Inko Midoriya was washing dishes when her son ran up to her. "Momma, Momma, I got my quirk," he said jumping up and down excitedly.

"That's great sweetie, can you show me what it is," she asks, smiling down at her only child.

"Let me ask them first," he said, before going into what looks like deep thought.

"Them," Inko questioned. She was very confused, who was them.

"They said yes," Izuku said with a bright smile. Inko smiled at him, still confused.

She watched as her son blinked and his eyes went from there natural green, to a nice royal blue. "Hello Mrs. Midoriya, or should we call you mom, anyways I'm Kasey, and my secondary quirks are super computer and analyze, meaning I have all the information in the world, like a computer, and I can analyze anyone and use their strengths against them," Kasey* said with a smile.

He blinked again as his eyes became red. "Hey mom, I'm Toki, my secondary quirk is fire, anything to do with fire I can do with it," Toki said with a smirk.

Inko doesn't know what to think. The doctor just told them he wouldn't have a quirk, but now he has multiple.

Izuku blinked again. His eyes now a very light green. "Hi momma, I'm Chibi, my secondary quirks are Psychokinesis, Telepathy, and mind control," he said with an adorable smile.

He blinked and now his eyes are yellow. "Hey mom, I'm Ranvir, and my secondary quirks is the ability to move earth, fire, water, and air, although the fire aspect of my quirk isn't as strong as Toki's," he said with a kind smile.

He blinked and his eyes were pink. " Hello, I'm Yoshimi, my secondary quirk is shapeshifting," he said with a smirk Izuku should not have on his face for a few years.

He blinked and his eyes were now purple. "Hey mom, I'm the last one for his quirk, I'm Samson, my secondary quirk has anything to do with light or light energy, it will even allow me to create weapons," the last one said.

Izuku blinked and his eyes were now back to their natural beautiful green. "What did you think of them mom," he said excitedly.

"It's great that you have a quirk sweetie, but I don't understand it," Inko admitted.

Izuku smiles still while answering. "That's okay, they say that they represent my personalities. Kasey is my intellectual side, Toki is my anger, Chibi is my cute and childish side, Ranvir is my adventurous side, Yoshimi is my flirtatious side he said he won't be very active till after I hit puberty, whatever that is, and Samson is my kindness side he's more on the girly side though, but that's okay, cause I love each of them equally," he said as his smile got bigger.

"Oh that's great baby, we'll go and tell the doctor tomorrow and go and get it registered," Inko gently ruffled her son's hair," now go wash up, I made Katsudon."

Izuku cheered before going and washing up.

Inko smiled. Her baby did have a quirk, and she couldn't be happier.

They had dinner that night and Inko was able to get to know her new sons a bit more. Yes, her new sons. Each one was a part of Izuku.

"I can't wait to tell Kacchan!" He cheered.

Inko smiled slightly. "Baby, people might think you're crazy." She told him gently.

"What do you mean momma?"

"People don't normally have other people in their heads."

"So people would think I'm weird?"

"I'm sorry baby."

"It's okay, Kasey explained that people would think that we were crazy."

Inko opened her arms. "Come here."

He moved towards her and hugged her. "Why do quirks have to rule everything momma?"

"Because that's just how life has been for a hundred years." She gently ran her fingers through her son's hair.

"Will I ever get to tell people about them?"

"Maybe when you have people you know you can trust."

"But I trust Kacchan!"

"Didn't Katsuki start harming you after the quirk doctor?"

Izuku nodded at her, a pout on his lips. He wants to tell Kacchan, but he'd listen to his mom first.

"People who you trust shouldn't hurt you, shouldn't call you names. People you trust should be there for you no matter what, they should help you stand back up once you've fallen. Trust people that if you give them your heart, that they'd treat it delicately."

"But no one wants to be my friend momma, Kacchan was the only one I had until the doctor." Tears welled into his eyes.

"You'll find someone baby. You'll find your best friend, and you'll go on amazing adventures together."

Unknown to her, the others were all crying. They didn't think anyone would like if they were told about them. They weren't normal to society, even with a society full of quirks. They just wanted to belong. And from what mom was saying, they might never belong.

"Do you think we'll ever belong momma?"

"Of course I do baby, it just might take time. That's why I want you to only tell people you know you can trust."

"Will we ever trust Kacchan?"

"If he changes his attitude, but don't get your hopes up sweetie. He's been raised differently."

"Does that mean Auntie Mitsuki won't like me anymore either?"

"I don't know baby, Mitsuki is unpredictable."

"I don't want you to lose your friend cause of me."

"Well, if we don't stay friends because she thinks she's better than us, then she wasn't a very good friend to begin with."

He frowned. Was their mom going to lose people close to her because of him. That's not good. She already lost dad because of him.

"I don't want you to lose anymore people because of me…"

"Oh Hunny, I don't care about them, you're my world, and I couldn't be happier or prouder." She knew he was talking about his father, her husband. Well ex-husband, he filed for a divorce after they found out that Izuku 'wasn't' going to have a quirk. And if he couldn't love his son no matter what, then he wasn't a very good father to begin with.

"But…people keep leaving you because of me."

"And I don't care," she smiled gently at him," now, it's time to get you off to bed." She scooped him up, which brought about a round of giggles from him, and went to his room.

She got him changed into his All Might onesie and got him to lay down. She smiled as she kissed their forehead.

"We love you momma." He tiredly mumbled.

"And I love you all too."

He fell asleep with a smile on his face. She rose up from the ground and got ready for bed herself. She knew it was going to be a long next couple of years, especially with her having to figure out all the things her other sons like. But she'd do it, because she loves them unconditionally.

-SIDENOTE: would you like to come rant and make friends in my Discord server?

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