*Danny Phantom, Ninja, Cat Noir, and American Dragon are fighting Vlad Plasmius as he has some kind of portal opening up*

Danny Phantom: Give it up, Plasmius! You're outnumbered from 3 vs 1*

*Vlad Plasmius just laugh at him, which creep the heroes out

Ninja: Ok... Plasmius is laughing. That's not a good sign.

Vlad Plasmius: Oh, Ninja you are absolutely right.

*Suddenly American Dragon, Ninja, and Cat Noir's archnemesis such as the Huntsman, Sorcerer, and Hawkmoth appear behind Plasmius*

Huntsman: Surprise, heroes!

*All four begins to fight each other as they seem to be evenly match as the villains machine to a portal opens up more*

American Dragon: We need to destroy that machine if we ever want to save the city.

Cat Noir: I'm on it!

*Cat Noir runs and dodged the villains as they try to stop him in his path*


*Cat Noir uses his powers to destroy the machine entirely to dust.*

*Unfortunately, the portal is still opening and causing chaos every whereas lighting came on to the ground*

Sorcerer: You fool! Do you realize what you have done?!

Ninja: Uh.. save the day?

*Unfortionteely the villains are not too happy that Cat Noir destroyed the only machine that can stop the portal opening causing storms coming.

Hawkmoth: No, you twit. Without that machine, nothing can stop this portal from causing chaos.

Danny Phantom: That's not good

*Vlad takes out a device as he scans the portal but terror fills his eyes as he looks at the device

Vlad Plasmius: Oh Dear! We have to leave!

*Plasmius tells the villain*

Hawkmoth: And exactly why?

*Plasmius just has a smirk on his face*

Vlad Plasmius: Because the heroes will too busy dealing with this.

*Plasmius gestures to the portal then turns to the heroes*

Vlad Plasmius: I should warn you, that you only have a minute to stop this or it will cause feedback and destroy the city. SO choose heroes, us or this?

*Sorcerer then uses his sorcery powers to make the heroes disappear*


*Danny blasts the spot the villains disappear because he is mad that Vlad escape again causing chaos once more*

Cat Noir: Well we had a good run.

American Dragon: I can't believe you killed us.

*The heroes tried to blast the portal but nothing they tried works*

Cat Noir with sarcasm: Sorry that I destroyed a machine our enemies were using to destroy the world. It'll be better next time.

Ninja: I would have gone with the off switch

*Cat Noir sudden was shocked to hear this*

Cat Noir: There's an off switch?

*Cat Noir didn't get an answer as a white explosion was coming towards them*

American Dragon: Son of a-

*American Dragon was soon cut off as the explosion consumed them. But for some reason, it didn't do anything to the city when the explosion died down. It only took our four heroes*

*Suddenly American Dragon, Danny Phantom, Ninja, and Cat Noir fell out of nowhere into an office that's a little similar to Clockwork's Tower.*

Danny Phantom: Where are we?

*The heroes look around to see a man on his desk looking at them. That happens to be Ozpin*

Ozpin: How about the question should be is, who are you?

*The heroes look confused on why this man doesn't recognize them*

Cat Noir: You've never heard of us?

*The man just shooks his head never seeing them before*

Danny Phantom: I'm Danny Phantom, the ghost kid

*Danny Fenton yells his catch fraise and transform into Danny Phantom*

Cat Noir: I'm Cat Noir, a Miraculous user

*Adrien Agreste yells his catch fraise causing Plagg to go to his ring transforming him into Cat Noir*

Ninja: I am the Ninja of Norrisville

*Randy Cunningham says his catch fraise and puts on a ninja mask transforming him into the Ninja*

American Dragon: And I am the American Dragon, protector of the NYC.

*Jake Long says his catch fraise and turns into the American Dragon*

Ozpin: Impressive, for you individuals I have never seen before. Tell me, how did you get here?

Cat Noir: Our enemies teammed and we got accidentally sent here.

*Danny Phantom fights Vlad Plasmius as they each fire an ecto-blast*

American Dragon fights Huntsman*

*Cat Noir and Hawkmoth fighting in fencing style*

*Ninja fights the Sorcerer*

Ozpin: Then it's settled. You guys can stay here until we have a way to bring you home.

*The school of Beacon Academy is filled with lots of students

American Dragon: And where exactly is here?

*Ozpin just smiles at them*

Ozpin: Beacon Academy trained teams of Huntsmen and Huntresses to slay the various monsters that plague our world of Remnant.

*Ruby Rose uses her Crescent Rose to twirls around her body*

*Weiss uses her Myrtenaster sword to conjure a gliff on the air above her*

*Yang uses her Ember Celica to blast her to a Beowolf for her to punch it through its head*

*Blake uses her Gambol Shroud to yang a Beowolf to her, only for her to give it a kick to the stomach destroying it.*

Ozpin: Buckle up boys. This will be a bumpy ride.

*The heroes are out of their uniform and is at the school*

Randy (Ninja): So what're your names?

*The heroes meet 8 different students*

Blake: I'm Blake

Jaune: Oh, I'm Jaune.

Weiss: Weiss

Pyrrha: I'm Pyrrha.

Ruby: Ruby Rose, at your service

Ren: Ren

Yang: Yang Xiao Long

*Nora then runs in front of all of them*

Nora: Nora

*The heroes smirks as an army of Beowolves surround them as they are ready to kill them.

Cat Noir: Bring it on.

Danny Phantom: Guys trust me, this, this will be fun.

*The heroes then tar they're way through them killing each and one of them