Disclaimer: I do not own anything but the plot or OCS.

Panting heavily, Harry Potter ducked into an alleyway to avoid another person looking at him strangely. He had been making haste away from his aunt and uncle's house for countless hours and was wary of everyone else. You see, Harry severely disliked his relatives, he would not say he hated them because they did take him in after all, but it was hollow. He has known for years they hated him. They told him every day that he was a worthless freak that needed to earn his keep, it had been that way for as long as he remembered. Harry would not have run away if it wasn't due to his instincts telling him too, as they had never led him astray from surviving his beatings or getting out of a sticky argument before.

So here Harry was, in this decrepit village of Osnleigh, looking for a shop to buy himself some food using the money that he stole from his Uncle. Looking around, he could only see a few people from behind his cover and quickly darted towards the next crossing. The Village was almost a ghost town, with only a few people around to actually be observed. Spotting an open store, Harry made his way to the front. The store read "Vita Nova". Harry was a smart kid, but he did not understand whatever that language was. Shrugging to himself, he opened the door and stepped inside.

Upon entering the store, Harry observed an older woman behind the counter who looked to be in her late forties. She had dark Black hair and piercing purple eyes. Harry was interrupted from continuing further observations by the woman's voice.

"It has been many years since a young Wizard has entered my humble store, what can I do for you? " asked the woman.

"I just want some food, do you sell any here? "Inquired Harry, completely oblivious about the Wizard comment.

"I am afraid we do not sell food here, but I see through your veiled lies and peer into your heart of hearts and into your desires, for all who fall under my roof are brought under the scrutiny of the sight. You desire something, tell me, child, what is it you honestly desire?" The woman asked.

Feeling compelled to answer her honestly by some unseen foe that trampled his resistance, Harry replied: "I just want a family that loves me and be my own person."

"And thus your desire is brought forth into the light, tell me, child, what would you give to have your desire fulfilled?" she asked with concealed malice.

A quiet whisper sat atop the steady air became her answer, "Anything."

The woman reached up to the top shelf and took out a vial of a glowing and sparkling rainbow liquid. And began her explanation.

"Drinking this vial will leave you at the mercy of a higher being to decide the course of your fate and will provide you with choices and abilities that are currently blocked to you, it will grant you what you seek if you decide you wish to go through and seize your heart's desire. The price for me giving this to you is for you to do me one task and one task only, bound in a vow to complete the task I set you."

Trying to get his head around what she meant, Harry replied with the one thing his mind could proceed to ask about.

"What would be the task in payment for this service?"

Musical laughter escaped the woman's mouth and she looked directly into Harry's eyes.

"You see young one, I am but an old woman whose powers are waning, but you are a young child that has the potential to eclipse many in our society. I once had a child much like you, a sweet young boy that had the potential to improve our world. But my child was taken from me at a young age, murdered by the filth who I trusted. My only desire, and your task, is revenge."

Harry considered what the kind woman had said so far. It was grossly unfair that her kid had been taken from her! But could he give revenge to someone he did not know on behalf of someone else he did not know? But his longing won out in the end.

"I accept your deal miss." Harry replied excitedly.

The woman smiled down at him, her gaze seemingly piercing his very soul.

"Then drink." She replied

Harry grabbed the weird vial and popped off the cork with great effort from his young hands. After looking at the contents for a few minutes Harry downed the vial.

The first thing he noticed was slight dizziness that got worse each passing second. The word then began to shift in colours and he began to receive sensory input that he could not describe before he fell to the floor.


Harry woke in a black room that had almost no light. Sitting up and looking around he took in the room. Looking behind him he could see two different figures that looked like himself. One was female with nightmare black hair and piercing pink eyes with a fair face. The other was a young boy with red eyes and curly brown hair.

Looking at each of the figures that looked scarily like him he reached out to touch the female look alike. When he laid his hand on his duplicate's shoulder he and his female version began to glow a bright purple.

The dark room began to shake and his duplicates began to morph into something else as he heard a voice echo around the room.

"Gender selected, now choose a name." The unknown genderless monotone voice echoed around the room.

"What the hell!?" Harry burst out in confusion. He had no clue what was going on at this point.

"Name selected as Hell. Please choose a class." Came the reply.

The room shifted to display three different versions of the female Harry. Each one had a different look and weird floating text above it. Looking at the first one Harry could see the letters above the woman wearing a weird robe, the text read [Witch]. Harry didn't want to be a Witch as he knew from his aunt and school that they are evil and he doesn't want to be evil.

Moving onto the next figure Harry could see a figure in a weird set of leather armour. The nameplate read [Warlock]. This one looked interesting but Harry moved onto the next one to have a look.

The last figure was also dressed in robes but had a weird shimmer around it like a shield. The nameplate read [Cleric].

Harry spent a good thirty minutes slowly reading their descriptions and decided to choose Warlock. He mainly chose it so he could speak to the entity he was bonding with. He thought it would be a good idea to have someone to go to for advice.

Once he touched the figure of the warlock, his world began to shift again and his sight was removed from him. He saw a single word in his mind eye. Mentally reaching for it he selected "confirm".


Harry felt pain like he never felt before as his body began to change in ways he could not explain. He felt like the very flesh was being flayed from his frame and then placed back onto it. He must have been there for hours before it finally stopped. But the pain inside his mind was worse. Things he had learnt were being forcefully ripped from him and changed and new things implanted into his mind. Like a wildfire cleansing the unclean assets from his mind, it swept through every crevice until it had completed its task.

Helleia the Scourge was her new name chosen by both herself and her patron. But not think clearly anymore as the pain was too great. Falling into her knees she let out a pained grunt as an ancient and powerful voice boomed in her mind.

"Hello, little Warlock."

A/N Thanks for reading. Should I continue?

Discord Invite: "At5YyfR"

Patryon: Valteria