hey guys! So, this is actually my second attempt at a scary Jurassic World story, but, the first one isn't done yet. i just wanted to start this before i lost my motivation. Lol. So, enjoy, and don't forget to review! I also don't own Jurassic World or any of the characters.

Zara was walking around the jungles of Isla Nublar, trying to de-stress after a long day at work. Suddenly, she looked up from her tiny notebook and realized she had wondered further than she intended. She was a little nervous but figured she'd find civilization if she walked in any direction for very long. After walking for what seemed like forever, she heard footsteps behind her. Before she could turn around, someone grabbed her and hit her in the head, knocking her out cold.

A few hours later, the assistant began to come to. As her vision cleared up, she realized she was in some kind of laboratory. Her heart began to beat rapidly as she wondered where she was, and who had taken her. Then, she heard a familiar voice, or, more accurately, cry. It was Zia. The young woman was strapped to stretcher, trying desperately to get loose. When a man entered the room, Zia's sobs intensified. The man approached Zara and said, gruffly. "Hello, miss Young. I've brought you in today to help me, you're an assistant so that shouldn't be too hard. See, my job is to control the population of people on the Island, and, obviously you know what has to happen to control population. " Zara was shocked listening to the man explaining his evil plot. "But, lately its been a little too easy, you might even say boring, so, your job is to try and protect the victims with everything you have. If I am unable to kill them under your protection, you can have them. Sound like a plan?" the man smirked with an evil look in his eye. "Y-you mean I'm supposed to try and keep you from killing people just to make it more fun for you?!"

The man nodded. "Precisely. Now, here's your first little bundle of joy." he joked dryly and untied Zia, placing her roughly on Zara's lap. The man pulled out a steak knife, holding it up and rotating it, so that it glistened in the dim light. Zia clung to Zara as tightly as she could, tears streaming down her face and spotting the lenses of her glasses.

Zara gently removed them from her face and laid them on a table beside the hospital bed she was sitting on, then hugged her close. The man walked over with the knife; he lifted Zia's shirt and ran it over her skin just gently enough not to draw blood. He smiled as he heard her softly yelp in terror upon feeling the metal on her bare skin. When he stopped, Zara rubbed her back in attempt to help rid her of the awful sensation. The man brought the knife to her skin again, Zara covered the spot he was looking at with her hand, but he changed positions and before Zara could block him, he made a gash on her back. Zia screamed in pain and dug her nails into Zara's skin. Zara covered the wound in attempt to stop the bleeding. The man smiled an unnaturally wide smile

as Zia sobbed hysterically into Zara's chest. Zara nearly gagged at the feeling of warm blood covering her palm. Zara rocked the terrified woman and whispered soothing words in her ear as the man dug through a toolbox. She gasped and clutched her even tighter when he pulled out a scalpel, and walked to them again. He pulled Zia's shorts up a bit and dug the small tool into her thigh. Zara punched his hand away and pulled the scalpel out, before ripping off a peice of her own shirt and holding it on the wound. In the process, the man, who was exited by Zia's wails of pain, repeatedly made small cuts in her back. When he was done with that, he forced the crying woman to turn around, only long enough to feed her a spoonful of blood he'd collected. Zia coughed and gagged as she held it in her mouth, not wanting to swallow. Zara cupped her hand under the younger woman's mouth and told her to spit it out. She did as Zara instructed her; she was nearly ill from having a mouthful of her own blood. Zara let her finish and wiped the mixture of blood and saliva on the already filthy sheets. She now knew that the only way to protect her would be to shield her with her own body. She turned around so that Zia was between her and the back on the bed. She held her close and blocked the man's knife the best she could, although she accidentally allowed poor Zia to get cut a few more times. After a few minutes the man left the room, probably to get more weapons. Zia was clutching her stomach rather than her thigh now; she groaned and weakly said "I think I'm going to be sick..." Zara got a rush of fear after hearing this, but she wasn't about to move from her protective position, even it it meant Zia throwing up on her; a small price to pay if they both made it out alive. Just as the man entered the room, carrying yet another knife, the anxiety, pain, and lingering taste of blood was too much for Zia to handle; without even having time to give a warning, she violently emptied her stomach as Zara cringed but continued to hold her. "I-I'm sorry..." she sobbed quietly. Zara kissed her head softly and replied "Its ok...I'm not angry, I promise." The man smirked and roughly patted Zara on the back. "Hah, and you thought the blood was gross." he teased. Zara squeezed her eyes shut as she tried to maintain her composure. The man then walked away and turned off the lights, making the room pitch black. Zia flinched and clung tighter to her only source of protection and comfort. She felt like she would be sick again, but she tried to fight it. Zara was nearly in tears listening to Zia's quiet cries and deep breathing in the dark room. After a few minutes the man turned the light back on and said "Well, you've won this one. But, I forgot to mention, I do get to perform a grand finale, and you're not allowed to stop me from that. " Zara hesitated. "I won't let you hurt her anymore." The man frowned. "Then you can't have her." Zara sighed deeply and turned Zia towards him, whispering a tearful apology to her. Zia hid her face on Zara's chest as the man grabbed her wrist. Zara couldn't look, either, so she hugged her tight and closed her eyes. The man squeezed Zia's wrist so tightly it hurt, then smirked before twisting it violently with a sickening and painful crack. Zia screamed and the tears started again as Zara rocked her and cried. Zia pulled her wrist back and Zara caressed it gently. The man smiled, satisfied with the level of pain Zia was in and with Zara's vomit and blood covered clothes. With his permission, Zara carried the girl out.

Soon, they arrived at Zara's apartment. Zia had refused to go to a doctor; she knew that Zara had taken multiple medical classes and she wanted her to treat her. She carried her to the bedroom and undressed her, then undressed herself. She put both of their clothes in the washing machine and returned to tend to Zia, who had started crying again. She wiped her down with a damp cloth and let her rinse out her mouth. She put her in one of her t-shirts and tucked her into bed. She layed down beside her and Zia cuddled up to her and started to cry again. "Thank you... thank you so much.." she sobbed. Zara smiled a little and kissed her forehead. "I'd never let anything happen to any of you guys." Zia winced as she accidentally put pressure on her wrist; Zara had given her an x-ray and the man hadn't managed to break it, the crack was simply that he'd popped it, but it was severely sprained. Zara held her hand out and Zia placed her sore wrist in her hand. The assistant held it gently, using her hand as a makeshift splint. Zia slowly drifted off to sleep, but Zara absolutely couldn't. She was too busy guarding the vulnerable, sleeping woman whom she had saved the life of. But then she came to a horrifying reality; how many others would he do this to?