It was almost closing time when Harry heard the bell indicating someone was entering the diner. All other customers had left, as well as the cook. He had his backed turned to the door wiping down some of the tables

"Kitchen's closed, but I can get you a pie or some coffee," he said turning to the new customer, only to come face to face with Tony Stark.

"I'll always take some coffee, but what I really want is a DNA sample" Tony said, trying to make light of the situation.

"Look mate, I'm not into any of that stuff," Harry said trying to act nonchalant and clueless.

"I think you and I both know what I'm here about. And I think you already have your suspicions about what you think is the truth. How could you not when your face looks so similar to mine. I've only seen eyes like yours one other time in my life. Lily Evans…She's your mom right? She has to be, because you have to be my son, and if your my son then she's your mom…"

"I really have no clue what you are talking about. I think you need to leave now."

"I'm not leaving without you. I don't really require a DNA sample, I can see the truth. You have two choices: you can come with me or I can call the police. I'm curious what the cops would think of a kid living by himself in the middle of New York City."

"They wouldn't care, as I'm emancipated" Harry glared at the threat.

"Ah, but what would they think of this fine diner not reporting your work to the IRS." Harry was sensing there would be no victory for him tonight, but he had to give it one last shot.

"Please, you don't want to do this. I don't know you, but I've seen enough. Do you really want a kid to take care of? A reckless bothersome teenager. That's not your style. You're more of the live free playboy type…"

"You're right about one thing, you don't know me. I don't know how long you've known about me, but you should have told me. Every day that went by that you kept your secret to yourself you deprived me of my son. MY SON. I can see it in your face that you knew. Is that why you came to NYC, to find me, but decided I wasn't good enough when you got here? You'd rather live in a hovel than with me? I refuse to allow it any more. You have turned me into my father and I didn't even know it."

Harry had to think, but he knew Tony would not be allowing him to go anywhere without him. So he sat down at the counter and laid his head on his arms, much like his primary school teacher used to make the students do. Should he risk it, risk being caught for the chance to get to know his father? Should he tell him the truth, his father had seen aliens and monsters, could he handle having Harry as a son? He could risk doing some small magic and apparate away. Finally he took a deep breath and looked at Tony.

"When I came to NYC, I didn't know. My mom had kept a diary that I found when I was younger. It described this magical city that had so many new and exciting things. I came here to somehow be closer to her. It's all I've ever know about her. I still believed my dad was my biological dad. She talked about you in her diary, this great friend she had made in her internship. I could tell she had a crush, and I wanted to meet anyone that had known her. I didn't really know much about your company, hadn't really researched it. In fact my landlord laughed when I asked if he had heard of Stark industries. I went to Stark tower the same day I moved into my flat. I suspected the truth when I saw your poster on your wall. Everyone had always said that I looked exactly like my dad, but I never saw it. I guess maybe the glasses I used to wear (I wear contacts now) and the hair, but when I saw your picture it was looking at an aged picture of myself."

"How long ago was that?" Tony asked gently.

"About 6 months ago."

"Why not come to me in those 6 months, why not meet me? You are obviously struggling to make ends meet. I could have been there for you."

"You may be my father, but you are also famous. I would never have the peace I have now, if it came out that I was your son. My picture would be plastered across every newspaper. That's not the life I want. My mom obviously kept if from you for a reason. Maybe she felt the same way."

"I'm not really giving you the option any longer. I know that you are emancipated, but I can guarantee that any court system will assign to the biological father of a what 13? 14? year old?"

"I'm 15, as you should know if you did the math. Look, you really don't know the whole story. You really don't want me. I promise."

"And I promise that nothing could make me not want you. What would make you come with me willingly?"

"A guarantee that no one will know where I am. The emancipation papers are not exactly 100% legit. I had some help getting the file in the system."

"So you're a runaway. Want to explain what your running from?"


"Ok then, well, I'm sure I could get Dr. Strange to do some voodoo and make sure no one recognizes you, but it'll have to wait until he comes back to the tower. In the mean time we can get to know each other. Now, let's go you can show me your apartment while we pack."

Harry reluctantly led Tony Stark to his flat. He wasn't embarrassed by it. It was more than an adequate place to live, but he knew that the man beside him would find some major issues with it. He just thanked the Lord that his books were unrecognizable to the muggle eye unless they were aware of magic. The walk was a short one and Harry caught a glance at Tony Stark's face as he unlocked the flat. Pure disdain, he thought with a sigh.

"How long did you say you had been living here?" Tony asked, obviously upset.

"Around 6 months. Look I know it's not much, but believe me: being here is much better than where I was living."

"What were you on the streets before?"

Harry's eyes hardened, "No, but even that would have been preferable to my aunt and uncle's house"

Tony didn't know how words from someone he had met an hour ago could effect him so much, but the fact that his son would have rather lived on the streets than with his relatives said a lot. No matter how much he disliked his father, it had not ever been that bad.

"What happened to your mom?"

"She and my dad, or um my stepdad I guess, died when I was a baby. I never really knew her" Tony was silent for the rest of the time as Harry packed his meager belongings. Everything he owned fit into one trunk. Tony was already making plans to change that, especially his wardrobe that looked at least 6 sizes too large.

Harry finished packing within 15 minutes, shut the lid, and placed an extremely fancy looking broom on top of the trunk. Strange, Tony thought, most expensive looking object he owns is a broom.

"You don't have to bring a broom. I have a cleaning company come in every day." Tony said out loud to break the silence.

"It's a special broom to me. An inside joke, I guess you can say." Harry said, not offering much explanation, but that was that. Tony hefted the trunk into his arms to carry down the stairs, not believing Harry would even be able to lift it, much less carry it. Harry smiled at the help and followed behind. There was a fancy black limo waiting on the street by the flat and Harry figured that Tony must have texted the driver to bring the car around.

"Happy this is Mark, Mark this is Happy my bodyguard," Harry reached out his hand to greet the man who looked flabbergasted by Harry.

"Nice to meet you," Harry greeted in his British accent.

"Woah boss, since when did you have a British kid?"

"Apparently 15 years, not that anyone thought to inform me until today. He's gonna be living with me from now on." Harry sighed and prayed that this would work out for the good of everyone.

"Most of the Avengers live at the tower, but rarely are they all there at one time. Would you like me to gather everyone there so you can get to know them all at one time? Or would you rather settle in first?"
"Could I possibly have a shower and change clothes. I would rather not smell like a greasy spoon when I meet all your friends, technically not how I really wanted to meet you."

"But technically, you didn't want meet me at all though did you?" Tony said slightly bitter. Harry looked down ashamed and not knowing what to say.

"Here let me show you where your room is. I'm sorry, I didn't have time to decorate as I only just learnt about you, so you will be in a spare room, but you can decorate as you want."

"I'm not really picky. I'm sure whatever you choose will be fine. I'll probably only use it to sleep. I usually go to the library in the morning, then from around 12-8 I go to work."

"I can get you whatever books you want to read, and you won't need to work there anymore. Fifteen year olds go to school. I'll be enrolling you in Midtown High School, one of my interns goes there and I think you'll get along great. You have a lot in common."

"I already have my GCSEs. I'm not going to some High School where I will be bored stiff."

"Fine, we will enroll you in college, but you are not working in a diner everyday all day. You are a child."

"I am not a child!" Harry forced out, but then he stopped and thought. The idea of college had crossed his mind, but he knew he would not be able to afford living and going to college. It seemed like an ideal opportunity. If he could get a college degree before going back to England that would be one more way out of the wizarding world after the war ended.

"I wouldn't mind enrolling in college,"Harry agreed quietly. "Thank you for that opportunity, Mr. Stark. I'm not really sure where I am academically. I tested out when I was twelve and haven't been to school since. I do independent study, but I'm not exactly sure how far I am."

"Call me Tony, Mr. Stark was my father. I'll get someone to come and test you, Mark. Here we are, your new room. I'll let you get the group together. I think it's only Bruce and Capsicle right now."

Harry nodded, he was not quite sure how his presence would be handled and that definitely gave him some cause for worry. "What about your fiancee? Did you talk to her about me?"

Tony's eyes widened and he groaned out loud. Harry would have laughed if he wasn't completely nervous now that he knew the woman had no knowledge of him. Just what any engage woman wants; a surprise teenage stepson, Harry thought.

"Yeah, I just realized I have an important call to make… Just ask Jarvis directions to the kitchen when your done." With that Tony practically ran out of the room before Harry could even ask who Jarvis was…