A/N: I don't own Supernatural nor Harry Potter duh.
A/N: Hey if you haven't checked out my youtube, please check out. A new video is up, here is the link...put after the in youtube watch?v=Dao2rVOEuqU
^.^. Dao2rVOEuqU
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IG: Shannon Gallagher Studios
Happy Reading!
Chapter 4
There is nothing reliable in what they say; Their inward part is destruction itself. Their throat is an open grave; They flatter with their tongue. Destroy thou them, O God; let them fall by their own counsels; cast them out in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against thee.
~Psalm 5:9-10~
Hogwarts November 3rd, 1988
Headmaster's Office
Fawkes was startled awake as the floo burst into green flame. The Phoenix nearly falling off his perch.
He ruffled his feathers in annoyance as first one arm came through the flame, then his master's head came out, following the rest of his body.
Albus Dumbledore stretched as he dusted off the floo soot from his bright magenta robes. Beard rustling as the last vestiges of ash fell to the floor. He glanced up at his familiar's irritated trills.
A chuckle died in his throat as he took in the state of his office. His heart going cold. Glass littered the floor, his trinkets that monitored Harry Potter lay in pieces on the shelves.
Papers scattered, his chair fallen on its side, desk singed by magical power. With panic clouding his mind he about-faced. Hand thrusting into his jar of floo powder.
Throwing a handful into the red fire turning it green once more.
"Arabella Figg! Privet Drive!" He shouted then walked into the flames and disappeared.
Fawkes eyed the fireplace in worry before warmth filled him again, this time calling out to him.
Fawkes tilted his head listening for a moment as whispered words sounded through the room. Beckoning him. He trilled out questioningly, then answered the call. Vanishing in a burst of flame.
Arabella Figg Number 8 Privet Drive
November 3rd, 1988
Albus Dumbledore quickly walked out of the fireplace at Figg's house. His eyes darting around, magic automatically disillusioning him as he caught sight of the muggle officers roaming the room.
The fading wallpaper was peeling and window glass tinted yellow from lack of cleaning.
He stepped quickly around the men wearing rubber gloves, taking samples of the hairs on couches and blood on the floor.
He could feel bile rising in the back of his throat as the smell of rotting flesh met his nose. He put a hand over his mouth as he waved his wand to get rid of the scents surrounding him.
He followed the line of blood to see Arabella's cats dead with their eyes burned from their skulls. Dozens of them lay still around the den.
Blood pooling around their heads. What could have done this? A sick feeling began to fill him and dread crept up his spine as he walked into the entryway where he could hear the sound of the most voices.
He choked, hopping over the officer that was placing a sheet over the body of Arabella, Albus raced out of the house. He ran as fast as his feet would carry him.
Trying to get that eyeless face from his mind. He pushed it behind occulemency barriers. Eyes scanning the street noting the dozens of vehicles with flashing lights.
Officers and paramedics carrying the dead out of every house. He prayed to any deity that would listen that whatever happened here their savior had escaped the same fate.
Jumping over a trash can in a surprisingly nimble display for his age he came abruptly to a stop as he saw body bags being carted out of number 4 Privet Drive.
Smoke steaming from where the heads would be. Two big ones and a small one the size of a child.
Quickly he cast a spell at the small bag to find Dudley Dursley inside. He wouldn't go into the house, thinking he could not stomach what he would find.
He scanned the minds of the first officer he came across. He was one of the men who had searched the house.
Dumbledore breathed a sigh of relief to find that Harry was still alive. He turned on his heel and apparated.
Dumbledore arrived at the London Police station to find chaos. Still, under a heavy disillusion spell, he observed.
All the windows had been blown out, paramedics were everywhere, tending to those that were heavily wounded from the explosion.
The noise level of the station was enough to rupture his eardrums. Albus wasted no time in scanning the minds of those around them to find out where Harry was.
He quickly headed to the interrogation rooms praying the child would be there. What he found made his blood turn to ice, blood ran along the floor, pooling around the five men that were miraculously unharmed.
Glass littered the floor here too and there was a strange black ashy substance on the ground near a black-haired man that was staring in awe at the boy.
Harry Potter was up against a wall with some sort of dark creature leaning over him. The darkness that was coming from the man choked Albus, clogging his throat. He couldn't breathe, doubling over.
His magic gathered about to lash out as the creature kissed the young boy's forehead. Icy dread filled him as he fell to his knees under the weight of the creature's power.
He only managed to mouth a weak "no" as he blinked. Then Harry Potter and the creature were gone.
The Virgin Komi Forests
Ural Mountains, Russia
November 3rd, 1988
Freak crumpled to the ground, gasping for air to rid himself of the taint the stain's touch inflicted upon him.
Blatant disbelief clouded his mind. Knees landing on moist dirt, hands pressing into the soil, leaves crinkling as his fingers brushed them.
His right fisted around his treasure dug into the earth, pulsing out the warmth as he got his breathing under control. He could feel the dark one walk around to stand somewhere off to Freak's right.
Emerald eyes focused upon the grains of dirt, observing the life as the earth beneath him breathed with his own.
Worms squirmed around in the foliage of decaying leaves that added nutrients to the ground. The wind caressed his cheeks as the sounds of life filled his ears. Freak lifted his head to let out a soft gasp.
A vast body of water was in front of him, so clear it reflected the red ball of light and white fluff in the sky.
Tall trees dwarfed him, lining the still water, great land masses rising toward the heavens in the distance. Euphoria filled him, never had Freak seen something so beautiful.
The warmth spreading to his limbs giving him the strength to move. He stood and walked toward the water's edge with hesitant steps. Once there he let the gentle lapping of the calm waves soothe him.
A smile spread across his face as the fluffy material he wore absorbed the water. The whispers rose and fell with the gentle rhythm of the waves and the symphony of the forest. Freak couldn't believe it.
He glanced at the red stain out of the corner of his eye. The dark one was standing with his back straight, hands in pockets, and gazing out into the distance.
Aside from the tainted touch of the dark one, Freak felt cleaner and lighter now than he had in his whole life.
The dark one must be a Freak too, he decided. How else could they have appeared here in this beautiful place?
When only moments before they were in that grey room with those men. Crouching down, Freak gently cradled his treasure and rinsed it in the water. Eyes fluttering closed as energy swept through him at the contact.
He could feel the life in the water pulse. He could see it. The whispers heightened. Fish swimming, algae growing, creatures hunting. He opened his eyes till he was staring heavy-lidded out to the landmasses in the distance.
He wondered what it would be like to stand at the top of one. Perhaps he could reach heaven if he climbed high enough. The whispers hummed amusement. A chuckle interrupted his musings.
He glanced to his right, idly observing how the fading light cast shadows across the dark one's face, making his red eyes shine.
"Enjoying yourself, are you?" The wrongness asked.
"Yes," Freak simply replied, the whispers a quiet murmur. Making his voice echo just a bit. The stain let out a sigh and moved his hands back into his pockets that had been covering his ears.
"Good, cause we will be here for a while yet. This is what people call a forest, far away from civilization. Where we don't have to worry about killing what we don't want to be killing."
Freak only hummed a response as he lazily trailed his fingers in the cool water. Fascinated by the small black creatures that followed the digits and nipped at his toes. Eyes alight in wonder.
"We didn't really have the time back there, but what's your name little one?"
The dark one inquired, curiously.
"My tormentors called me a number of things, the abomination, boy, ungrateful whelp. But the one they used the most was Freak, so I assume that is my name."
The dark one went rigid for a moment as he absorbed the information.
"Freak isn't a name lad, it's a thing one calls someone they believe is lesser than themselves. I certainly am not going to be calling you Freak so we will just have to come up with something else. Have any preference?" The dark one asked.
Freak tilted his head in thought. The whispers were screaming now, so loud his eyes were watering.
Freak closed his eyes allowing the life of the forest to soothe him as he put to words what the whispers were telling him.
"Then from now on, I will be Ascha Nanaeel and Freak no more." Green eyes opening to staring into the dark one's red.
Noticing that his face had drained of color and the smile had turned into a tense line.
"Is something wrong dark one?" Freak now known as Ascha asked. The dark one visibly gulped and smiled a tight smile. Sweat gathering at his brow, he shook his head.
"No, nothing at all. Let's get to work shall we?"
Ascha smiled. His treasure singing with the whispers in his mind in tune with the forest. Then Ascha laughed for the first time.
The bright sound echoing through the valley. Chiming like bells in the setting ball of fire.
The coming night heralding a new chapter in his life that would soon change the world. Though neither he nor the dark one knew that just yet. For a new dawn was coming and Ascha would be there to light the way.
A/N: Thank you for reading!
A/N: I don't own Supernatural nor Harry Potter duh.
A/N: Hey if you haven't checked out my youtube, please check out. A new video is up, here is the link...put after the on youtube
youtube Dao2rVOEuqU
Follow me on Facebook to Shannon Gallagher Studios
IG: Shannon Gallagher Studios