So here is the next instalment as requested, glad you all liked the first chapter. Hope you enjoy this one.


They all sat there in silence for some time, staring at the lifeless form in front of them. If it weren't for the raspy breathing coming through the Mandalorian's Modulator you would have thought him dead.

'Come on we need to get him to a healer, there must be a town nearby' stated Cara as she tried to calm her shaky voice.

'Aye, there must be.' Stated Greef as he turned to the three bounty hunters he had brought 'Any of you able to fly this?'

'Yes sir.' one answered, stepping towards the ladder that led up to the cockpit.

'Good, as for you two. Go find some bedding and see if we can make our friend here more comfortable.' they both nodded at their boss and slipped out of view.

'I will help Brind up in the cockpit, two eyes are better than one.' he continued as he gave Cara a friendly slap on her arm.

Then there were three. Cara went about unfastening Din's belt and pulled up his jerkin, bringing the extent of his injuries to light. She was surprised to find that his skin was a beautiful tan colour, not at all what she had imagined. The wound had indeed been more or less cauterised from the blade that Gideon had used. The skin around the wound, however, was starting to darken which meant he was almost certainly bleeding internally and she knew that they were almost certainly running out of time. The Mandalorian started to cough violently and so the shock trooper rolled him on his side as his body was wracked with them. She noticed some dripping from the bottom of his visor, touching she brought her fingers up to see they were coated in blood.

'Oh no.' she said as she started to shake.

The two other hunters came back with blankets and thinly stuff pillows and with Cara's help, they attempted to make Din Djarin more comfortable. Once they were done they headed to the cockpit to join their fellow guild members. Time seemed to pass by painfully slowly and Cara could hear her friend's breathing getting slower and slower. They needed to find a healer and soon otherwise he was going to die right here on the floor of his ships cargo hold. Greef climbed swiftly down the ladder that leads to the cockpit, his expression was hard to read as he walked towards his companions.

'We have found a town. I and the hunters I have brought with me will go in search of a healer.' he stated matter of factly as they felt the Razor Crest touch down.

'Hurry, I don't think he can hold out much longer.' said Cara, her tone was starting to sound desperate.

Greef nodded and waited for the last of his hunters to make their way down the ladder. They lowered the bay door and sprinted out quickly towards the town that to Cara was little more than twinkling lights in the distance. She hoped they would return quickly as she knew that each minute they were gone, Din was closer to death. He began to stir which took both Cara and the child by surprise, his hand grasping at the air, clearly, he was looking for the child.

'The kid?' He said in a panicked tone and Cara took his hand in hers in an attempt to calm him.

'He's right here.' she said as the child waddled into his protector's view.

The Mandalorian allowed his head to lay back down on the pillow beneath it, his body relaxing.

'Greef and the others have gone in search of a healer.' the shock trooper stated, still holding his hand.

'I'm that bad huh?' He joked, but he knew that from the fact his mouth was coated in blood, his situation was pretty dire.

'Nah I think' you're okay but what do I know.' she joked back, attempting a smile to lighten the mood.

Her response elicited a small chuckle from him that then became a vicious coughing fit. She rolled him on his side again and waited for the coughing to pass.

'Not to self, don't make you laugh' she stated as she rolled him back onto his back.

That last fit had ebbed almost all his remaining strength from him. Blood stained his chin and dribbled down his cheek before soaking into his hair.

'Gideon, I saw him fall… is he?'

'Yes, Moff Gideon is dead." Answered Cara as she placed a comforting hand on his Cuirass.

He could sense that breathing was becoming more and more difficult for him. Darkness was starting to claw at his mind and tempt him it into its waters. His eyes became heavy and his head started to loll drawing the attention of Cara.

'Oh hey buddy stay awake.' she said as she shook him 'they won't be long come on, just hold on for a little longer.' she pleaded.

He couldn't comply however and he allowed himself to slip into the depths of nothingness. Din's body went limp and Cara shook him more vigorously now in an attempt to rouse him. She stopped for a moment to gain her composure and that's when she realised there was something missing.

'No.' she said and fumbled about on his neck in an attempt to find a pulse 'Come on Mando breath!' she begged as she continued to try and find a pulse but there was nothing.

'No… no no no no no.' she said as she unfastened his armour and pulled it all away so just his undershirt was left, she knew Din wouldn't be happy about this but this wasn't what she considered a warriors death either.

She started compressions on his chest, counting under her breath before stopping to see if he was breathing again. Nothing. She repeated it over and over as the child watched in horror.

'Come on stay with me.' she shouted as she resorted to banging his chest with her fist.

She didn't stop, even when the loading bay door lowered and Greef came into view. No longer accompanied by his hunters but instead a doctor and his droid.

'Cara what's going on?' he said as he saw what she was doing.

'He's not breathing.' she sobbed as she continued to bang on his chest.

'Let me through' said the doctor as they dropped to the Mandalorian's side.

'He pulled something from his pack and after lifting Din's undershirt further up, began attaching wires to his bare chest.

'What are you doing?' she questioned as she watched the healer work.

'I am going to shock his heart and hope it starts it again' he stated plainly 'move back'

Cara complied and watched as the doctor pressed a button on the device in his hands which caused the Mandalorian's body to arch as the electricity coursed through him. Still, nothing so the doctor waited a few seconds and shocked him again. This time they were rewarded with quiet raspy breathing through Din's modulator. The doctor then pulled out a new device, this one smaller and began to wave it over the Mandalorian's still form.

'He's got massive internal bleeding, what did this to him?' Quizzed the doctor, not taking his eyes off of his patient.

'He was pierced by some sort of blade but not like any blade I'd ever seen before. It cauterised his wound.' She replied.

'How is that even possible?' said the healer as he looked up at her.

She could now answer him. She had heard the stories of lightsabers but they didn't fit the description of what she'd seen.

'I need to operate but he's too unstable to move. I can operate here but I cannot promise that infection won't set in, my droid and I will do all we can for him.'

'No droids.' said Greef suddenly 'he doesn't like droids.'

'Who is to assist me if I can't use my droid.?' Quizzed the doctor, not happy with this predicament.

'I will.' Continued Greef, he had a little experience with healing.

'Fine.' spat the doctor before turning to look at his droid. 'Head back to the town. I will meet you there as soon as I can.'

The droid said nothing just turned and left, his heavy metal step reverberating through the ship.

'Right I need you and the child to leave. I can't work with all these eyes on me. I will come to fetch you when I'm done.' Stated the doctor as he turned his gaze to Cara and the child.

She scooped the child up in her arms and carried him carefully up the ladder and into the cockpit where they sat for hours. After a while the child had drifted off to sleep, leaving Cara alone with her thoughts. She wondered if he would make it and if he didn't, had he wiped out every threat the child was in danger of? Her thoughts became dark as she allowed herself to dwell on the idea that Din might not make it through his operation. She was yanked from that darkness by Greef appearing in the now open doorway.

'He pulled through.' he stated, his brow glistening with sweat.

Cara didn't say a word, just leapt from her seat, sliding down the ladder and landing with a thump causing the doctor to jump. She walked slowly towards her friend who now lay there, helmet still in place but his belly now adorned a large blood-stained bandage around his middle.

'He's a fighter your friend.' he stated as he started to gather his things 'I have done all I can for him. Now it's down to him to continue fighting. He's not out of the woods but he has a better chance than he did 5 hours ago.

'Thank you' she said as she nodded at him in acknowledgement 'How much for your services?' she said as she reached for her coin purse.'

'I have already been paid.' he stated and with that, he left.

Cara lowered herself to the ground beside the Mandalorian and watched the uneven rise and fall of this chest as he breathed. All they could do now was pray. Pray that he would be able to fight off anything else that might be thrown at him. She realised that the doctor had left them no medicine and so she hoped that for Din's sake he wouldn't need any. Greef came down the ladder having cleaned himself up from Din's surgery.

'Did it go smoothly?' she asked, not sure where the question had come from.

'I would be lying if I said it did.' Replied Greef as he came to stand next to Cara 'He had to shock him twice more as he stopped breathing. The second time I didn't think he was going to bring him back but he did.'

Cara kept her eyes locked on the Mandalorian. Not wanted to show her tears to her boss.

'He's a fighter though, he'll pull through.' the man finished as he sat down on one of the benches that lined the walls.

'He has to.' She muttered under her breath 'Where's the little one?' she said changing the subject.

'Still, sound asleep. Didn't want to wake him.' he stated.

'Mando will want to see him when he wakes… could you fetch him.'

Greef nodded before heading back up the ladder. Once she was sure he was out of earshot she allowed herself to sob into her hands, the emotions of the situation becoming too hard to bottle up.

'Who died?' said a weak voice and Cara looked up to see Din looking at her.

'You almost did.' She said as wiped away her tears.

'You removed my armour?'

'Well pretty hard to save your life with it on.' she jested, a small smile crossing her lips 'Your helmet remained on.'

'Thank you.' he replied, nodding at her slightly in appreciation 'wheres the baby?'

'I've asked Greef to fetch him, he'll be back in a moment.' she replied

Not a second later Greef came into view, holding in his arms a now very much awake child as he descended the ladder. He walked to Din's side and placed it down beside him.

'Hi you little whomp rat.' he said as it babbled away happily at him.

'You need rest' said Cara as she leant against the metal bay wall behind her.

Din had already slipped into unconsciousness again and the child lay down beside him. Cara smiled at them and allowed her own eyes to flutter close. Everything was going to be okay now.

Or was it.


Well, let us know what you thought :) I will try update soon.