Battle city legends
chapter 1
Adventure begins once again
Disclaimer: I do not own pokemon, Digimon, Mlp friendship is magic, Kill la kill, Yugioh and beyblade metal saga and this is the next journey Ash ever has in the light universe where him, Tai, yugi and Gingka are competing in the world Battle city tournament that is connected to Yugioh season 2 and Beyblade metal masters all yugioh and beyblade metal saga characters will receive pokemon in this story so enjoy the story of battle city legends
(Metalbey city )
at the airport of metalbey city sn plane makes a land there during the landing a boy has black hair with white highlights as well as a strand of red dyed hair sticking out in between his eyebrows; brown eyes and light skin. He wears a green sweatshirt with trim of sky whitish blue and has a trim of dark blue for pockets and a line on his jacket sleeves, an orange shirt that has two parts sticking out of his jacket, khaki shorts with navy blue lightning shaped lines going down the seams as a reference to Ray Striker's Special Move, Lightning Sword Flash, and brown fingerless gloves. He also wears green shoes with yellow trim and white socks. came out of the building
"I'm back! did you hear me?" he said looking at metalbey "I can't believe they the crowned the battle bladers champion without me, What a joke!" as he points up "Just you wait Gingka. I'll show you who real number one blader is...Do you hear imposter! Me...Masamune Kadoya!" said Masamune then he looks at the pokeball he has in his hand
"The real joke is that Alola region already crowned thier Alola pokemon league champion without me at all!" as he points his pokeball up the sky "Ash ketchum I don't know what you look like but I will show you who the real number one is to pokemon and thses newfound creatures you call Digimon in battles, Beyblade and dueling till I beat you, Gingka and Yugi muto to be the real Alola champion, number one blade and king of games so watch out!" he said
In the far reaches of Kanto region where humans and pokemon come together in the harmony as we see an raven-hair teen who's wearing a strange trench coat that has an eye looks like it's alive, black shirt, black pants, sneakers and he's with a Cute little creature with a thunderbolt shape tail walking with a with a girl wearing a hairclip that pulls left side of her short brown hair. much taller she wears a sleeveless white and pink turtleneck shirt, pink fingerless opera gloves with an oval cut from the top of the palms, yellow shorts with a brown belt, white socks, and pink and gray boots with black solesalong with a feline creature with gauntlets, girl of medium height and mid-length black hair with a single left-swept red highlight on her bangs. Her blue eyes have peculiar gear-shaped pupils with eight grooves around the edges. Her clothing is later replaced bya living navy blue sailor uniform. Her shirt is a crop top with mid-length sleeves that bares her midriff. Her sailor-style collar with red stripes is tied by a multicolored scarf that also serves as Senketsu's left "eye." Senketsu's right eye is covered by a black "eyepatch" with an X-shaped scratch over it Her skirt is held up by suspenders attached to a belt traveling with a bipedal, feline Pokémon with a muscular build. It has a short snout with a small red nose, bright green eyes with yellow sclerae, and tiny, pointed ears. Large tufts of red fur extend from its cheeks, and much of its face is also red. The upper half of its muzzle and the top and back of its head are black. A thin red stripe runs vertically along its head to its snout, where it splits into a V-shape over its eyes. Its torso is gray with several black stripes and seems to resemble a wrestler tank-top; the front and back both have a single vertical stripe up the center, crossed by two horizontal lines. Around Incineroar's waist is a belt formed from flames that somewhat resembles a championship wrestling belt. In the front center is a small, yellow flame shape. The arms, legs, and tail are all red with black stripes forming bands around them. The arms have three stripes, spiky tufts of black fur over the shoulders, and large five-fingered hands with white claws and a single light red pad on the palm. Its legs have only two stripes and simple three-toed paws, and the tail has one stripe and a tuft of spiky black fur around the tip.
along with a girl she has blue eyes and blue, midlength hair. Her outfit appears to resemble a mini dress, consisting of a black V-neck top with a white undershirt with a short pink skirt and a red scarf. On her head, she wears a white beanie with a pink Poké-Ball print on it. She also wears gold hair clips that hold up her hair in wears a bracelet on her right wrist and a Pokétch on her left. On her feet, she wears pink knee-high boots with black over-knee socks underneath. She also has a small yellow backpack holding a light-blue, penguin-like Pokémon, which is covered in thick down to insulate against the cold. It has a dark blue head with a primarily white face and a short, yellow beak. The dark blue feathers on its head extend down its back and around its neck, which causes it to appear to be wearing a cape. There are two white ovals on its chest and a small, light-blue marking resembles a crown above its beak. It has flipper-like arms and yellow feet with three toes each.
a girl with green eyes and platinum blonde hair with two braids. she wears white short sleeved hoodie, white pleated skirt, white socks and a matching sneakers. her hair is tied into a high ponytail. She also carries a pink backpack on her back with a small, quadruped, fox-like Pokémon developed a snowy white pelt. It has pale blue paws, blue eyes, and dark blue insides its ears. Its snout is more pronounced and pointed than that of non-Alolan Vulpix. The locks of hair on its head and its six tails are curlier and have a wispy appearance.
the teen's name is Ash ketchum the Alola and Kanto champion with his pikachu spending time with his girls Kari kamiya, Dawn Berlitz, Ryuko matoi and Lillie at the fields where Ash is making dinner then they say and pray
"Thanks for the food." they said as they start eating "Ash this is the best soup you made." said Kari as Gatomon is sitting close to pikachu enjoying thier food
"thanks Kari, I been learning a lot since my times of traveling." said Ash then Ryuko was enjoying her food "Yeah Ash of course Satsuki left pallet saying she need to train hard with empoleon after our battle at Jhoto semi-finals!" Ryuko said remembering her sister left then Ash held her hand with a smile
"She said she'll be back till she gets more stronger but I'm been thinking girls that we should go to a other journey together." Ash said to them got the girls thrilled
"I like that idea Ash so we can catch many pokemon to befriend with even enter contests." said Dawn then Piplup nodded to the idea "Together as a team too!" said Lillie with a proud heart and caring tone
as they're eating they heard rustling in a bushes as a small, chick Pokémon with stubby, downy, yellow wings. Its body is covered with orange feathers. There is an orange and yellow crest on its head that resembles a flame. Its two thin legs and short beak of are a light brownish yellow, and the feet have three toes in front and one in the back came out of nowhere
"No way a Torchic!" said Ash as Ryuko saw it and scan it in her pokedex
"Torchic a chick pokemon. A fire burns inside, so it feels very warm to hug. It launches fireballs of1,800 degrees Fahrenheit."
"Outstanding." said Ryuko as Kari notice Torchic was running towards her "Chic...tor" it shows it's pride towards her "So it wants a battle" Kari brings out her pokeball "I accept a challenge...let's go Primarina!" as she toss her pokeball reveal a marine Pokémon that resembles a cross between a sea lion and a mermaid. Most of its body is white, but it has a long, fish-like tail. It has a long snout with a round, pink nose, bright blue eyes with long white eyelashes, and long light blue hair trailing off the back of its head. A tiara-like structure rests on its forehead, consisting of a line of pearls with a pink sea star at one corner and a thin, transparent blue fin extending back over its hair. Its hair is contained to a ponytail by two strings of pearls.
"Marina!" said Primarina ready to fight "Primarina use moonblast!" Kari replied as Primarina gathers energy from the moon. It then forms an orb of pink energy in front of her body and fires it atTorchic as it leaped to the air "It dodge the move!" said Dawn as they see Torchic becomes outlined in red flames and it tackles Primarina "No way that's Flame charge!" said Lillie seeing that Torchic is tough "Primarina use Sparkling Aria!" said Kari as Primarina stands up on its tail and sings, forming an orb of water above its head. It then throws the orb at Torchic makes a super effective
"Go pokeball!" Kari toss her pokeball to Torchic then went inside the pokeball rattle a minute then stops "Kari you did it!" said Gatomon as Kari was smiling then picks her pokeball up "Yes I caught Torchic!" said Kari as Ash, Dawn, Ryuko and Lillie had congratulate Kari of her new pokemon
"That Torchic is tough." Ryuko replied to Kari then she has her pokeball to her "Care to be it's trainer Ryuko." said Kari as Ryuko was surprised but smiles
"It's ok Kari. I can find my own Torchic cause we don't give up till the end." said Ryuko
by then they're heading back home "Hey guys." said a familiar face wearing goggles that Ash and Kari knew "Hey Tai!" said Ash as they give eachother a high five "Hey big brother back from Unova region already." Kari said to her older brother
"You bet but I was close to the finals but it didn't matter I had a best pokemon that help me out!" as Tai toss his pokeball reveal a bipedal, rabbit-like Pokémon. Most of its torso and head, as well as its arms and tail, are white. It has long white ears, the insides of which are yellow. Its eyes, which have red-orange pupils and white irises, have a deep navy pattern below them and yellow eyebrows above them. These eyebrows connect at the nose, which is red-orange, and form a "crown", which connects to the red-orange tuft of hair sticking out from its forehead. It has two whisker-like tufts of white fur on each side of its face. Over each shoulder is a navy patch of fur, which continue down the torso and connect at middle of the chest, creating what resembles a sports tank top. This navy-colored fur is also seen on its lower torso, creating what resembles a belt appeared in front of the others
"Wow your Raboot evolve to Cinderace!" said Ash as Dawn scans Cinderace in her pokedex
"Cinderace a striker pokemon and evolve form of Raboot. It's skilled at both offense and defense, and it gets pumped up when cheered on. But if it starts showboating, it could put itself in a tough spot."
"Outstanding Tai, you and Cinderace are alike." said Kari as Tai chuckled "Thanks Kari but me, Agumon and Cinderace are a team." Tai replied to his little sister
"Just like Pikachu, Agumon and me are a team." Ash replied as Pikachu nodded as they all decided to go inside "Ash Welcome back." said Ash's other girlfriend Twilight Sparkle was happy to see him back "Hey Twilight." Ash returned her hug then Delia along with Ash's older sisters Celestia and Luna came in
"Ash good timing you came home." said Delia that got Ash and the others confused "What do you mean mom?" Ash asked as Celestia was holding the box "this came from the mail for you, Tai, Kari, Dawn, Twilight, Ryuko and Lillie. " said Celestia as she gives them the package
"Strange Ash who could've send us a package?" Ryuko asked him "I don't know but it came from Domino city?" Ash exclaimed
"Was it a city that made duel monsters cards." Lillie asked as Ash heard about "Yes there was a tournament called duelist kingdom pronounce by maximillian pegasus till an duelist name Yugi muto win and became the king of games" Ash said as they open it they see strange disk devices can fit on thier wrists
"Look Ash what's this?" Dawn replied seeing an decive that active an hologram of a teen had brown hair wears a long white sleeveless KaibaCorp-designed coat featuring shoulder pads and a raised studded collar, with black sleeves from his shirt coming out from under. He has extra belts in pairs strapped around his upper arms
"Greetings famous Ash ketchum the champion of Alola region if you wonder how did I know about you it's simple...I saw your semi-final against Gladion i must say you impressed me of your pokemon now allow to introduce myself I'm Seto Kaiba the owner of Kaibacorp. more important part is I welcomed you, Kari kamiya, Tai kamiya, Dawn Berlitz, Ryuko Matoi, miss sparkle and Lillie to my tournament." said Kaiba
"How did he know about us?: Kari wondered about him "Well let's hear what he say In the message." said Dawn
"I see you seven recieved your invite each to kaibacorp's very exclusive pokemon, Digimon, Duel monsters and beyblade tournament and you had enough brains to hear it now." that got Ash puzzled how did he knew about the digimon "Being that you are all pokemon trainers with those digital monsters you discover create a new era Ketchum. I've added special rules to my tournament just for experts. for example, You will battle and duel using these new improved Battle disks." as the hologram shows his new battle Disks to play
"The ones we had now." said Lillie
"Another new rule that I designed for the tournament is that before each battle, each Trainer, duelist and beybladers will ante up thier rarest Pokemon, Digimon, card and beyblade and the loser of the battle forfeits his pokemon, Digimon, card and beyblade to the winner." that got them shocked
"Forfeit one of my pokemon even Agumon!" Ash replied "No way I'm Forfeit my pokemon and Agumon he can forget it." Tai replied as Ryuko threw her empty soda can to the recycling bin
"I'm not giving up my incineroar to that show off pretty boy!" Ryuko shouted
"My competition will make pegasus and his duelist kingdom tournament look like a joke. Ash ketchum I look forward to challenge you and other champions like Gingka hagane the battle bladers champion and yugi muto because exactly one week from today, my world battle city tournament Begins!" as the hologram was turned off then Ash picks up his battle disk
"I'm entering this battle city tournament and I'm not giving up my pokemon to this ridiculous rule of his." Ash said as pikachu hops on his shoulder ready for anything
"Count me in Ash I'm not letting that happen either!" Tai said as the friends fistbump "That's right Tai maybe we face eachother in the semifinals." Ash said to him "I'm in too so I can show that Kaiba I'm not letting my pokemon go." said Kari
"I'm in too." said Dawn pucks up her battle disk
"I'm going to after all I am invited as well." said Ryuko will always be Ash's side "Count me in!" as they look at Twilight who picks up the battle disk "It's great you're entering Twilight." Ash said to her as Twilight gives him a proud look
"I been training and travel to Hoenn region with my pokemon...Come out Celes!" as Twilight toss her pokeball then they see an equine Pokémon has chalk-white fur; long, purple-and-blue, cloudy fur that is also on top of its dark-purple hooves; purple eyes with light-blue irises; and a purple-and-white horn on top of its forehead.
"Wow a galarian Ponyta!" said Lillie as Kari scans it in her pokedex
"Ponyta an unique horse pokemon Its small horn hides a healing power. With a few rubs from this Pokémon's horn, any slight wound you have will be healed."
"Amazing Twilight where did you get it." said Celestia as Twilight chuckled "She...I met her when she was attack by drapion and I came for her rescue and she saved me from it's attack now we became friends." as Celes nuzzles Twilight and made friends already with the pokemon, Agumon and Gatomon
"Ash I had one question. How do we play duel monsters and beyblade?" Tai asked but Ash has his eyes closed
"Dueling be easy Tai, Joey taught me how the game works." Ash told him "But I'm new to beyblade as well." Ash tells him as Lillie remembers something
"Why not go to the beyblade village. my mom, Gladion and I went there and learn about the origin of beyblade and she can take us here!" Lillie tells them "Then we should go there first and learn more of it." Ash tells her as Lillie agreed and going to call her mother
"world Battle city tournament...I bet I encounter new challenges and new friends too." Ash replied as they see Lillie arrived "Mom say she has a jet ready to take us to beyblade village." said Lillie as Ash looks at the group
"You guys are ready." Ash said to them as Kari kiss him "We're ready till the end Ash!" Kari said to him "Then let's go!" as they're off to an other journey once again
That's it of ch 1 of battle city legends hope you enjoy how Ash, Kari, Dawn, Ryuko,Twilight, Lillie and Tai are participating to the world battle city tournament by Seto Kaiba and yes you see what Twilight's first pokemon is and I didn't thought of duel cards and beyblades for Kari, Dawn, Ryuko,Twilight, Lillie and Tai yet but Ash I got so far if you have ideas send them over and pokemon are already selected for them so enjoy