Chapter 2

More than two weeks have passed since that day. Izuku got to know Buchillati and learned that he had a whole gang. Buchillati somehow later get to know them all with him. Apart from that, he was preparing for the introductory UA, he learned that almost everyone in the Buchilati gang is going to do it too.

[At Midoriy's house]

Inko is not at home now, she is still on the robot, and Izuku is in her room working on the delivery documents. He is currently wearing a green sweatshirt and green jeans with gold trims on the end of the jeans (basically what Doppio is wearing but without a cutout). When he finished, he wanted to go read books, but someone knocked on the door. Approaching it and opening it, he saw that it was Buchillati. They greeted each other and started a conversation.

- Hi Buchillati, what brings you here? Izuku asked.

- Well, you see, remember that I will introduce you to the team as soon as they all gather from our missions * received a nod *. The time has come - Buchillati said.

Without further ado, Izuku went with him to securely shut the house and leave a note to his mother.

[At the meeting point]

(Basically a restaurant where Bruno's group was often) They came to a restaurant where, as Buchillati said, the whole gang met. Upon arrival, he met four people. Two of them were a young man with blond, almost orange hair, in a blue jacket with highlighted circles on it, an orange shirt and a yellow tie, and he looked like he was blown up. The second-looking young guy (or girl) with an orange bandana (basically as he was dressed in an Oreginal0 he solved mathematics with a pot on his head (Izuku and Diavolo were laughing mentally because the guy had a hammer in his hand). Next was another young man in a purple hat in a cage with a pattern, a green shirt and blue jeans, he was reading something while small numbered creatures were poured around him. And the last was the oldest in this group, with gray hair at the end of a denim, with a hat that most likely just lies on his head (and everything else in Abakio is the same, and yes, he is the oldest here, I just have an idea for him.) He was listening to something and drinking tea.

- Ahem - Buchilati called their attention.

Everyone turned, and the one with the fire pot on his head looked out from under her (AHAHA).

- So guys, I wanted to introduce you to my ... - Buchillati was about to say how the waiter called him.

He told the guys to introduce themselves while he figured out the problem that had arisen. He walked away. Izuku was following him all this time, and when he turned, he saw how the one who removed it with a hammer and closed the math book, the one who removed it with a pot with relief, the one who read took away the book and told the small creatures to stop eating, the one who was listening to music removed the headphones but still drank tea.

"Ahem well, greetings. My name is Izuku. Midoriya is glad to meet you," Izuku said.

They weren't all that interested. Then the oldest responded.

- I thought Bruno found a strong fighter and not a green cinnamon pin.

Izuku started a little angry but did not give a sign (And Diavolo is a bastard still in his head with a laugh). But the one that had previously decided to check it out.

- You know, he told me that you can see the future, yes? * got a nod * here's my question, would you like some tea?

Izuku then wondered what it was for? But I realized that he was checking him if he knew what was there with the help of his powers. He peered into the future, and then wanted to kick this guy in the face, but he dropped it and came up with it.

- I will not refuse, but why don't you take the first sip? Izuku told him.

He wanted to object but saw his look threatening, he suppressed it and did what they said. Immediately, he spat out the "tea" and began to matter. The one that looks like the smallest guy (or girl) asked the question.

- Che with him - he asked.

- He drink tea with his urine like that - Izuku said.

And then the others started laughing at this. And so, in turn, everyone introduced themselves. The mathematician is Fugo Ponokota, his victim ... in the sense of a disciple of Narancia Girga, the next Guido Mista and the last one was Leon Abacchio. But then Narancia inserted two yen.

- Buchillati said that you were like two people, how is that? - asked him Narancia.

"And this, wait a minute," Izuku said.

He got up from his chair and started stripping off his turtleneck, confusing the gang along the way. After the work was done, in his place was Diavolo in a black sleeveless T-shirt and in the same pants. Now they were interested in it.

- My name is Diavolo, whatever you call me as Izuku, I say right away, we are almost two different people - said Diavolo.

- Now it explains how you can be the boss - said Abbacchio.

- Yes, Izuku will be responsible for the main work, and I am with me for the robot, said Diavolo.

Without further ado, he put the turtleneck back on and Izuku returned to his place. Later Bruno returned to them, and Izuku gave him an invitation in Passiena. The gang considered Bruno's proposal together and agreed to it. And so there was a replenishment in Passiennes.

[5 месецев спустя]

- Remind me why Buchillati called us? Izuku asked Mista.

- Said something about a newcomer - said Mista.

Today, 5 months later, they are sitting in the same restaurant. Mista (now in her costume after his story) reads something as usual, Abbacchio sips tea, and Fugo and Narancia shyas do the math again, vet Narancia shyas in the full set of a penetrated special forces officer (imagine the juggernaut costume from warface) provided to him from Izuku. Damn Fugo pierced through the armor in several places. After a while Buchillati comes in with a guy. He was blond, with 3 bagels and a ponytail, he was wearing a purple suit (imagine Giorno's suit), and he has blue eyes. If you ask Izuku about the guy's suit, he will say that he is at least more interesting than his. Izuku himself was dressed in a striped business suit, a green shirt, an orange tie in a circle, and his hair was gathered in a kind of bun (mostly Diavolo's business suit from the manga).

- So guys, I wanted to get to know you and Giorno Giovanna - Buchillati said.

- Glad to meet you - greeted Giorno in response.

Then Fugo and Narancia, who was wearing off his armor, were talking about something. This distracted Bruno and Girno's attention. As they talked, Izuku noticed that Abbacchio again wanted to test the tea only now on Giorno. Izuku decided to have nothing to do nothing. Then the waiter called Bruno on business and he went away.

[5 minutes and a cup of piss later] (basically the same as in anime and manga, only with Izuku)

After Bruno's revival, he began to introduce Giorno to all. Only Izuku remained.

- And this is Izuku Midoriya, very capable and our boss - introduced Izuku to Giorno.

- Why is the green cinnamon pin your boss? - jokingly tried to ask Giorno.

Immediately, the room dropped a lot colder. Narancia immediately hid in the swat armor, Fugo took out the pot from where and put it on his head, Mista hid under the table, Abbacchio tried to hide in his cup and Bruno just put his hand to his face and muttered something about "Here we go again." Giorno didn't understand why, but then he did. In an instant, Izuku stood in front of Giorno, I grabbed him by the collar and bent him so that he would look at him (Giorno - 176cm here and Izuku - 166cm). All Giorno saw was a shaded face with brightly shining split green eyes without pupils (Imagine Diavolo's eyes). If you ask Giorno, he was shitty with fear, but he didn't show it.

- Oi, I'm not a cinnamon stick - Izuku said in a threateningly split voice.

- D-yes-yeah, I got it - answered Giorno.

Immediately, everything seemed to have drowned out and everything calmed down. Izuku began to gaze normally and return to my place. But there was a strange picture. Fugo is in the fortress from the mathematics textbooks, Narancia is all in armor but surrounded himself with every holy ross and held a cross in his right hand and a Bible in his left, Abacchio sits on another table and Mista is stuck in a vent from him so his ass is visible. Everything turned out interestingly. Otherwise that day was okay.

[5 months later]

So the whole gang except Abacchio0 had agreed to enroll in UA, now they were standing here in front of the large gates of the school of heroes, ready for a change.

To be continue -

The chapter, of course, came out shorter than the previous one, I apologize, I'm just writing another story for the future about the Dorohedoro and Bnha crossover, that's all for now. JA NE!