Naruto Uzumaki was not having a good day. Normally he would be ignored and glared at, the other children would bully him and the caretakers in the orphanage would pretend to not notice or even praise it.

He hated it, he hated the hunger when the caretakers 'forgot' to feed him, hated the boredom when they would take away his toys, but most of all he hated the loneliness for not being able to have a family that loved him.

He had thought today would be better, after all today was his birthday.

He refused to believe that today would go wrong, even after the head caretaker threw him out of the orphanage without even being allowed to have breakfast, even when the Hokage was busy with a meeting and couldn't take him out to eat ramen like he had promised, even when he had to buy food at double the price just because he was too hungry and the shopkeeper hated him.

He was believing it now as he was chased by a mob of drunken villagers that decided to "hunt the fox". Naruto had run and run, through alleys and backstreets, but the mob got more enraged and more determined the more he ran.

"Get him"

"Kill the demon"

" Don't let he get away"

And while Naruto was fast and determined to escape he was only 5 and his body could only run so much before he simply got too tired to continue. He was cornered and one of the villagers threw a bottle at him causing him to fall down and the rest of the mob to catch up.

Naruto looked up and said with tears in his eyes:

"Please, I didn't do anything"

"Shut up Demon" One of the villagers said.

"You killed the Yondaime (Forth)" Another yelled.

"We're going to avenge him" Another said.

Naruto tried to fight back, he tried to find a way to run but he was surrounded and was only a child while they were adults and in greater number. They beat him with fists and pots and brooms and anything else they could use as a weapon.

When the shinobi arrived and dispersed the crowd Naruto was injured and unconscious and had to be taken to the hospital by an ANBU who after leaving the kid for treatment went to report the Hokage.


"Hokage-sama" The ANBU said as he appeared in the Hokage's office.

"Report" Hiruzen Sarutobi, the Sandaime (Third) Hokage said.

"The crowd has been dispersed and the Kyuubi(Nine-Tails) Jinchuuriki os in the hospital and should be released by the end of the day"

The Hokage let out a sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose.

"First that surprise meeting with the council and now this"

The Hokage then looked at the photo of his successor and predecessor and said:

"I'm sorry Minato, I've failed you"

He then turned to the ANBU and said "Keep na eye on the boy, I want to see him as soon as he is awake"

"Hai Hokage-sama" The ANBU answered and vanished in a swirl of leaves.

Hiruzen then took a puff of his smoke and said under his breath:

"I've failed you too, Naruto"


Naruto didn't know where he was, it looked like a sewer but the water wasn't dirty. There were what looked like pipes leaking on the walls and he could see the see only one way foward but couldn't see the end of it.

"Where am I ?" He wondered.

"Am I dead ?" He thought.

Having nothing else to do he moved forward trough the sewer, having a feeling that was both familiar and foreign at the same time. As he continued the feeling grew more and more until he arrived at a room so large he couldn't even see the roof and who had a massive set of bars that couldn't be to contain something human. But what caught his attention was the single piece of paper with the word seal written on it placed where the lock should be .

Naruto was startled and fell back when he saw a giant eye with slitted red pupils looking down at him. The creature rose to the size of the Hokage Monument, and said in a voice that reverberated in the entire chamber:

"So you've come, I've been expecting you"

Naruto looked at the massive creature with a mixture of terror and awe and said in such a small quiet voice one would be hard pressed to hear it even standing right next to him, yet the creature heard him perfectly.


"So you know who I am"

" Y-Yeah" Naruto said still with a tone full of disbelief. "You're the demon that attacked Konoha (Hidden Leaf Village)"

The Kyuubi made an expression that looked like a scowl, causing Naruto to gulp, afraid the Kyuubi would get angry and kill him.

"Of course they would, they betrayed me, used what I taught them against me, turned me into a weapon, and when I'm forced to attack them they call me demon" The Kyuubi ranted.

It then turned to Naruto and asked: " And what is your name kit ?"

" My name is Naruto Uzumaki, Kyuubi-sama" Naruto said being as polite as possible, still being a bit scared of the Kyuubi.

The Kyuubi's frown deepend and it said at almost a growl.

"Another Uzumaki of course, and I assume you will demand my power like your mother and her predecessor, the traitor Mito"

However Naruto did not recoil in fear but instead nearly jumped in surprise and looked at the Kyuubi with hope filled eyes and asked rapidly:

"You know who my mother is? Do you know who my father is too? Where are they? Why did they leave me? Why did they-"

"ENOUGH!" The Kyuubi yelled, making Naruto shut up and recoil a bit.

The Kyuubi huffed and asked:

"Did nobody in your clan tell you about your parents ?"

Naruto looked crestfallen and said:

"I don't have a clan, I'm an orphan"

"And what happened to the Uzumaki Clan ?" The Kyuubi asked, confused.

"I never heard of an Uzumaki Clan, I thought that was just my surname" Naruto answered.

The Kyuubi pondered for a moment before asking:

"You don't know anything about who you are or what you are do you?"

Naruto just shook his head looking depressed. The Kyuubi let out a sigh before saying:

"I will tell you what I know kit but it's a long story okay ?"

Naruto looked up with hope and noded fervently but before the Kyuubi could start he suddenly asked:

"Kyuubi-sama what is your name?"

"...You want to know my name?"

"It's just that I thought Kyuubi was a title not a name and you haven't been glaring at me or insulting me so I thought maybe we could be friends but it's okay if you don't want-" Naruto said rapidly before the Kyuubi interrupted him.

"KIT!,... that's not it I just wasn't expecting you to ask my name. My name is Kurama and you don't look like the kind of person I dislike so I will be your friend but only if you always remember something."

"Anything" Naruto said, thinking he is going to make his friend.

"Family isn't always blood , it's the people in your life who want you in theirs, the ones who accept you for who you are, the ones who would do anything to see you smile and love you no matter what"

Naruto nodded with a look of determination in his eyes showing that he took it to heart.

"Now, what you must understand is that we tailed beasts aren't demons, we are the parts of a being called Juubi( Ten Tails) that was split long ago by the Sage of Six Paths, and each of us got part of it's power based on the number of tails, with me being the strongest. Each tailed beast also got a unique ability to each of us, like the Ichibi(One Tail)'s ability to manipulate sand for example, with me being the exception since I didn't get any abilities but instead the knowledge of the Juubi"

"So you're super smart or something?" Asked Naruto.

"Kit I have knowledge on the most powerful art a chakra user can master and I've had a thousand years to master it" Kurama said with pride.

"So you know a bunch of cool powerful ninjutsu(ninja arts)?" Asked Naruto with stars in his eyes.

Kurama laughed and said:

"No kit, we tailed beasts don't use ninjutsu like you humans do. We use raw chakra manipulation and our special abilities."

"So what is this amazing art you're talking about ?" Naruto asked, feeling a bit disappointed.

Kurama was amused at his reaction but answered nonetheless.

"Fuuinjutsu(Sealing Arts) Kit, it can do anything if you use it well"

Before Naruto could further inquiry Kurama frowned again and continued with the story.

"Anyway, since I had this knowledge I felt I could use it to help the humans unlike my siblings who thought we should just stay in remote places to prevent humans from misusing our power like they were with chakra that the Sage gave them. So I traveled, using my knowledge and power to help the humans wherever I went. It was during those travels that I met one Arashi Uzumaki, who asked for my help in protecting his clan, who had no desire to take part in the wars going on at the time."

"Uzumaki?" Naruto asked, not sure how to feel. On one hand he had a clan, him, having family, he could barely believe the other he was alone for as long as he knew, where are they, he wasn't abandoned was he?

"Yes"Kurama answered, understanding the mixture of hope and fear the kid was feeling.

"He took me to a beautiful place, said he wanted to copy Konoha's idea. The village hidden in the whirlpools, sanctuary for those who wanted peace,a home for those who had none. I lived there for a few years and was happy" Kurama continued with a nostalgic smile, only to turn into a frown, one that spoke of the pain of betrayal.

"And then she came. Mito Uzumaki, my star pupil, the only one that I taught the most powerful fuuinjutsu techniques, the one who turned against her family and enslaved me and my siblings all for some misguided idea for peace, the first Kyuubi Jinchuuriki. She used the secrets of fuuinjutsu that I taught her to turn me and my siblings into weapons of war,and when her family found out it was her she abandoned them and claimed that her duty came first and that it was necessary."

"I'm sorry Kurama-sama" Naruto said "If you don't want to talk abou-"

"No kit, thanks for the concern but it's okay, and please just Kurama, we're friends so none of that" Kurama sair with Naruto having a small smile at being acknowledged as a friend.

"After that she became the Shodai(First) Hokage's wife and eventually your mother became my second Jinchuuriki a little before Mito died"

Naruto perked up at the mention of his mother, something that Kurama didn't miss.

Kurama let out a sigh and said:

"This will not be easy to hear, are you sure you want to hear this?" Kurama asked, unsure of how the child will react.

"Y-Yes, Kurama-sam..Kurama.I need to know" Naruto said thought Kurama didn't miss the trepidation in his voice. Clearly he was excited to learn about his parents but was also afraid they might have not loved him. It knew this wasn't going to be easy.

" Very well, your mother's name was Kushina Uzumaki, a kunoichi(female ninja) of Konoha,she was known as Konoha's Red Death and she became my jinchuuriki at age six"

"Mom..." Naruto said, barely above a whisper but didn't say anything else so Kurama continued.

"She went through her ninja career and eventually became a Jonin with the only noteworthy incident being a kidnapping attempt by Kumo(Hidden Coulds Village) that did not succeed, it was during that incident that she was rescued by the man who would one day become your father"

Naruto said nothing but it was clear he was hanging at every word

"His name was Minato Namikaze"

"The Yondaime was my Dad?" Naruto asked with a face full of disbelief. His father was his hero, the man who killed the Kyuubi and wait a minute... Naruto turned to Kurama and asked:

"I was told the Yondaime killed you. How are we talking here? And where are we actually? And what is this Jinchuuriki thing you keep saying?

"In order, Namikaze didn't kill me as it's impossible to kill a tailed beast, he merely sealed me inside his newborn son, you, we are inside your mindscape, a place that exists inside your mind where I live and Jinchuuriki is the name given to those who have a tailed beast sealed inside them."

"I see..."Naruto said but it was clear he was feeling overwhelmed with all the information, even still, there was one more thing he needed to know.

"Kurama...why were you sealed inside of me?"

Kurama looked at him and was hesitant to tell the kid but felt he deserved the truth.

"Well I can't give you a detailed description but in the day of your birth I was trying to escape being sealed inside your mother, I didn't hate her as I did Mito but she saw me as a weapon so I didn't care wheater she lived or died and her seal weakened during pregnancy so I saw it as an opportunity to be free again. There was a man who attacked that day, he freed me but controlled me to attack the village so I don't know what happened in the meantime but once I was free your father arrived with you. When I heard what he said I tried to kill him but he succeed in splitting me in half na sealing half of me in you and the other half in himself even if it cost him his soul"

"What did he say" asked Naruto with fear growing in his stomach as he thought...It wasn't...It couldn't be...

"Naruto, I'm sorry-" Kurama tried but was interrupted.

"Please...I have to know..." Naruto begged, now crying.

"He said..." Kurama hesitated but told him the truth.

"He said the village couldn't affort to lose a weapon like me...."

Naruto was silent for a long moment and all that Kurama could see were the tears streaming down his face. When Naruto spoke again his voice was coated with a venom of pure hatred the kind of which could only be obtained trough the pain of a betrayal.

"That's all I am to them...? A weapon... Someone to be sacrificed for the sake of the village...The village that hates me ...No! They had no right to force something like this on me. I owe them nothing. They're NOT MY PARENTS!THEY LOST THAT RIGHT!THEY LOST IT WHEN THEY CHOSE THIS GODSFORSAKEN VILLAGE OVER THEIR OWN SON!

Naruto was out of breath from shouting and was sobbing uncontrollably on the paw Kurama had extend to him in trying to console him. After a while Naruto calmed down and said while still sniffing:

"Thanks Kurama, I'm glad you're my friend."

"Don't mention it kit, but now I need to do something for me" Kurama said.


"Namikaze's seal is falty since he didn't know what everything about it and because of that I can't see what you see and can't talk to you when you're awake so I need you to rip out a piece of the seal so I can have more freedom"

Naruto mooved to do just that but before he did he asked:

"Hey Kurama, wouldn't You rather I rip the entire seal off so you can be free?"

"That's nice of you kit but that's not how it works, if you removed the entire seal you would die and while I would be released there are likely people in your village that could just seal me again"

"Oh" Naruto said"So how could I release you without dying?"

"You're serious about this?" Naruto nodded

" Well you would need a lot of fuuinjutsu training to be good enough to do something like that"

"Then train me and I'll release you, I promise and I never go back on a promise"

"I trust you kit , now, the seal, you're gonna wake up soon"

Naruto did as told and as soon as he did red chakra extended from Kurama and touched the seal.

"There, now I should be able to have more freedom here, and just in time too, you're about to wake up"

"Bye Kurama" Naruto said waving.

Kurama just snorted but gave a small smile nonetheless.


Naruto woke up in a hospital room with a bed, a small white cupboard and a window showing it was early evening and the weather was clear if a bit warm. There was also a man with an animal mask and silver hair sitting on a small chair next to the bed. As soon as Naruto woke up the man was already eyeing him, and when Naruto tried to get up the man said:

"Easy there kid, you were injured and need rest"

"I was beaten you mean" Naruto said with a scowl and tried to get up again only to be pushed back to bed by the man.

"Rest" He said "The Hokage was informed and is already on the way"

Naruto continued to scowl but said nothing more. The man then got up to leave but before he left he said:

"I will be outside if you need anything, Naruto"

Naruto didn't answer but as the man left he thought 'I wonder who he is'

"I remember him" A voice in Naruto's head said.


"Yeah, it's me kit"

"You can hear my thoughts?" Naruto asked.

"Now that you damaged the seal I can"

"Oh right, I forgot about that" Naruto chuckled. "So..the guy with the mask?"

"He is one of your father's students, I used to see him when your mother went to see your father, but I don't remember his name" Kurama said.

Naruto scowled at the mention of his parents, something Kurama picked up on.

"Sorry kit, I know they're not your family anymore, I'll stop calling them that"

"Thanks Kurama, I-"

But the conversation was interrupted by the arrival of the Hokage, who looked at Naruto with na expression of weariness and regret, before scolding his expression to a warm smile. As he moved to sit down next to Naruto he said:

"Naruto, I'm glad you're okay"

Naruto looked at him but said nothing, though Sarutobi didn't miss the tightening of Naruto's features.

"Naruto what happened?" Sarutobi asked with concern.

"I got kicked out of the orphanage and mobbed by the villagers" Naruto said though his voice seemed to lack the usual cheerfulness present.

Sarutobi just sighed and shook his head. After a moment of silence he said:

"Don't hold it against them Naruto, they're good people, they're just-"

"Good people?' Naruto interrupted "I never did anything to them and they hate me, they ignore me, insult me, glare at me, starve me, beat me. How are they good people? If they did this to anyone else they'd be monsters, but they do it to me so it's okay?" Naruto wasn't even trying to hide the scowl anymore.

"I know it's not fair but you have to forgive them" Sarutobi tried.

"And why should I?" Naruto countered "They hate me and hurt me so why should I care about them?"

"Because if you don't nothing will change" Sarutobi said " If you don't they will continue to hate you. Protect them, show them the error of their ways and you will gain their respect"

"Protect them!?They put me in a hospital and you ask me to protect them? Why should I? Why should I care about their respect if no one else has to work for it? If they hate my when I've done nothing to them?"

"They're just misguided Naru-" Sarutubi pleaded with the boy. He truly felt sorry for him but needed to protect the village above all else.

"NO!" Naruto interrupted again, this time yelling. "If you came here to make excuses for them then you can stop wasting your time with me"

Sarutobi got up, thinking he would talk to the kid when he was calmer. As he was leaving he heard Naruto say under his breath:

"Should've know you were like the rest of them"

Sarutobi sighed softly and as he reached the door he turned to Naruto with the same weary and regretful look he had when he entered and said:

"I'll get you an apartment, you don't need to go back to the orphanage"

When Naruto didn't even look at him he shook his head and walked away.


Hey guys I'm new author here trying my hand at fanfiction with an idea I had for a while now. Please review and PM me if you have any questions and I'll be happy to answer them. Well see you next time.