Hi, my name is Phil Eggtree Jr. My Mom is Smiley, My father is Phil Eggtree Sr. Once, my Dad told me how he escaped school once, and stopped aliens from freezing Earth. I'm grounded because I escaped school, too! This is my story...

Riddle School: The Next Generation

Here I am. In a "Special Class", which I know is detention. I look around for things to help me escape. All I see is my pencil. "Hey, Vice Principal Ray," I begin. "Can I sharpen my pencil?" I ask. "Make it fast" he answers, looking at his computer.

In the hall: I open my locker, and grab the hall pass I sto- er, I mean, FOUND, and showed it to Richard Pitchard, Jr. "Screw you" he says. I go upstairs, where Ricard's locker's at I steal his 3 quarters. 75 cents? I still needed another quarter for Chub Munch Jr. I go into the bathroom.

"A broom in the stall? I guess Janitor 5 lost it. 5's Dad, 808, used to be RS'S janitor, but retired last year, then his son took over. Dad actually went to school with 5. I exit the bathroom and enter the janitors closet.

"I found the broom in the bathroom." I say, handing it to 5. He gives me a quarter. I locate Chub in front of the principal's office. "Here's a dollar for a pack of Oreo's" I say. He grabs the money and is gone with the wind. I enter. The Principal is watching Family Guy on his computer. I grab the key and take off. I get out the door and see Mom and Dad. Turns out, the vice Principal called my parents after I left the room.

After a series of spankings, I was sent to my room. Needless to say, I learned a valuable lesson: stay in school... THE END.