Ryan Pettit: Cheyenne and Melody where did you go? : Joey Walker: Come on this isn't funny anymore where did you both go? Cheyenne eckert: wahhhhhh: Melody eckert: eeekkkkkkk: Joey Walker: It's a dragon a really rare dragon: Ryan Pettit: a dragon well which type is it: It's a baby dragon but that's why I can't tell yet is because they all look the same: Ryan Pettit: is that so? Joey Walker: I'm super sure of it! old man: Ryan Cheyenne Melody joey where did you go: James Pettit: yeah come out come out wherever you are: Cheyenne eckert: that's no dragon it's a night shifter: Melody eckert: yeah it's definitely a night shifter: Joey Walker: and what makes you two so sure: Old man: there you are: James Pettit: yeah you all had us so worried but we'll have a party to celebrate that everyone is back together again later tonight during the full moon: Joey Walker: aha so it's a full moon so that will reveal the so called night shifters true identity if it is a night shifter that is: Meanwhile at the camp: Cori Pettit: To everyone being back together at last! : Marissa eckert: to everyone being back together at last: Chris laferrara: to everyone being back together at last: Brandon Pettit: to being back together at last: Brianna Pettit: to everyone being back together at last: Melody eckert: oh hey look it's the night shifter: Night shifter: Graaaaaaaa: James Pettit: Everyone get back: Ryan Pettit: Take this you monster: Night shifter: so it looks like you beat me this time so I'll tell you this you might be able to beating the death oath assassin guild if you make to the library in time so see ya! : Ryan Pettit: well let's get going to the library: Everyone okay: TO BE CONTINUED