September 28, 2008

Wendy kept staring at the needle for hours. She already knows doing drugs is the most dumbest thing she has ever done. But ever since Jax had turned her down multiple times and with Donna threatened to kill her last week. Wendy needed something to calm her nerves. Something that would make her relax. Wendy took a deep breath as she picked up the needle. Once she was able to find that one vein. Wendy poked the needle into it. Pulling the needle out, Wendy laid back against the chair and closed her eyes as she was in total relaxation.


Tara had just gotten out of the shower when she could smell eggs and bacon in the kitchen. Jax must be in the kitchen. Tara had assumed as she got dried off. After Tara got dressed. She walked out of the bathroom and headed towards the kitchen. Walking in Tara couldn't help but smile as she saw Jax standing over the stove.

" It smells good in here," Tara said as she walked over to the kitchen table and sat down. " What you doing up this early anyway?" Tara asked.

" Got that meeting with the Irish and Clay wants us to be at Fun town," Jax responded as he brought two plates towards the table. After he set Tara's plate down. Jax leans down and kisses Tara deeply and passionately as he smiles against her lips. He then dropped to his knees and kisses her stomach.

" So, why are you up this early?" Jax asked as he looked up at Tara.

" Donna wants to take me clothes shopping. She's gonna be here in an hour with Opie." Tara responded as she started to eat her eggs. " Besides that, you're old lady and son was hungry," Tara said with a smirk.

" Where is Donna taking you?" Jax wondered as he walked over to the other side of the table and sat down across from her as he took a drink of his coffee.

" Lodi."

" I am not sure I want my old lady shopping in Lodi." Jax protested.

Tara huffed and rolled her eyes." Yeah, well if there was an actual clothing store in town. Then maybe none of us old ladies would have to drive all the way to Lodi." Tara pointed out as she finished her breakfast.

" Good point. I am gonna have Half sac go with you girls." Jax said standing up as he pulled out of his burner and walked out of the kitchen before Tara had a chance to argue. Tara just sighs and shook her head.

Tara suddenly jumped and gasps as she felt something." Whoa." Tara said as she catches her breath. " Hey, little man trying to hurt mama with your kicks?"Tara asked as she smiles and chuckled lightly. Tara picked up her fork once again and finishes her breakfast and her orange juice.

The front door open when Jax just got off the phone with Half sac." Hey man." Jax said Opie walked in and Donna followed inside. " Hey, Darlin." Jax greeted Donna with a friendly kiss on the cheek.

" Hey, is Tara ready?" Donna asked as she closed the door behind them.

Hearing Donna. Tara got up from the kitchen table and walked into the living room." Yeah, I am ready." Tara answered as she grabbed her jacket and gave Jax a quick kiss.

" Be careful," Jax called out as both girls walked out of the door. Seeing Half sac pulling into their driveway. Jax walked out towards him." Make sure nothing happens to my old lady or my son." Jax instructed.

" I am on it." Half sac responded with a nod." Nothing will happen to them."

" The same thing goes for Donna as well," Opie said standing behind Jax.

Tara looked out the window as she watched them all getting on their bikes. Tara then rolled her eyes and shook her head as she got her seatbelt on.

" What?" Donna asked as she pulled out of the driveway at the same time Half sac did.

" I personally don't think we need the prospect to tag along." Tara grumbled as she placed her hand over her stomach." Besides Jax knows that I can protect my son without anyone's help."

" Of course, he knows Tara. But with all the shit that's going on with the Mayans. Jax and Opie just want to make sure that we are safe and nothing happens. Besides I am sure nothing is going to happen." Donna said as she gave a quick smile as she returned her attention back to the road.

Walking through the clothing store. Tara started to browse through some jean pants." I will be surprised if I can actually fit into something like this again." Tara said as she picked up the jeans and showed them to Donna. Tara then smirks as she noticed a little red outfit.

" Something for Opie?" Tara asked as she wiggled her eyebrows a little.

" More for Jax," Donna said as she hands the sexy red outfit to Tara.

" For Jax?"Tara questioned in confusion.

" Well, yeah cause once Jax sees you in that. He's gonna want to get you pregnant again." Donna said as she smirks.

Tara scoffed and rolled her eyes." God, I hope not."Tara said as she shook her head. But the thought of Jax taking it off of her does make her smile. Tara had thought about having another one once Abel was born. But she was going to wait for a few more years before that happens.

After their shopping. Walking out of the clothing store Tara looked over at Donna." Let's go over to the clubhouse."

" Why?"

" Because Jax might be there and I really don't wanna go home just yet," Tara answered as she got into the passenger side. Once Tara closes the door, she winced as she felt a hard kick, or at least that's what she thought it was." Man, this kid can definitely kick hard." Tara said as she chuckled and then winced again as she felt it again.

" Are you sure it's just a kick? I mean it's possible that it could be a contraction." Donna said shrugging her shoulders and started the engine." If it is maybe we should go to St. Thomas."

Tara shook her head." No. My appointment isn't until a few days and Abel isn't due for another two weeks. So just go to the clubhouse. I will be fine." Tara said as she nods her head.

" Are you sure?"

" Yes! Now drive." Tara answered as she placed her hand against her stomach and calms her breathing. Tara knows there's no way Abel isn't ready to come out just yet. She still has another couple of weeks. Tara suddenly grabbed Donna's hand and squeezed her hand tightly and winced once more." Second thought maybe we should stop by at St. Thomas." Tara winced once more as she could feel the pain even more.

Donna nods her head and speeds towards St. Thomas. Pulling into the parking lot Donna quickly got out of the car and helped Tara out, She looks over at Haf sac," Call Jax. Tell him that Tara is about to go labor." Donna said as she walked into the hospital doors with Tara. Sitting Tara down Donna walked over to the front desk.

" Can we get a wheelchair for Tara Teller please?" Donna asked the head nurse who was sitting behind the desk.

" Right away"

" Jax is on his way." Half sac informed them just as Donna and one of the nurses helped Tara into the wheelchair. Tara then screams in pain as she started to breathe even harder.

" How far apart are the contractions?" One of the nurses asked.

" How the hell am I supposed to know?" Tara questioned as she wasn't really in the mood to answer any dumb questions right now.

" About five minutes apart," Donna answered for Tara.

" Take her up into the mandatory ward and I will page her doctor." The head nurse instructed the male nurse. When the nurse rolled Tara towards the elevators Tara looked up at Donna.

" Did You call Jax?"

" Half sac said he's on his way remember?" Donna asked reminding Tara that half sac came through the doors just a few seconds ago letting them know, Jax is coming.

" Oh yeah, sorry I been distracted with so much pain," Tara said gritting her teeth. When they got to the second floor and when they got out of the elevator. Tara looked over at the male nurse." My friend can take over now. Thanks for your help though." Tara said with a nod.

" But who's going to help you get into bed?"

" I will." Jax responded as soon as he stepped out of the elevator." Now you heard my wife. We got this." Jax said as he took the wheelchair from the male nurse and rolled Tara into the room with Donna following behind them.

" Where's Opie?" Donna wondered as she watched Jax help Tara into bed.

" He's out in the waiting room with the rest of them." Donna nods her head as she walked out of the room and closed the door behind her. To give them privacy.

" So what shopping was enough?" Jax asked as he made a small joke.

" Yeah, well you're son decided it was time to be born." Tara said glaring at Jax for a moment." Did they all have to come? I can handle you and Gemma. But the whole club Jax?" Tara questioned complaining.

" Sorry babe. But when the prospect called we were on our way to meet with the Irish." Jax said as he moved the chair closer to her and as soon as he sat down. Jax reached for her hand and raised it against his lips." How are you feeling?"

" Fine now. I mean I haven't had any contractions yet."Tara said as she laid back against her hospital bed pillow." Thanks for being here Jackson."Tara said softly as she smiles lightly.

Where else will I be?" Jax questioned as he grins." Now, are you sure it's contractions? I mean Abel isn't supposed to be due for another two weeks."

" No shit, Jax," Tara said as she rolled her eyes. Tara then suddenly squeezed Jax's hand as soon as she felt another contraction." Just to let you know, you're never touching me again." Tara said glaring at him again.

Jax smirks as he pressed his lips against the back of her hand once more." Just breathe babe." Jax said as he was trying to soothe her. Jax sucks in a breath as he felt Tara squeezing his hand even harder." Jesus, babe. Trying to break my hand?" Jax question as he shook his hand.

" I will if you don't shut the hell up and go Dr. Jenkins, now!" Tara yelled through the pain. Jax jumped up from his seat and ran out of the room and went to look for Tara's doctor.

A few moments later Dr. Jenkins walked in with Jax right behind her." How are you feeling? She asked as she set Tara's charts down and walked over to the baby monitor.

" You're going to ask me that question?"Tara asked as she scoffed." My contractions had been coming every ten minutes which makes no sense to me. Because Abel isn't due for another two weeks. So what's going on doc? Why is this happening now?"

" Sometimes mothers give birth two weeks sometimes a week before their due dates. There's nothing to worry about. Everything is fine Tara. Now I am gonna have one of the nurses come in and hook you up with an IV and give you something for the pain. I will check in on you in a couple of hours." Dr. Jenkins said nodding her head and walked out of the room.

"I shouldn't be here right now. This is too early." Tara said as she blew out some air. Tara looks over at Jax for a moment."I am gonna get some rest."Tara said as she breathes slowly and closed her eyes.

Jax reached over and lightly brushed Tara's hair out of her eyes as he watched her sleep. When the nurse walked in, Jax moved out of the way and leans against the wall while the nurse hooked his old up to a machine and an IV.

" How's Tara?" Gemma questions as she walked into the room a few seconds later.

" She's resting now hasn't had any more contractions yet. But Dr. Jenkins said it could be a matter of time." Jax said as he deeply sighs. He looks over at Gemma." What?"

" Just got a call from one of the crow eaters. Wendy was getting high this morning. She almost OD. They asked for Tara. But I said I will check on her." Gemma said as she looked over at Tara for a moment.

" Just be careful," Jax said as he nods his head. Wendy isn't Jax's favorite person and as much he doesn't want Gemma helping her. He has no choice but to let her go." Take half sac with you." Jax said as he leans over and kisses her cheek.

" Call me when her water breaks," Gemma said as she left the room and closed the door behind her. Jax suddenly moved away from the wall and went straight towards Tara as soon as he heard her scream in pain, Jax then grabs her hand," Just squeeze my hand as hard as you can babe," Jax said as he looks down at her,

Tara squeezes Jax's hand even harder as she started to breathe even harder, After doing some Labor breathing, Tara slowly lets go of Jax's hand and calms her breathing." I am okay now," Tara said with a small smile." How long did the doctor say she will be back?" Tara asked,

" About a couple of hours, Do you want me to go get her?" Jax asked,

Tara shook her head," No. just stay here with me. I have been thinking and I think I actually want to go to medical school, But I don't wanna go until Abel is a little older and stronger." Tara knows this wasn't the right time to bring it up, But she has been thinking about it for a while now and even though she is taking some online classes, Tara needs to do more.

" Why don' we just get through this and we will talk about it later," Jax said as he leans down and kisses her forehead." Just focus on bringing Abel to the world babe." He said as he grins softly and leans down as he kisses her softly." We can deal with everything else later." Tara nods her head as she knew Jax was right. She just isn't sure how she is gonna tell Gemma though.

A couple of hours later Dr. Jenkins walked in." How's mama doing?" She asked as she walked over to the baby monitor and checked the charts," Everything looks good so far. Abel is doing just fine and it will only be a few hours until your ready to give birth," Want some ice chips? Water?" Dr, Jenkins asked?

" Just water thanks." Tara said softly," How long is it gonna be for my water to break?"

" Not very long. I will have one of the nurses bring you some water and ice chips, just in case," Dr, Jenkins said as she nods her head at both Tara and Jax before she headed back out of the room once more. Tara laid back as she sighs deeply and closes her eyes for a moment,

" I swear this is taking forever. Tara looks down at her stomach as she placed her hands on it," Hey baby. Why don't you give your mom a break and come out, Can you do that for me?" Tara asked as she rubbed her stomach.


About a few hours and six times of pushing. Abel Nathaniel Teller was born. Weighting 5 LBs and 23 inches. A healthy baby boy. Well, he does have that heart defect but other than that. Abel is healthy and perfect. Tara looks down at Abel as she leans down and kisses his forehead gently." Welcome to the world Abel Nathaniel Teller. I am your mama." Tara said as she smiles softly,

Jax gently takes Abel out of Tara's arms as he cradles his son in his arms." Hey little man." Jax said as he gently rocked Abel side to side," I don't know how to break it to you. But I am your old man." Jax said as he leans down and kisses his forehead gently." You did an amazing job babe." Jax said as he leans over and kisses Tara deeply and passionately and rest his forehead against hers. Jax is now more determined to protect his family and keeping them safe. Jax now realized that it isn't just him and Tara anymore, It's all three of them and Jax will do whatever he can to keep his family whole, Their future as a family is Jax's main focus right now.