock Lee, along with Neji and Ten Ten, he didn't trust them too much, but they weren't all that fake at least, just dis-likable.
They had given the group of seven invaders a good fight, but it had been obvious, having spirit wasn't gonna be enough. Neji managed to kill two of the orange haired invaders before being killed. Ten Ten for whatever reason fought the guy with mask and got her silly ass handed to her, brutally before being killed. Rock Lee seeing that, unlocked the 6th gate and went ape shit on the masked guy.
What were Might Guy and the 'Hero' doing you wonder? They had been busy fighting the Pain fellow and his stooges, and you see, there is this big one that could shoot rockets and shit, then there was one that could bring shit back to life, like... The ones Neji had killed.. And apparently he had killed the ones that could take your soul and the one that can summon huge ass beast. So yeah we had a lot on our plate at the time.
Eventually, the Hero decided it was time to stop playing and used his new sage powers. He throttled five of the orange haired invaders then was on the toughest one, the one that talks. 'Feel pain, this and that.' He enjoyed beating the shit out of that clown until..
'LEE' He still remembers the scream of Guy, who had been previously watching amazed at the Hero, distracted with youth until his protege scream of anguish and nothing. He doesn't remember exactly what happened next, he just felt a explosion, and red scorching aura, the ground trembling then... nothing. He remembers looking back and seeing Guy's headless body slump onto the ground, body scorched. He didn't know it at the time, but now he knows, the masked guy had this ability to send you to another dimension, but the thing is, it didn't have to be you, it could be any part of you, like your head. No blood, no gore, your head is just gone, you are dead without even knowing what happened. The masked invader was a Uchiha, of course!
Seeing that, It was the Hero's turn to go ape shit. you see, the Hero had a well known secret of the older people in his life, he was the holder of the Nine Tailed Fox, Kyuubi for short, Kurama to him. And what no one knows was that, at the time he was on very good terms with the misunderstood fox. Such terms came with great boons, like being able to use some it's power, of course to do that, required trust, he removed the seal at ripe age of fourteen and no one was the wiser to it. Except his parents who appeared.
When he used Kurama's power, and sage mode at the same time, He was absolutely unstoppable, destroying Pain came easy, but the masked Invader guy was a different story, he FREAKING teleports, at least that's what he thought it was at the time. And he could make objects and people pass through him.
The Hero had destroyed what little of the standing village was left trying to kill that invader with beast bombs, gigantic rasengans. He didn't know how long they were fighting until he figured all the masked guys cheap tricks. Or the guy had got careless cause Naruto was evading his attacks as well, his instincts with both boons were just that great.
When he finally did kill the masked guy, the guy on his death bed tried to tell his life. HA, what world was he living in? He just killed two people he trusted. The Hero had hacked off his head with the mask still on, then burned his body. Of course with his sage mode active, he had sensed two unknowns nearby.
The real Pain, and a girl called Konan. The Hero was gonna kill him as merciless as the red haired murderer had killed countless others but the brainless monologue of genocidal peace, he just couldn't ignore and set him straight with righteousness, he couldn't care less if he had agreed or not. Now, in retrospect, he is glad Nagato had agreed, cause the man had worked some type of voodoo to bring all those he had killed back. The guy died after that and he has never seen Konan ever again. This didn't bring back Guy however, as apparently his head was in head another dimension.
What was his reward for this you wonder?
He brought the then Hokage the head of the masked man, whom they identified, but he would never ever dignify such a man with saying his name, other then he is a Uchiha. They decided to keep that fact a secret.
After that.. No one praised him, no one came to thank him, hug him. Every one seemed to only be happy that the precious last of the Uchiha had survived, Sasuke and his older brother, Itachi.
Dreadful, that's how he had felt. Month later, helping the village rebuild, he had already started becoming bitter. Until the Hokage had announced a village meeting, in which he bestowed the useless title of.. 'Hero of the Leaf.' No cheering, slow claps, then back to work.
Empty. That how he felt, how he continues to feel ten miserable years later. He had thought titles would have given him the love and admiration he had wanted, wants. But he realizes now how wrong that is. They don't even earn you respect. For the longest of times, he wanted to be Hokage, he soured on that when Tsunade passed the mantle to Kakashi.. popular among the ladies and some men, but respected by all. Then he passed it down to Sasuke.. adored by all. The Hero realized one thing, that sham of a tile is just a popularity contest, he proved nothing if he got it, and he would never get, he is neither respected nor adored.
The Hero snarled as he a couple walk by, hugged up to each other, walking in sync, looking completely in love. Love, he chortled at the term.
Another sham of life. What does it even look like?
He has seen first hand how quickly love bends over to be fucked hard and rough. He cackled at the imagery in his head, surely scaring passerby's. Who should he even start with? Oh the options. Let's start with the lady Uchiha herself, Sakura. He can remember the first time she climbed on his dick whilst claiming she loved someone, in the very same camp at the same time actually with that someone, they were fifteen.
"I'm cold" She had said, of course she went to her 'love' first with her complaint. But you see, Sasuke at the time took after his brother, determined, focused, train, train, then sleep. He still couldn't blame them, their whole clan had gotten killed.. How could he blame them? He had none, he couldn't even understand.
Of course, he welcomed her into his sleeping bag, she was freezing, and definitely wasn't shy about rubbing up against him to get warm, she was an attractive girl, his reaction to her rubbing against him should have been expected from her, a girl training in the arts of being a medical ninja and it was. One thing led to another, and they fucked quick and hard, both getting off, then he turned her around and took her from behind , making her cover her mouth muffling her cries of pleasure as she was being pounded while hoping the boy she loved didn't wake up to see her getting fucked like a whore and enjoying it like one.
He learned later that, that was her first, and, second time ever having sex. She claimed afterwards that morning that this, meaning the sex, would never happen again. And that she had been saving herself for Sasuke. He hadn't and still to this day doesn't care for Sakura, but the pussy was good, and apparently so was his dick. As she came back for it on multiple occasions, in multiple PUBLIC places.
He even took her ass virginity, she grew to love that. He fucked her like a whore even when she had her relationship with Sasuke going in full sail. Apparently Sasuke can't fuck like he can. Now, when she is married with kids? You know who she keeps coming back to? Whose home she sneaks to when she can no longer take being sexually unsatisfied? You call that love?
Then there's her best friend, Ino. This chick loved/loves Sasuke too, but you wanna know who he had his first time with? With her of course. They were fourteen and she wanted to train for the chunin exams she had failed previously, but needed someone to help, a partner.
Of course, she had asked her beloved first, he blew off, then asked her teammates, they blew her off. She had too much pride to ask Sakura, and she felt they both were are the same level so she wouldn't have improved anyway. Then she asked the Hero. He'd obliged, whereas Sakura was attractive, Ino was and still is gorgeous, of course he wanted to spend alone time with her.
It didn't take long for him to see why she so desperately wanted to train with someone better then her, she was slow, punched slow, tired easy, did her hand seals slow. If not for her bloodline, she probably wouldn't even be a ninja, just a very hot Konoha civilian. But for her sake, he helped, he improved her, and over their time together, in their spars, she started landing hits on him. Moves became unpredictable, seals faster, better stamina.
One time she actually knocked him down with a surprise kick, she was overjoyed, so overjoyed she kissed him. This kiss involved into a frenzy, and right there in their secluded training location, they lost their innocence, one would say, over and over again.
After it was done, she claimed to love her Sasuke still and that her and the hero couldn't be training buddies anymore. He'll admit it, he was a little hurt, he had come to care for her a tad bit over the months they trained together.
Eventually though, she came back for more, only a little after he had taken Sakura actually. And he has had her hooked on him ever since, even when she got married to a Sasuke lookalike, who looks very suspect. She claimed to love that guy, that's fine, but she had no problem riding another man a day before, and after their wedding. Some love she has, he's pretty sure she even still loves Sasuke.
Then there's the child of her and Sai of course, the kid has all of Ino's features, but eyes are a deep blue, he doesn't ask any questions though, he lets them pretend, He feels empty, this only adds to it.
There's also Ten Ten, he has seen how that lady flip flops between Rock Lee and Neji. Karui, Choji's wife, did he even know of the depraved orgies they get up to in Kumo? Poor guy, does he even know his wife? He could go on and on, he knew just about every dirty little thing about every one in this village. He couldn't help but cackle again at that fact, he wonders what Sasuke would think if he knew how depraved his wife is. He cackled louder.
"You're weird." A voice startled him, only barely. He looked down back at the road, a girl with grey eyes met him, a Hyuuga, he recognized this one of course, Hiashi's only daughter, only live daughter he hasn't killed that is. Hanabi her name is. Her long black hair is pulled onto her right shoulder, She is wearing some type of modified Kimono, he doubts her father wants her showing off that much legs and skin, though he doesn't care, nice long legs she has, she is a very beautiful girl. "Did you hear me? You know I can see you leering, hell I think I feel the heat of your predatory gaze." She joked, giggling to herself.
The hero blinked. Nobody just joked with him, and that giggle, very cute. He narrowed his eyes at her. "What do you want." He said bitterly, no one just comes and talks to him without wanting something or needing something done.
Her carefree expression didn't leave at his tone, she smiled at him. "Oh you sound like the big bad wolf, are you gonna huff and puff then start blowing? Are you gonna warn me first, your breathe might stink ya know." She laughed while saying this.
Her laugh, it's obnoxious and loud... And so, oh so very genuine. What a strange feeling. He has missed genuine, how long ago has he seen it? Someone screaming in ecstasy his name isn't genuine, that's lust and need, it does give that pretty illusion though, make you want to believe. He vaguely remembers another Hyuuga girl, the one that died, that he saved from bullies before, she was nice, and very genuine.
Sighing, the Hero jumped down, landing in front of the girl, her laughing stopped, she looked at him wide eyed. He smirked at her, time to make her run away. "Wow, so you're Naruto Uzumaki, you're taller then I expected." She said critically while she eyed him up and down approvingly, this threw him off a bit, what's with this girl? Hyuuga women aren't like this.
And she said that name... His name, how long ago has someone said it and it not be out of pleasure he provided? He's used to 'Lord Hero' Or 'Sir Hero' or 'Hero of the leaf' or 'Lord Sage', those are what he is used to, never just Naruto. He looked at her with puzzlement, she is an enigma.
"I was wonderin, could I maybe go into your forest?"