Hi everyone, Dani here. This is an idea I have had going through my head for a while now and so here it is. This is my first time writing in a while so please feel free to let me know if there are any mistakes. I don't own Power Rangers, only the OC's thus far. So, without further ado, Chapter 1!

Gaia portrayed by Emily Rudd

Xiomara portrayed by Gabriella Wilde

Xuxa portrayed by Malia Manuel

Elijah portrayed by Alfred Enoch

Luna Morales portrayed by Jenna Ortega

Kit Davenport portrayed by Tom Holland

Jaemin Metaxas portrayed by Jeong Yunho


Lightning crackled amongst the giant trees lining the path as the wind swayed the leaves and small branches to and fro. The rain poured down in sheets turning the once solid ground into the softest mud. The mud softened to cave the once solid footprints which led to a small cabin amidst a grove of trees. Booms echoed throughout trees and lightning illuminated everything, including the quaint but beautifully decorated living room within the cabin. A brunette looked up as the wind blew through the room, carrying on it the cries of pain and the smell of blood. Slate eyes widened as her pale skin grew paler.

"It seems the queen speeds up her timetable," the brunette murmured as she stood up and rushed up the stairs. She used her sweater paws from the oversized sweater to swing herself around the corner skidding a little bit due to her fuzzy boot socks sitting snugly over her super skinny jeans.

"Humans don't stand much of a chance on their own," the woman continued to murmur, "I must call the others to let them know." She rummaged through a chest as the wind blew through the room blowing her mid back length hair. The wind carried her scent and strongly… she was close. Quickly throwing all the items she needed in a rucksack, the woman threw on her boots and went to go out the door when she heard talking down the stairs.

"She is here," a soft yet commanding voice hissed. A gruffer voice responded but the woman did not hear it as she spun and quietly flung herself toward the window. She was almost out when a different female startled her. The pale skinned woman jumped and dodged before she literally threw herself out the window, allowing the softened earth to cushion her fall. Madly sprinting, the female bolted through the forest as the storm picked and the rain became heavier. The weather seemed to be on her side as the rain shielded her view from her pursuers but not enough it seemed as an ethereal woman came into view in front of her. Her near translucent skin shimmery in the flashes of lightning as her pale eyes scanned the woman in front her. Small fang peeked out of her mouth before seeing them in full when she spoke.

"Gaia, enough of this game." The brunette, Gaia, huffed then smiled but said nothing as she stomped on the ground and the earth below began to quiver.

"I will play this game as long as need be, Xiomara. For you will not win easily if at all." The tremoring became worse as everything shook and trembled with the storm shaking the sky above.

"I am the Earth herself," Gaia smiled, "it is my job to protect those on here." The trembling became so intense that the trees nearly bowed to it as the ground swallowed Gaia and flung Xiomara back. When the trembling finally ceased, Xiomara sat up from her spot and looked where Gaia once stood.

"Are you alright, milady?" a soft voice asked. Xiomara turned to see her second come out of the shadows, her tan skin shimmering with darkness. Her dark eyes held the same shimmer as her skin as her hair seemed to be made of darkness itself.

"I am alright, Xuxa," Xiomara replied as she got up and smiled lightly, "but it seems Gaia is up to something we need to be prepared. Call on Xerxes and Xanthus." The tanned skin woman, Xuxa, nodded and smiled a fanged smile as her overcoat fluttered in the breeze as she spun.

"As you wish, milady," Xuxa spoke softly. The two soon left the clearing to start their planning despite both being soaked clear to the bone. Once they left, the storm seemingly dissipated. Gaia resurfaced in a nicer neighborhood and looked around. She exhaled before going to the biggest house in the cul de sac. Almost as if he knew, the door opened to reveal a handsome young man. A frown marred his mocha skin as he took in the sight of Gaia. Gaia raised an eyebrow before he gestured for her to come in.

"Yes, Elijah?" she asked. The man, Elijah, shook his head before he shuffled into the side room to get a blanket for the now shivering woman.

"Xiomara again?" he asked before wrapping Gaia in the blanket and retrieving the first aid kit to tend to some of the smaller injuries. Gaia looked at him shocked when she saw the kit then looked in the mirror above the fireplace. What looked back would give most reason to be surprised. Her face has some bruising and a small cut on her forehead from her fight with Xuxa while her clothes were looking a bit tattered. Gaia sighed as she allowed Elijah to tend to her even though she didn't need it, she did not want to argue right now.

"Yes, also Xuxa this time," Gaia replied, "we need to hurry and find those capable of wielding the Chasers." Elijah sighed and ran a hand through his curly hair.

"The devices are capable," he sighed, "but I just need to make some finishing touches on them." Gaia nodded as a shiver racked her body and she hummed.

"It seems this form doesn't warm too quickly," Gaia stated, "I cannot seem to get warm." Elijah chuckled as he got up and went upstairs. He soon came down with a pair of oversized Nike sweatpants and a Pink purple long sleeve shirt.

"Pia left them over here for you," Elijah said as he ushered Gaia to the bathroom off of the kitchen, "she knows how trivial things like changing clothing can be for you and also the amount of run ins you have with Xiomara." Gaia smiled lightly are Pia's thoughtfulness and went in the room to quickly change, forgetting to close the door. Elijah's face flushed a deep red as he quickly but quietly closed the door.

"And we need to teach you about etiquette around others if you're going to stay in the city," he choked out his face still feeling incredibly hot. Gaia walked out completely changed with her head cocked to the side.

"How do you mean?" she asked, causing Elijah to look at the clock then at her.

"This is a conversation for after we have gotten some sleep," he replied, "I will show you to the guest bedroom." Gaia nodded as she followed Elijah.

"But what of the other two?" she asked, "shouldn't we inform them of this new development?" Elijah stopped and turned around as he replied,

"There isn't much they can do right now. Pia would come out here more worried about you and Kodi, I don't even know if I will be able to wake him up. That man can sleep like the dead." Gaia giggled now that she knew what the idiom meant. Elijah smiled softly at the woman in front of him.

"Sleep now, Gaia," he spoke softly, "you've had a long day and a long week. Harvesting the essence of storms cannot be easy so rest! We will talk in the morning." As Elijah spoke, he put his hands-on Gaia's shoulders and guided her toward the bed. Gaia smiled at his kindness before got into bed and laid back. She soon became surrounded by fluffy pillows and the comforter as it lulled her to sleep.

"Goodnight, Gaia," Elijah whispered as he watched the Earth itself fall asleep, "We will definitely do our best to help you." With that, he softly shut the door and went to bed but not before locking everything up.

6 Months Later

The sun rose peeking through the curtains that didn't get closed all the way the night before. A groan came from the mound of blankets as a voice whispered,

"Time to waked Miss Luna." The groan got slightly louder before the blankets moved a little allowing a dark brown eye to peek out. The blankets moved all the way to reveal a young tanned skin girl who blearily sat up and looked over.

"Do I have to, Landon?" the young girl, Luna, whined quietly. The voice, Landon, smiled a beautiful smile that made his pale skin wrinkle around his mouth a little.

"Yes, Miss Luna," Landon replied, "unless you want your mother and father to wake you instead." That perked Luna right up as she groaned and swung her legs over the side of the bed, almost tripping over her bedding. Landon chuckled as Luna finally untangled herself and stood up. She straightened her pajamas before asking,

"Is breakfast ready?" Landon nodded as he opened the door for Luna.

"Yes," he smiled, "the cook got everything ready in a to go bag for since your mother and father left early for work." Luna nearly jumped out of her skin as she spun around and hugged Landon happily.

"Why didn't you start with that this morning," she giggled, "I love it when my parents aren't home." Landon chuckled and shook his head before adding,

"And I set out the outfit you wanted to wear but your parents confiscated." Landon soon found himself trapped in a bear hug as he walked her back to her room. Luna giggled with delight when she saw the dark grey t-shirt dress laying across her chaise chair as well as the rose gold, grey and black flannel. Bouncing over to the chair, she really shouldn't be this excited to wear what she wants but oh well, Luna grabbed them as well as some dark grey thigh highs before sliding into her bathroom. Landon laughed as he spoke through the door,

"I'll be going to get the car as I'm guessing you still want to go to your secret place." A confirmation came through the door as Landon chuckled and left the room. Luna took her time before exiting the room and looking for her rose gold Doc Martens before grabbing her backpack to exit the room. She went down the stairs with a huge smile on her face as she saw her breakfast sitting right by the door. She left the place she called a prison to go to her favorite spot. Landon looked at Luna and smiled as he saw the light return to her eyes before dropping her off at a small, what would look like two stories if you didn't know better, treehouse with a little mini roof sitting on top. It had floor to ceiling windows lining one side of the house with normal windows lining the other sides. Luna smiled as she hugged Landon.

"You remember the drill, Nana," he asked, "call me if you need me." Luna smiled at Landon's informality and nodded as she chirped,

"I will. Enjoy your day!" Landon nodded as he ran a hand through his slicked back curly red hair before heading back to the car. Luna giggled as practically ran up the winding stairs around the tree. When she got to the landing, she opted to sit outside instead of going inside. Her thoughts wondered to her parents a bit before it dampened her mood then they wandered to school since it was just starting back up. They were roughly a month in and so much had happened. She thought back to the pretty smile she encountered before the weekend and blushed a little. She gently smacked herself before shaking her head. Luna jumped a bit when her phone beeped at her, signaling it was time to start heading to school. She did not realize she had daydreamed for that long. Before she knew, Luna was going through the main gates to the school. She still couldn't believe she convinced her parents to let her go to regular school instead of an elite school. Luna's still relatively certain Landon has something to do with it. Yelling startled the junior, as she spun around to see some jocks picking on a freshman. Spinning around, Luna made her way to her locker with a sigh. She knew what would happen if they saw her, it was always the same. Luna was just pulling out the last book when a voice goaded,

"Well if it isn't the princess. Your awfully far from your throne, aren't you?" Luna groaned silently and ignored the bully as she finished getting the books she needed. Apparently, he did not like being ignored as a growl came from him causing Luna to turn around and move. In front of her was the second-string quarterback and his cronies. He had sun kissed skin and platinum blonde hair. His angry brown eyes glared at her as he growled,

"You think you're better than us. That you don't have to answer when spoken to princess." Luna eyes narrowed as a hardened, yet flirty British voice answered,

"More like she doesn't have to answer a moron like yourself." All the parties involved looked over to see a pale skinned boy with shaggier brown hair and dark eyes looking at them. Anger speckled his brown eyes, but the smile stayed the same, a flirty smirk. He adjusted his dark brown leather jacket before walking to the quarterback, who backed up. Luna, shaking slightly due anger, took this as her opportunity to slowly back off.

"Stay out of this, Kit," the bully growled, "unless you want your pretty face messed up." The brunette, Kit, laughed as he saw Luna edge away out of the corner of his eye.

"Like you will risk your position on the team, Harold," Kit smirked, "but feel free to take the swing." The bully, Harold, clenched his fist as Kit stared him down. Soon one of the teachers came and broke it up. Kit smirked as they walked in opposite directions, he knew the quarterback wouldn't do anything. Looking around, Kit noticed the junior wasn't there. She seemed to be a favorite of Harolds which meant she was in for a long school year. Kit shrugged his shoulders as he didn't care anymore, he just thought she was cute. He made his way to class but not before bumping into the sweetheart of the school. Mumbling a quick sorry, Kit kept going. Compensating for the bump, Jaemin moved his large six-foot frame to the side as he ran a hand through his bright blue hair. His almost black eyes scanned the crowd looking for the junior from earlier. He had heard Harold say princess and wanted to make sure Luna was okay. He adjusted his dark blue denim jacket and black pants before shaking his head.

"I hope she's okay," Jaemin murmured to himself and with that he headed to his math class. Jaemin went into the class and smiled at the teacher, giving her a good morning before heading to a seat by the window. He smiled lightly when he saw Luna, knowing she was okay.

"Good morning," Jaemin offered softly when he saw how tense she was. Luna looked up at him as he sat down next to her by the window. With nod, Luna smiled slightly.

"Good morning to you too, Jaemin," she replied. She looked over at him as he studied her which she smiled to.

"I'm okay," she added, "they don't bother me anymore with what they say, and they've never done anything." Jaemin nodded, satisfied with that answer. Luna chuckled at that, it never ceasing to amaze her how caring one person could be for someone they don't know. Jaemin turned back to the front as the teacher began teaching. After that, the day seemed to drag on but what no one noticed as the day dragged on the weather outside darkened ominously.


Gaia watched out the window as the weather slowly got worse and the trees shook as if warning of the incoming threat.

"It seems Xiomara is making her move," Gaia murmured to herself.

"Which isn't good," Elijah spoke softly as he walked up to her and looked out, "we still haven't found them yet." Gaia nodded as a lightning bolt cracked through the sky followed by a house shaking boom.

"Let it begin," Gaia stated.

Here is the Prologue, this part of a multiparter so stay tuned. I do have a DeviantArt for artwork pertaining to this fic and for any fic I do. Feel free to check it out if you like. Criticism is always welcome as long as it is constructive. Until next time, Dani out! xD