A/N: Hello again. So I changed the summary so it would match the whole story, yay! This chapter is a bit different from the rest. It is the first time I do something like this, hope you like it!

Three Days Later

It was pain that took over Hakoda's heart at the sight of his daughter. The usual spirit in her cerulean blue eyes was missing; his gleeful daughter was now replaced by a mournful young lady he did not recognize. Her eyes would not blink when she saw the awakening of a new day, as if she was scared to miss the appearance of the sun and it would just slip from her grasp. At dusk, her heartbreaking sobs could be heard through the walls as the sun said goodbye again. His heart broke at the realization that he could not do much but wait. Wait for time to do its thing.

Iroh has seen his nephew through thick and thin. He saw him mourn his mother's disappearance. He witnessed his humble actions as he begged for mercy from an offense he was not aware was made. He took every blow and rant from the teen who was marked by rage and hatred. He watched with disappointment when he took the wrong path but rejoiced when he came back. The Dragon of the West has seen his nephew turn from Prince Zuko to Fire Lord Zuko, and he has been with him for every bump along the way. Now, he was here for him when he put up a face for the nobles and ambassadors. He was there when he locked himself in his office thinking the walls could block out his sobs. He was there when he fed the ducks hoping, waiting for her to come back.

She has been called many things. From "The Evil Incarnated" to "Sociopathic Brute." Those names had been bestowed upon her for a reason. Azula was collected and calculating, but above all, she was vengeful. And, though she knew she would never ascend the throne, she wanted her dear brother to experience as much pain as possible. Zuzu was far too happy with the water bender peasant, she knew that he would be sad when she left, but she did not expect this. Zuzu was miserable. Sure, he tried to hide it, but a close look and you could see him barely holding by a thread. Zuzu was pathetic, and Azula was amused.

One Week Later

Dear Katara,

Your dad and Malina wrote to us. They are worried, we all are. Sokka and I are arriving at the South Pole shortly after you receive this letter. We convinced Aang to give you some space, he is staying with Toph. I still don't understand what happened. You were there one moment and then you weren't. I know it wasn't a fight. You wouldn't run away from those. I don't believe your waterbending teaching crap. Anyways, you can tell me everything when I get there. I miss you, please take care.

Love, Suki

Two Weeks Later

Fire Lord Sparky,

Pops told me you are sulking. I know this stuff can get hard. But you are better than "stuff". Get your act together. I know you can do it.

Toph (and Suki)

Four Months Later

"Do not act as the victim here, Sugar Queen."


"Shut it, Twinkletoes! She knows I'm right! She was the one who left him. Yes, she is allowed to be sad, but it's been four months. She has to pick herself up and accept her decision. She has no right to regret it and mope for him. She lost it when she left him waiting."

"Toph, where are you going—. She can be so immature, barging out of a room like that."

"She is right, Aang. I s-shouldn't- It was my f-fault. I-I'm sorry."

"Hey, now. Don't cry. And don't blame yourself. It takes time to heal from a broken heart. Trust me. But it gets better. Just let time do its thing. It will fix itself."

Seven Months Later

A blank scroll sat on her desk, waiting for her to make something from it. But she was frozen. Quill stiffly held between her fingers, the ink teasing her on the end. Tears burned at the back of her eyes when she finally dropped the quill. She thought the 53rd time would be the charm. She was wrong, again.

Nine Months Later

The flame flickered in the candle wick and he scratched over the scroll again. His heart made the painful turn he was so familiar with by now. He stood up abruptly, pushing away the chair, picking up the scroll. His hand grew warm as ashes joined the ones from letters he had failed to send before.

Thirteen Months Later

"Fire Lord Zuko, it's a pleasure to see you again."

"Lady Mai, the pleasure is all mine."

"This is quite an interesting ball. Not boring like I thought it would be."

"Coming from you, that is a major compliment. Thank you."

"Trust me, it is the best compliment you'll hear from me."

It was the first time, in months, that Iroh heard his nephew's laugh.

Eighteen Months Later

"What did you do?" Suki asked carefully. Her friend seemed like a porcelain doll, the smallest thing could undo her.

"I couldn't say yes, Suki. I just couldn't," Katara whispered softly. She looked out the hut's window, watching the waves in the distance. Her hand holding on to the one thing she had left from her mother.

"Why not?"

"I'm not ready to be someone else's. I don't think I'll ever be."

The reason why was known but left unsaid.

Twenty Months Later

Iroh has noticed Lady Mai taking up the position of her father. She was there for the meetings and for the dinners. And Fire Lord Zuko did not seem to mind, in fact, he seemed to enjoy her company. His nephew laughed and smiled more when she was around. But there was something missing. The melody of his laughter and the spark of his smile only a certain blue-eyed bender knew how to pull from him. This saddened the old man's heart.

Twenty-One Months Later

"Are you sure you want to do this, Fire Lord Zuko?"

"Yes. I am sure."

"If you don't mind me asking, what is the reason—"

"The reason, Uncle, is that I want Kiyi to grow up with the opportunity to love whoever she wants. I don't want her to repress what she feels because of something as silly as a different nationality."

"Are you sure, nephew, that is the only reason?"


"Well, I'm glad you are looking out for your sister. Love is to hold on to what you feel. Even when the person is not there, you hold on."

"Let's just sign the approval."

Twenty-Two Months Later

Dear Katara,

Today we are setting the course to Republic City. As you know, Sokka got the position as head counselor. He is very nervous, but I keep trying to remind him he shouldn't be. Anyway, I hope you have found a new replacement for your brother as Chief in training. And I hope they know their way around. Hope to see you at the Fire Nation for the Spirit Festival. I know it will be the first time you visit since that night, but please try to make it. All the Gaang will be there. It will be like the old day. Have a good day.

Love, Suki

For Zuko, the garden held a lot of memories. Some of them he treasured in his heart, not wanting to let them go. But others were stuck there, not wanting to let go, no matter how hard he tried. Like a pair of cerulean eyes and caramel skin. Promises done under an orange sky.

Uncle had bugged him for weeks now to send the invitations for the Festival of Spirits. To ambassadors and nobles. To the Avatar and his friends. But there was one invitation he hasn't sent yet. The thought of seeing her again made his heart quench and his head hurt. Would she even show up? Unlike last year? His feelings had not changed in the last two years, did that made him pathetic? Time has not done it for him, but has it done it for her? There was only one way to figure it out.

Twenty-Three Months Later

Katara had two scrolls laid on her bed. One was a formal Water Tribe scroll, used only for important documentation and important requests. Like the one written on this specific piece of parchment.

The other one was different in every way. From the texture of the arterial to the way it was delivered (poor hawk was not ready for the cold pole). It was formal in a fancier way. From the loopier calligraphy to the design of the characters. It was an invitation. To the Festival of Spirits. In the Fire Nation.

Twenty-Four Months Later

She was cold sweating, her heart threatening to jump out of her chest, her stomach lurching, ready to throw her breakfast back up. Her eyes scanned the dock, half of her hoping she wouldn't find what she was looking for. Katara's eyes stopped at the sight of a familiar young lady, her hair pulled up in her signature buns. The water bender's smile flattered when she noticed the arm around her friend's waist. Her eyes traveled from the arm to the shoulder, to the face, and they locked with the same golden eyes that never left her thoughts.

A/N: Kinda wanted to show what was going on during those two years. Also, I mentioned characters from the comics. In case you don't know, Malina is Hakoda's girlfriend and Kiyi is Zuko's half-sister. Thank you for reading!