Ruby Rose had spent the entire night working on Crescent Rose on her bed. She had prepared enough ammunitions to face anyone, and now was making sure Crescent Rose was ready, cleaning and polishing the High Caliber Sniper Scythe to perfection. "I better make sure she is combat ready." She thought, then chuckled realizing she had just used Penny's words, and silently hoped her friend was not going to be her challenger the following day. She was going to fight to win, of course, but facing a friend first would have made things more difficult. It was thoughts like these that accompanied her as she worked deep into the night, feeling more and more tired, almost falling asleep…

Then there was the burst of light. Ruby could only scream, her senses back fully operational, as a light and a strong gust of wind engulfed the entire room, cancelling everything from her sight. Ruby felt herself pulled, and suddenly realized at the end of the light was a great door. As she crossed it, she heard a voice, distant yet close, ancient yet young. "Chosen of Tawa Jinn, Red Rose of Remnant, find your way in this world. The Blessing of Farore is with you."

She rolled on the ground, screaming, her Aura cushioning her from the sudden landing. Near her fell with a thud Crescent Rose, her ammunition packs scattered on the ground nearby.

After what felt like an eternity Ruby Rose, leader of Team RWBY and youngest student of Beacon, found herself finally regaining her sight. Her silver eyes looked around, scanning the surrounding area. "W-what? Where am I?" She wondered, instinctively grabbing Crescent Rose in its collapsed form.

She was in the middle of a clearing on the side of a mountain. Around her were three weird constructions, large stone platforms with a depression in the center, decorated with symbols she had never seen before. Turning around, she saw a large stone tablet with unknown inscriptions. Ominously, two skulls had been placed on its sides, with some wood forging it in a crude wooden sculpture. Behind them, a ruined banner unknown to her fluttered in the wind. Behind them were stone pillars…

"Bones?" She realized with surprise. Those bones stood taller than the already tall pole of the banner, the five giant ribs of some long-gone beast.

"Yang!" She called "Weiss! Blake! Where are you?!" She looked around, trying to make sense of the situation. Her mind was screaming this was impossible, but her instincts as a huntress – in training – took control. After picking up her ammunitions, realizing that leaving them in the dirt was a bad idea, and she used her semblance to climb a nearby rock. With Crescent Rose in its gun form, she used the sniper rifle to look around and figure out where she was.

The first thing she realized, with surprise, is that she was nowhere near Beacon Academy. She could see a weird construction in the distance, like a small house covered in the same weird symbols of the platforms near her. She could also see a large lake with…

Ruby had to do a double take. In the center of the lake was sleeping what was unmistakably a giant with dark blue skin. The creature scratched his belly, apparently deep in the world of dreams.

"Right, so, giant blue Grimm that doesn't look like a Grimm, everyone else is gone, and I have no idea of where I am." She said out loud. Then she pinched her arm, flinching "It's not a dream. Unless…" She pinched herself again, howling in pain this time "Fine, fine, definitely not a dream." She pointed the sniping rifle in every other direction, but all she could see where more mountains. "Where am I?" Ruby Rose had never been an expert in geography, but even she knew that the area didn't look like any place in Vale. Which meant… "Am I in another part of Remnant? Did someone send me here to remove me from the Vytal Festival?" She had heard there were a few Semblances capable of moving people from one place to another, though she had never seen one in real life. She thought back at the portal and the voice she had heard. "Chosen of Tawa Jinn and Blessing of Farore…" The two sentences were stuck deep in her mind, even though the names meant nothing to her, maybe because they were the only hints she had.

Trying to figure out where she was, she looked up at the night sky, to try and use the stars to find her location. The clouds covered most of it, the moon light covered, but she could tell something was wrong. The few visible stars looked different from Vale. "Did they send me in the other hemisphere? That might be a problem…"

She wasn't in Vacuo; that was supposed to be a desert, not a lush mountainous region. Which meant, either she was worse than she thought at recognizing constellations, or whoever had moved her had sent her far from any Kingdom.

"Stranded without a map in an unknown part of the world, at least one confirmed Grimm in sight… This isn't good. Why does stuff like this keep happening to me…" She sat down, and that's when she heard a clacking sound from behind, like sticks beating on each other. She turned around, just in time to see three skeletons emerge from the ground. They weren't human bones: their oversized heads, long arms, short legs and a single horn on their forehead making clear it was some sort of Grimm. What weirded her out was that all three had weapons. One sported a bow made of wood and bones, with a few arrows dangling from the back, one was armed with a sword and a wooden shield of equally crude design, and one was wielding a wooden club.

"First a giant blue Grimm, now skeletal ones with weapons? This place is really weird." She said, unfolding Crescent Rose in its Scythe mode. The monsters hesitated a moment, and in that pause she tried to remember professor Port's lessons on the various kind of Grimm, or better yet Weiss' notes she had… borrowed. But she couldn't think of any Grimm like those.

That was when the first one swung the club at her. She dodged quickly and with a quick twirl she cleanly chopped the spine of the supposed Grimm in half, the bones rolling on the ground. She grunted when an arrow hit her Aura, and with a quick movement she aimed the rifle and shot. The head of the skeleton exploded in various pieces and the Grimm fell to the ground, without dissolving. That puzzled her even more, but she put the thought aside to block the blade of the last remaining Grimm… or so she thought when a club hit her on the back, sending her fly a few feet forward.

She rolled up and with no little surprise she saw the first Grimm she had killed back on its feet, apparently unfazed by being cut in half, charging with the sword wielding one. Ruby activated her semblance, covering the distance between them in a split second, and twirled around, her scythe cleanly chopping both Grimm in half again, their bones scattering. She heard a sound from behind and turned to see a headless skeleton run past her and grab the closest head, picking it up and roaring once it had put it in its place.

"Ok, this is just weird…" Ruby said, swinging Crescent Rose towards the creature. Once again, it broke apart, but the head quickly came back to life. This time, Ruby hit it a second time with the blade, splitting the skull in half. Instantly it dissolved, leaving behind the horn and what looked like a tooth. "Ok, so, Grimm that can put themselves together unless I break the head and leave pieces behind. Neat." The last one attacked her with another swing of the sword, but she parried the hit and decapitated the creature. The head flew in the sky. With a quick press of the button she folded back Crescent Rose in it's gun form and shot a single round, making the head explode before it touched the ground. And with that, all three skeletons instantly broke apart and dissolved… leaving not only their weapons, but also three arms, still moving despite lacking any body. She carefully touched one, but it simply kept closing and opening the fingers without any real reaction. "It's like a headless ant." She noted, watching it wave aimlessly.

She picked up a tooth. There was one rule with dead Grimm: they did not leave behind anything. If they did, Professor Port would have had an office filled with heads, pelts and skeletons, instead of only tales. And yet she was holding a Grimm tooth, and a Grimm horn was on the ground near her feet. She quickly put the objects in her pocket, and started to plan.

'I have ammunitions for days at least.' She thought, counting her rounds. Ruby had prepared six magazines for the next day, and all had been dropped with her. Fifty gravity rounds, fifty fire rounds, two hundred-fifty… no, two-hundred and forty-eight normal bullets now, and fifty ice bullets. The belt she was wearing on her chest held about ten electric rounds, and searching her pockets she found one more bullet. Enough to survive for a while, provided she didn't run into anything too dangerous. "Which means, I'm staying away from that one." She said, looking at the blue cyclops Grimm. "Still weird that there is a blue Grimm. I wonder if Weiss will believe me…" she patted her pockets and sighed. No Scroll to be found. She seemed to recall she had it back in the dorm, but either it wasn't transported or it was lost.

She pulled up her red hood and compacted Crescent Rose, placing it back in her place. "If I find a trail, I will eventually run into someone, and find out where I am." She said, to encourage herself. Then she set off. A sudden gust of wind hit her, and she shivered, covering herself more.

That same gust of wind moved the clouds over her head. If she looked up, she would have realized that the Moon was not broken. But she didn't, walking down the mountain.


The morning of the Vytal Festival, Weiss, Yang and Blake woke up to find their team leader gone. At first, they thought that the excitable redhead had left early. After all, her bed was completely empty. A quick call had showed the bubble head had left the scroll on the floor. It probably fell from her pocket, WBY had reasoned. That could be expected of their team leader.

What they had not expected, on the other hand, was not finding Ruby in the cafeteria. Or back in their room, once they had breakfast. That was when Yang started to feel something was wrong. Ruby was a dolt at times, if someone wanted to use Weiss' words, but not to the point of just disappearing. "Where are you, Ruby?" She wondered.

"So, where could the dolt be?" Weiss asked, echoing her thoughts.

"Maybe she is already at Amity Colosseum?" Blake proposed. The Faunus didn't sound convinced though.

"You don't believe that, do you?"

"Is just… Ruby can make some rash decisions at times, but would she really leave us behind and go away on her own? Especially without her scroll."

Yang felt a shiver on her back. For some reason, she was worried. She knew her sister could protect herself if she had Crescent Rose – and she clearly had it, since the rifle-scythe was nowhere to be seen – but the fact the thought of her sister needing to defend herself was even coming to mind worried her even more "First let's see if JNPR has seen her. Nora is an early bird, she might have heard something." Without waiting for an answer, she knocked to the room in front of their own. Pyrrha opened, smiling.

"Hello." She said, with a happy tone "Are you ready for today? The Vytal Festival is going to be quite exciting."

"Actually, that's not why we are here." Yang replied, explaining the situation.

"Oh, I'm so sorry for you. Are you sure she didn't leave a note? Disappearing like this is not like her, is it?"

"Well…" Weiss begun, but Yang glared at her.

"Not now, Ice Queen." She said "It's weird, yes. I have no idea where she could be, but she wouldn't leave like this."

Pyrrha nodded, and Nora, Ren and Jaune emerged from behind the door. Clearly, they had been listening. The blonde Hunter-in-training was the first to step out of the door "We should probably look for her." He said "Pyrrha, you go with Blake at the fair, maybe she lost track of time while staying there. Nora, Ren, Weiss, you go to Amity Arena, she would probably go there eventually. Me and Yang will ask around Beacon if anyone has seen her."

Everyone nodded, and Yang noted a smile on Pyrrha's face at seeing Jaune acting like a leader. "Gotta admit, he has gotten better." She thought. There was still room for improvement, but Jaune was becoming far more adept at the role he had been assigned by the Headmaster during initiation. Once everyone was gone, he turned towards her.

"Should we ask the Headmaster, or one of the teachers?"

"No, not yet." Yang replied. If Ruby had just lost track of time somewhere, it would have embarrassed her at the least, probably angered Professor Goodwitch so much she gave her a punishment at the worst "I will go ask Emerald and team CVFY if they have seen her anywhere today. You do the same for Sun, Neptune and... I don't know, anyone else that could know."

Jaune nodded and started walking in one direction, while she immediately went to the other, aiming to Team CVFY's room. As she walked, she noticed Emerald coming her way, No Ruby in sight. She sighed. Ruby had taken a liking for Emerald, so her big sister had hoped they would be hanging together. Nonetheless, she moved toward her "Hello Emerald! Have you seen Ruby anywhere today?"

Emerald looked surprised for a moment, before shaking her head "Haven't seen her since yesterday, so sorry." She said with a worried look "Did something happen?"

"Yeah, we can't find her anywhere. Seems to have vanished in the night." Yang said. She was not surprised to see Emerald frown and look quite worried. She had always seemed nice "Well, if you see her, tell her I am going to smack her for getting me so worried." And stormed off, leaving Emerald behind.

She made it just over a corner, and everything went red, like she had entered a pit of fire. She instinctively readied Ember Celica, but then realized she was… falling forward, for lack of a better term.

Chosen of Kam Urog, Yellow Flame of Remnant, find your way in this world. The Blessing of Din is with you." Said a deep, booming voice in her head. Then she was rolling in the dirt, coughing. She stood up, shaking her head to clean herself from grass and dirt, and resumed her guard, Ember Celica raised high.

"Come out here you sneaky asshole!" She shouted, looking around. No one in sight except for her. She was in a small clearing filled with weird statues. Around her were steep stone walls that looking up she could see were in reality a steep mountainside. The only way left was a short valley with rocks and trees, blocking her view of what was ahead. Her mind started to race wildly. Was she sent to another part of Remnant? Where? Had this happened to Ruby too? How? When?

She took out her scroll. No contact with Blake's, Weiss', or anyone else's. The only exception was Ruby's Scroll, but that was of course because she had it in her pocket. 'Wait, that means I am out of range of the CCT. How far did they send me?'

The best explanation she had by that point was that someone's Semblance had sent her here, wherever this was. Yang didn't know anyone with that kind of power, but it wasn't impossible. In fact, it might have explained what she had seen on the train during the Breach, though she had no idea if it had even been real.

Deciding that to think about it wasn't going to help with the situation, she walked on. 'I swear if find whoever did this and break his legs.' She thought grimly. The road took her to a larger valley, surrounded by steep cliffs like the one she had left, but much larger, with a clear road and a large river. She could barely see an encampment of some kind on an island. She could not clearly see who was in there, but knowing bandits could be a problem in many locations outside the Kingdoms, she chose to lay low and walk down the road, heading west.

She did so for a while, with only a hunch to decide the direction and seeing no one except a few grasshoppers and herons, when she reached another, larger woodland and she finally ran in a man with darker skin and white hair, with a weird way of walking and bags under his eyes. She also noticed his long, pointed ears. All in all, it made her think of the dark elves from Maze&Monsters, the game her sister had made her play a few times. She liked card games more though.

"Hi." She said, approaching him, and noticing with that his clearly overflowing backpack "Can I ask something?"

The man smiled, and made a deep bow "Why, certainly. One like you south of the old lands of Hytopia is quite the rare sight those days. Did the fame of the great Teli reach that far? In that case, fret no further, for it is I, Teli, the Guardian components hunter."

Yang groaned internally, realizing the guy was another Professor Port. In the end, she elected to just ask. "So, uh, Teli, I am lost. Would you mind telling me where I am?"

"Of course not. These are the woods near Fort Hateno. If you continue this way you will travel through the Blatchery Plains and reach the Dueling Peaks Stable. Though that is a tough journey: there are a lot of Bokoblins in the Plain. You would do best traveling with someone else."

Yang tried to figure out what the guy was saying. She had never heard of any of those places, and had no idea what a 'Pokoblin' was, though it might have been a form of Grimm she didn't know. "Sorry if this question sounds weird, but which kingdom is the closest? Vale or Mistral?" She asked. Vacuo was a desert and Atlas a frozen tundra, so she knew she wasn't near one or the other. Hopefully, the answer was going to be Vale.

The white-haired man blinked for a moment, in confusion "I don't know of any Vale or Mistral, are those other human kingdoms?" He frowned "Well, this is Hyrule of course, though there isn't any kingdom to speak of at this point. The closest would be Zora's Domain I suppose, up in Lanayru." He replied after a moment.

Now Yang was wondering if the guy was joking. Not knowing which Kingdom was close enough was already weird, but even going as far as to say he didn't know the Kingdoms at all, and talking of more places she knew nothing about, was insane. "I'm sorry man, but I don't understand. I have never heard of any Irule, or Zoras Domain, or Lanaryu. Any idea which part of Remnant this is at least?"

"Rem… nant?" He asked.

Yang's eyes flared red and she grabbed his shoulders, pulling him up from the ground "Listen man, today was a bad day. My sister is gone, and then someone sent me away from her and my team. So, either you start speaking something that isn't nonsense, or I show you why most criminals I have met call me sir!"

The man shrieked "I… I don't know what you are talking about! I have never heard of any Remnant, or Mistral, or Vale! I only know…" He lighted up "Wait, wait! I know! Purah, she will know!"


"A researcher that lives in a lab near Hateno Village! She knows a lot of stuff! She should be able to help you! Please!"

Yang thought about it. This guy clearly wasn't going to be any help, but this Village was probably going to be a good idea. Even if this Purah turned out to not be the right answer, a Village so far away from any Kingdom was most likely going to at least have a Huntsman or Huntress in town. And certainly, they would have a solution. "Fine. Can you lead the way?"

"At once!" Teli replied, beginning to walk, almost running. Yang followed him. She was going to figure out a way back home soon.


"I can't get in touch with Yang anymore." Blake said, her amber eyes fixed on her scroll, a worried expression on her face.

"What?!" Pyrrha asked loudly, and Blake lowered her ears slightly at the sudden outburst of sound. Pyrrha put a hand on her mouth, blushing slightly "I'm sorry. Just… You think Yang is gone too?"

Blake's eyes narrowed as she thought. A Scroll's signal disappearing meant either it was broken, or Yang wasn't in the CCT reach. Since the latter was impossible, the only solution left was that the Scroll was broken. "Knowing her she probably crashed it in frustration, it happened before." Blake replied, though she was not convinced. Yang was hotheaded, but she wasn't stupid. A quick check showed Blake Ruby's Scroll was gone as well, and she felt a shiver. Yang had that one as well. "Ok, this is serious. Pyrrha, call Jaune, I will call Weiss. We are going to Professor Ozpin."

Pyrrha nodded and took up her phone, turning as Jaune responded. Blake took her own, and selected Weiss' number… then a ray of light shot from the screen, and she felt herself fly. Or rather swim, as she found herself dragged in a great mass of water. As she traversed this shining sea, she heard a voice.

"Chosen of Sho Kofi, Black Beast of Remnant, find your way in this world. The Blessing of Nayru is with you." The voice declared, and it was both in her head and all around her. Blake found herself land on her knees on a large platform, next to a small building of unknown nature. She sputtered, but there was no water in her lungs, despite how she had felt just moments ago. She shakily stood up and took out Gamble Shroud, her Scroll falling to the ground as she did so. The screen cracked, and Blake grunted. 'Just what I needed.' She thought, looking around. She was on a small clearing, with nothing but the building and a few trees next to her. A great river flowed between the mountains in front of her, and a bridge, decorated in a style she did not recognize, was right to her left, down the slope she was on. She looked down. A barely visible pathway headed to the bridge, near some rocks, including a weirdly colored one. And weirdly shaped…

She took out Gamble Shroud and shot. The bullet hit it's mark, and a blue creature that looked like a human sized chameleon with a sword stood up. Blake frowned. Grimm did not use human tools, and the color was wrong, so how could that be a Grimm? The creature however was snarling and roaring like any Grimm would, futilely extending his tongue and waving his great sword. She thought for a moment. "Can you speak?!" She shouted. The creature just continued snarling "Leave now, or I will shot you!" She shouted again. The only response was the tongue extending once more. 'Dammit.' Blake thought. The creature was clearly aggressive, but was also clearly intelligent enough to wield weapons and hold a grudge. What if she was about to shot something that wasn't dangerous without harm?

Her doubts were however quickly stopped. A tall creature, somewhere between two and a half and three meters judging at a glance, with the head shaped like a shark, emerged from the nearby river and immediately impaled the creature with a swift hit of his trident. The creature roared in agony, then disappeared into darkness, leaving behind only a horn and the sword. The fish-like creature looked up at Blake and smiled, showing a somehow reassuring look despite his enormous, sharp teeth. "You can come down now, I took care of the Lizalfos." Blake nodded, picking up her now cracked scroll, and took a step ahead "Watch out, rain makes the rocks quite slippery, don't…" the tall fishman continued, but Blake simply jumped down, quickly using one of her shadows to stop her fall. "Oh."

"Never seen a Grimm like that." She said, picking up the horn "And I've never heard of a Grimm that leaves behind a piece of his body." She looked up at Sidon, deciding he was definitely close to three meters tall. "Thank you. You are quite peculiar as a Faunus."

Sidon laughed, a booming, cheery laugh, and looked at her with that same secure smile "I am not a 'Faunus', whatever that is. I am a Zora. Prince Sidon of the Zora, in fact. A pleasure to meet a…" He frowned, looking puzzled "A human, this far south?"

Blake lightly touched her bow, confused. This Sidon seemed convinced of what he was saying. Were Zora some sort of aquatic Faunus? Or was this Sidon just that ignorant of his origin. She looked at his trident. No dust chambers or any way to transform. A weapon from the time of the Great War, or even older. Somewhat of an oddity, but she knew Jaune, who had a similar simpler weapon. "I'm Blake. Sidon, I am lost, could you help me go back to Vale? If you know of anywhere where I can get a Scroll repaired, I can probably call for help."

'Prince' Sidon seemed puzzled for a moment, before he shook his head "Well Blake, I don't know where this 'Vale' of yours is, but my father is old and wise, he can certainly help. And our smith is skilled, I am sure he can fix your 'Scroll'. Unless of course it's Sheika tech."

"I don't know what a Sheika is, but I can say this is made by humans." She responded.

"In that case, I feel confident he will make it. Just, watch out. Some of our older folk can be… grumpy, with Hylians and other humans."

Blake nodded, though she did find it ironic. Pretending to be a human was meant to let her blend in and hide her heritage, yet now it was going to make her stand out again. 'Though if these Zora look all like him, perhaps I would stand out either way.' She looked at the giant with an interested look. He was… handsome, in his odd way. Confidence brimmed from his whole presence, and he clearly was sure there was nothing to fear in the region for him and her, so long as he was there.


"What do you mean she is gone?!" Weiss shouted, worried sick.

"I'm sorry! I turned one moment to call Jaune and the next she was gone!" Pyrrha replied. Weiss could hear she was as worried as her. "She was calling you, didn't the call come in?"

Weiss checked her scroll, but there was no lost call. It wasn't like Blake to not do something she had said she would do, so whatever had made her disappear must have really taken a second.

"Ok, listen Pyrrha, we meet up at Ozpin's office, fast. We need to inform them. See if you can find Jaune as well." She said. One thing was Ruby disappearing, two Yang doing the same, but now Blake too? It was too much. She felt Ren's hand on her shoulder, and she begun to calm down. "Thank you." She said, the ninja's Semblance taking effect.

"Don't mention it." Ren replied.

"Yeah, is no big deal." Nora said "Come on Weiss, let's go. We need to take a bullhead back to Beacon." Nora added, walking ahead. Weiss and Ren followed the redhead to the embarking area of Amity Arena. The large machines were mostly letting people out to the Arena, rather than into it. One of them, Weiss noted, was Emerald Sustrai.

"Emerald!" She shouted, walking forward "Can I ask you something? Have you seen Ruby, Yang or Blake today?"

"I met Yang earlier. She said Ruby seems to be gone, is that true?" She asked.


"About two hours ago, in the corridor. She said her sister has vanished earlier today." Emerald replied, confused "You still have not found her?"

"Yes, but now Yang and Blake seem to have vanished as well. We can't figure this out! Is not like them!"

Emerald took a double take "Wait, you mean all of your teammates are gone?!"

"Yes! We are going to tell Professor Ozpin. Can you keep an eye out for them while we are there? If any of them shows up send them to us."

"Good idea." The girl said. Weiss could tell she was thinking about something else, then added "I also told the rest of my team. If they find out anything, we will know."

"Thank you!" Weiss said "I appreciate it so much!"

"Don't mention it. What are friends for if we don't help." She added with a smile.

Weiss thanked her profusely before her, Nora and Ren took the bullhead back. The last she saw of Emerald was her taking out her Scroll, probably to tell Cinder. She smiled 'Good thing we made some friends. Thanks to Ruby, I should add.'

"Thinking about it, this means CVFY doesn't know about the situation, right?"

"I'll go tell them, if you want." Nora said.

"We probably shouldn't go around alone." Ren replied "In fact, if what happened with Blake is any indication, even losing sight of each other is out of the question. So no, we should all stick together."

Weiss nodded, and Nora did the same after a moment. They walked on to the Professor's office, meeting Pyrrha and Jaune on the way. Jaune informed them Neptune and Sun had not seen any of the girls, but were going to look for more, and Pyrrha said none of them were at the fair, including Blake. Weiss nodded, her heart beating faster from the fear. Where was everyone? What was going on? 'Ozpin would know. He must know something!'

She, Ren and Pyrrha crossed in the room first, knowing Jaune and Nora were right behind… and then there was a swarm of feathers. Red and purple, all over them. Weiss felt herself float and then land. A voice echoed in her head. 'Oh, Chosen of Tena Ko'Sah, White Snowflake of Remnant. You will be given Champions to accompany you. May the blessing of Hylia lead you to save both worlds."

Then, Weiss, Ren and Pyrrha stumbled on the ground near a small temple surrounded by ruins and, more in the distance, flat mountaintops. Off in the distance, a weird rock formation was visible, and above it what looked like some sort of flying machine. They only had a second to process all this, before a bubble of black goo appeared and burst open next to them. With loud coughing and sputtering, Emerald Sustrai looked at the three, as confused as they were.