Unmei Forces Solitary Legends: Peaceful Naivete
Prologue: Arrivals and Mission
In the GFS Ryujin…
It was already several weeks after another world has joined the cause of the two factions, as the supplies from the world in the form of enchanted weapons with a different set of enchantments to help bolster the magical side of power for the magitek of the UGF, as their weapons were upgraded with the addition of these new enchantments if possible, boasting greater results for the army.
However, there was no time to be idle for the Unmei Force at all, as they are still busy trying to find worlds which would be suitable to contact with, resolve conflicts in exchange for the goodwill, and the possible alliance between the world and the organization. So far, there has been little disturbing their quest, although Richard was still vigilant on the looming threats, Mugen's group and the Darkness Remnants both.
Yet, there is a moment of joy and relief, as Richard heard news from Yukari herself, that she was able to transfer a few important individuals of Gensokyo across the realities, in order to help the group out.
"Right now…? Are you sure!?" Richard exclaimed with enthusiasm, sitting along the bridge, as the fortress's XO was standing beside him, intently listening to the news, while Yukari's expression was broadcast on a screen in front of her, with the back-drop of the feed being a purply void filled with human-like eyes, much like the insides of a sukima created by either Richard or Yukari.
"Indeed… I think that it's time that we start sending more people over." Yukari responded back, as she didn't let her prideful tone drop the slightest, and ensured the same for the confident smirk on her lips. "I know for certain that you're expanding your area of operations. Which means that you'll need some people to help alleviate the burden of leadership. After all, your numbers would have grown quite a lot, if you actually started recruiting from the worlds here. Considering that you have a paragon-like mindset and reputation, and that the UGF is undeniably a organisation which welcome manpower from any world or faction without discrimination, it should be easy. So I'll start with this: How are things going regarding that small matter?"
"I've found some way to funnel people into the respective divisions that the recruits would fit in the most and stand to gain the most in joining. Humans to either the Gensokyo Human Defence Force, or the Moriya-Youkai Army, demons of the Underworld to the Scarlet Defence Army, and other beings scattered across the factions, according to their species." Richard responded back. "So far, we've got good trade between the world of Metal Gear, post-Rising. Their futuristic supplies met enough standards to keep our armies well-fed and well-cared for. Then there's the new world which was Siege's own homeworld. I don't know what spatial phenomena dragged it to this reality, but it's a great boon regardless, because it means that we get another world for recruitments, and their magic can be layered onto our own to improve spell efficiency and effectiveness, i.e more power, more casting, overall more useful. That's three worlds that we have openly declared alliance with, including the Underworld. Zeabolos, as the Great Overlord, was more than happy to lend his men to us, although the Overlords stay in the Underworld, with the exception of Elma."
"I'm glad to hear that everything is going so well, and that you managed to do this much." Yukari answered back, her tone filled with praise for Richard, and there was a genuine smile of acknowledgement on her face for a moment. "I don't expect any less from my dear disciple, who I have taught so painfully everything he needs to know to be a proper leader. Let's hope that you don't tread on any toes like you did back in the Outside War, hm?"
"Noted…" Richard answered back, as his expression turned grim, as he rubbed the side of his chair as a sign of his own concern. "Let it not be said that I'm a stubborn fool who doesn't at least try to learn from his mistakes. I will do my best to ensure a repeat of that conference doesn't happen again, but I can't promise, and you know why. Besides, I worked off my hate-boner for humans long ago, when LT managed to earn my respect at the end. I still dislike him for what he's done, but I'm not willing to spite him or anyone else much."
"Don't worry. I'm sure you have. I made sure of that." Yukari nodded back. "Now then, prepare the Main Hall, you need to be prepared to receive your guests."
Richard nodded back in return, before he then turned off the connection between the two of them, before then leaning forward to activate the fortress's announcement system, giving the system mic a few taps to test if it was broadcasting.
"All Unmei Force members are to gather in the Main Hall effective immediately." Richard declared through the fortress-wide network of speakers. "All of you who are currently inside the Main Hall, please clear away from the facility until further announcements are made. There will be a transfer of personnel sanctioned by Yukari Yakumo, via sukima. Thank you for understanding."
Richard then left the captain's seat, before taking the elevator directly down to the Main, which was only seconds of walking to get to his destination, as the Main Hall was cleared quite quickly, as some of the people were coming the way he left, using the elevator to move to other parts of the fortress.
He soon entered the lower floor of the Main Hall, as it was currently desolate as per his orders, before the members of the Unmei Force arrived one by one, as quickly as they could, as they gathered around.
"Is there something wrong?" Antonio asked back, as the hedgehog looked as if he was ready for action, from the impatient look in his eyes. "You don't usually call us all here ever since we've finished our mission in that temple with those trials. Something bad happened?"
"Quite the opposite, we've got brilliant news." Richard smiled back, before he then spread his arm around the Main Hall. "We're going to get reinforcements for our little organisation."
"What need is there for more men, when we can recruit reliable men from here? It would be a waste of effort to transport even a small squad of veteran soldiers between the realities." Reisen asked back, before she then figured out the meaning of Richard's words. "Unless… I see… You're bringing certain prominent residents of Gensokyo, especially high-ranked officers of the military factions of Gensokyo. Is that it?"
"Sort of, but you're on the right track." Richard responded back, before one of Yukari's sukimas opened behind them, as it was larger than Richard's, enough to fit several people through it. "Looks like they're going to be here. Give it a moment, and wait until they're all here."
There was a moment of silence, before the first person came out of the sukima, as it was a woman with brown eyes and long flowing silver hair with blue highlights. She wears a short pagoda-shaped hat with a red ribbon on top and glyphs inscribed along its side. Her dress is dark blue with white short sleeves, and a red ribbon is tied to the bottom of the collar, and she was wearing black leather shoes. The way she walked indicated that she was a refined person, and her appearance surprised everyone except for the newer members of the Unmei Force and Richard himself, who predicted her arrival.
"Long time no see, Keine-san." Richard smiled back, before he then crossed his arms. "So… Why exactly did you come in your casual attire? You got to keep up appearances right in front of your men, don't you?"
"I apologise, but I prefer to address you all in my proper outfit, not in an attire made for war." Keine firmly answered back, with a fairly even tone. "Still… If it offends you so much, Richard, then I'll change myself when I settle myself in here. I might as well continue my military instructing here, now that you and Yukari have formed up the armies here."
"Keine-sensei!" Heiwa exclaimed, before she then rushed over and glomped Keine's waist with a euphoric expression. "I missed you so much… I'm so happy that you're going to be with us, and help everyone so much…"
"Oh, Heiwa... " Keine managed to crack a smile, before gently rubbing her smooth hand across Heiwa's twitching fox ears and soft hair, and speaking with a caring tone. "It would truly wound my heart to see children fighting in this war that only we would be participating in… But since I know that you're determined to do your best for your brother, and that you've grown so much… I suppose that being sad for something that you chose to do out of heroism and altruism would be pointless… So I should be proud of your courage and prowess."
She then let go of Heiwa, as the kitsune did the same, while Keine looked around, searching the entire group, and seeing some new faces.
"So you must be new members of the Unmei Force, working under my colleague… And my direct subordinate…" Keine stated, before she then did a deep bow as a gesture of respect. "My name is Keine Kamishirasawa, a simple teacher in peace-time, guardian of the Human Village of Gensokyo, and the bearer of the title 'Leader of the Gensokyo Human Defence Force', with a military rank of Colonel. It's a pleasure to meet you all, and I hope that we can get along well and know each other more, over the time we are together."
"It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Keine." Elma answered back gracefully, returning with a bow of her own. "I hope for the same, since you look like that you're a good friend of both Heiwa and Richard."
"No, Elma, Keine ain't just the friend of those two… They're friends with me and Reimu as well!" Marisa stated, before she then wrapped an arm around Reimu, while flashing a bright grin. "Hey, Keine, how's the Human Village doing, since its protectors are gone?"
"Marisa, let go." Reimu growled lowly, before she then threw Marisa's arm off her shoulder, and stepped a bit away from Marisa, to avoid being grabbed involuntarily again.
"The Human Village is stable, considering the dire matters at hand. I heard from Yukari that there is still hope that Gensokyo can be saved, yes?" Keine answered back, turning to Richard, to which he nodded. "I see. Then I don't need to concern about the village for the time being, since the youkai there are disciplined enough to create fair order amongst themselves and the humans. At least I hope so."
"I'm sure that the village can handle itself without you." Richard responded back. "Although I need you to lead the GHDF as you used to. Their numbers have swelled from recruitments from other worlds, and I think that you have a better chance in keeping the green-horns in line with the army regulations than I will. After all, they don't fear you as the 'Two-Facet Commander' for no reason."
"I hope that it doesn't come down to that." Keine stated with concern in his voice, before she then made her way past the group, and gave them a quick look. "All in all, I'm glad that I've got to meet you all again, and that there is a purpose of me being here, even if it is for the military. I'll let you keep your position as Supreme Commander of the UGF, considering that you're more familiar with the other factions as I am, and know how to get them working together."
She then left the main hall, as the group watched her leave, before waiting for the next visitor to arrive. This time, it was a young girl that looked about the same physical age as Heiwa herself, with dark brown eyes, slightly short brown hair that was arranged into bangs under her green mob cap. She also has black cat ears, with a gold ring-like earring in the left one, and two tails. Her dress is red with a white bow on the collar, with gold trimming, light pink frills at the bottom and light pink sleeves. She also wore a set of polished brown buckle shoes, with white socks, as well as having long claw-like nails that were painted pink.
When the girl's eyes met with Heiwa's own, they stared each other for a brief moment, before their eyes widened, and let out a simultaneous shriek of childish joy and excitement, before tackle-hugging each other at such a fast speed that their impact created a small shock-wave, although neither of them were harmed, as they were hugging each other with blissful expression on their face.
"Heiwwwwwaaaa~!" The girl cried out with joy.
"Chhhheeeeennnn~!" Heiwa responded back, as the two animal-eared girls snuggled against each other with such a loving attitude that some of the people gathered questioned whether the relation between the two of them was more than just friends.
"I'm so glad you're here!" Heiwa shouted back, when they finally released their tight hugs around each other. "I missed you so much, Chen!"
"Same here, same here!" Chen shouted back excitedly, as she was waving her hands with frantic joy. "I was so bored sitting around with Yukari-sama without you here… You make everything fun, acting as the sister figure I've always wanted to have!"
"I guess you're the same as ever, aren't you, Chen?" Richard chuckled back with a wide smile on his face. "Come on, introduce yourself to your new friends. I promise you that they're all fairly nice people!"
"Oh, hi, Richard!" Chen exclaimed, before she then turned to the rest of the group, before she then waved her hand with a toothy grin. "Hello everyone! Nice to meet you all, I'm Chen! Chen Yakumo of the Yakumo Household! I'm a fairly young bakeneko, but I'm really strong! I can curse people really hard, and I'm really fast too. I'm also really smart, so please rely on me if there's something stumping any of you, because I'm going to be like Ran-sama and Yukari-sama, being able to have people who are my disciples or my shikigamis!"
Sanae and Richard couldn't help but stifle their laughter hearing how nonsensical her claim was, since she was too little in power and age to properly induct shikigami, and that no-one would even openly admit to being a disciple to a child, even a prodigy like Chen herself. Ieyasu however, was surprised, seeing young Chen before him.
"So this is a bakeneko from your homeland…" Ieyasu remarked back. "I never thought that I would have seen a creature that would have invoked such fear and dread would look so innocent and playful in appearance. Perhaps it's because her true nature is not revealed. Regardless… Young Chen, we welcome you into our arms. We will fight together well."
"Ooh! So you're the pretty boy Ieyasu that Yukari was talking about~!" Chen exclaimed, as she skidded towards Ieyasu with a teasing look on her face. "You look so much better when I'm looking up to you up close and personal! You really are so handsome!"
"Is… Is that so…?" Ieyasu asked back, as he chuckled gently, rubbing the back of his head, content on receiving compliments from Chen. "I've heard that a lot, but somehow hearing it from you… gives a special feeling of warmth in my heart."
"Well, I'll be seeing you around soon enough! And all of you too, especially you." Chen stated, before turning to Elma. "Right there, the silver-haired demon girl with the staff."
"M-me?" Elma asked back timidly, pointing at herself.
"Come and have some fun with us, you look like that you're so uptight from all of the stuff you have to do!" Chen offered with a bright smile, before then turning to Richard. "Hey, Richard… Mind if I…"
"Go right ahead, if you want to stay with Heiwa inside her room as room-mates. However, please do everyone a favour, and don't cause an incident like the one we had before." Richard stated, as Chen understood what Richard meant. "And whatever you do, don't act rash, especially when something comes up."
"What comes up?" Chen asked back, oblivious on the matter, before then deciding to ignore the problem for now. "Ah, won't matter if it doesn't affect me, or Heiwa in a bad way. Anyway, bye-bye everyone!"
Chen then sprinted her way down the hallways, all while letting out catty laughter while doing so. Flora watched her leave, as she was fairly intrigued in Chen.
"Interesting… A cat with the power of curses and a human form…" Flora remarked with a hand to her chin. "I think that she warrants some research… I want to know what kind of being she is truly like… If the fact that familiars are identical to these 'shikigamis' in certain aspects."
The third visitor was a young girl with brown eyes that shined with spirit, and shoulder-length brown hair tied in pigtails. On her head is a black hat with a white bow along with red framed glasses. She wears a purple plaid skirt and matching sleeveless top, over a long-sleeved white blouse, white socks with bows and black shoes. She also wore white gloves, and a black, high-collared cloak with a red interior inscribed with pinkish-white runes and a series of while lines at the bottom rim of the backside.
"Wow… This place looks a bit more like home to me…" The girl remarked, before she then noticed Richard and Sanae, as she was surprised, her eyes widening. "Richard…!? Sanae…!?"
"In the flesh." Richard responded back with a smirk, before then walking over to the girl, and placing a hand on her shoulder. "I'm glad that you're here… You might find this reality a tad fun considering your interests, I'm sure that you'll feel quite welcome here, and you'll get the chance to see a lot of the characters of your dreams, and even live historical moments with them."
"Really…!? Is it really that good…!? I didn't get the chance to come with you to Shibuya in order to become a part of the Phantom Thieves back then…" Sumireko answered back with an eager expression, before she then clenched her fists with an envious expression. "I would have been a real good one! Just imagine how powerful my Psi-element Persona that I would have gotten, would have been! I would literally decked a lot of ass if I was-"
"Alright, alright, calm down." Richard stated, giving Sumireko a chop on the head. "You're not going to get what you want by being a little impatient like that. Don't forget that you've also your own red tape to deal with in here, little miss. But still, you'll be alright with us."
"Yeah, yeah…" Sumireko answered back, before she then looked over to the new members of the Unmei Force, as she quickly recognised a lot of them. "Holy heck, Richard… You really recruited a lot of people here… Elma, Isara, Erika… And… Who is that orange-haired woman? I feel like I have seen her before… with those eyes on her…"
"Why, take a guess. The staff is enough of a hint." Richard smirked back. "I can bet you that you'll need a while, because I can tell you for sure that it's someone that you'd be surprised to see here."
Sumireko followed Richard's words carefully, as she looked at the staff in Flora's hands, before she then looked back at Flora, who was interested in what made Sumireko so interested in her. It took a few moments for Sumireko to figure it out, but when it clicked, her jaw literally dropped.
"W-W-WHAAAA!?" Sumireko blurted out, as her arms sagged to her sides, as she couldn't believe what she was seeing, as she was seeing Flora in her youthful year. "Richard, you gotta be kidding, and my eyes have gone so bad that I need prescription glasses right now…! How the heck, did you manage to get Flora here, when she was far younger…!?"
"Well, it's a long story. But too long, didn't read: She was granted her youth with my help." Richard answered back. "And she kicks ass just as hard as Marisa, with all sorts of natural magic."
"Heh… Heh… Holy damn… To see a miracle before me… You really are one hell of a friend to have, Richard…" Sumireko chuckled, before she then decided to walk to Sanae. "I… I'm just going to turn my attention away from your other friends, and focus on meeting someone I'm familiar with. Sanae… How's everything doing here?"
"Pretty well. Before you ask, we moved all of the gaming consoles that we jointly own to the nearest lounge room to your dorm." Sanae responded back. "Files are untouched, and I've made sure that nothing goes wrong. Funny that connecting to a whole new reality's network opened up a new set of challengers on the gaming stage... If we're not on a mission thanks to Richard... How about a few games for old time's sake? Richard can join in as well."
"I would like that very much." Sumireko responded back with a grateful smile, before placing a hand over her chest. "Play the game and live the game… What better life could I ask for?"
"Well, it's not all sunshine and rainbows, but I suppose that you already know that." Richard stated. "Rest up a while, you deserve one after everything that you and the others been through on the other side. Having to deal with dark skies and ominous atmospheres must be hell for someone as carefree as you."
"Mmm. Thanks." Sumireko answered back, before she then made her way out of the exit, before raising a hand to gesture to the group behind her. "See you all later. I'm Sumireko Usami, and I'm what you call a master of various forms of psychic power. Sorry I have to crash onto bed so early, but Richard have a fair point. Hope none of you hold it against me."
Sumireko then left the main hall, passing through the doors, before the group turned back to the sukima, expecting the fourth and final visitor.
They did come quite quickly, as there was the sound of footsteps through the sukima, as it revealed a young woman with light brown eyes, and short light silver hair. She wore a white, long-sleeved shirt, a large black skirt with red flame-like designs reaching up from the bottom of the skirt, and that it has a white layer below her skirt, and geta sandals with white tabi. She also had a pair of wolf ears on the side of her head, beside her red tokin, and there was her large tail that was combed straight behind her back. Also on her back was her weapons, which was a large metallic scimitar and a white elliptic shield with the symbol of a red maple leaf on the front of it.
She slowly walked down the hallway, with a serious expression on her face, as the group watched her move towards Richard, who faced her with the same level of seriousness, as the two of them looked at each other for a moment.
"Momiji… I never thought that you would be brought here before either Kanako or Suwako." Richard answered back.
"Yukari persuaded them and the others in our faction that I was one of the people who should be sent over, considering that the Wolf Tengu Corps make up the bulk of the vanguard and main unit of the Moriya-Youkai Army." Momiji answered back stoically. "I can see that you are in need of the leadership of others, to unleash the full extent of this army's power, even if the numbers are a mere fraction of what they were."
"Indeed… Even if there are only a small number of soldiers compared to the true numbers of the army here… I cannot lead them all perfectly, and neither could the officers that I have hand-picked to replace you and the other unit leaders from the factions represented here." Richard stated, before he then bowed his head solemnly, kneeling down,as Ieyasu was surprised that he did so without hesitation. "Momiji Inubashri… I ask that you would reclaim your place as leader of the Wolf Tengu Corps... It is the only place that I feel that you would truly fit into."
"...You need not ask. Stand back up, Richard, it is unfitting for you to kneel before someone who is your subordinate, although I am greatly humbled by your humility and your politeness." Momiji responded back, as Richard rose back to his feet. "I have no reason to decline that order, since I have personal connections with this unit, as much as you do with Unison Squad and the GHDF. I will act as fitting of my post as quickly as possible, and ensure that you will have the tengus at optimal combat readiness. And before I lose the chance to say it… It is nice to see you so well, since your journey here has been wrought with many dangers."
"...It has. And I feel the same for you." Richard nodded back.
Momiji then turned to the rest of the group. "Members of the Unmei Force… Old and new. My name is Momiji Inubashri. As you have heard, I was the former captain of the Wolf Tengu Corps. My sole duty is to ensure that my men are ready to defend their comrades from all threats that we will face in the future, and to fight for the future of Gensokyo, and all of the worlds that are under its alliance." She introduced herself, before doing an gentle bow. "I do not ask that you would show camaraderie with me so easily… But I can hope that I can at least earn the respect and trust from all of you. If you wish to seek a more personal relationship with me… Know that I am not as sensitive to emotions as the rest of you might be, and I'm not so inclined to befriend anyone, lest duty tears the bond apart."
She then left the main hall, as the sukima closed itself, and the rest of the group talked amongst themselves.
"So… I guess that's all Yukari can send for us…?" Gus remarked.
"Don't be greedy." Reisen retorted back with a stern tone. "It was already straining Yukari enough to send a small handful of people over, while her main duties of holding back the destructive force that threatens to tear Gensokyo apart are still present. She has made a level-headed decision who to send, and she has done it well."
"I have to agree with bunny-ears here." Marisa nodded in agreement. "Let's NOT waste energy sending a lot of cannon-fodder soldiers across, when we could use that energy to be productive and bring prominent residents, with a set of skills that can help a lot."
"Now that's all done and dealt with… Anything you want to ask from me, about those four?" Richard asked the new members of the Unmei Force, who spent a while thinking about it. "Don't be shy, most of the questions you may ask, I can and I will answer them."
"I'm curious to ask this for quite a while, since I observed it in my time here… These residents from Gensokyo… There's quite a skewed ratio of non-human females to non-human males, to the point that the majority of non-humans here are female." Isara asked her question, as there was a curious look in her eyes. "And seeing these people here, further my doubts on the matter: Is Gensokyo a land where the gender-ratio is skewed strongly in favour of females?"
"...Yeah. Most of the youkais are female, although some races do have a balance between genders. Like the oni and the rabbit youkai." Richard answered the question. "You'd be surprised that the race can sustain itself, with such a ratio. Well, that's because males here are under law to marry and produce offspring, both male and females. Of course, there is nothing wrong with having female children, but having male children is quite a boon there. In fact, fertility charms and spells were made for the purpose of promoting childbirth. Of course, that means there are a lot of twins, triplets and siblings of the same family wandering about."
"I see… That's fascinating to hear in a way…" Isara answered back, placing a hand on her chin out of curiosity, imagining a world under the same situation that Richard had described. "That's all I need to know, and I have no desire to press this topic further. I'm just happy that we got aid from a few of your friends."
"Any more…?" Richard asked the group again,and this time, no-one took the opportunity, as they were all silent. "No? Then I guess that we should head back. I'll try to find the next world that we can find proper assets in allying with."
The group then dispersed, as they went their own ways.
In the briefing room, several days later…
Gus made his way to the briefing room, as he was the first to arrive, with the others coming one after another, the rest of the group being Elma, Velouria, Heiwa, Popol, Virion, Sumireko, Max. They all spread out across the table, as Richard was waiting for them.
"Another world that you want to help out?" Gus asked back. "So...what is the world that we're going to deploy onto?"
"Yep, and it's a world that has something of great interest to us." Richard answered back, before he then pressed a button on the projection device near him, as it began to show one of the worlds, as it then zoomed in to show several different kingdoms. "I'm sure that one of you might find this place quite interesting."
"What world is it then?" Sumireko asked back, with a raised eye-brow. "You can't really expect me to figure it out from just the shape of the continent, it doesn't look familiar at all."
"Well, how about we zoom in a little then." Richard stated, before the screen then showed the image of a castle, which had several tower-sized banners around the castle walls, as Sumireko recognised the design of the banner and the emblem on them.
"Wait… 'Yggdra Union'...!? Damn, that's one of my favourites!" Sumireko exclaimed. "It was so pleasing to set up unions to crush a powerful opponent in them, and getting all kinds of powerful items and equipment that made my run-through seem like a breeze, even on Hard!"
"Another one of your games…?" Velouria remarked at Sumireko. "Tch, well, if you know what's going on there, then tell us why we're going to this world, and why you picked us this time."
"Simple, to answer the first, there's a small thing that I need from there, which would bolster our combat efficiency of the magicians and assault troops of the army. Namely, the union system based on this world, that allows a coordinated offence that is empowered by numbers." Richard answered back with crossed arms. "That, and the fact that there's something that we can collect there. Something that you can use for yourself, Velouria. How about a new set of claws? Not that your ones are bad, but I know something better inside this world, more suitable for you."
"Oh…? You piqued my interest. Do go on, getting something better to fight with is as nice as having some treasure." Velouria smirked back.
"So, the general mission itself is to help Yggdra Yuril Artwaltz reclaim her kingdom, defeat the 'evil' kingdom Bronquia, and ensure that the world is at peace. Once that's done, we'll have achieved what we needed." Richard continued. "Hopefully, she won't be too difficult to deal with."
"How so…?" Elma asked back, as Sumireko's expression soured at those words.
"Best you don't ask, and see for yourself…" Sumireko answered back, shaking her head gently.
"Now that's all dealt with, the fact that I need all of you… is because we need a team with an assorted variety of weapons. Enemies here are of all sorts of shapes and sizes, and the same union system takes advantage of certain relationships between weapon types. Hopefully that I've made the right choice bringing you all here."
"Hm… Let's see… You'd either be a sword or rod type… Gus is definitely Sword... Heiwa's likely either Spear or Rod, Elma's a magic user, so she would be likely to fall under Rod... Popol would be a mounted unit, so Spear there…" Sumireko mumbled to herself. "Virion's definitely Bow... Velouria might be something like a Scythe unit, considering her claws outmatch most physical weapons... Max would either be a powerful Lump unit. Then that leaves me… Assuming that the rest fill the roles of the other weapon types… That makes me the Tome unit... If only I could do Reincarnation, then I'd be damn OP…"
Richard caught the mumbling, before he then silenced Sumireko with a finger to her lip, as she did so slowly, looking at Richard, who gave her a look filled with confidence and assurance, as she nodded back gently.
"Right, we'll start moving soon." Richard answered back. "Get prepared, and do what you need. In fact, I'll make sure that the rest of the Soldiers of Fortune know that we're off-world for a while, Popol."
"Thank you, Richard." Popol answered back, before turning to Heiwa, as he smiled. "So, I guess that this is our first mission together?"
"...Yes…" Heiwa smiled back, as there was a brief blush on her cheeks, before she then embraced Popol. "I'm sure that we'll do very well together... Brother knows that we're going to help a lot for everyone."
"Yeah…!" Popol exclaimed back, as he nodded back vigorously.
The group then left the briefing room, as they prepared for the mission quite quickly.