Chapter 12

In the recent and creepy choice of words of Billy Butcher, Daddy's home! Zayden StormVoid here once again with another chapter of MHA watches Death Battle now with more Death Battles to watch!

Last time, we had a little interlude chapter where the fragile secrets of OFA and Izuku and Bakugou's past were almost revealed to the group by my intervention, Aizawa now knows about One For All, the girls of Izuku's unofficial harem talked about how they feel for the green bean, Setsuna and Izuku became close, and the Shield Family has arrived at U.A. Yeah, maybe it wasn't actually little.

Now, we get back to the Death Battle reactions that you guys are here for, but first, to the reviews:

Dracus: Exactly.

Ultimate Savior: Oh I definitely am excited to write it and have the cast react to another secret that no one other Midoriya knows.

Darkness Rissing: Its my words are coming out of your mouth. And yep, it was me being just being a bored and conniving dick, and that idea does sound interesting, but sadly for now, I am the only one watching over this world, anyone else tries and they might get a scolding from the Council of Ricks. I won't say much about who this traitor is, mostly because the manga hasn't said it yet, but a device that level of information is too good to not at least to take. As for the lady Death Battle...huh...intriguing...and as it stands currently with Deku, even in the manga, I don't would win that fight in his current state, probably the reason why he has not been given a fight, despite Todoroki, All Might, and even Bakugou have. The blonde explosive was in the DBX fights against Yang.

duskrider: I wanted to give each girl a legitimate reason as to why they would fall for the green bean and its not hard when said green bean can charm the socks out of anyone and has a habit of helping others even when they don't want it.

Eldrozul: That fanfic is actually what got me on board to the MomoxIzuku ship so I guess the fic rubbed off on me and inspired it, so thanks to the author for that.

OmniUlShaggyOverexaggerated: If you read my first chapter of Welcome to the MCU, me as the watcher and interferer should have been seen from a mile away. And thankfully, the man is still kicking in the manga however that is still up for debate. I wanted each of the girls to have a reason to fall for Izuku that tied mostly to their character and personality so that they would click smoothly instead of it being half-assed. And yep, I couldn't pass the opportunity to not include the Council of Ricks. Yeah, everyone of MHA would pale in comparison to the other watchers and multiversal entities that the multiverse has to offer. Magic practically trumps any superpower, I mean Doctor Strange can give even Superman a run for his money.

PandakaiLove: Yes it was, and I strongly suggest not saying 'his' name again or we might have a Beetlejuice situation here. And yeah, Bakugou might have turned over a new leaf but every dog has its day and karma isn't merciful to anybody, no matter how much character development a person goes through. Plus, if you infer correctly, Izuku has been on the receiving end of Bakugou for almost all his life, that's 11 Years worth of bullying, illegal quirk usage and borderline physical and psychological assault, that shit ain't just going to be slid under the rug, fanfiction or canon. And who knows, I may be the kind of asshole that will just interfere again and straight up shout it at them...or I could leave that to a certain 4th wall-breaking merc.

Steelrain66: To each their own, if I didn't pair Mina and Jirou with Izuku, those two would have been next and I'm already feeling guilty over it. Also, if the pervert of a red dragon can handle all those demonic and hot chicks than my boy Deku can certainly handle his harem situation too. Also, I prefer Random Omnipotent Bastard, sounds more amusing and factually true.

Review answering done, chapter time is now. Here is the index:

"Zayden." -Normal Dialogue

'Zayden.' -Internal or Mental Dialogue

"Zayden." -Wizard Dialogue

"Zayden." -Boomstick or buff All Might Dialogue

"Zayden." -Device, combatants, or fight dialogue

And with that said and done, as always, I don't own My Hero Academia, Death Battle, or any of other franchises that are represented in previous, current, or future chapters, credit and rights belong to their creators, Horikoshi and Bones Studios for MHA and Roosterteeth and DB channel of DB.

Now, enough talk, ITS TIME FOR A DEATH BATTLE!

Bomberman vs Dig Dug

Third POV

After another day of classes passed by, which included lots of anxious students, the students, teachers, and heroes gathered towards the gym.

"I told you guys, I'm fine." Izuku said to his persistent classmates.

"But what if you have another episode, Izuku." Momo pestered worryingly. "It's not healthy to experience such attacks so often."

"I got checked out by Recovery Girl and made sure those episodes won't happen again." Izuku insisted. "I'm alright. No need to worry."

The class wasn't fully convinced, especially after what Izuku told them about the cause of the episodes (choosing to omit anything regarding OFA or Setsuna finding out), but they decided to drop it knowing that trying to convince Izuku to stop doing something would be like asking Bakugou not to swear.

Izuku turned to Mineta, who was walking behind Izuku nervously, probably worried that one wrong move or comment would cause Izuku to attack again. Izuku slowed down and walked beside the shorter teen and said "Hey Mineta."

"*Gulp* Y-Yeah?" Mineta said nervously.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for you know, what happened yesterday." Izuku apologized. "I didn't mean to go overboard and everything."

Mineta looked at the green-haired kid in shock before saying "No no, its cool. I totally had that coming. Although I won't forgive you for ridding me of seeing that super hot cat chick."

"Even if said 'super hot' cat chick ended up getting killed right in front of your eyes?" Izuku asked.

Mineta paused and his eyes suddenly widened in horror. "I take that back. Apology fully accepted."

"So still friends?" Izuku asked.

"Wait, you see me as your friend?" Mineta asked shocked.

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" Izuku asked confused as if he asked the simplest question in the world.

Mienta was shocked before smiling and responded "Yeah, friends."

Izuku and Mineta smiled before Izuku gained a serious look "But I hope that we never have to do a repeat of last time. Right?"

Mineta shivered in fear, especially the last part that sounded more of an order than a request. "Yep!"

Meanwhile, behind them Sero and Kaminari walked, their eyes droopy and tired. "He should be apologizing to us too." Sero said. "Took us hours to find Mineta from where Midoriya tied him up."

"Yeah." Kaminari said. "I mean Mineta is my friend too but the purple bastard practically deserved his punishment. We on the other hand had to find him and pull him up. It took So long that I barely got any sleep.*Yawn*"

As the students gathered into the gym all anxious to get to their seats and watch the next videos, Nezu came up to speak.

"Thank you for convening here so quickly." Nezu said. "Now before we get seated and started, I would like to announce a few things. Firstly, Kamui Woods and Death Arms as you may see will not be joining us today. They are called away on hero duties, but will keep the secret of this device. Also we have two new guests today that will be joining us for the videos."

Nezu gestured to the doors where they opened on time to reveal David and Melissa Shield.

"Melissa!" Izuku exclaimed excited.

"Izuku!" Melissa exclaimed excited as well, running over to drag the green haired teen into a hug, one where the green cinnamon roll had his head pressed between her breasts.

The guys snickered and groaned respectively about what seemed like another girl interested in Midoriya, much to the green bean's obliviousness. Mineta was meanwhile crying blood in a corner while Kaminari awkwardly pats him on the back, keeping a distance at the bloodworks.

The girls of Class-1A, Nejire, Mei, and Setsuna immediately gained a malevolent aura around them. 'Another rival!' They though menacingly.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" Melissa yelled, releasing the near suffocated OFA successor, after blushing and realizing what she was doing in plain view of everyone. "I'm so sorry, Izuku. I guess I was just so excited to see a friend again."

"No no it's ok." Izuku reassured her. "I'm really glad you are here too. You as well Mr. Shield!"

"Thank you, Midoriya." Dave said gratefully, Toshinori standing beside him with a smile.

"Wait, All Might, you knew they were coming?!" Izuku figured out and asked. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"I wanted it to be a surprise." All Might said. "Plus, after what happened with the device and last night, I guess it must of slipped my mind."

"Um not to be buzzkill over this sweet reunion." Mina said, her left eye jealousy twitching at the sweet part. "But can someone tell us what's going on here?"

"Everyone, meet David Shield and his daughter Melissa Shield." Nezu introduced.

Most of the students immediately recognized the Shield name and gushed over the famous David Shield, the world-renowned inventor that was a partner of All Might while he was in America. Mei was so excited over meeting the Support Item building legend that it took several students to hold her back from rushing over to Dave or her daughter.

"Now now, calm down students." Nezu order to which the students complied. "Now that we have that settled, we will watch some more Death Battle videos. As for the seating arrangement, I will have Ms. Shield sit in between Midoriya and Uraraka and Mr. Shield behind All Might."

Uraraka was definitely not pleased being separated from Izuku, while the rest for the girls, while secretly, pettily happy that Uraraka was held back in the their race for Izuku's heart, they also didn't like that Melissa suddenly was so close to Midoriya. Momo and Kyouka knew of their closeness that formed during I-Island, especially when they and Uraraka encountered the two of what looked like a date. Setsuna was also pissed that she was still the furthest from Izuku, especially since their budding friendship from last night.

They were especially not happy when they saw Melissa smile brightly Izuku who delivered his own nervous smile. Izuku felt a dark chill run up his spine as he turned to find all of the girls of his class, plus, Mei, Nejire, and Setsuna starting at him with dark eyes of jealousy.

As Izuku fended them off for his life, All Might whispered to Nezu. "Nezu, sir, why did you do that? Not that I'm not grateful that Melissa and Izuku are getting along, but you just basically sent Young Midoriya to the worst hell imaginable. A woman's wrath. Worst yet, multiple women's' wraith."

"You've seen how Midoriya has a knack for attracting women to him. I thought you would be overjoyed to have Melissa to take an interest in Young Midoriya?" Nezu explained.

All Might froze and looked to the two kids, and contemplated. Even All Might could admit to himself that he started to view Midoriya as a son he never had, much like Nana to him was like a mother, and he was practically Melissa's uncle and godfather. So having the two get together would a family.

All Might smiled.

"Plus, I find Young Midoriya's girl drama to be entertaining." Nezu chuckled with a dark grin.

All Might's smile faltered. 'Scratch that.' All Might thought. 'The boy is going to die before he ever graduates.'

After Izuku survived the girls, they all sat themselves in their new seats, Uraraka still glaring daggers at the back of Melissa's oblivious head.

Mei activated the device, which drew the attention of the two Shields. They were already informed by how it worked by a run down from Nezu during classes but seeing it action was intriguing none the less.

Mei pressed the button to the next video and it played, the familiar rocking music playing.

"Oh man I almost forgot how rocking this music sounds!" Kaminari exclaimed.

"Shut Up So We Can Watch, Sparkplug!" Bakugou yelled.

"Doesn't look like he has changed much, huh?" Melissa asked Izuku.

"Yeah, classic Kacchan." Izuku said.

"Today, two experts of destruction and masters of terrain will fight to the bitter end." Wiz starts.

"They also look adorable as heck!" Torru squealed.

"Agreed." Mina said. "Look at those cute purple hands!"

"White Bomber, the Bomberman." Boomstick introduced the first fighter.

"And Taizo Hori, a.k.a, Dig Dug." Wiz introduced the other fighter.

"Bomberman. Huh. Not a bad name." Bakugou admitted.

"Better than your last options." Todoroki bluntly said that made a couple of chuckles.


"He's Wiz and I'm Boomstick." Boomstick introduced himself and his co-host.

"And it's our job to analyze their weapons, armor and skills to find out who would win a Death Battle." Wizard said before starting.

The video played and what they saw have them confused. Instead of the same design as the first one, they saw human like robot surrounded in a maze full of fire.

"Wait a minute, he looks completely different from before." Pony said.

Bakugou looked more pleased at the shift from childish to violent.

"Bomberman is a psychopathic, cyborg slave forced to duel other slaves in dimly lit maze-like arena for the entertainment of alien terrorists." Boomstick explains.

This confused the audience more until Wiz interrupted.

"No, no, no, not that Bomberman, Boomstick." Wiz corrected. The images now showed the actual Bomberman. "White Bomber, the Bomberman: an alien robot warrior from the planet Bomber, who belongs to an intergalactic police force protecting the galaxy."

"Oh that make sense." Kinoko said.

The screen changed to show the actual design of Bomberman. He looked like a cute humanoid creature in a purple suit, an radio antenna on his large head, black vertical, cartoonish eyes, no mouth shown, wearing red shoes and round ends with no fingers for hands.

Bakugou was disappointed in the change back to colorful cartoon while Torru squealed in delight.



Alien Robot Warrior

Can Generate Bombs

Defender of the Galaxy

Uses Explosives to Save Helpless Planets (Bakugo reluctantly approves)

Young and Naive

"Oh. Well, his method of saving those planets is blowing the shit out of them, so, he's alright with me." Boomstick explained.

"So basically, Bakugou." Kaminari joked. Laughter at the expensive of the explosive teen ensued while said explosive teen had to be restrained from blowing Kaminari up.

"Right, Bomberman cares little for the environment he is suppose to be protecting, making him an unpredictable opponent." Wiz explains.

"Ok I'm betting my allowance in that Bakugou is this guy's counterpart." Momo said confidently.

More laughter and snickers occurred with Bakugou fuming in silent rage.

"Speaking of which, we might have train the kid to be more environmentally conscious." Present Mic suggested.

"Agreed." Aizawa said bluntly.

"Bomber's answer to every problem is well, Explosions! Got a locked door? BLOW IT UP! Behind on Taxes? BLOW THEM UP! Have a naggy wife? BLOW HER ASS UP TOO!" Boomstick said.

While Bakugou, this time, shamelessly laughed at the jokes, the rest of the reactions were slightly mixed. The girls were a little ticked at the blowing up the nagging wife part, while the guys were having a hard time either face palming or keep their own laughter in tow.


2 to 3 Second Detonation

Cannot be Defused


Can be Kicked & Thrown

Can be Powered Up by Being Held

"His arsenal consists of bombs, bombs, and more bombs, which usually take about 2 or 3 seconds to detonate." Boomstick explained.

"That's a lot of bombs." Kaminari memed. His punishment: earphone jack into his ear and pain.

"Jokes aside, where does he keep all those bombs?" Sero asked.

Before Izuku could respond, he was beaten to the punch. "It could likely be some support gear that shrinks and holds all of his bombs on him." Melissa said. "It could also likely be the same as a Quirk that he can summon bombs or that he has a teleportation device on his person that summons his explosives."

Melissa finished her analysis to find silence and wide jaws and eyes."What?" She asked confused.

"This is getting out of hand. Now there are two of them." Kaminari memed again, gesturing to Melissa and Izuku. Kyouka stabbed her earphone jack into Kaminari's ear once again as punishment.

"And while the explosions start out small, heh, they can be upgraded to destroy an Entire Acre, All At Once!" Boomstick continued excited. "Plus, he can charge a bomb up to 4 times its size for maximum destruction!"

The audience saw how Bomberman's explosives grow in destructive force and somehow magically change its size to become bigger and more destructive.

"Kind of reminds me of your Quirk, Yui." Itsuka said. "You know, increasing the size of objects."

Yui nodded silently.

Bakugou meanwhile was smiling like a maniac at seeing the destructive yield of those bombs. "Now That Is What I'm Fucking Talking About!" Bakugou screamed out excited.

"Language!" Iida shouted.

"Screw Off, You Four-Eyed Swear Police!" Bakugou screamed back.


Bomb-Up (At this point Bakugou is mentally writing notes for his own Ultimate moves)



Explosion Expander

Bomb Kick

Power Glove

Super Bomb

"Whilst blasting his way through planet after planet, Bomberman, finds numerous power-ups buried beneath the Earth." Wiz said. "Bomb-Up gives him extra bombs, Accelerator increases his running speed, Armor gives him temporary immunity, the Explosion Exapander gives his bombs a power boost, and the Bomb Kick and Power Gloves let him kick and throw bombs at his own leisure."

"Sounds like standard sounding power-ups." Midnight said.

"And when he picks up a Super Bomb, you Know he means business!" Boomstick explained. "I'm talking T2: Judgement Day Business!"

Jaws dropped at the explosive power that turned people to nothing but dust and bones.

"Nevermind." Midnight said, both amazed and horrified. "There is Nothing Standard about that."

"Who in their right minds would give basically a Nuke to some Bomb crazy psycho?!" Mineta screamed out.

Bakugou meanwhile was grinning from ear to ear, more excited and pumped up at seeing more of his official vote.


Easily Tamed

Super Speed

High Jumps

Can Step Over Bombs

Sometimes called Looeyes or Louises

Pink Ones Dance (Cue awes from Mina, Torru, Eri, and Koda)

The screen showed images of Bomberman riding on green, purple, or pink adorable kangaroo-like creatures.

"Bomberman can also hatch and tame wild Rooeys'." Wiz explained. "Kangaroo-like creatures which give White Bomber a distinct advantage in battle."

"SO CUTE!" Mina and Torru shrieked in joy.

"It's official." Kyouka said, whilst holding her ears in pain. "I'm going to go deaf hearing from these two screaming or Jamming Yey's horrible memes."

Koda and Eri looked at the kangaroo-like creatures with adorable smiles, especially at seeing the pink one dance.

Bakugou however detested having this explosive centered character resort back to 'kid shit', as he put it.

"Each Rooeye has a different ability." Boomstick jumped in. "Though generally, they're very fast, have incredibly good jumping skills, can step over bombs, and sacrifice themselves for Bomberman if need be. Kinda like Yoshi. Oh The Adorable Creature-manity!"

Izuku and Mirio had amazing foresight, that Nighteye would be proud of, to cover Eri's eyes and ears before Boomstick uttered those last words and the sight of seeing Yoshi being ditched by the Mario guy and seeing the green dinosaur fall to its doom.

They unfortunately couldn't do the same for Koda who had to be appeased by the guys.

"That's horrible!" Uraraka said. "Who would be so heartless as to let those creatures get killed for them?!"

The Bakusquad slowly looked at a certain blonde Pomeranian, who noticed their stares. "WHAT ARE YOU ALL LOOKING AT, YOU IDIOTS?!"

"Which brings up Bomberman's weakness: His own weapons." Wiz revealed. "If White Bomber's careless, he can easily get caught in his own explosions or trap himself between a wall and his dropped bombs."

"Yeah, Bomberman's good at blowing shit up, but he's not so hot when it comes to diffusing his own explosives." Boomstick said.

"Talk about being your own worst enemy." Itsuka said.

"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall." Ibarra voiced out.

"Did you just quote a verse from the Bible?" Setsuna asked incredulously.

"That sounds like something Ibarra would do, so yes." Yui said.

"That aside, that is something to look out for students." Vlad King said. "Do not let your pride and recklessness take the better of you, or it will be your downfall."

"But he survived through a crap ton on of games, leaving behind many smoldering piles of rubble that used to be planets, towns, and families. Are we sure he's a good guy?"

"You tell me." Wiz said.

Bomberman backflipped, completing a mission, and cheered "I did it!"

Thoughts over Bomberman were mixed. The heroes and teachers frowned at Bomberman's methods, especially with his careless use of explosions and recklessness. The students found Bomberman's explosive abilities to be astounding if not also a little frightening. Torru, Koda, and Eri all loved the Rooeyes and hoped that none would end up dying in the Death Battle. And Bakugou was so pumped up over the Bomberman and his destructive potential that he no longer cared about the teasing of him being his counterpart. If anything, he hopes so.

The video moved onto the next fighter. The combatant was a man with blue skin wearing a white, red-striped suit and white helmet with red bumps on its side and a blue bump on its top. He also was wielding a jackhammer and a bike-pump (that last one confused the audience). He looked like some miner from a sci-fi movie.

Dig Dug

"Dig Dug is an expert excavator and executioner" Wiz revealed. "He constantly traverses the underground to slay dragons."

"Wait he slays Dragons?!" Kirishima said excitingly at the man slaying beasts of legend. " So Manly!"


Real Name: Taizo Hori

Translates to "I want to Dig."

Honorary Chairman of the Driller Council

Father of Mr. Driller

Ex-Husband of "Kissy" from Baraduke AKA Alien Sctor

"His real name is Taizo Hori, which literally means "I want to Dig." Wiz continued. "He's also the father of the more recent phenomenon: Mr. Driller."

"I have a feeling I know who this guy's counterpart will be." Midnight said.

"Same here." Nezu said, staring at said discussed counterpart.

"Dig Dug has two loves in life: Digging and Killing." Boomstick stated nonchalantly.

"Weird mix of loves but after seeing god-killing war machines and egg-powered dinos, I shouldn't be surprised."Kyouka said.

"I Stand By The Dude's Goals!" Bakugou yelled out. "The Last One Mostly!"


15' Harpoon-Like Hose

Forcefully Inflates foe (Audience becoming really disturbed and weirded out)

Stuns Enemies for a Short Time

Injects 10 PSI per Pump

Pumped until the Victim Explodes

"His main weapon is one of the most cruel and deadly weapon I have ever seen." Boomstick said. "Its pretty much a cross between a bike pump and a harpoon."

"An odd weapon which I would normally question the efficiency of." Wiz interrupted.

Comical question marks appeared over the audience's heads as they stared in pure confusion.

"Why would his weapon be a mix of a pump and a harpoon?" Nejire asked.

"Maybe to shoot dragons and pump his tires at the same time." Mineta jokingly responded. His reward was a miniature explosion to his face.

"But when he stabs you with it, oh boy, you're going to wish you die any other way than what ole' Dig Dug has planned for ya." Boomstick claimed.

The screen showed Dig Dug impaling a weird red ball creature with goggles for eyes and feet and started pumping, the red creature expanding and inflating like a balloon until *POP* the creature exploded in pieces.

Stunned silence was the reaction of practically all of the audience.

Momo quickly created several new paper bags that were quickly snatched by rapidly nauseous and green-faced students. Eri and Kota yelped in horror with Izuku and Mirio cursing themselves for being careless and having to comfort the two kids. A few of the heroes, ie Mt. Lady, Pixie-Bob, Midnight, and Present Mic, even felt nauseous while the rest of the heroes either remained shocked or looked horrified.

Hell, even Bakugou, Todoroki, and Shinso were stunned at the gruesome display.

"Well," Nejire said, her face green. "I guess that's what his weapon is for."

"That is Horrible!" Mina screamed out. "What kind of psycho does that?!"

"Not Manly!" Tetsutetesu and Kirishima said, their faces looking queasy too.

"The average human body can only take around 15 pounds of air pressure before death is assured." Wiz explained, he himself a bit disgusted yet fascinated with Dig Dug's weapon. "Every time Dig Dug pumps, over 10 psi is injected into his victim, quickly immobilizing them. 2 or 3 pumps later, and Dig Dug's target meets its popping end."

"A well-explained scientific explanation!" Iida complimented. "I, however, wish it were applied in something not so Disgraceful and Sociopathic!"

"What do you think, Dave?" All Might asked.

"About the weapon?" Dave questioned. "Highly unethical but effective. About this video? Now, I see why you don't want this falling into the hands of the Villains."

"That is one horrible way to die!" Boomstick exclaimed, equally horrified and excited.

A picture was shown of Dig Dug, his face blank and expressionless, pumping the red creature to its death, the creature's intestines and blood spilling out.

If the previous show of Dig Dug's form of murder made them nauseous, this picture caused lunches to be forcefully ejected into paper bags.

Izuku and Mirio learned from their mistake and blocked Eri and Kota's eyes and ears, with Shoji and Sato doing the same for Koda.

"OH MAN UP YOU PUSSIES-*GULP*!" Bakugo yelled out, unconvincingly holding back his own disgust and rising nausea. "WE ALREADY SAW DEATH BATTLES WHERE THEIR HEADS EXPLODED AND GOT CUT IN HALF!"

"At least those were quick!" Uraraka protested, her back patted by Asui and Deku. "That death is slow, incredibly painful, and Worse than the others!"

Meanwhile, Pixie-Bob herself was puking into her own paper bag. "Are you serious?" Mandaley said. "You have seen plenty of gruesome sights while rescuing civilians from disasters. Like those guys that we had to amputate their shattered legs."

"It doesn't mean that it gets any easier to watch." Pixie-Bob retorted.

Boomstick continued with "Imagine after being impaled, you're then slowly filled with air until you explode! Oh Man, This guy is sick!"

"OK WE GET IT!" Kyouka yelled out. "MOVE ALONG!"


Burrows in 4 Directions Instant Start Up

Fast & Efficient

Can Tear Apart Islands (Cue raised eyebrows)

"Dig Dug also has a jackhammer, which he uses to burrow through the earth at unimaginable speeds." Wiz continued explaining. "He has total control over his terrain and can maneuver through the ground as easily as walking through an empty field, climbing and crawling without slowing down."

"I guess that's why he is called Dig Dug." Sen said.

"But how is he walking up the side of the tunnel he made?" Kosei said.

"It is probably some support item that shifts his gravity to the wall or his boots must have some wall-climbing and latching features." Mei explained.

"Impressive observation." Dave complimented, causing Mei to shake in her seat in fangirl excitement.

"That jackhammer can ever force entire islands to split apart!" Boomstick yelled out.

"Wow, that's actually hardcore." Sero said. "Just like how that Akuma guy shattered an island with a single punch?"

"Wait what?" Melissa question, taken back at the mention of the concept of an island destroying punch.

"Tell you later." Izuku said.

"But the strangest thing is the sound it makes." Boomstick continued. "You'd think a jackhammer would like this." Shows a regular jackhammer in action and the sound it makes. "But Dig Dug's sounds like this."

A weird and annoying sound sounds off as Dig Dug tunnels through the Earth.

The loud sounds quickly cause some of the students, especially Kyouka, to clutch her ears in pain.

"GAH!" Bakugou screeched in pain and annoyance. "QUIET THAT FUCKING THING BEFORE I RIP MY EARS OFF!"

"Ironic coming from Class-1A's resident Banshee." Monoma taunted. "Always yelling out in that pitiful raging voice like a wailing child!"

It took the reluctant efforts of most of Class-1A to hold Bakugou back from exploding the other blonde douche to oblivion.

"Actually Boomstick, that sound seems to occur every time he takes a step, not just when he is drilling." Wiz clarified.

"Oh yeah!" Itsuka said. "You can see he makes that noise when he's walking up the already dug walls."

"So, its his feet?" Boomstick questioned. "Man that would get really annoying real quick, no wonder this guy's a psycho."

"I know if I had to listen to annoying, loud sounds all day, I would start to lose my sanity." Kyouka said dryly, looking over at Bakugou and finally at Mina and Torru.

"What?" The two girls asked.

"Dig Dug possesses great physical endurance, climbing and digging tirelessly for unprecedented amounts of time." Wiz said. "And yet, he is easily defeated when tackled by a tomato with eyes and feet."

"What?" Mineta questioned, voicing the similar confusion of the rest of the audience.

"What?" Boomstick asked.

"Yes, Dig Dug battles both ferocious, ghostly, fire-breathing dragons and living walking tomatoes." Wiz revealed.


"As much as I hate to, but I have to agree with Bakugou." Momo said. "It seems rather weird that those kinds of creatures would be of any danger to anyone."

"Maybe it has to do with why they are so big." Kaminari offered an explanation. "I mean they are as big as Dig Dug so they must be some kind of mutated tomatoes that are dangerous."

The students looked to the Electrification Quirk User in silence.

"What?" Kaminair asked.

"Just wondering who are you and what have you done with the real Jamming-Wey." Kyouka said dryly.

"You guys are mean!" Jamming-Wey shouted.

"And he's back." Mina said.

"Who in the hell thought that walking tomatoes with goggles were on par with fire-breathing ghost dragons?!" Boomstick questioned dumbfounded.

"EXACTLY!" Bakugou shouted. "Even if he says some fucked up stuff sometime, I like this guy!"

"Wait." Melissa turned and whispered to Momo. "Could Boomstick's counterpart here be..." She paused and looked at the explosive blonde. "I mean, if everyone has a counterpart in another universe, then the same should be said in their universe."

"That is...actually brilliant." Momo whispered back, looking between Bakugou and the screen. "Should we possibly same something?"

"Nah, best to keep this to ourselves." Melissa said with a wink. "Wouldn't want to look foolish if we are wrong or have Bakugou be anymore annoying. Just a little girl to girl secret."

Momo smiled. 'Maybe she's not so bad after all. If only she wasn't clearly interested in Izuku.'

Dig Dug explodes the last dragon monster and jumps in the air victorious as the iconic victory music plays.

The audience's thoughts over Dig Dug were also mixed. The heroes and students found his choice of weaponry to be rather sociopathic and extreme. They did like he did those things for seemingly to protect others from those monsters, but were iffy on his methods. Eri and Kota liked the music that played after Dig Dug won, finding it enjoyable. Kyouka asked Momo for a pair of earmuffs, predicting that the following Death battle will have that annoying sound play as Dig Dig walks.

"Alright, the combatants are set." Wiz said. "Let's end this debate once and for all."

"It's Time For a Death BATTLE!" Boomstick announced.

The video paused as the screen started its traditional multiversal counterpart scanning.

Meanwhile, votes were cast on who would win. The most notable votes for Bomberman were Bakugou, for obvious reasons, Kirishima and Tetsutetsu, Izuku, Mina, Torru, Eri, Koda, Endeavor, Manga, Miruko, Mineta, and David. Mina and Torru voted for White Bomber for his adorable design and, in addition to Eri and Koda, for the cute Rooeys. Endeavor and Miruko chose Bomberman, believing that his city-leveling bombs would secure an easy win.

As for Dig Dug, his most notable votes were from Mei, Power Loader, Kaminari, Nezu, Momo, Mirio, Kota, Pixie-Bob, Aizawa, Honenuki, and Melissa. Despite his lethal, brutal methods, Aizawa and Nezu voted for the tunneling killer, noticing that Dig Dug is strategic by knowing where to tunnel and drop boulders onto his enemies. Mei and Melissa, while initially and still disturbed by his choice of weaponry, they still found to be intriguing, as well as Power Loader, who also voted for the digger's similar digging traits. And Honenuki and Pixie-Bob voted for his similar affiliation towards the ground like them.


"HAH! KNEW IT!" Mineta yelled in victory.

"Whatever!" Bakugou yelled back. "At least I'm still an exploding badass in other universe!"

"So this is the multiversal counterpart feature that you said about." David said to Nezu. "Its fascinating. Can it explain to us the reasons as to how it two characters are counterparts to each other?"

"The only time it ever directly explained to us the connections between counterparts was the last video yesterday." Nezu clarified. "When it connected Mr. Midoriya to two rather destructive, deadly individuals and we directly asked it. Coupled with last night's rather interesting development, we can clearly confirm that the device can understand and answer questions, if allowed by its directives."

"Hmm." David hummed in thought. "Perhaps we can ask it later on for a more concrete way to answer our questions? Like a notepad or phone?"


"Wow Mr. Power Loader!" Mei exclaimed. "We found one of your counterparts! Is it because the two of you both dig underground."

"Seems like it." Power Loader said. He turned to Bakugou and said. "May the best counterpart win."

"OF COURSE I WILL!" Bakugou yelled arrogantly.

"Dude, just take a chill pill for once." Kaminari said. "How are your lungs not wrecked with you yelling all the time?"

"BECAUSE I'M AWESOME!" Katsuki fired back.

Kaminari face-palmed.

With all bets and counterpart scanning done, the video resumed.

The video showed Bomberman riding a green Rooey through a pain field with bright blue skies.

"Awww." Torru awed. "He's riding one those Rooey's! Its so adorable!"

"That just makes me worried that it will get hurt in the Death Battle." Itsuka said.

"Oh shit." Mina said.

Bomberman on his Rooey stopped in front of a waiting Dig Dug.


Dig Dug fired his harpoon at the White Bomber, only for the green Rooey to back up in time to get out of range. It sped away and suddenly crashed into Dig Dug, running past him before striking him again.

"Impressive speed." Iida complimented. "With the Rooey, Bomberman has a clear speed advantage."

"BEAT HIS ASS UP OTHER ME!" Bakugou cheered.

The attacks let up and Dig Dug found a bomb placed in front of him. An exclamation point appeared above his head, indicating his surprise, before he dug straight downwards, evading the explosion.

"However, Dig Dug there has some good evasion by tunneling underground." Mirio said. "Kinda like me with Permeation."

The blasted part of the earth revealed a power-up with a smiling flame. Bomberman and the Rooey went to retrieve it, only for Dig Dug to come up from underneath and fire his harpoon straight at the Rooey. A few pumps later and the expanding kangaroo-like creature exploded in a burst of blood and fur.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHH!" Koda cried in horror, Mina, Torru, and Pony also crying out as well. Mirio and Izuku quickly covered the kids' eyes.

"Oh god, I'm getting sick again." Uraraka said, her face turning more green.

"I hate being right all the time." Istuka sighed.

"And now with no Rooey and how quickly he can tunnel, Dig Dug now has the speed advantage over Bomberman." Izuku analyzed.

Bomberman flew off and landed in the ground, but quickly getting back up. He rushed back to the hole that Dig Dug tunneled out from, holding an enlarging bomb in hand. The White Bomber tossed it down. The bomb landed next to Dig Dug who only looked back for a split second before tunneling quickly, once again escaping the explosion.

Bomberman quickly walked down and grabbed the multiple power-ups revealed. He looked down the tunnel where Dig Dug fled, brought out another bomb and kicked it down the tunnel.

"One of those power-ups must have been Bomb Kick." Melissa said.

The bomb sped flew towards Dig Dug who batted it away with his harpoon. Bomberman, who quickly sped up towards Dig Dug kicked it right back. A few second went by of Dig Dug and Bomberman kicking and batting the bomb back and forth.

"Talk about the most deadly game of Pong ever." Sero said.

"With rather Explosive consequences." Kaminair joked, resulting in an explosion to the face.

"And there is Your explosive consequence." Mineta joked, resulting in the purple perve to also get an explosion to the face.

Losing his patience, Bomberman tossed another bomb to stop the previous one, the two fights fleeing away as the two bombs exploded. A new power-up was revealed, this one of a large red bomb that Bomberman quickly grabbed.


While Dig Dug tunneled above, Bomberman held the large red bomb over his head, charging it up and growing in size, before finally tossing it. As the slid to a stop, it released a enormous explosion, so much so that Dig Dug was left standing on empty black space.

"HOLY SHIT!" Kirishima exclaimed. "THAT WAS AWESOME!"

"AND MANLY!" Tetsutetsu exclaimed.

Dig Dug fell and landed next to Bomberman, who held another large red bomb in hand.

"GAME OVER YOU PSYCHO DIGGER!" Bakugou yelled out in pre-mature victory.

Before Bomberman could throw it, Dig Dug fired his harpoon, striking at Bomberman head on.

"I think you spoke too soon." Sato said as Bakugou comically froze.

Izuku and Mirio hovered their hands near of Eri and Kota's eyes, expecting to see Bomberman explode in bloody chunks.

Dig Dug pumped a couple of times, Bomberman expanding due to the air, only for Dig Dug to stop and tunnel away.

"Wait why did he stopped?!" Kaminari asked loudly. "He had dead to rights there!"

"Did you forget what was also there?" Tokoyami said.

Bomberman deflated only to realize that he was in front of his bomb, with 3 seconds already passing. Bomberman's eyes widened comically and screamed in horror before the White Bomber was engulfed in a monstrous explosion.

As the smoke cleared, no trace was left of Bomberman while Dig Dug returned to the large crevice of Bomberman's last explosion.



"If I tell you, are you just going to explode my-Nevermind." Kaminari said before stopping after seeing Bakugou's comical glowing red eyes of rage.

"We might also want to get that kid some anger-management lessons and make him more accepting of losing." Midnigth added.

"Agreed." Aizawa said, reading himself in case Bakugou was reading an explosion at another student.

"Congratulations, Mr. Power Loader!" Mei cheered. "Your counterpart won!"

"Thank you Hatsumei." Power Loader thanked his secretly favorite student.

"To be clear, this is a simulation, right?" Melissa asked Izuku. "They aren't really dying, right?"

"Yeah." Izuku said. "That was also one of the less gruesome deaths."

"The most gruesome being?" Melissa asked nervously.

"Getting slashed in half by a crazy cat girl." Nejire answered.

"I found the one where that red ninja turtle smashed the other turtle's head into paste more gruesome." Tamaki muttered.

"That was definitely horrible!" Mirio said with a still cheerful smile and tone. "Though I thought the one where Midoriya's turtle counterpart slashed that Battletoad in half was more gruesome in my opinion."

Melissa paled, visualizing those deaths. "I had to ask." She sighed regrettably.

"YEAH, EXPLOSIONS!" Boomstick cheered.

"SHUT THE HELL UP!" Bakugou yelled pettily.

Kirisshima gasped in horror. "Bakubro yelling about someone about explosions! Quick Guys! Check outside to see if fire isn't raining from the sky!"

Laughs from the audience resulted and, even though the hardening Quirk user was his friend, it took all of Bakugou willpower not to send 'Shitty Hair' flying to the moon.

"Dig Dug is a difficult opponent for anyone to beat, not for brute strength, but sheer maneuverability." Wiz explained. "Dig Dug had almost complete control of the terrain off the bat, while Bomberman was forced to rely on his power-ups for success."

"Taking this fight into the ground gave dig Dug a huge advantage." Boomstick added.

"Agreed." Nezu said. "Drawing in your enemy to a terrain or environment that suits your abilities is a tactical advantage. Much like how Quirks or skills based on darkness and stealth would be more formidable and dangerous in dark areas."

"Also, even though Support Items can you help you kids out in a difficult situations, remember to not rely solely or overtly on them." David Shield added. "Over-reliance on one thing can be detrimental for a hero or society to grow."

"Wise words." All Might said. "Especially coming from the best Support Item builder I know."

"Yeah well, I had to learn that lesson the hard way." Dave said, looking over at Izuku and Melissa, recalling the events at I-Island. He created a device to power up All Might in a desperate effort to restore the Symbol of Peace to his former glory only for it to backfire and hand it over to a Villain that nearly destroyed I-Island. It was only by the efforts of his daughter, Melissa, and Izuku Midoriya that made him realize his mistakes, growing overly reliant and safe under All Might's Symbol that he was too afraid of a world without him.

Dave smiled at the two kids as they talked and laughed. 'Definitely learned the hard way. But at least I know that there is hope for the future.'

Wiz continued wiz "Even after if it looked like Bomberman had taken the lead with that huge explosion, Dig Dug proved that he could control his opponent just as much as he can control the terrain. Like paralyzing his foe long enough so that his foe's greatest weapon to be his own downfall."

"Bomberman sure went out with a Bang." Boomstick punned.

The gym was filled with the sounds of loud smacks of hands smacking their foreheads.

"That has to be worst pun yet." Kyouka said. "Even worse than Jemming-Wey's."

"You cannot even begin to comprehend the bounds of my genius!" Kaminari memed in retaliation.

Kyouka sighed in annoyance.

"The winner is Dig Dug." Wiz declared, sighing in annoyance of his co-host's pun.

"Next time on Death Battle!' Boomstick said.

The screen showed a bipedal animal that looked like an anthropomorphic hedgehog. Its walked out of the smoke, its fur glowing golden with red stripes on its standing quills, wearing white gloves and two golden rings on his wrists and red and white shoes on his feet. The creature glowed in a golden aura.

"I am Shadow, the Ultimate Life Form!" The hedgehog announced.

The screen then showed another figure glowing in golden aura too, this one a man. He wore an arrogant smile, spiked-up golden hair and eyebrows, glowing sky blue eyes and wearing a strange outfit that looked like armor and a jumpsuit.

"And I am the Prince of All Sayians!" The man said.

Vegeta vs Shadow

"That looks so cool!" Kirishima yelled, pumped for the next fight.

"Wait a minute." Sen said. "Was that a hedgehog?"

"I believe so." Jurota said. "And that man proclaimed himself a prince of...Sayians?"

"How about we stop asking questions and get on with the next video?" Setsuna said.

With a chorus of agreements, Mei pressed the play button on the next video.

AAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNDDDDDD SCENE! Hope you guys liked the chapter, took me a while with a usual writer's block.

Now as per tradition, the counterpart explanations! For Bakugou as Bomberman, it was kinda obvious. Two heroes who specialize in blowing up everything in sight with little care for collateral damage. The only difference is one is adorable and innocent while the other had eternal resting bitch face.

And as for Power Loader as Dig Dug, this was also kind of obvious. They are both heroes in their respective worlds and both are known for digging and going underground using their equipment. Enough said.

And now, next chapter we will have the Prince of Sayians collide with the Ultimate Life Form and see how the audience's eyes will pop out of their skulls at the power and speed of these world-destroyers.

With all that said and done, hope you guys liked the chapter, leave your thoughts in reviews, keep each other safe and healthy, leave your thoughts on who will be counterparts to whom and check out my other stories if your are interested.

I am Zayden StormVoid and I will see you all in the next chapter! BYE BYE!