Irau's Journal

By Polaricey123


Date: Who even knows anymore?

Time: There's no clocks in the Pokémon world!

Location: Some forest.

Where do I even begin with today? So much craziness has happened!

First off, I was transformed into a Pokémon! A Chikorita! How is this even possible? I'm supposed to be a human, yet even now I see a Chikorita as my reflection in a nearby pond. Stranger yet, I lost most of my memories! This is all so bizarre, and I can't make heads nor tails of it.

Not long after I'd regained consciousness, some Pokémon called Beheeyem started attacking me out of nowhere! I did nothing to provoke them, they just walked up (floated, actually) and came at me! As I was running away, I ran into a Nuzleaf. I tried asking him for help, but the Beheeyem started attacking him too! Those jerks! Do they not care who they attack?

I guess being a Pokémon means I can understand other Pokémon now, because I completely understood Nuzleaf when we spoke. The Beheeyem didn't talk though, they just did weird beepy noises. Nuzleaf and I escaped into what he described as a "mystery dungeon" and he taught me some stuff about exploring. If not for the fact that we were running from dangerous Pokémon, it would've been really pleasant and fun!

I feel bad. Nuzleaf didn't ask to get dragged into this, and he expressed his frustrations. He was just an innocent bystander, and I immediately burdened him with my newfound problems. Whatever I did to anger those Beheeyem, I should've handled it on my own…

However, I'm really happy Nuzleaf decided to take me back to his village. I'm not sure if I'd survive long in this world…I don't know the first thing about being a Pokémon, or how this world operates. I'd told him about how I'm a human and don't have my memories. I don't know if he believes me…do humans even exist in this world? He didn't ask me what a human was, so I guess they do. Maybe he can take me to them and one of them can help me transform back?

Oh yeah, Nuzleaf described me as a kid. I guess I look like a kid in this world. I certainly don't feel like a kid, I don't think.

Why did I get turned into a Pokémon? Why was I brought to this world? Why did those Beheeyem attack me?

I feel uneasy about all of this, but at least I'm not alone. Nuzleaf is really nice, and he even gave me this travel journal so I have something to "organize all this conundrum in," as he'd put it.

I feel bad, though. I don't want to cause him any trouble…but where else would I go? I don't know what else I should be doing. I'm out of options, really.

I hope this all sorts itself out. I'm more confused than anything…

Well, not more confused than tired. Right now, I'm more tired. Time for bed.

Tomorrow's another day.

A/N: The formatting of this story is gonna be a little off compared to my other ones's a journal. Some "chapters" are also gonna be kinda short compared to what I normally type's a journal. I also wanna apologize in advance for the lack of consistency with past tense and present tense usage (i.e. "We went to this place and did this" ... "We're doing this thing now and she is saying this!") That kind of thing bothers me a lot and I'll try to use correct tenses,'s a journal, so there's gonna be times where one is more appropriate than the other.

Anyway, I'm taking a small break from Nuzleaf's Choice because certain chapters require information about plot-related things in the game. My memory is crap and I'm kinda tired of looking up plot-related things online - I'd rather play through the game again, but since, as I said, my memory is crap, I figured I'd keep a journal of Irau's experiences! And who knows, maybe I'll do Nuzleaf's version of this one day. For now though, we're focusin' on Irau!

Please note, some things in her journal are uh...they don't actually happen in the game. Just me taking some creative liberties. That being said, this journal DOES tie into Nuzleaf's Choice! Now since I feel bad about the Author's note being fairly long, I'll upload a second and third entry following this one.

Hope you guys enjoy!