Here's the next chapter. Please read and review love Moon x

Up in heaven Lily was still digesting all that Severus had said to Harry. She herself had thought he became a death eater because of James' treatment of him and always bitterly disappointed in him for this reason. She had even explained this to Terrence when they'd met in heaven. Now here he was after telling her son he became a death eater because of his own father. She felt somewhat guilty for assuming it was because of James. At least Severus was now free of his dark mark and would begin to take better care of himself finally. As Harry approached the common room thanking the elf who had returned him he entered to see everyone spin around and glare at him angrily.

"What did I do?" he questioned raising his hands in surrender.

"It's what you didn't do you fool!" Terrence Higgs the other prefect nearest him snapped.

"You changed the look of the common room but Professor Snape called you away before I could ask you how you wish the rooms to be. So no one could access them until you told me how to change them" Salazar responded calmly from his portrait. So calmly in fact he almost made Higgs look like a raving lunatic.

"Well I didn't realise that. Make sure every room in modern with new larger beds, better storage, nicer bathrooms and record players in each room. Also no one who isn't rooming in a room should be able to access that room without knocking first. This does prevent accidents and people wasting their breath freaking out. Please get to it now as we are all tired and do need sleep as Mr Higgs pointed out so dramatically" he said as Terrence looked like he was about to cast a spell on the young bastard but didn't. In ten minutes all the rooms were done. As he entered the room he and Dean were staying in at the end of the first year corridor he smiled. It was very large with two four ft small double four poster beds in it. There were two wardrobes one against the wall facing each bed where the boys could put their clothes and things. There was an area at the end of the beds where their trunks had been left.

Andy was on Dean's bed and Simon was on the armchair beside Harry's bed. There was a record player in the corner. He immediately put on some records because he couldn't help himself. Soon enough he and Dean were singing along to girls on film dancing together and waving their wands to create colours all around them as they danced. It changed to the reflex and their dancing got faster and more furious as they giggled. It was truly a good time. Elsewhere Ronald was stuck rooming with Theodore Nott a stuck up pureblood who was too shocked that a Weasley was in his house to even say anything bad to him. He figured the boy might get a howler tomorrow which would be funny indeed. Ronald went to the record player and put on a record feeling highly excited as they didn't have one at home. He picked up a record by someone he didn't know called Culture Club and the first song on it was called Karma Chameleon. He loved it and found himself dancing away to the music. Theodore looked or at least tried to look at him in disgust but simply couldn't help but dance with him. The tune was too addictive to just ignore.

Back in their room Harry giggled as he changed for bed and did his nightly ablutions and climbed into bed where Simon climbed on top of him.

"Simon you know you're not supposed to be here!" he chided mildly shocked when he got a response in his head.

"I know that and I love the bed you bought me but I'm cold and you're so cosy. Please may I sleep here tonight?" he responded as Harry looked at him in awe.

"Dean my cat just responded to me in my head! Does Andy do that with you?" he asked Dean who smiled.

"Yes he does because he's my familiar I've read it in the school rules before. If an animal is your familiar they will respond to you in your head even if you don't ask the questions aloud. As a familiar they are even allowed to accompany you to all of your classes it's in the rules!" Dean responded.

"No shit Sherlock! Harry where in the hell did you find him!?" Simon moaned as Harry laughed.

"He's my friend Simon and I really like him. Yes you can sleep on my bed but only because it's cold ok" he said as Simon seemed to mull things over.

"Ok then but I will be joining you in your classes today and anyone who disagrees can suck my dick! Yes I have that kind of sense of humour and I know you do too!" he responded as Harry laughed really loudly.

"As long as you don't talk to me like that in class Simon we'll all be fine. What did you make of my current year mates in Slytherin?"

"Well that Draco fellow is funny. He must have told whoever he was talking to a thousand times that his father would hear about whatever it was. I don't know his name but he smelled like a troll. I think it was Crabbe as he called him that. Weasley is sneaky though. I know for example he only entered this house to be close to you. It was on his mind all throughout the feast. As your familiar I am connected to you so I can read minds whilst you protect yours. Essentially I can tell you everything everyone is thinking and you won't get in trouble for it. Ronald Weasley is currently worried about his mother's reaction to his sorting and Dean Thomas here beside you is thinking how you're the best friend he's ever had. Soppy fucker!" he moaned as Harry laughed.

"Goodnight Simon!" he said leaning down and kissing the cat on the top of the head before scratching behind his ears and making him purr much to the ire of the cat who loved it but hated that he made that ridiculous noise. His bed was so comfy he was asleep in minutes after wishing Dean good night. All in all it had been an interesting first night.