Here is the last chapter!

They drove back to the States. Edward had to buy Alice her dream car when he'd momentarily lost faith in Bella.

It had happened on their last day on the island. They were loading the boat when another boat appeared at the horizon. Edward and Alice exchanged a horrified look, and Bella knew why. She could smell it.


Jasper was by her side in a flash, keeping a strong hold on her arm.

Edward and Alice had an intense eye-staring contest, like they did whenever they had some silent conversation.

The boat pulled up at the shore. Even though it was dark outside, Bella noticed the man and woman clearly. They seemed to be part of a tribe, like the elders from La Push. Jasper whispered to her they were part of the Ticuna tribe, and they were the housekeepers. They suspected their nature, having known them for years.

"We didn't expect you here," the woman in a heavy accented Spanish. Or was it Portuguese?

Nonetheless, Bella was proud she could understand.

Edward stepped closer, explaining they were just leaving, in flawless Spanish. The woman said something else Bella didn't understand, to which Edward nodded, leading her to where he'd burnt the sheets.

The woman gasped, accusing him of something Bella could understand. She couldn't stand there allowing that stranger to point fingers at her husband, calling him a demon. That part she could understand without problem.

Bella wrenched from Jasper's grip, making him curse loudly.

Bella stopped at Edward's side, wrapping her arms around his middle. "What is your problem?" she asked slowly, hoping she wouldn't embarrass herself with the little Spanish she knew.

The woman's hands wrapped around her own throat, taking a few steps back. Then she turned her eyes to Edward, continuing more passionately to accuse him for hurting Bella, probably.

"Stop!" Bella stepped in front of Edward. "He didn't hurt me. We love each other."

The woman shook her head, heading toward the pile of burned sheet and the remains of the bed, Edward and Jasper had brought outside the house.

Bella huffed, turning to Edward. She was about to tell him to talk sense into that woman, when she noticed him watching him with his mouth hanging open.

"What," she asked softly.

"You are amazing, Bella."

"I don't…understand…" Bella frowned at the woman, now joined by her partner. They started carrying the bedframe to their boat.

"Love, you amaze me every moment," Edward said, gathering her in his arms. "Yes, Alice. I promise. Anything you want. I shouldn't have doubted Bella."

Bella pulled away, frowning. "You thought…"

"Any normal newborn would have attacked," Jasper said, joining them. "Well, you attacked, but for a different reason – to protect your mate. And you didn't once feel bloodlust."

Bella folded her arms across her chest. "Why would I even think of that when she was accusing Edward of such monstrosities?"

Edward chuckled. "Now you see what I mean, Jasper?"

"I'm starting to see it, yes. Bella won't be the typical newborn."

Alice skipped to their side. She wrapped her arms around Edward's elbow. "It has to be yellow."

Bella eyed them confused.

Edward pinched the bridge of his nose. "A lapse of faith on my side," he whispered. "I was sure you'd attack them. Alice assured me that wouldn't be case. Now I owe her a Porsche."

That was how Alice got her wish of owning a Porsche fulfilled. Once on mainland, Edward had pulled in some strings and Alice was the proud owner of a yolk yellow Porsche 911 Turbo.

Their journey lasted seven days. They only had to stop for a quick hunt somewhere in Mexico and in Georgia. It allowed the car to breathe, because it would have been a shame for Alice's new toy to give out halfway home.

When Alice parked in front of a house on the outskirts of the town, not as deep into the woods as the one in Forks, it was nighttime. The style of this house wasn't much different from the modern house Bella knew, but there were differences.

The ceiling to floor windows were only on a corner of the house, the other was dotted with normal windows. The porch was wrapped around the house, giving it a wooden cabana vibe. It was only one story tall, with what looked like an attic on the side of the house. It looked like another story but in the shape of a single large room.

Edward placed an arm around Bella's shoulders, walking to the door.

She felt nervous, seeing the others for the first time with her new eyes.

Esme opened the door before Bella could reach the handle. Esme smiled genuinely, enveloping Bella in a tight hug.

"Welcome to the family."

"Finally," Bella said, laughing, hugging Esme back.

"Careful, love." Edward pried her away.

"Shit. I didn't hurt you, right?" Bella watched Esme worried.

"It's been a while since we had a newborn around."

"Like she's stronger than me." Emmett joined them. "What's up, sista?"

"I'm stronger than you!" Bella narrowed her eyes.

"I wouldn't do that," Edward warned, keeping his eyes on Emmett. He peered over his shoulder at Alice joining them. "Or maybe…"

"What are you trying to do, baby?" Rosalie walked down the stairs gracefully. "Well, it looks like this damned life becomes you, Bella."

"Rose, for fuck's sake!" Edward snapped.

"Telling it, as I see it." Rosalie shrugged. "Let me show you to your new room."

"You did, what?" Edward hissed, sprinting ahead.

"What is his problem?" Bella asked, confused.

"I took liberties to decorate your room. If I were you, I'd have loved to find at least a bed in my new room, and some clothes in the dresser."

"Thank you, Rosalie." Bella smiled, grateful. It couldn't be that bad.

They climbed a flight of stairs, which proved to Bella that the attic was Edward's room. He seemed to love living on the top floor.

The stairs led to an open space room. There were bookcases on a wall, filled with several books, a desk near the large windows. There was a set of double doors leading to a balcony of sorts, which was the roof of the floor below. On the left on the double doors stood Edward's piano. The couch was behind the stairs, and the bed he bought for her birthday stood in the middle of the room.

"It's so beautiful. Thank you!" Bella turned to hug Rosalie.

"Beautiful." Edward scoffed, coming into the room from the roof of the house. "I'm not a control-freak!" He growled, his hands turning into fists. "It's my room for a reason, Rosalie!"

"Our room," Bella whispered.

Edward's eyes softened when he looked at her. "Our room."

Rosalie huffed. "Be my guest to throw it all away, but I tried to do something nice for you." She rushed down the stairs, clearly distressed.

"Why are you so mean to her?" Bella scolded him. "I actually appreciate it."

Emmett joined them, hands in his pockets. "Man, she left your boxes unwrapped, knowing you'd like to put your books and music your own way. These are Bella's books. I put them there before Rosie stopped me."

Edward hung his head. He went down the stairs, and soon I heard him apologizing to Rosalie.

"So, you and I, Bella…" Emmett wiggled his eyebrows. "How about a game of Scanderbeg?"

"Bring it." Bella smirked.

They went downstairs, and before they could sit at the elegant table, Alice came running in the room.

"Outside. Or Esme might kill both of you for breaking the table."

"Thank you, sweetheart," Esme's voice floated from upstairs.

When they went outside, Emmett led Bella to a big boulder to the side of the house.

"You're dead," Edward threatened loudly, jumping from the upper floor and landing smoothly at Bella's side. "If you hurt her, it will be my pleasure to hand Rose your ashes."

"Dude, relax. Bella's tough." Emmett rolled his eyes.

The others joined them, curious of the result. Bella noticed Carlisle's car pulling up behind Alice's Porsche. He approached them with a confused look.

Bella and Emmett bent over the boulder, palms touching, gripping each other painfully hard. Bella understood what everyone said about Emmett's strength, but she trusted her own newborn strength.

She allowed him to think he was going to win. Her forearm was dangerously close to the boulder, when she twisted her wrist, slamming his hand to the boulder.

"Fuck! Ow!" Emmett hollered, grabbing his wrist.

A piece of the boulder fell to the ground and Bella punched the rock again, grinning. Then she smashed her foot through it, amazed how it didn't hurt and how the rock broke.

"I demand a rematch. You cheated," Emmett hissed.

"Excuse me? I cheated? You lost fair and square. Suck it up."

"Bella…" Esme chided her, but laughed along with the others.

"Don't worry, baby. You're still my bear." Rosalie went to comfort her husband.

"Remind me to not get on your bad side for the next several months," Jasper joked.

"That's right." Bella jumped on top of the boulder. "I'm the strongest and fastest!"

"Uh, I wouldn't say fastest," Edward quipped.

"Race you!" She sprinted toward the forest.

"Go after her!" Alice's panicked voice made Bella stall several yards away.

Edward caught up with her faster than she expected.

"What did she see?" Bella asked, worried.

"You're headed right into town, love. Let me introduce you to this forest and the surrounding area." He gripped her hand.

"Have faith."

Edward smirked. He lifted their clasped hands to his mouth and kissed her inner wrist.

On their tour from the outskirts of town, Bella noticed how small it was. "Do you usually choose such small towns? Why not bigger cities? You can blend in."

"Lanesborough has about three thousand inhabitants and a variety of game in Mount Greylock State Reservation. We prefer small towns in favor to big cities because it's easier. Big cities get a little…overwhelming."

"Oh." Bella nodded.

Edward smiled, bringing her closer. "It's true that people notice there is no change, we don't grow up, Carlisle pushes thirty sometimes, but it's hard. There are times we move away to college in theory, yet we still live in the house, away from prying eyes. Other times, some of us actually go to college, and we reunite a few years later. We visit all the time, anyway."

"Doesn't it get…boring? Tedious? Doing the same thing over and over?"

"It depends on how you see it. Every experience is different. Every town provides us a new start, even though we've been there before. Take Forks for instance." Edward smiled down at her. "I didn't expect to find you."

"We'd have met in this lifetime. We are meant to be together." Bella gripped his shirt, leaning up to kiss him.

"I love you, Bella."

"I love you, Edward."

Thank you to all of you who read and left me such kind words.

Stay tuned for new stories because the appetite to write Twilight is back.