Emperor predicts Ace Attorney 7

Emperor was too badass to remain in the present, so he went far in the future to see Ace Attorney 7, 8 and 9.

When he returned, John Phoenix appeared out of nowhere.

"I am an Ace Attorney 7 character, right?"

Emperor shook his head.

"Nope…Ace Attorney 7 is all about Athena Cykes dealing with her lack of lawyer skills and facing off against a female prosecutor around the same age as her. As is in all good Ace Attorney games, the two will have lots of gay sexual tension. This of course, happens after she undergoes her therapy sessions, which Yours Truly has been prescribing her."

"Oh…This is so sad."

John Phoenix said sadly, because he knew he deserved to be the protagonist of an AA game.

"Don't worry though. You make a short cameo."

"OBJECTION! This is blasphemy! I deserve a 60 hour-long game!"

Emperor shrugged.

"I don't make the official Ace Attorney games. *whisper* It'd be a waste of my badass time. Capcom does."

"*slam*Right, so I should sue Capcom in 2022 for not making a John Phoenix game!"

"I think not including me is probably the bigger mystery. I am everything you want in a badass character. Flawless thought process. Literate. Nigh-omnipotent. And most of all, fun."

John Phoenix glared at the boastful attorney/detective/general/demon god/?.

"OBJECTION! NO! John Phoenix game!"

"OBJECTION! Emperor game!"

"OBJECTION! John Phoenix game!"




And so they went at it until the Ace Attorney universe got destroyed and God had to recreate it from scratch.

Wrote this because why not?

P.S. Admin should add Emperor to the character roaster.