Salutations! This is my first fanfic so it might not be good. Enjoy!

-Middle Kid Syndrome

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Animaniacs nor will I ever. If I did, the series would still be up lol.


I can't move.

Even though I was very groggy, I realized I could hardly move. It felt like the rope tied on my wrists and ankles were digging in my skin. I looked around at my surroundings. I was in a basement. I saw that I had TARBs - Toon Ability Restriction Bracelets - on my wrists. I tried crying out but I realized I had a gag ball in my mouth. I felt tears threatening to sting my eyes.

Try to keep your cool.

I started crying, missing Yakko and Dot already. I wanted to be with them so badly. Why would someone want to kidnap a 5-year-old?

Suddenly, I heard someone come down the stairs. I scooted towards the corner as a strange man came closer. I looked at his clothing and saw that he had a lab coat, black pants, and blue gloves on. Fear overtook my body as I started trembling.

The man bent down at my level, untied the ropes, and took the gag ball out of my mouth. I felt instant relief but I was too scared to speak or do anything. The man picked me up and cradled me in his arms as if I were a baby.

"Shhh, it's okay," he said in a soft tone of voice. I whimpered and sniffled as he tried calming me down.

"You're okay, you're okay." he said gently. "Those bastards drugging poor kids" I heard him say quietly as he continued to nestle me. I glanced at a digital clock on a desk: 3:46 A.M.

"Come with me." The man instructed as he set me down. My legs felt like jelly when I started to walk. He lead me out of the basement gripping my hand firmly so I wouldn't escape. We eventually arrived at a room that looked like a testing area. I had to shield my eyes at the sudden brightness. He told me to change into some gown of some sort and that he would leave the room to give me my privacy. I changed and and didn't dare to touch anything else.

"Y-you can come I-in now," I said shakily and quietly.

He entered and told me to lie down on the table. I rapidly did as I was told as to not anger him. I didn't remember the last time I had been this obedient.

It kinda scared me.

"No need to be in such a rush, kid. Do you have a name, or do I just call you 'kid'?" He asked, trying to lighten the mood. A small smile escaped my lips.

"W-Wakko Warner"

"Okay, Wakko. The name's Rick." Rick told me. "Rick Tridel."

I saw Rick attach something to my chest and turn something on that started beeping. A monitor. He strapped my arms, wrists, torso, legs, and ankles to the table as he was preparing a syringe. He filled it with a clear liquid and came to the table.

"I'm sorry I have to do this to you kid." Rick confessed and injected me.

I let out a small yelp of pain and immediately went drowsy. I tried to fight it but it was too strong.

And then I passed out.

I woke in a dark environment. I adjusted quickly and stood up, starting to look for Yakko and Dot. I searched and called out but sadly came to the realization that they were not here. I thought about pulling out my Gag Bag but I remembered I had the TARBs on.

Suddenly I heard a noise. That noise turned to maniac laughters. I had never wanted to hear that again.

I stood, frozen in place, frightened as hell. I heard footsteps behind me but I was too scared to turn around.

"Hello little puppy boy with the creepy face!"

Oh crap oh crap oh crap... It can't be...

I swiveled around to see the dead white face, tacky clothing, big red shoes, and orange wig. My eyes widened in horror.

Oh my God, it is.

A clown. The worst thing God could ever think of making.

"CLOWN!" I shrieked and took off running as fast and far as my little legs could take me. The adrenaline was pumping through my body faster than the speed of light. I didn't know where I was going, but any place is fine as long as I'm away from that clown. I stopped and looked behind me, catching my breath. No clown. I threw a mini celebration inside my head, happy I got away.

I spoke too soon.

More clowns started to appear out nowhere. And more. And more. Soon they were ascending over me, while I was just sobbing on the floor, curled into the fetal position, and listening to their mixed voices. Without warning, one picked me up and laughed maniacally into my face. I let out an ear-piercing scream, but that didn't affect the clowns.

"Yakko, Dot, where are you!?" I wailed.

I gasped and shot up on the table. I was surprised that the straps were taken off. I was drenched in sweat and my fur was matted. The monitor was beeping rapidly as I was incredibly hyperventilating and clutching my chest, recalling the nightmare I just experienced. Tears were rolling down my cheeks. Rick walked over to the table and stroked my ears, which calmed me down a bit. Yakko often did it when Dot or I were unhappy. He rubbed my back and pulled me into a hug. I softly sniffled and looked at him with bleary eyes.

"I-I'm s-s-scared..." I choked out, tears welling up in my eyes again.

"You're okay with me." Rick gently told me. "It's okay."

We walked back to the basement in utter silence. Rick gave me a hug before he left. I sat there in the corner, weeping in my hands, wanting this to end.

I want my sibs.

Next chapter coming next week!